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![[Wrathchild Band Picture]](/bandpics/wrathchild.jpg)
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CD Title: Stakk Attakk
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Category: Glam
Year: 1984
Label: Heavy Metal Records (England)
Catalog Number: HMR PD 18
Lance Rocket guitar
Marc Angel bass
Rocky Shades vocals
Eddie Star drums
1. | Stakk Attakk | |
2. | Too Wild to Tame | |
3. | Trash Queen | |
4. | Shokker | |
5. | Kick Down the Walls | |
6. | Alrite With the Boyz | |
7. | Sweet Surrender | |
8. | Law Abuzer | |
9. | Tonight | |
10. | Wreckless | |
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Existing comments about this CD
From: HG |
Date: March 2, 2002 at 22:48 |
These guys had a lot more attitude than talent. The production values are low, the guitars are thin, and the singer sounds like an average Joe. Not worth the big bucks these CDs fetch on ebay. It goes to show that it takes more than misspelled song titles, hairspray, and makeup to make a decnt CD.
From: Andy F |
Date: March 8, 2002 at 8:04 |
Ignore that last comment! This is a great CD and one of the earliest of the 80's glam movement. One of the UK's best glam bands. Tracks such as Shokker and Trash Queen are great and the production suited Wrathchild perfectly. More info at
From: Mick W. |
Date: March 11, 2002 at 19:42 |
Cool album cool riffs! More heavy metal sounding guitar (distortion) then their next two efforts. Heard 'Kick Down the Walls' for 1st time way back in 1985 and have loved these guys ever since. If you like Poison,Kiss,Motley,PBF then get this and you'll want everything they've ever recorded.--Get back together your not old enough to retire yet!!
From: Bander |
Date: March 28, 2002 at 3:41 |
Fantastic CD. These guys were Poison before there was Poison! Great melodies on top of 3 chord wonder. Great tunes like 'Too Wild to Tame,' 'Sweet Surrender' and 'Law Abuzer' are great fist pounding classics. Production could have been better had they been signed to a major record label at the time of release. Bombastic glam-rock at its best! A must own!!
From: TIM |
Date: May 24, 2002 at 14:18 |
Have to agree with HG. There wasn't really anything I couldn't live without.
From: David |
Date: August 15, 2002 at 3:21 |
Hey Purrfect Kat, what's The Boyz - To Wild To Tame like?
From: Baris |
Date: September 6, 2002 at 1:18 |
It is true that the record quality is terrible and the tracks seem so simple. But the band might also deserve some respect because they had been one of the oldest glam bands. So it is enough to know them and not a must to listen.
From: Peter |
Date: October 2, 2002 at 15:23 |
I want this record on CD!
From: rene engelaan |
Date: October 13, 2002 at 6:30 |
Great Album, for me the best WRATHCHILD UK album. Great looks, great riffs and cool songs. It all sound very much underground the way i like it. I got this one on lp and Picture disc. Also the other albumes are very good (THE BIZZ SUXX, THRASH QUEENZ, DELIRIUM, and the cool bootleg COCK SHOK ROCK). There live video tape is totaly cult, recorded back in 1984 in london. If you can find it, buy it. GLAM METAL FOREVER, with a NWOBHM sound.
From: Peter London |
Date: January 19, 2003 at 15:29 |
Great great record from a great great band. Don't miss the live video 'Live from london' / 'war machine' it's perfect...
From: Tony |
Date: April 3, 2003 at 6:07 |
Always felt this album owed WAY more to 70's glam than 80's hair metal. Kind of a Sweet/Slade sound dressed up as Motley Crue. HUGE 'randy' English vibe here on this disc. Wrathchild always reminded me of a punk band that was more in tune with their feminine side..LOL Kind of a New York Dolls of the early to mid 80's. I love the big shout-it-out gang background vocals here and kind of miss that now in 2003. If punk rock married glam you'd have Wrathchild!!! Great album.
From: Van Alan |
Date: August 31, 2003 at 21:27 |
Just purchased the reissued version of 'Delerium' and 'Stakk Attakk'. 'Stakk Attakk' didn't include the lyrics in the booklet the way 'Delerium' did, but the vocals and words are easy to pick up on. This seems like a cross of early 'Twisted Sister', 'Motley Crue' and Kiss'. So what if the production is maybe somewhat thin, the CDs from '84 and the songs make an impact nonetheless. Best traks: 'Stakk Attakk', 'Too Wild to Tame', 'Kick Down the Walls'.
From: vicrock |
Date: September 19, 2003 at 17:29 |
You poison trash, here is your infuence, Wratchild was the original idea that you copy in a bad bad version.
From: Glen |
Date: September 22, 2003 at 5:41 |
These clowns suck hard. They are extremely bad. AVOID!
