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CD Title: II
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Category: Hard Rock/Aor
Year: 2002
Label: Frontiers
Catalog Number:
Johnny Gioeli vocals
Josh Ramos lead guitar
Joey Gioeli guitar
Bob Rock drums
Christopher Maloney bass
Michael T Ross keyboards
1. | Hold Me Down | |
2. | Y | |
3. | Paralyzed | |
4. | Face the Night | |
5. | Do or Die | |
6. | Hey Girl | |
7. | Only a Night | |
8. | Your Eyes | |
9. | Weight | |
10. | Way It Is, Way It Goes | |
11. | This Gift | |
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Existing comments about this CD
Heavy Harmonies Volunteer |
From: Jez |
Date: December 1, 2002 at 6:48 |
Very dissapointing follow up to the 'Double Eclipse' album. That was a classic, this certainly isn't, and looking at the voting a few of u think the same. VERY VERY Average.
From: T-BONE |
Date: December 1, 2002 at 7:58 |
Somebody very much rigged this rating. I just added this cd yesterday and it's a 2.25 out of 10? Thats bullshit. This is a very good follow up to Double Eclipse. It's not better, but very good.
From: James |
Date: December 1, 2002 at 9:45 |
Hardline was never one of my fav bands and this album doesn't change that. It has some good songs but overall i don't pick it up to lisnten very often. I think a 6.0 would be a good rating.
From: M. Allen |
Date: December 1, 2002 at 19:39 |
"Double Eclipse" is one of the most beloved CDs in all of melodic hard rock, so was it even possible for "II" to meet expectations? Personally, I feel most fans expected too much from this album, insisting on "Double Eclipse 2" instead of realizing that a decade has passed since the debut and the band's sound has evolved (though not really changed). Say what you want, but this is one hard-rocking, hard-driving, kickass melodic metal release. Disappointed? Not me.
From: Reno |
Date: December 1, 2002 at 23:34 |
Although Double Eclipse will bea tough act to follow, this is still a very good cd. The only song I didn't care for was Weight. The chorus was kind of dull. The rest of the song was ok. This rating has to be wrong. If it was added yesterday, and there are already 43 votes and it's only at a 3.05 rating? Some childish shithead is screwing around again. On a 10 scale, I still give it a 9
From: freddy de keyze |
Date: December 2, 2002 at 4:11 |
Not a masterpiece, but the rating is stupid. These guys don't deserve this. Not that good a CD but well worth a score of 7 !
From: Parker Lewis |
Date: December 2, 2002 at 7:08 |
El Double Eclipse es uno de los mejores albunes de la historia!! Pero este.. pfff es un rato aburrido, aqui falta Neal Schon...
From: koogles |
Date: December 2, 2002 at 9:43 |
Because the debut got so much hype and is perhaps the most over-rated CD of the last 10 years, naturally, this will come as a disappointment. Hardline is an old dog trying on some new tricks. Sometimes they work ("Hold Me Down"), sometimes they don't ("Weight"). Despite an honest effort to modernize, Hardline comes up short in the song dept. A very average release that, I think, a lot of people are bending their ears this way and that, straining themselves to appreciate.
From: BrunoFranco\ |
Date: December 17, 2002 at 10:12 |
Hey,some childish guy played with the rating,or is he imature or else doesn't understand very much about music...go play with your fireman car!!!Although a bit different from DOUBLE ECLIPSE(10years passed), is still a great album...Keep up the good work!!!
From: Teo_3 |
Date: December 17, 2002 at 20:59 |
Ok,this may not be the classic "Double Eclipse" album,but "Face the Night" is worth 10/10.Also,"Y","Paralysed","Hold Me Down" and "Way it is" are excellent for a cd that came out in 2002.8 out of 10 is my score.
From: kev lev |
Date: December 20, 2002 at 1:14 |
These are one of my fac bands, actually it's johnny's voice that does it for me. This album is so differant from the first i think cos Neal Schon produced the first one and was an ex member, plus i read on an interview that this album was to be totally differant from the first. Im a little dissapointed with this album, I think the first and original line up was the best for music, lyrics, production, the lot. This album doesnt kick my ass like the first one did. 80's Rule. Hardline Rule!!!!!!!!!
