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[Bang Tango Band Picture]

Artist: Bang Tango

(click on Artist's name above to return to artist's main page)

CD Title: Dancin' On Coals

Bang Tango Dancin' On Coals Album Cover


Category: Glam

Year: 1991

Label: Mechanic/MCA

Catalog Number: MRSD-10196


Joe LeSte vocals
Mark Knight electric, acoustic, and slide guitars, backing vocals
Kyle Kyle 12-string bass, fretless bass
Kyle Stevens electric, acoustic, leslie guitars, backing vocals
Tigg Ketler drums, percussion


1.  Soul to Soul  4:15
2.  Untied and True  4:50
3.  Emotions in Gear  5:00
4.  I'm in Love  3:31
5.  Big Line  3:28
6.  Midnight Struck  7:00
7.  Dancin' on Coals  5:27
8.  My Saltine  2:45
9.  Dressed up Vamp  4:32
10.  Last Kiss  5:54
11.  Cactus Juice  3:52
Total Running Time:  50:34

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The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Bang Tango CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: Stu Date: June 13, 2001 at 22:49
I have seen them live, and they put on a great show. Its been 8yrs+ at Derringers in Brockton, MA. But this cd, is worth adding in your collection. Great riffs, good quality production, and have a unique sound, in a style thats known for cloning.

From: FABIEN Date: October 8, 2001 at 15:02
Bang Tango is a very cool band ,magic,strange...They look like european Neo-Romantics but with the modernism of a big American City.Their music is a blend of pounding rythms,funky vibes,poetic lyrics,power and sensuality:They're the sons of ELVIS and LILITH, Queen of the Vampires.I like very much the voice of Joe Lesté(Is that a french name?);sometimes warm and sweet like a cat purring,sometimes angry like a dog. Check out his new band "BEAUTIFUL CREATURES" : ROCK N'ROLL IS NOT DEAD!

From: Tony Date: April 18, 2002 at 10:02
Love this cd and still sounds fresh to this day. Doesn't help that this came out when it did as it never stood a chance and it's just so beautifully diverse I don't think most rockers got it. Absolutely worth tracking down and getting. Another lost rock gem lost in the grunge explosion of the early 90's. "Midnight Struck" is worth the price of admission alone!!

From: Miz Date: July 16, 2002 at 16:19
Fantastic CD - What else is there to say..."Midnight Struck" is a true classic...One of the first rock bands I got into and still love to this day.

From: Gar Date: August 25, 2002 at 19:58
This was their best album, hands down. Gotta agree that "Midnight Struck" is an absolute classic. Also, "Emotions in Gear" is a really great song. A lot different from what other bands were doing at that time. Highly recommended.

From: Alcamenes Date: February 7, 2003 at 4:54
This album reminds me of LA Guns. I don't quite share the enthusiasm for this band that others do but they have a unique sound and some good tunes. Good guitar work on Midnight Struck.

From: ben moss Date: May 5, 2003 at 5:57
this album has to be the biggest improvement from the infamous pshyco cafe,very different,you would have to check it out for your self so go buy it if you can you glam whores ben the pretty one

From: lover of krel Date: May 23, 2003 at 4:51
Unique sound for a change!!!!!!!! They Rock!! Cool Vibe too!!!!!

From: Ed Date: September 30, 2003 at 18:24
Great album, this type of music was totally trashed on, because of MTV and corporate radio decided to turn the music scene either into grunge or rap crap. Which some of that was needed, but to totally make the so-called hair bands nearly obsolete is wrong.

From: marcos mendez Date: December 24, 2003 at 19:37
i would like buy this cd, but i don't know how can i do, i wish someone send me some information about do that, i living in mexico city my e-mail is i hope someone can help me because i'm really interested thanks

From: red Date: February 7, 2004 at 16:32
A little more mellow than the first, but definitely some growth. A good album.

From: MJ (Marla) Date: March 11, 2004 at 23:42
LOVE this one!! "Soul To Soul" is GREAT!! Great funky blues bass line!!

