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Fair Warning Homepage
CD Title: Rainmaker
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Category: Hard Rock
Year: 1995
Label: WEA (Germany)
Catalog Number: 0630-10336-2
Tommy Heart lead vocals
Helge Engelke guitars
Andy Malecek guitars
Ule Rutgen bass
CC Behrens drums
1. | The Heart of Summer | 3:45 | Listen |
2. | Don't Give Up | 4:11 | Listen |
3. | Burning Heart | 3:53 | Listen |
4. | Rain Song | 3:50 | Listen |
5. | Get a Little Closer | 4:16 | Listen |
6. | Desert Song | 6:48 | Listen |
7. | What Did You Find | 4:59 | Listen |
8. | Pictures of Love | 4:40 | Listen |
9. | Lonely Rooms | 4:56 | Listen |
10. | One Way Up | 3:32 | Listen |
11. | Angel of Dawn | 3:55 | Listen |
12. | Stars and the Moon | 4:10 | Listen |
13. | Desolation Angels | 3:37 | Listen |
14. | The Call of the Wild | 3:48 | Listen |
15. | Too Late for Love | 4:02 | Listen |
16. | Childrens Eyes live in Tokyo | 5:26 | |
| |
Total Running Time: | 69:48 |
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Existing comments about this CD
From: Mentalizer |
Date: August 5, 2001 at 22:37 |
9 ratings and a '7,94'! What this people have in mind?
Date: December 13, 2001 at 6:38 |
A knockout release if I've ever heard one. Hits abound on this one. Too many favorites to pick just two for a review. Hard rocking & melodic with very easily remembered tunes. I give it a 10
From: Eugenio |
Date: January 12, 2002 at 18:13 |
This is not below 9.0 by any chance! You Freakz!!
From: Spainhardrock |
Date: January 31, 2002 at 16:02 |
this album is the best hardrock album in the last years,don't case the ratings, I give it a matchless
From: Mike |
Date: March 22, 2002 at 12:58 |
Men! Get serious! It's about 9,5...
From: Legend |
Date: January 1, 2003 at 22:55 |
A pure jewel! 'Heart of the summer' is the best song for listening driving your car in a sunny day. El 7.55 de arriba no le hace justicia.
From: howe |
Date: June 23, 2003 at 9:41 |
From: wendal09 |
Date: June 25, 2003 at 10:52 |
This is a very good CD. Great vocals. If you like Bonfire, there is no reason you wouldn't like this.
From: Eugenio 'Waite' |
Date: December 23, 2003 at 15:55 |
The most diferent and diverse Fair Warning recording of 'em all. And their best 2. All songs are brutal. This is your album!
From: Andre |
Date: January 30, 2004 at 22:54 |
'Pictures Of Love' is a perfect song, a top 10 in hard rock history
From: Rocker76 |
Date: July 2, 2004 at 9:40 |
I hate to be the odd man out but I do not share the enthusiasm of previous posts. IMO Rainmaker was a very disappointing follow-up to the S/T. Whereas the S/T had consistently well-written and delivered tracks, Rainmaker is very hit & miss. 'What Did You Find' struck me as the only track close to S/T's caliber. There were a couple of other decent songs (i.e. 'The Heart of Summer' & 'Too Late for Love') but overall this record has only a fraction of the power and intensity of the debut.
From: PACS |
Date: August 9, 2004 at 22:03 |
'Pictures of love' is the best AOR song of all time.
From: Steve Nightrain |
Date: August 21, 2004 at 23:46 |
i never heard their other album, but i own this CD several years ago and i think it's a wonderful album, worth every penny you spend, really. 'Picture of Love' and 'Lonely Rooms' are sweet ballads, and the rest are outstanding hard rockin melodic songs. Go buy this ^^
From: MJ |
Date: October 1, 2004 at 2:38 |
From: Border Rat |
Date: October 18, 2004 at 12:08 |
The tracks listed here are different from the cd that I own.Call of the wild and children's eyes are the tracks not on my cd.As children's eyes was a live track I prefer it not being on the cd anyhow.This is a really great AOR record.The song burning heart is the fastest track on the cd and what a belter it is.There are some excellent songs here including too late for love and heart of summer.
From: Max |
Date: October 18, 2004 at 23:26 |
Great album. Only little complaint is that the chorus of the otherwise great the Heart of Summer sounds like Don Henely's Boys of the Summer.
From: keeper |
Date: January 13, 2005 at 6:15 |
Brilliant work! 9/10
From: Geoff |
Date: February 16, 2005 at 23:47 |
This band is good, but for me they're at the bottom of the chain of excellence that comes from Germany. 'Heart of summer' is a great track, and 'Pictures of love' is great too. Just like the debut, they do nothing wrong and it's a good consistent release, but whereas bands like Casanova, Frontline, Jaded Heart, Victory and so on may not have been 1008129978erfect, they always included more stunning tracks than just plain good tracks. For me, Fair Warning have countless good tracks, but few stunners.
From: TIM (2) |
Date: June 4, 2005 at 6:14 |
This was probably their weakest moment IMO, and is more varied than the other 3 albums. But it still contains some immense tunes; 'Pictures of Love' would later appear on the Last Autumns Dream album (but is better here), 'Lonely Rooms' and 'Childrens Eyes' are prime slabs of AOR brilliance, and all the first 4 tracks are truly excellent. Is only some heavier numbers towards the end that spoil the consistency, but it's still a very good album. 8/10.