From: Swede |
Date: January 8, 2003 at 20:25 |
I was really looking forward to this album and to be honest with you they really need Neal Schon in this band. I really tried to like these songs but it is far off from the first album. The songs just aren't there and these guys rely on good hooks. Check out Journey's Arrival--Best AOR of 2002
From: kunda |
Date: January 10, 2003 at 10:36 |
øekl bych,že minulé historickí album bylo lepší vy zmrdaní èurani
From: cquicmoi |
Date: January 11, 2003 at 15:30 |
Unfortunately, as so many said before me, this album is not as good as expected but it has his good moments. You can tell that not only the band members have changed, but they also matured which gives us a totally different music compared to Double Eclipse. Despite all this, I think it deserves a 6 out of ten for putting out a rock album in this day of age where it's mostly rap and hiphop. For those who loves Johnny Gioeli, check out some of Axel Rudi Pell's CDs.
From: PraYeR |
Date: January 12, 2003 at 19:32 |
Para mi este es a todas luces un gran disco, si bien no es un segundo "Double Eclipse" si mantiene parte de su espíritu actualizandolo a los tiempos que corren de un modo mucho mas elegante del que siguen otras bandas de estilo similar. Si bien no es el Arrival de Journey si es un disco que otras bandas deberían tener en cuenta, Def Leppard sin ir mas lejos debería ver en este disco todo lo que el X pudo ser y no pudo alcanzar. Mi nota para este disco no puede bajar de 8.
From: Trick Taylor |
Date: January 13, 2003 at 20:37 |
I just ripped the wrap off of this and it proved to be mediocre. I like most, wanted Double Eclipse II, but I got "we are mature now but sound the same sorta". Johnny's voice has always been top rate, but it is restrained here. What gets me is the mundane quality of songs. They had 10 friggin years to write stuff and this is what they came up with? Proves Mr. Journey had a lot to do with the sound. And what's up with the Jesus Crispy closer? Lord, make it 1991 again!
From: David |
Date: January 13, 2003 at 22:58 |
Everyone seems to want to hear Double Eclipse 2, so why dont the Gioeli brothers just re-release Brunette's cd, I'm sure that would sell well.
From: Trick Taylor |
Date: January 16, 2003 at 20:51 |
I will give the devil his due. After listening to this a few times a few songs are starting to grow on me. The opener is powerful if not a bit fuzzy. "Hey Girl" is a complex, modern sounding track that I can't seem to get out of my head. The ballads here are still weak, but I would have to change my opinion and endorse this. In a world where decent new hard rock releases are hard to find Hardline at least gives us something to chew on. Buy this, maybe Hardline III will come.
From: Federico |
Date: January 17, 2003 at 21:52 |
There is no doubt about the fact that Johnny Gioeli decided to modernize the sound. I read an interview with him: he say that now he appreciate an heavier sound than before. Personally my favorite tracks here are the power ballads. I miss anthems like Hot Cherie or Rythm from a red car.
From: |
Date: January 22, 2003 at 10:06 |
This album is excellent if you really listen to it, alot heavier than Double Eclipse and some great tracks. Worth at least an 8.
From: Maestro |
Date: February 5, 2003 at 23:03 |
This album is great! P.S.The new Gioeli's project Crush 40 is another big surprise!
From: Mark jevons |
Date: February 13, 2003 at 21:49 |
This is a great album. I admit it is very different from Double Eclipse but Its great! It is just ashame that there are many ignorant people who dont think so.
From: Trick Taylor |
Date: February 14, 2003 at 20:46 |
Ends up a few of these tunes are re-dos from Jonny and Joey's Brunette daze. "Do or Die" and "Your Eyes" for sure. Just got my hands on the Brunette demos. The quality is marginal but very interesting to see just how far Jonny has come as a vocalist. He has grown into one of my favorite yelpers. I have no idea why Brunette wasn't signed. The demos display a knack for songcraft that, given the right producer, would have yielded a truely distinctive album. Brunette's drummer sucked.