Heavy Harmonies Volunteer
From: Blue Charvel Date: March 12, 2004 at 9:48
Hmm, well if YOU like it, it must be very bad. j/k, this is indeed a fine album, I bought it for the title track, but it's a pretty solid record throughout. Production's even more clean than the first one which highlights just how tight this band is.

From: MJ (Marla) Date: March 12, 2004 at 11:04
LMAO!!! Yep.......very bad stuff indeed!!! Hey Blue, are you anywhere near Double D's? Bang Tango is playing there on March 26th with Every Mother's Nightmare and Lestat. That's one show I would LOVE to see!!

Heavy Harmonies Volunteer
From: Blue Charvel Date: March 12, 2004 at 11:18
'Bout an hour away, but with a 5 month old, it might as well be on Jupiter...

From: Metal Jay Date: July 30, 2004 at 22:46
Something about this cd that rubbed me the wrong way. Don't get me wrong. Bang Tango kicks ass, but this one was a little too bluesy for me. Funky is good, but this was a little to funky. Great guitar riffs though. won't be eliminating it from collection anytime soon.

From: AOR-MESSIAH Date: August 7, 2004 at 17:24
Great CD, took me a while to get into it but when I did I played it for months and still listen to it now. Excellent CD. Joe Leste's band Beautiful Creatures is good too and Mark Knight the guitarist has a new band out called Gravy, (

From: Carmine Rose Date: September 25, 2004 at 11:18
It took me a while to get into this one, too. But when I did, I really started to like this album. Bang Tango has a new CD it's called Ready To Go. I haven't heard it, but I heard a sample of the title track, and it's awesome. Joe LeSte sounds better than ever.

From: glamster Date: December 3, 2004 at 7:00
A masterpiece! More mature than "Psycho Cafe", with at least three outstanding tracks: Untied and True, Emotions in Gear and, of course, Midnight Struck (what a ballad!!!). Do yourself a favour and buy it NOW!

From: Geoff Date: December 4, 2004 at 23:31
I prefer moments of this to the debut because I love 'Emotions in gear' and the awesome 'Untied and true'. Two killers, which the debut did not have, though as an overall album the debut is much more consistent and does not include a lot of the funk elements found on this one, which I hate. You can find these CDs for bargain prices, so for the prices they go for I recommend them for the collection.

From: Lennie Date: June 3, 2005 at 4:55
Think overall this is stronger than the debut. More funky granted but the whole album flows better/song writing is stronger/Leste sounds better/production is tighter. The rhythm section throughout is as tight as a gnat's proverbial. Playing on 'Cactus Juice' is just awesome. My favs though are 2 & 3. Highly recommended!

From: wzcj02 Date: September 21, 2005 at 5:59
There are certainly some kind reviews of this album here, but Untied and true is the only good track. I haven't heard their previous albums but I suspect that bang tango are another trixter/baton rouge type of band that got signed because hard rock was in fashion. Have a listen first.

From: johnk5150 Date: September 24, 2005 at 9:04
Bang Tango is nothing like Trixter or Baton Rouge wzcj02. They are funkified melodic metal. I highly recommend you put on track one 'Soul To Soul', turn it up and listen to the power of that when the guitars kick in. 'Last Kiss' is total melodic bliss, and 'Emotions in Gear' has a unique hella catchy chorus. 'Dancin' On Coals' flat out smokes and the whole cd original and very good. Bang Tango got pigeonholed as a hair band because they had it, but it's not an accurate description of them.

From: glamcityrocks Date: April 7, 2006 at 18:01
1 of the5 best all time sleaze realese,still have the flame,magic like the first day.Time hasn't leaved marks for these superb songs, a pure gem,lovely mix of sleazeglam with a sweet touch of funk & romantic taste & the hard edge ofthe lostwaited true vamps of R'n'R,all covered in red silken sheets,red wine,with the most beautiful vampgirls around you & overcoat the great rough,tough scratchy voice of Lesté who makes blow the speakers and velvetveils fall down over the dark green satinfloor 9'75

From: christian Date: May 3, 2006 at 11:55
i give it 10/ it and listen's pure adrenalize.

