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Category: AOR
Year: 1994
Label: Outlaw Records (Canada)
Catalog Number: DR-002
1. | Stark Raving Mad | 4:43 |
2. | Eye of the Hurricane | 4:29 |
3. | Doomsday Love Song | 4:30 |
4. | Live by the Sword | 3:35 |
5. | Love and War | 3:12 |
6. | Wild Ones | 4:26 |
7. | Good Gone Bad | 3:39 |
8. | All For the Love of Money | 3:34 |
9. | Hands of Time | 4:00 |
10. | If Ever in My Life | 3:51 |
11. | Born to Die | 3:28 |
12. | How Was I to Know | 4:11 |
13. | Rain | 4:46 |
14. | Chilled to the Bone | 3:23 |
Total Running Time: | 55:47 |
If you see any errors or omissions in the CD information shown above, either in the musician credits or song listings (cover song credits, live tracks, etc.), please post them in the corrections section of the Heavy Harmonies forum/message board.
The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Doctor Rock and the Wild Bunch CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.
EPs and CD-singles from Doctor Rock and the Wild Bunch are also welcome to be added, as long as they are at least 4 songs in length.
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From: M. Allen | Date: September 3, 2001 at 14:32 |
It was produced, engineered, & mixed by Harry Hess of Harem Scarem. Backing vocals were done by Harry Hess of Harem Scarem. Half the songs were written by Harry Hess of Harem Scarem. Guitars were handled by Pete Lesperance of Harem Scarem. So who does DOCTOR ROCK & THE WILD BUNCH sound like? You guessed it, they sound an awful lot like Harem Scarem. So if you're looking for some high-quality melodic hard rock with lots of hooks & harmonies, then this CD will more than fit the bill. |
Heavy Harmonies Owner | |
From: Dan | Date: October 14, 2001 at 6:50 |
Definitely a must-have for fans of vintage Harem Scarem. |
From: koogles | Date: January 1, 2002 at 13:11 |
Pretty hurtin' band that is only relevant because of the Harem Scarem connection. |
From: | Date: March 10, 2002 at 2:10 |
They sound wonderful and JUST like old Scarem - Highly recommended! |
From: Knuckles | Date: April 5, 2002 at 21:46 |
Music on this is really great but the vocals mannnnn. Who is that singing lead anyways,lead singer from Johnny Flush and the commodes? |
From: argentino aor | Date: April 10, 2003 at 17:35 |
Si está producido por HARRY HESS, no puede ser malo. Todo lo contrario. Un disco 100% HAREM SCAREM. Compra sin dudarlo. |
From: emdienne | Date: October 6, 2003 at 18:27 |
This really is rather good! If you rate Harem Scarem there's plenty here to enjoy, but there's also a real Gene Simmons (circa Hot In The Shade) vibe to several of the tracks and it all makes for surprisingly enjoyable listening and a very solid album. Well worth the £6 it seems to frequently be listed for on E-Bay so go on, treat yourself. I'm glad I did! |
From: beto | Date: July 13, 2004 at 22:23 |
quienes aman el estilo de pete aqui se luce como nunca. Buenas canciones pero el cantante no es muy bueno (como fiore) pero los coros de harry y el gran trabajo de pete lo hacen muy recomendado para los fans de los dos primeros discos de Harem.Incluso toca mas rapido pero a la ves sigue siendo comercial. Algunas canciones estan de mas. Ahora entiendo por que salio voice of reason no querian repetir lo mismo. lastima que este trabajo nunca salio bajo el nombre de Harem si no otra hubiera sido la |
From: AlbertoLP | Date: February 25, 2005 at 16:43 |
Excelente disco. En muchos temas si te dicen que son Harem Scaremte lo crees, los coros son inconfundibles (made in Hess). Love and War es un temazo. |
From: Geoff | Date: March 4, 2005 at 18:31 |
Do you like Harem Scarem? If yes, be sure to own this. Awesome disc from start to finish. As with Fiore, the vocals are weak but the songs are great. 'Eye of the Hurricane' is great, 'Doomsday Love Song' is a wonderful ballad, 'Live by the Sword', 'All For the Love of Money' and 'How was I to know' are some of my favourite of the melodic hard rockers, all in the style of Harem Scarem, but there are plenty more. 'If Ever in My Life' is another sensational ballad and 'Rain' is another highlight |
From: juan carlos | Date: June 1, 2006 at 0:21 |
Vaya disco, bueno Beto creo que lo dijiste todo. Ese 'how was i to know' fácil entraba en el repertorio del primer disco de H.S. es mi tema favorito. Los solos y punteos de Lesperance son todo un goce y los coros tambien muy efectivos aparte de la buena producción de Hess. El Dr. Rock no convence nadita y creo que la voz de Fiore de lejos es mejor que el del amigo Holliday. Disco parejo y recomendado. 8.8/10 |
From: (CZ)mark-t | Date: June 3, 2006 at 4:51 |
Not Bad stuff but first album 'Eye Of The Hurricane (1991)'Very good vocal :Harry Hess.8/10 |
From: Rafo Phoenix | Date: August 19, 2006 at 11:44 |
Good album, ni de asomo a los Scarem pero bueno estan por ese rumbo aunque aca estan mas metidos en el Hard Rock que AOR a diferencia de los otros, ahora sobre su Eye Of The Hurricane del 91 estan al mismo nivel que este en ambos hay buenos temas y otros bajos tambien ambos buenos discos. |
From: BIG-TIME | Date: August 21, 2008 at 9:04 |
For me the only good track on this album is 'Stark Raving Mad' pure Harem Scarem the rest are, for me below par and just don't make the mark as a good album...but if you like your H/S sound alikes then get this...KEEP ROCKIN ALL!!! |
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