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Artist: Ten
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CD Title: Far Beyond the World
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Category: AOR
Year: 2001
Label: Frontiers (Italy)
Catalog Number: FR CD 099
Gary Hughes vocals
Vinny Burns guitars
John Halliwell guitars
Steve Mckenna bass guitar
Paul Hodson keyboards
Greg Morgan drums
1. | Glimmer of Evil | 5:48 |
2. | Strange Land | 5:12 |
3. | High Tide | 5:45 |
4. | What About Me? | 5:34 |
5. | Last of the Lovers | 6:11 |
6. | Outlawed and Notorious | 6:37 |
7. | Scarlet and the Grey | 5:31 |
8. | Heart Like a Lion | 5:16 |
9. | Black Shadows | 5:29 |
10. | Who Do You Want to Love? | 5:45 |
11. | Far Beyond the World | 5:11
| |
Total Running Time: | 62:19 |
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Existing comments about this CD
From: rychnroll |
Date: February 27, 2002 at 19:09 |
More crap from a very OVERRATED band. Just one listen tells you why they don't have a major record deal.
From: Darth |
Date: February 28, 2002 at 17:02 |
I think someone is bitter. This cd rocks!! Much better than all of the crap on radio these days. Not as good as NOTR but still much better than Spellbound.
From: Jj RoCk |
Date: March 8, 2002 at 22:20 |
I Agree with Darth. This cd is great. With the production quality that this band get who need another record deal. They are one of the hottest bands around. The personell speaks for itself. Ten is a solid group. Unbelievable lyric writing once again from Gary Hughes. A++ for this cd from me
From: Zorro11 |
Date: March 14, 2002 at 10:13 |
Ten, you're the best! This cd is a masterpiece! Keep on rockin'! -Z11
From: Glam |
Date: May 14, 2002 at 22:08 |
What can we expect from Ten? Buy with your eyes closed! Only Spellbound (the best AOR album in the world) is better than this wonderful stuff!
From: The Prophet |
Date: May 15, 2002 at 9:49 |
My favorite cd from Ten is for sure "The Robe"(What a masterpiece). Babylon and this FBTW dissapointed me a little. Maybe Gary is involved in too many project, too many release in so little time. I still like em, but not like before. This one get 6,5. Sorry guys.
From: Yekdall |
Date: September 27, 2002 at 4:48 |
I agree with The Prophet. The Robe is great and this one is not so good. But, who cares? It's Ten... Do you need anything else. Gary rules
From: |
Date: January 22, 2003 at 10:50 |
rychnroll is a tosser and doesnt know what good music is
Date: February 13, 2003 at 16:38 |
Mi favorito de la banda, la producción es increible y todos los temas tienen algo que merece la pena
From: xavieskay |
Date: April 2, 2003 at 18:28 |
very good album! it's TEN! gary hugues sigue demostrando que es el rey del hard rock en estos últimos años!
From: Gonzalorock |
Date: April 5, 2003 at 11:45 |
With this cd Ten goes on the perfect way. A little better than the last album with superb production. Ten - fans should be proud and no fans too. They have to realize what Ten have been making for melodic music in the last ten years. From Spain....Never Say Goodbye
From: Chris |
Date: June 3, 2003 at 8:47 |
Oh my god. Not another Ten album. I haven't heard this one so i won't say too much about this, except that unless Gary Hughes has let someone else sing on this release, then i won't even bother listening to it. Worst voice in history, and the worst band in history. My most hated band ever.
Heavy Harmonies Volunteer |
From: Jez |
Date: June 3, 2003 at 14:35 |
Chris - I take it you don't like Ten then hahahahahahah
From: Theli |
Date: June 3, 2003 at 20:36 |
I think he has sand in his vagina.
From: Rycheage |
Date: July 3, 2003 at 15:59 |
Collectively, I rank this album up there with the band's best ever, as I really like the songs and style the guys have chosen this time around. Importantly, as I have said - there is something for everyone, but simply put, it is packed with great hooks and melodies. This album rocks, but it's not heavy. This album is more about songs and melodies and I like that a lot.
From: Hun Gary |
Date: August 3, 2003 at 14:17 |
Agree with Rycheage. Songs are very strong, they're not too long and production is the best since NOTR. Gary in his best as a songwriter. (not like on Bob Catley's 'Middle Earth' album). I love this one, it's my favourite after NOTR and Spellbound. Peter from Hungary.
From: Janxy |
Date: October 21, 2003 at 12:03 |
Gary is terribly gifted to be still on top of the game. For someone with such a large discography to be consistently firing on all cylinders - great hooks and melodies that form an album of memorable songs - I'd take my hat off to him if I wore a hat! [memo to self: 1) If ever in vacinity of Gary Hughes, buy a hat. 2) don't forget milk] But sadly what hurts this album is the vocal production, it's lacking top end and frequently we have to work to sort Gary from the rest of the overall sound.
From: vandervelde |
Date: December 10, 2003 at 17:00 |
Warm voice of Gary Hughes wchich is very like Bob Catley is the strongest point of this record. This album is very like Magnum records, very warm and emotional. Standouts songs 3,4,10, and 11. Pure class...
From: Almir |
Date: May 21, 2004 at 22:25 |
Where is the new Ten record? I read somewhere in the site interview with Gary that the new album was in mixing fase late last year. Come on Gary, we can't wait any longer!
From: Almir |
Date: May 21, 2004 at 22:34 |
Ok! After 5 minutes of search on the web, I found my own answer. It will be June, 24 and it's called "Return to Evermore".