From: CC |
Date: October 19, 2003 at 14:22 |
Big fan of Wrathchild but this is my least fave. Yes the production left much to be desired (well barely any money was spent,so what can you expect) but the songs were pure glam. As was displayed in their cover of 'Alright with the boys' on the Bizz Suxx album,one of their biggest influences was Gary Glitter! Probably the best bargain basement glam band ever!
From: oscar |
Date: November 24, 2003 at 16:26 |
great album!!!
From: Andreas The Kid |
Date: November 30, 2003 at 16:21 |
Their best release.
From: Uncle Salty |
Date: May 21, 2004 at 9:41 |
This album is great, I love it. Songs like 'Too wild to tame' and 'Shokker' are amazing and 'Trash queen' is my favourite. Some of you are totally right, these boys were Poison before Poison. I also have their 'live in London' in VHS, I bought in ebay and it rocks hard, amazing live video with fire bombs and pyrotecnia. A must have. Hey POISONCHILD y PUNKIZ/OBSeSIVO yo tambien soy español, me alegra saber que hay otros fans de Wrathclid en españa.
From: Uusiolli |
Date: August 5, 2004 at 17:57 |
Productio, what's that? Sounds like the 'producer' have made his best to make this record worse than it actually is. With better production it could have been something. Now it sucks. 2/10
From: Zenon1970crue |
Date: August 14, 2004 at 0:52 |
This is one of the best Glam bands that has ever existed!!!Sleazy guitars and catchy vocals, Highly recommended!!!!
From: Geoff |
Date: August 17, 2004 at 2:51 |
I hate to say it as a big fan of glam, but man did these guys just plain and simply suck. I love the likes of Pretty Boy Floyd, Tigertailz, Bang Gang and a million unsigned glam bands, but just couldn't take these guys. I guess it's sort of okay and relatively harmless, but oh dear, when even I think it's just too lame I start thinking there are problems...
From: Chad Bell |
Date: January 23, 2005 at 4:54 |
I just recently heard these guys (though they've obviously existed for years) and I dig 'em. It kind of gives me an idea of where bands like the Simply Slang and The Zeros got their ideas from.
From: Chad Bell |
Date: January 23, 2005 at 4:57 |
Well, scratch the last one... on second thought, the Zeros don't sound THAT similar to these guys, but Simply Slang on the other hand, borrowed the whole mispelled song titles schtick, along the 'punk' sound and feel at the same time. But I really enjoyed this cd-Wrathchild rocked. Another band that comes to mind is Tigertailz-Now they seem to have borrowed quite a bit from Wratchild as well.
From: glam slam |
Date: May 2, 2005 at 2:22 |
average band, attitude is good but songs are very similar each other. I didn´t like this cd at all.
From: FLmetalhead517 |
Date: June 22, 2006 at 4:54 |
These guys are awesome since the second I put the needle on the record. This is what 80s sleaze metal is all about! 'Stakk Attakk', 'Trash Queen', 'Tonite' and 'Wreckless' are great with 'Law Abuzer' being my highlight track. I love spinning this every now and then. 9 out of 10
From: GlamSlam |
Date: September 9, 2009 at 21:25 |
Talentless shitty band why i ever waste my money to this, best part was when i sold it, avoid!!!!!
From: StarChildBlade |
Date: December 7, 2009 at 14:36 |
This album is an absolutely quintessential glam metal classic. No other band was this on fire musically at the time of its release, other than maybe Motley Crue. This predated the whole glam explosion of the mid-late 80's, but definitely set the bar and created the template.
From: Drag-in-Bones |
Date: March 21, 2010 at 12:50 |
I have this on picture disc
From: 8407282 |
Date: January 25, 2011 at 13:36 |
Back on 85 I was a just kid that was really impressed for their look and I made every effort possible to get a copy of this disc, it was not easy, cause in Mexico where I come from it was really difficult to get a disc like this in that time, but finally I got it and it was HUGE .... I mean HUGE disappointment, absolutely mediocre, not Glam, not Metal , not Punk, I still can not say what it is, I guess just but a bunch of guys in longs spikes and outrageous image
Date: June 30, 2011 at 0:10 |
It´s almost a classic even because the picture disc, but is still a good record from the 80´s and a good work into the glam style, maybe more interesting because that european flavor vs the north american clichés. This album with more production would be more recognized by the fans and more interesting than Looks what the cat drags in from POISON, Even Wrathchild was an antecedent of Poison. Good melodies and nice choruses from a group than at that time a magazine published that Rocky Shades were considered to supply Vince Neil in Motley Crue, when he was in troubles with the dead of Razzle drummer from Hanoi Rocks on an accident car.
From: rick kerch vzla |
Date: August 19, 2011 at 22:10 |
Underrated British Glam Rock band ala Tigertailz...they deserved more IMO....there's a live video shot of this band recorded during the tour of this debut album and is a blast!!! faves songs are "Stakk Attakk","Too Wild To Tame","Trash Queen","Kick Down The Walls","Sweet Surrender","Law Abuzer" & "Tonite"....enjoyable...86/100
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