From: strangeways1 |
Date: May 25, 2006 at 8:53 |
The lowest Fair Warning's album. The sound is not AOR '80 style and the guitars and keyboards are not more refined, but rougher than before. Anyway Tommy Heart's vocals are always great and refrains are still so catchy. 7,5/10
From: BIG-TIME |
Date: August 1, 2006 at 16:20 |
Oh come on guy's are you getting desperate or what, there is nothing that DESTROY'S me on this album. It seem's like a lot of 60's influence has gone into this album the vocal's I agree are good but it stops there... Dont get me wrong I dont hate it but just wont be listerning to it for about the next year or something, KEEP ROCKIN ALL!!!
From: Melo |
Date: December 1, 2006 at 1:06 |
It takes some time for me to get into this damn fine Album ! But after a severel spins,it grows on me ! 8,5 Top !!!
Date: October 7, 2007 at 13:07 |
GREAT CD 90/100 the MATURE sequel of s/t !// All you can love in an EUROPEEN MELODIC HARD ROCK band it's here ! Great singer , good guitar player ,good songs with great hooks and production !
From: metalmaniac777 |
Date: January 21, 2010 at 12:36 |
It would be fair to say that as a follow-up to the band's genre-defining debut, this was as disappointing as finding out that your husky-voiced nymphomaniacal girlfriend used to be a man. Be warned, these guys blew their load on their first outing and were unable to deliver the goods again when they climbed back on board the melodic rock train for another go-round. Expectations were high for this one and the band rained all over everyone's parade. Okay, yeah, maybe I'm making this out to be worse than it actually is, but there's no denying it's a pretty piss-poor effort, as bland and forgettable as a glass of water when what you really craved was a bottle of beer.
From: rick kerch vzla |
Date: July 19, 2011 at 14:24 |
This is an album that without being a killer one is yet effective and delivers the satisfaction tracks for me are "The Heart Of Summer"(catchy),"Burning Heart","Get A Little Closer","Desert Song"(strongly reminded me of the band Kingdom Come),"Pictures Of Love"(nice AOR),"Angel Of Dawn"(nice solid smooth)& "Desolation Angels"...enjoyable...85/100
From: Reverend Mayhem |
Date: December 18, 2012 at 11:24 |
What a terrific album this is -- their best, by far, attributable mainly to the strength and consistency of the songs throughout. Great melodies with thick chorus background vocals, bolstered by some really impressive guitar arrangements. The vocalist is very reminiscent of the Scorpions' Klaus Meine (but not quite as good), and like Klaus, a tinge of German accent comes through occasionally, but nothing detracting. All the songs are highly enjoyable, but "Lonely Room," "Get A Little Closer," and "Pictures of Love" are golden. The production is solid, if a little thin (especially the drums), but that doesn't take away from the overall quality of the album. Really impressive melodic rock, a disc I can listen to straight though repeatedly. 95/100
From: Ydol eM |
Date: June 25, 2013 at 10:26 |
Very good ... standard of European (rather German) heavy rock. If you like Casanova, Bonfire, Soul Doctor or early Axxis, you'll probably like "Rainmaker" too. But all these groups (incl FW) have a common denominator that is, Reverend Mayhem also hit this point, Scorpions. The vocal as well as the structure of songs and choruses. On the other hand I must partly agree also with Rocker76 since I regard the FW's debut better than this album (mainly because of the absence of "heat of emotions" here). As I write at the beginning very good standard but that's all. 80/100.
From: 123charpenay |
Date: May 19, 2017 at 14:54 |
after their extraordinary debut album fair warning have a very difficult challenge with this second effort.they win the challenge cause this follow up is simply brilliant with very catchy songs in the same path of their fantastic first realise.ok we are not exactly at the same level than their fisrt masterpiece.maybe with all second s effort the surprise effect don t play.but this record stay a top class a o r album.don t forget that is 1995 melodic rock was thanx to fair warning to keep the flame alive!!!!!!!!!!!
From: 123charpenay |
Date: May 19, 2017 at 14:54 |
after their extraordinary debut album fair warning have a very difficult challenge with this second effort.they win the challenge cause this follow up is simply brilliant with very catchy songs in the same path of their fantastic first realise.ok we are not exactly at the same level than their fisrt masterpiece.maybe with all second s effort the surprise effect don t play.but this record stay a top class a o r album.don t forget that is 1995 melodic rock was thanx to fair warning to keep the flame alive!!!!!!!!!!!
From: 123charpenay |
Date: May 19, 2017 at 14:56 |
after their extraordinary debut album fair warning have a very difficult challenge with this second effort.they win the challenge cause this follow up is simply brilliant with very catchy songs in the same path of their fantastic first realise.ok we are not exactly at the same level than their fisrt masterpiece.maybe with all second s effort the surprise effect don t play.but this record stay a top class a o r album.don t forget that is 1995 melodic rock was thanx to fair warning to keep the flame alive!!!!!!!!!!!
From: 123charpenay |
Date: May 19, 2017 at 14:56 |
after their extraordinary debut album fair warning have a very difficult challenge with this second effort.they win the challenge cause this follow up is simply brilliant with very catchy songs in the same path of their fantastic first realise.ok we are not exactly at the same level than their fisrt masterpiece.maybe with all second s effort the surprise effect don t play.but this record stay a top class a o r album.don t forget that is 1995 melodic rock was thanx to fair warning to keep the flame alive!!!!!!!!!!!
From: 123charpenay |
Date: May 19, 2017 at 14:56 |
after their extraordinary debut album fair warning have a very difficult challenge with this second effort.they win the challenge cause this follow up is simply brilliant with very catchy songs in the same path of their fantastic first realise.ok we are not exactly at the same level than their fisrt masterpiece.maybe with all second s effort the surprise effect don t play.but this record stay a top class a o r album.don t forget that is 1995 melodic rock was thanx to fair warning to keep the flame alive!!!!!!!!!!!
From: 123charpenay |
Date: May 19, 2017 at 15:01 |
sorry for the five same comments it s due to a problem with the site.
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