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Michael Harris

Michael Harris Homepage

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Click on a CD title or album cover below to see detailed information about the CD
and site member comments on the music.

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Defense Mechanizms

[Michael Harris  Album Cover] Year: 1991
Label: Leviathan Records
Catalog Number:
Average Rating: Not rated.


1. Defense Mechanizms (4:35)
2. Trans-Oribital Schizophrenia (4:54)
3. Mind Or Heart? (3:48)
4. Pychotic Biorhythms (4:45)
5. Classical Conditioning (1:32)
6. Eminent Domain (5:58)
7. Collision Course (3:54)
8. Tarantula (4:59)
9. Call To Arms (2:31)
10. Octavian: Heir To the Conqueror (4:36)
11. Wolfgang Lives! (4:11)
12. Through the Eyes of Eternity (5:47)

Ego Decimation Profile

[Michael Harris  Album Cover] Year: 1996
Label: Bandai Music
Catalog Number: APCY8329
Average Rating: Not rated.


1. Forewarning (3:32)
2. Vicious Uppercut (5:55)
3. Stratus-Fear (5:51)
4. Julius Seizure (5:41)
5. Pawn To King IV (1:44)
6. Grandscape (5:45)
7. Hair On the E String (6:23)
8. Freudian Trip (4:44)
9. Brainwarp (4:40)
10. Terminus Epic (6:30)

Distorted Views

[Michael Harris  Album Cover] Year: 1999
Label: IMF Records
Catalog Number:
Average Rating: Not rated.


1. Chambre Noire (0:46)
2. Transmigration of Souls (7:13)
3. Identity Crisis (4:14)
4. Centurion (5:15)
5. Questions (5:52)
6. Axcalibur (4:05)
7. Mozart's Ghost (4:08)
8. Stun Gun (3:36)
9. Blue Tokyo (5:01)
10. Winterlude (4:03)
11. The End of Forever (6:01)
12. Chambre Noire Minor Relapse (0:58)
13. Brainwarp Bonus Track (4:40)

Sketches From The Thought Chamber

[Michael Harris  Album Cover] Year: 2001
Label: Heaven Cross Records
Catalog Number:
Average Rating: Not rated.


1. Prognosis (8:03)
2. Neuro-Transmitter (5:17)
3. Regroovination (5:11)
4. Two Worlds Beyond (6:27)
5. Shibboleth (3:48)
6. Voyage To Xyrethius (6:52)
7. IdeoSymphony (4:22)
8. Madfingers (2:04)
9. Eat Your Words (4:01)
10. A Soul's Torment (5:43)

Words Collide

[Michael Harris  Album Cover] Year: 2003
Label: IMF Records
Catalog Number:
Average Rating: Not rated.


1. Shockestra (1:01)
2. Wash My Soul Away (4:32)
3. Mask of Deception (4:45)
4. Myopia (4:14)
5. Words Collide (5:07)
6. Tears Roll Down (4:52)
7. Mr. Strange (4:01)
8. Prosthetic Brain (5:04)
9. Into the Spiral Rain (3:32)
10. Mandy Slang (4:36)
11. Incarcerated (3:13)
12. The Cozmic Desert (3:52)
13. Battle Fatigue (9:23)
14. Coffee With Mozart Bonus Track


[Michael Harris  Album Cover] Year: 2006
Label: Imminent Music Force
Catalog Number:
Average Rating: Not rated.


1. Opus Conceptus (4:48)
2. String Theory (4:36)
3. The Mad Composer's Rage (6:58)
4. Notes from the Kursk (5:53)
5. Battle At Storm's Edge (6:58)
6. Guiprice (1:26)
7. Mysterioso (5:48)
8. Octavian II (5:35)
9. The Anti Shred (2:13)
10. Schizo Forte (5:48)


[Michael Harris  Album Cover] Year: 2010
Label: Lion Music
Catalog Number: LMC 294
Average Rating: Not rated.


1. Rocket Surgery (4:44)
2. Wizard of Odd (7:09)
3. Seizure Salad (7:37)
4. Blue Shift (3:29)
5. Left of Right (7:04)
6. Nitrous Oxide Strut (6:26)
7. Professor Grunklesplat's Math Assignment (5:30)
8. Pathos (6:03)
9. Prosthetic Brain (5:09)
10. Ocean Blues (4:37)

The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Michael Harris CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

EPs and CD-singles from Michael Harris are also welcome to be added, as long as they are at least 4 songs in length.

Links to CD cover art can be posted over in the Heavy Harmonies forum/message board.

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