From: Fat Freddy Date: October 12, 2006 at 10:29
Bang Tango's odd mix of hard rock, goth, new wave, and funk definitely wasn't for everybody, which is probably why mass acceptance was not in the cards for them. Considering the time in which this CD was released, MCA probably would've been better off marketing the band to the Alternative Nation than to the hair metal crowd. That said, DANCING ON COALS is still an amazingly original piece of work, with the highlights being the title track, "Midnight Struck" and "I'm In Love"

From: rockhardrock Date: January 11, 2008 at 17:46
another record that shows why funk goes great with hard rock/heavy metal.and when you put some glam into this mixture its even fav bang tango's song is "Untied and True".But that's not all what i like here-highlights here include:"I'm in Love", "Dressed up Vamp" and "Midnight Struck".too bad they didnt follow that formula.

From: poser forever Date: June 10, 2009 at 16:43
One of my all time favourites! An excellent record from a great band who had the talent and the looks but never made it big time. I guess they were too eclectic for the average rock fan. If you don't like it go and listen to some heavy metal and maybe you just don't belong in that site. Bang Tango rules!!

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: September 19, 2009 at 17:42
Wow! Bang Tango head deeper into funk-rock territory than even the funkiest tunes off Psycho Cafe. This is definitely a different flavor from your typical L.A.-metal of the day, reminding me a lot of the Chili Peppers bass-slapping antics. Hell, Joe sounds downright ... uh ... "black" here. A cool little disc, although one i would probably have hated back in '91. Favoritse are the title track, "Dressed Up Vamp," "Big Line," and especially "Soul To Soul."

From: rick kerch vzla Date: December 6, 2011 at 16:05
Funky influenced a 100%...a very interesting album because Bang Tango was digging in a sound that was not their style at all...anyway songs such as "Soul To Soul","Untied And True","I'm In Love"(great!),"Big Line"(also great!) and the nice softy "Midnight Struck" will put a in your face..basically the whole album is enjoyable...i own the Digipack edition with 3 bonus tracks which makes the release more appealing...recommended if you like funk moves in Glam/Sleaze music...90/100

From: hair metal again Date: July 30, 2013 at 0:49
excellent hair metal release by the great BANG TANGO and this one is a cult one for us fans from back in the day!unique style and vibe ,Dancin On Coals has somethin different from other releases of that era,more artistic !the musicianship is exceptional and the songwriting of the highest level!all the songs rock and especially "emotions in gear","untied and true","midnight struck" and "dressed up vamp"!BANG TANGO created a unique result and somethin that doesn t remind of anything else!essential!

From: Leykis101 Date: March 7, 2014 at 2:31
I can never like a BT album more then I love Psycho Cafe, the only problem with that album, is the absolutely HORRID!! production, I truly wish the band would re-record the debut today, only do an exact remake, as for this one, it comes in 2nd on BT's all time best, production is better, which really delivers a side of this band, that you can tell is there, but thanks to the production on the 1st disc, you are unable to hear, that said, I dont think this disc rocks as much as PC, alot more elements of Funk Rock, and groove rock are on display here, so if your into funky shit, give this a try, but if you are planning on hearing an extension to PC, dont waste your time!

From: Dramarama Date: September 17, 2014 at 12:16
I bought this cassette tape the day it came out. Bang Tango is my absolute favorite hard rock band and this is my favorite album by them. Cactus Juice and Emotions in Gear are the highlights for me, but honestly the entire album is outstanding.

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: May 6, 2015 at 10:37
I listened to this one again last night. Poor Joe Leste: he's "that guy" who thinks he can sing, that his confidence almost makes up for his lack of ability. Reminds me of a line from some book I read once: "You never heard anybody sing so bad but who liked it so much." So okay, Joe Leste, not among my favorite vocalists. He tones down the Axl-isms (and the shriek) from Psycho Cafe, and we're left with a braying yelll on the rockin' songs and kind of an off-key croon on the soft moments. The guitarists have also dialed back the Izzy-and-Slash routine, and overall, the less emphasis on sounding like GnR leaves lots of room for a strange mix of funk, goth and blues with the band's usual sleazy metal sound. I dunno, the whole thing has a feeling about it, of secret seductions in dark rooms lit by neon signs through the window. And man, "Soul To Soul" grooves so fuckin' HARD!

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