From: Juan |
Date: March 31, 2003 at 11:52 |
Para mi este ha sido un FRASCASO de album.. Quizas despues de escuchar el DOUBLE ECLIPSE tenia puesto muchas espectativas.. pero es un coñazo de disco.. Lo siento chavales.. :-(
From: Rocknroll |
Date: March 31, 2003 at 12:59 |
I'm a fan since Double Eclipse. I Think that II is a good album but not better than the first one. Though Y, Do or Die and Hold Me Down are really good songs and worthy for buying. Let's give the boys a force in order to come out Hardline III
From: Alex Gaskill |
Date: April 2, 2003 at 19:17 |
As we all agree upon, much weaker than the previous effort. Still a good album, lacking direction though.
From: Daniel |
Date: April 11, 2003 at 2:00 |
The first album is way better than this. The sound producing and the songs can't hold a candle to their first album. Where's the catchy melodic memorable tunes? Maybe Neal Schon is the reason behind those successful tunes. 'Face The Night' is a great tack though. Other than that, it's not worth buying but worth listening to.
From: |
Date: April 14, 2003 at 20:39 |
Fuck all ya fatherfuckers.HARDLINE ARE THE BEST HANRD ROCK BAND OF ALL THE TIME.100000000000000000000000000 of 10 rating.
From: curt |
Date: April 20, 2003 at 20:31 |
Just like everyone else has said this cd is not as good as Eclipse but it's been 10 years and a different guitarist. The guitarist tells it all. Neil Schon is unbeatable when joining up with bands. (Journey, HSAS, Bad English, were some of them but don't buy any solo albums because they are completely different music. This cd has few good songs which are my favorites: Paralyzed, Do or Die and Your eyes which actually kick butt while the others are good to alright I guess. I'm not crazy about the
From: Curt |
Date: April 20, 2003 at 20:38 |
ballads because they lack feeling and chorus in them except for one of them. While this isn't Eclipse it's still not a bad cd so I'll rate this cd at 6.5. If your wanting to add to the cd collection buy it but if your wanting eclipse, don't. While I think if you listen to it for awhile it grows on you and you may be glad you bought it.
From: Horacio |
Date: May 27, 2003 at 16:27 |
Great album. This is an almost peferct second part of Double Eclipse. I know it´s not what lots of fans were waiting for but come on guys, it´s been more than ten years; don´t get stuck in the past -)My fave song of the album is Paralyzed, a perfect example of what melodic hard rock should be nowadays, with an amazing structure and a catchy guitar that will get into you head easily. Nice to have you back Hardline !!!!!
From: Grudador |
Date: June 7, 2003 at 4:07 |
No one could imagine we'd be listening to heart-made songs like "Y", "Face The Night" and "Only a Night" in 2002! Even though this album has a few avarage songs, we can say it is a fantastic album!!!
From: Wishpool |
Date: June 23, 2003 at 14:35 |
Great follow up to Double Eclipse, This is a kick ass album, I think I like it more than Double eclise.
From: |
Date: June 25, 2003 at 5:29 |
Neal Schon out,Josh Ramos in..Ramos didn't help in this album, his songs are average..Damn,i miss Schon..Hardline tried to make this album a bit more commercial,that's why the sound is a little electronical..Far superior to II,Double eclipse is still one of me favs,and it's the only album that is compared to Tyketto's Don't Come Easy...This is still a nice album of Hard rock,so buy it... 8/10
From: John |
Date: August 20, 2003 at 13:37 |
Y is good. I believe I have a legitimate case for taking these guys to court to get my money back based on the rest of the album. Classic case of buying a dud based on the strength of a past gem. They shouldn't have called this Hardline.
From: RR-Finland |
Date: September 1, 2003 at 6:17 |
Like the cover of the album says: number 2! Even sounds aren´t better than in "Double Eclipse".
From: Chris |
Date: November 4, 2003 at 7:01 |
New Website dedicated to Hardline, Brunette and Johnny Gioeli is online !!! Cya
From: T-Bone |
Date: November 22, 2003 at 15:58 |
I just finished watching the Hardline Gods DVD. There's way too many people on the stage and the female back up singers pretty much ruin the vocals. They sound like shit. I love Hardline, but I'm not impressed with the DVD at all. The sound all togethar is a 3-4 outta 10 at best. Johnny should give up on the hard ass routine he's trying to portray on stage.
From: Mark Jevons |
Date: January 20, 2004 at 9:34 |
Great CD different to Double Eclipse but still great stuff!
