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[Charlie Band Picture]

Artist: Charlie

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CD Title: Charlie

Charlie Charlie Album Cover Charlie Charlie Album Cover


Category: AOR

Year: 1983

Label: Polydor/ATM Records (Germany)

Catalog Number: BTCD 979 467


Terry Slesser Vocals
John Anderson Bass
Terry Thomas Guitar, Vocals
Steve Gadd Drums
Robert Henrit Drums, Percussion
Richard Cottle Sax, Keyboards
Nick Payne Sax
Robert John Lange Backing Vocals
Andy Clark Keyboards
Adrian Lee Keyboards
Chris Parren Keyboards


1.  It'S Inevitable  
2.  Tempted  
3.  Spend My Life With You  
4.  Never Too Late  
5.  Playing To Win  
6.  The Heartaches Begin  
7.  You're Everything I Need  
8.  This Time  
9.  Can´t Wait 'til Tomorrow  

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The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Charlie CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: AOR freaky Date: July 10, 2004 at 5:38
Fantastic to see this classic Charlie to see on this great site ! This is really FANTASTIC AOR stuff ! The first song 'It's Inevitable' still blows me away every time I listen to it ! What a song that is. And also the rest is irresistable AOR ! RECOMMENDED ! Without a shadow of doubt the best Charlie album !

From: ROB GARCIA Date: July 10, 2004 at 12:14
definetely the best charlie album!.it looks like terry thomas was in full songwriting creativity with this one cause he created a monster of an album wich is full on hooks and a production to match.terry slesser demonstrates his vocal capabilities with an excellent performance throughout the whole the way does anybody know whatever happened to this great vocalist? i surely would like to know.classic!.

From: Rockhead Date: July 10, 2004 at 12:19
I like Charlie but Good Morning America I think edges this as their best release. John Verity added some fuel and it features the classic AOR anthem Roll The Dice.

From: koogles Date: July 10, 2004 at 18:55
Charlie nailed it with this release. Rockhead, AOR Freaky and ROB GRACIA are all right on the money when they say this is Charlie's best release. But it isn't just their best release but it's one of the top releases of all time! A masterpiece of early 80s AOR, with comparisons to Dakota ("Runaway"), Journey, Franke & the Knockouts, and Aviator. It really doesn't get much better than this. Absolutely NO weak tracks on this CD. Every song is as good as the one before or after it. AN AOR ESSENTIAL

From: AOR freaky Date: July 11, 2004 at 6:07
After Charlie, Terry Thomas became a famous producer for AOR and melodic (hard) rock acts, I thinks you know this, dear Rob ! All records he produced are RECOMMENDED ! Check them out, but I think you all know and have them already !

From: rocketron Date: July 21, 2004 at 17:36
One of the most underrated UK bands. Had some success in the USA via heavy radio play, especially with their second album "No Second Chance" - not listed here.This album was also a big hit in the US album charts.

From: mr roads Date: January 21, 2005 at 3:51
"Spend My Life With You" is one of the best ballads! Great album, great voices, great sounds, great production. Enough said! A Must!

From: oliver Date: January 21, 2005 at 9:48
yes, this is the best release, although i like the last one "in pursuit of romance" as much as this. no fillers, all great melodic tunes. terry thomas is one of the best aor songwriters ever. 9/10

From: ArnoldLancelot Date: June 17, 2005 at 13:35
GUYS BELIEVE ME! IT'S REALLY GLAD TO SEE PEOPLE WHO AKNOWLEDGE CHARLIE THE RECOGNITION THAT THEY DESERVE. Amazing release, that sounded a lot more like an 86/87's year release: balanced, well produced easyly treatable as a Classic status album (such as China Sky, Dakota's Runaway, Fortune, Lionheart, Bronz, etc.). Essential in every colletion, in this effort (through the many lineups that they had) they really founded the right inspiration, don't miss it.

From: Swazi Date: January 4, 2006 at 10:44
Absolutely brilliant stuff ! The 1994 reissue (ATM records) has a different front cover. For the sleeve there was used the cover of the European release of "Fantasy Girls".