From: Geoff |
Date: August 29, 2004 at 23:23 |
This is the first time I started thinking, jeez, I think they've done it all know. I love 'Babylon', but this one just sounds same-ish to me and I started to get the impression I'd heard it all before. The vocals, the riffs the songs - it all sounds too similar to earlier efforts. I do like the poppier moments here - very interesting, and I actually do like most the songs. Just not great for me, but better than the new one!
From: roxas |
Date: July 4, 2005 at 23:57 |
It took a while for me to like this one. The production is pretty bad and sounds like it's recorded on a 8 track. What can't be denied though is it's wonderful tunes. Far beyond the world is calm and pleasurable. Black Shadows is a cool as they come as is Scarlet & the grey. Last of the lovers is a monster and should be played very loud. Outlawed is tremendous and shows Gary is into conspiracies like David Icke. The best for me is Strange land which has probably the best chorus of all Tens work!
From: Gonzalo rock |
Date: August 12, 2005 at 6:38 |
Ten with a good production. A pack never seen. I think that is a very conservative album with classic pieces of melodic rock a la Ten but with the best keyboard performance thanks to the great Paul Hodson. Ten are always on the top, good job!!!.
From: Axe-Machine |
Date: December 10, 2005 at 12:58 |
This is a good album, but as Ten's output is usually of an extremely high quality it is probably one of their most forgettable albums. Glimmer Of Evil, Heart Like A Lion, What About Me and Strange Land are immense, but tracks like Outlawed and Notorious perhaps let it down a little. As I said not a bad album by any stretch of the imagination, but by Ten's standards this one just didn't cut the mustard. 7/10.
From: oliver |
Date: March 10, 2006 at 9:37 |
bought this one with high expectations cauze few guys mentioned that this is very much aor/melodic sounding. but i´m disappointed. most songs sound very similiar. too much average songwriting. these guys have done it better before. 7/10
From: lalorock |
Date: September 2, 2006 at 16:32 |
Buen disco de Ten ,canciones con gancho y melodía que te llevan a otro mundo, temas fundamentales la primera Glimmer of Evil buen comienzo melodico, la segunda Strange Land con unas guitarras maravillosas entre estribillos, What about me que balada con ese estilo que solo Ten posee, los solos de guitarra tambien son excelentes en todo el album, los temas son de una calidad insuperable pero este no es el mejor album de ellos,last of the lovers,Outlawed and notoious,heart like a lion excelentes.
From: Melo |
Date: December 1, 2006 at 1:35 |
Again,this is fantastic stuff ! Gary is the best ! So much class again,can`t find words to describe Gary`s work ! Keep on rockin boys ! Well done !
From: Metalmusicman |
Date: December 11, 2006 at 12:40 |
I have been a fan of this band from day one, buf for some reason, this one just falls a little short of the mark for me. Please don't get me wrong, it is still a good album it's just not great. It's more along the lines of "Spellbound" for me. You know, still good Aor, but not the best this band can do. If you like the band you will still like it, but you might want to pick it up towards the latter half of the catalouge.
From: roxas |
Date: December 13, 2006 at 0:44 |
"The production is pretty bad and sounds like it's recorded on a 8 track". I knew I wasn't deaf, my copy was a bootleg! and thus faulty. I have a new one now which is brilliant. So now the production is good we have a great disc. Strange land is still my fav. Highly Recommended.
From: rick kerch vzla |
Date: December 22, 2006 at 21:30 |
This album is a lot better than "Return to nevermore".The songs are strong orientated and well produced (in my Humble opinion of course).To choose one that i liked "Outlawed and notorious"could be an example.Melodic & straight forward compositions.For every lover of melodic rock/aor this is a most!
From: Carlos A. |
Date: December 31, 2006 at 18:11 |
Otro buen disco Epic-Aor del maestro Hughes,algo introspectivo y evidentemente menos comercial que los 3 primeros albumes pero con temas fenomenales mas tecnicos como se dice, ojo con los cambios de ritmo y los geniales intro gracias a Vinny Burns y sus riffs que adornan fieramente algunos cortes como "Strange Land", la poderosa "What About Me?",o "Scarlet and the Grey" inmensos, Saludos de Carlos Acevedo desde Trujillo y feliz 2007 para todo Mundo.
From: juan carlos |
Date: March 21, 2007 at 0:14 |
Quizás el album con mejor producción de los Ten y ni qué decir sobre la composición y voz de Gary Hughes.. Temazos como "Glimmer of Evil" (quisiera más temas como éste, me recuerda mucho a DIO) o "High Tide" (con un inicio a lo "Miracle Man" de Ozzy, un poco más y Gary se ríe como él! ), "What About Me" es la típica balada, muy buena. La 7,8,9 y 10 son escenciales tambien. No me puedo olvidar de Vinny quien hace un gran trabajo a lo largo del disco. Fans de Ten a no perdérselo. 8.9/10
From: rick kerch vzla |
Date: March 10, 2011 at 21:52 |
Wonderful!!! notch production and guess what?..great songs too (as usual by Ten)..."Glimmer Of Evil" is a bloody killer starter!!!,"Strange Land" with a catchy hook,"What About Me?" a nice solid soft track,"Outlawed & Notorious" brilliant one,"Scarlet & The Grey" brings another catchy one to the cause,a blast is "Black Shadows" a beauty on the loose is "Far Beyond The World" and the best of them all is "Who Do You Want To Love?" or at least 4 me...polished and refined album by all means!..get it a.s.a.p.!.95/100
From: hair metal again |
Date: February 15, 2012 at 8:27 |
pretty good release by TEN and i must say that it si in their classic style !nice melodic lines by Gary and strong solos by Vinnie !some good sogs and some fillers too!highlight of course the great "who do you want to love".i really like this band ,but i think it s overrated overall and of course this isnt a band s fault!
From: ROBERT |
Date: June 7, 2012 at 13:51 |
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