From: ROBERT |
Date: February 4, 2004 at 22:55 |
No esta mal, pero para mi a siglos luz de la 1ª obra d arte, y eso q Josh es mucho Josh!! 6'5 d 10!!
From: ROBERT |
Date: February 4, 2004 at 22:55 |
No esta mal, pero para mi a siglos luz de la 1ª obra d arte, y eso q Josh es mucho Josh!! 6'5 d 10!!
From: robert |
Date: February 4, 2004 at 22:57 |
No esta mal, pero para mi a siglos luz de la 1ª obra d arte, y eso q Josh es mucho Josh!! 6'5 d 10!!
From: HardlineRocks |
Date: May 20, 2004 at 10:36 |
First of all : Neal Schon wasn`t responsible for the songwriting on Double Eclipse, he just joined the Band and helped them with some arrangements, all Tracks are written by the two Gioeli Brothers !!!
From: HardlineRocks |
Date: May 20, 2004 at 10:37 |
Second : It was Neal Schon who was responsible that Hardline lost their Record Deal, cause he was damn rude to their new A&R Manager at that time, so blame it on Mr. Wannabe Rockstar Schon !!!
From: HardlineRocks |
Date: May 20, 2004 at 10:40 |
Third :And Mr Schon had nothing better to do than steal 2 ( !!! ) unreleased Hardline Tracks for Journeys last Studio Release " Arrival ", he used them without the permission of the Gioeli Brothers who wrote the tracks !!!
From: HardlineRocks |
Date: May 20, 2004 at 10:43 |
Number 4 of facts : And after a decade after he was responsible to ruin the Band Hardline and steals Gioeli written songs he still talks shit about Hardline which isnt true and will cause him big problems !!! So who the fuck is Neal Schon and why should anyone want him back in Hardline ???? To ruin it once more ??? No thank you, lets this old man play around with Journey !!!
From: HardlineRocks |
Date: May 20, 2004 at 10:47 |
Number 5 of facts : If you ask yourself why I wrote this : I am a friend of Johnny Gioeli and a Hardline Fan since over a deacde and : Hell Yeah Hardline II is different but exactly the way good Hardrock should sound nowadays !!! If you like to get some real Hardline Insider Informations you should visit : By the way : Josh Ramos Rocks !!! Peace to y`all
From: mark |
Date: May 27, 2004 at 8:14 |
at first it's quie disappointing especially if you compare it to double eclipse(which is one of the greatest albums of all time) but it would be unfair to say that its not good.if it would be the first album froma new band everyone would say that it's a very good debut album ,and it actually is very good,johnny never forgot how to sing and his voice on the album is phenomenal.the only thing that bothers me are the parts that sound like many grunge/alternative bands
From: BETO |
Date: July 26, 2004 at 23:34 |
From: Rycheage |
Date: August 5, 2004 at 22:50 |
I think this is a competent follow-up to 'Double Eclipse' considering the natural progression of things. I didn't think we were getting 'Double Eclipse II'. "Paralyzed", "Do Or Die", and "Hold Me Down" are good rockers and "Face The Night" is a top-notch ballad. "Only A Night" is a good mid-tempo ballad. Johnny Gioeli sounds in top form and the band contains some real good musicianship. I recommend this not as a better CD than 'Double Eclipse' but as a good hard rock CD on its own merit.
From: Paolo |
Date: August 24, 2004 at 8:18 |
great speech Chris alias HardlineRocks...I visited your site and I found it very interesting...I'm looking forward to wearing a Hardline t-shirt....HOT CHERIE THE BEST HARD ROCK SONG EVER AND THE GUITAR RIFF IS ALSO MY MOBILE-PHONE CALL TUNE.....great!!!!!
From: Geoff |
Date: August 24, 2004 at 22:40 |
I think this is a pretty good CD. Not as good as the debut but a pretty cool slab of hard rock. 'Y' is my fave and elsewhere there are good hard rock songs. I guess my biggest problem is the weaker and not so full sound of the band - definately not as tight as the group on the debut. Still, some pretty cool songs.
From: jarett r. |
Date: October 2, 2004 at 7:02 |
bobby rock also played in brunette with the gioeli brothers.
