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[Mr. Big Band Picture]

Artist: Mr. Big

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CD Title: Get Over It

Mr. Big Get Over It Album Cover


Category: Hard Rock

Year: 1999

Label: Atlantic Records

Catalog Number: 7567-83246-2


Eric Martin vocals
Richie Kotzen guitars
Billy Sheehan bass
Pat Torpey drums


1.  Electrified  
2.  Static  
3.  Hiding Place  
4.  Superfantastic  
5.  A Rose Alone  
6.  Hole in the Sun  
7.  How Does It Feel  
8.  Try to Do Without It  
9.  Dancin' With My Devils  
10.  Mr. Never in a Million Years  
11.  My New Religion  

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The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Mr. Big CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: James Date: May 27, 2002 at 10:54
Kotzen must be a Band Killer. He did it with Poison and now he spreads his blandness with Mr. Big. after you hear the first four songs they all sound the same. Pick this up used for a used price.

From: Kim Date: May 29, 2002 at 1:28
Mr.Big really are the `Biggest pile of shit``ever. I never liked their music and never will. They are one of the bands that ``killed`` good metal.

From: Desslar Date: May 29, 2002 at 14:43
Well, it's not bad. As usual, the ballads are it's strong point. The faster songs are a bit dull, and the album sorely misses the presence of Paul Gilbert.

From: Federico Date: May 29, 2002 at 16:18
I can accept the work done by Kotzen with Poison, I consider Native tongue a good album after all. But with Mr. Big we have their worst cd for sure. Where are great hard rockers like Take cover or Addicted to that rush? Also the ballads are under their abitual standards. I understand why Sheean got in a fight with the rest of the band.

From: Dario Date: November 13, 2002 at 9:06
Totally agree with Federico (italiano?)..I would not take Kotzen as a guitarist for Mr Big his style is different from the rest of the band, althought I think he's a great player, I think I would prefer someone like George Lynch or Reb Beach wich would better fit on Mr. Big music...

From: Dario Date: November 13, 2002 at 9:16
Totally agree with Federico (italiano?)..I would not take Kotzen as a guitarist for Mr Big his style is different from the rest of the band, althought I think he's a great player, I think I would prefer someone like George Lynch or Reb Beach wich would better fit on Mr. Big music...

From: Federico Date: November 14, 2002 at 16:57
Nice to see another Italian guy here. This is the Mr. Big's worst release. Han fatto di molto meglio." Hey man and Lean into it" were much better, isn't it? Concordo pienamente Dario.

From: javier Date: December 13, 2002 at 1:43
I will never understand why a succes band change the style and betray their fans. I want my money back. This Cd is a MASTERSHIT

From: Gar Date: February 11, 2003 at 18:41
Jeez, there are some harsh reviews here. Anyway, I kind of liked this album. "Superfantastic" ranks right up there with the bands best songs. Kotzen does some good work here. Sure, he's different than Paul Gilbert, but so what? They replaced one great guitarist with another one. Overall, this isn't the best Mr. Big album but its got its moments.

From: JHONNYROCKER Date: March 11, 2003 at 14:26

From: Ben Date: December 11, 2003 at 5:18
I agree with Dario .This Kotzen is a FUCKED UP BULL SHIT GITURIST.If i was Eric i will kick his greesy ASS and keep Paul.

From: Imliwapang Date: December 11, 2003 at 5:25
I agree with Dario .This Kotzen is a FUCKED UP BULL SHIT GITURIST.If i was Eric i will kick his greesy ASS and keep Paul.This album GET OVER IT is the worst album ever i bought.

From: Aero Force Mike Date: March 5, 2004 at 16:14
Goddamn, how can people aim such hatred for an album like this? Ok, so Paul Gilbert isn't on the CD and there's no Van Halen-style guitar antics... but man this is a great album! After reading all the reviews I was expecting a total piece of dull crap... it's not. It's full of powerful bluesy hardrock songs with strong hooks - it sounds a lot like The Screaming Cheetah Wheelies at times, who I dig, so that's cool with me. This kicks ass, take a listen before you believe the negative comments!

From: Aero Force Mike Date: March 5, 2004 at 16:17
It goes to show that most rock fans are the most narrow-minded and anal-retentive music-fans in this world. Need proof? Then just replace one of the members from their favorite band and watch them all whine and cry like spoilt children "I'm betrayed". Just grow up and listen to the music that's on the album, its 99% of the time total bias and if it was any other band you'd dig it. And I'll just say again, that this album rules!

From: MelodicMan Date: July 14, 2004 at 22:25
Mr.Big with Richie Kotzen is a tottaly different band, but this album absolutely kicks ass. I really didn't expect an album like their previous classics, but i didn't expect an album so good as Get Over It is. A bluesy Hard Rock masterpiece, with impressive guitar work by Richie Kotzen. Static is brilliant, Dancing With My Devils is great, and Superfantastic is one of their best ballads. The japanese bonus track Walk Over The Bridge is more of the same, worth checking...

From: howe Date: September 27, 2004 at 19:06
This is a great album! These guys have a unique style, and that "tasty vibe" is as alive here as in any other cd from the band. Personally, I think that Mr. Big is THE Hard Rock band of the 90's. As long as people enjoy music, albums like this will always be remembered!

From: Geoff Date: January 9, 2005 at 20:01
I was never a big Mr Big fan, but this album was a whole new level of dislike. As noted, while Richie Koetzen is an established solo artist (Though I don't like his music) he did not for a moment suit Poison and although that CD was good, it was an entirely different sounding Poison. Well, same story here. While Richie can play, his style does not suit Mr Big (More so than Poison, but still not a good swap). More importantly, the songs here are dreadful, IMO. Easily the worst Mr Big CD.

From: Guille Date: June 4, 2005 at 16:20

From: RVB Date: October 6, 2005 at 15:07
This is an EXCELLENT album and the follow-up to this one is even better. Too bad Mr.Big is no more. I don't understand all the negative comments on Richie Kotzen. He is a different guitarist than Paul Gilbert. He already proved he's a fantastic guitarplayer. I keep hoping one day Mr.Big will be BACK in the original line-up or with Ritchie.

From: hair metal again Date: June 14, 2011 at 0:53
very good release by MR BIG once again.richie s addition gives to the band a certain groove and the songs are a bit more bluesy and rockin.the songwriting is in good level ,but i can t see any hits in favs are "superfantastic","electrified" and "mr never in a million years".i am a diehard MR BIG fan and GET OVER IT didnt bother me at all

From: rick kerch vzla Date: December 28, 2012 at 19:12
Not a so solid release,shamely,it has some acceptable songs rather than really good ones("Electrified","Static","A Rose Alone","How Does It Feel" & "My New Religion")...nothing else to add...70/100

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