Heavy Harmonies Volunteer
From: Jez Date: January 18, 2006 at 10:36
Bloody awesome in two words & proof that ocassionally the Brits could out the Americans at their own game. There are Major highlights littered throughout this disc with 'You're Everything I Need' being the absolute killer on show, A huge 2 part, 7 minute monster of a track with it's awesome keys & superb chorus, aswell as a great vocal from Terry Slesser .'Spend My Life With You' is the perfect AOR ballad and 'It's Inevitable supplies the Hit potential. Very nearly THE perfect AOR release.

From: Rafo Phoenix Date: April 3, 2007 at 15:20
Good AOR/Melodic Hard Rock album, buen album de hecho pero el In Pursuit Of Romance del Legendario 85 tiene un punto mas que este, un disco con ese sabor a primera mitad de los 80's ya sabeis a lo que me refiero 8/10.

From: Michael67 Date: May 23, 2007 at 23:45
One of my favorite all time albums. Classic. Spend my Life With You was the last dance at my wedding. The Heartache Begins and Your Everything I Need are standouts and It's Inevitable is one of the great all time lost classics.

From: sanxdowntherainbow Date: June 26, 2007 at 2:30
Superb slice of early 80s AOR, with touches of WestCoast (actually WestCoast is my real cup of tea!) IMO the best Charlie album ever. Similar to Dakota's ¨Runaway¨, Fast Forward's ¨Living in Fiction¨, Shelter's ¨First Stop¨ and other early 80s bands. OUTSTANDING! 9.9/10

From: YIRO SEVENTH Date: October 23, 2007 at 20:49
Pues a mi me parece que va en onda DAKOTA, del JOURNEY del "Frontiers", los FRANKE AND THE KOs, quizá algo de I-TEN. La voz me recuerda al Steve Perry y en fin, todo en orden: Teclados, guitarras enérgicas, buen ritmo sin embargo creo que les falta gancho aqui, en verdad no veo nada extraordinario en este album... ah, pero malo no es, al contrario, buen disco de AOR nada mas

From: terryslesser Date: March 17, 2010 at 14:19
just a qwik Hi and thanks for your kind comments re:Charlie album 1983 and for Rob Garcia-just google my name for info etc. There are some fine trax on that disc if I may say so.

From: rick kerch vzla Date: June 8, 2011 at 21:56
Now we're talking!!!...much more better than their "Here Comes Trouble" album IMHO...plenty of really interesting tracks such as "It's Inevitable","Tempted","Spend My Life With You"(nice ballad),"Never Too Late" & "This Time"...brilliant album indeed and highly recommended one...91/100

From: hair metal again Date: August 10, 2012 at 4:19
excellent release by CHARLIE back in 83 with the valuable help of Kevin Beamish!all the songs are fine and there is a great vibe all over that captures the spirit of that era!"spend my life with you","the heartaches begin" and "everything i need " are the highlights of this fine piece of early 80s scene!

From: Thomas/Coastline Date: February 25, 2021 at 17:19
The British rock band Charlie was formed in 1971 by singer/songwriter Terry Thomas and they released some fine albums in the mid/late 70's and especially early 80's. Altough they never charted in the UK they had four minor hits in the US: "Turning To You" (1977) "She Loves to Be In Love" (1978), "Killer Cut" (1979) and "It's Inevitable" (1983). By the time for this self titled 1983 album Charlie went all the way for the American melodic radio rock/AOR sound, with much use of keyboards and a very nice slick production by Kevin Beamish and Terry Thomas. The result is an album full of strong, melodic, well written and memorable songs with a superb singer on top of it all, Mr. Terry Slesser.

From: Macca Date: September 5, 2022 at 14:14
Just started to obtain their best stuff on CD.... cant believ me and my AOR mad friends from the UK missed their releases back in the day..... !!! There was zero buzz back then....with lack of internet etc.... Anyways.....Bagged "Good Morning America " as a rock candy re release last week..and found this on E bay from Italy.... Have them all on mp3..and I reckon these are the best 2... prime time top notch AOR with a touch of high tech from the greatest and most productive period for that music 79-86 ish This band giving the Canadian and USA bands of the time giving them a huge run for their money.... Clear crisp production..... as was the case back brick wall limiters and huge compression... make for a great listen.. An absolute essential purchase

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