From: Geoff |
Date: February 11, 2005 at 22:45 |
I should add to my above comments that 'Only a night' has a pretty weak chorus, but is a lovely song anyway, and that 'The way it is, way it goes' has adelicious hard rock riff. Still not as good as the debut, but a fine slab of hard rock anyway.
From: Swriter |
Date: March 19, 2005 at 19:53 |
well, I wish Neal was on this one, but still a geat 02 release, not as strong as the first but a good one with a hint of modern rock. Hold me down is the standout for me. Great to see class like this in the new decade!!!
From: 80's Hard Rock |
Date: February 8, 2006 at 7:53 |
One of my favorite albums from 2000 - 2006! This is a really good album if you like hard rock, Hardline haven't changed their sound much since 1992, Y is the best song to me!
From: Remastered Reason |
Date: February 14, 2006 at 22:21 |
Anybody doubting that N. Schon has one of the best melodic musical touches on the planet, needs to compare this to the first Hardline release. What's missing? Rather, who's missing? You guessed it. Schon makes all the difference in the world to an album. When compared to their first release, this cd speaks more for the loss of N. Schon than it does for the musical sense & ability of the rest involved.
From: juan carlos |
Date: March 25, 2006 at 14:17 |
Estoy con los que dicen que éste trabajo no llega a la altura del primero pero tiene sus buenas canciones. Me quedo entre los comerciales con la 2,3,5,8 y 10 y de las baladas está "face the night" la voz en esta canción me recuerda a Bon Jovi. Tambien gustan la 7 y la 11 en donde toca neal schon. Recomendado. 8/10
From: Carlos A. |
Date: July 16, 2006 at 13:42 |
Muy aparte que haya sido fallido intento de continuar HARDLINE a este disco si le encuento algo de buen melodic hardrock/AOR como en los temas "Hold Me Down", "Paralyzed" ,"Face the Night" ,"Hey Girl" etc.... breves remembranzas del grandioso 1º disco aunque en plan mas lento y con discretas guitarras...creo que el grupo hubiera tenido mas suerte si se hubieran llamado The Johnny Goieli Band 8.5/10
From: crankitup |
Date: October 8, 2006 at 14:47 |
No this album is not Double Eclipse but is a good album in it's own right.Josh Ramos is an excellent guitarist and added his own touch to the music.If you listen to this album without expecting it to sound like the first one you will find a very good straight forward hard rocking release.
Date: January 25, 2007 at 20:28 |
A pesar de no ser, de ninguna manera un mal disco, en realidad SI baja el nivel de calidad considerablemente respecto a su primera obra. Aqui se intenta dar un tratamiento diferente al sonido Hardline con temas que pretenden ser mas pesados, mas cercanos al rock actual. Aqui hay temas muy buenos y otros flojos, es decir, se percibe cierta irregularidad. Aún asi, resulta bastante agradable, sobre todo por que teniamos buen rato de no tener nada de Hardline. Josh Ramos en buen nivel, pero...
Date: January 25, 2007 at 20:36 |
Neal Schon es único. Gioeli se conserva en gran forma y el grupo suena compacto a pesar de todo. A mi parecer las flojas de este disco son: "Y", "Face the night"(muy prescindible), y "This Gift" (Lo siento Schon, esa no pega). Y a Destacar: "Do or Die" que tiene mucho poder en el coro y en las guitarras, impresionante, de lo mejor, "Hey Girl" (muy buena composición), "Your eyes" (temazo!) y la bella "only a night", sobre todo en versión acústica. Inferior a su Double Eclipse, pero muy bueno!
From: shotgun messiah |
Date: August 10, 2007 at 3:12 |
I think that this album isn't bad as the most of you say.This album sounds good to me.It's modern melodic hard rock.A 90/100 from me to Gioeli brothers and their second album although I have to admit that their first album was much better than this.
From: rick kerch vzla |
Date: December 8, 2008 at 23:11 |
Shotgun Messiah is right!,this album of course is weakier than their debut "D.E." but it offers great songs such as "Do Or Die" or the AOR-ish "Only A Night".Mr Schon did not play the guitar here so you can notice something missing.85/100
From: 123charpenay |
Date: January 9, 2024 at 11:12 |
tracks 5 and 8 are ok ,but the rest it s a pity.nothing in common with "double eclipse".very mediocre songs for a very mediocre record.a big disapointment!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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