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CD Title: Actual Size
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Category: Hard Rock
Year: 2001
Label: Atlantic Records / Wea (Japan)
Catalog Number: AMCY - 7300
Eric Martin vocals
Billy Sheehan bass
Pat Torpey drums
Richie Kotzen guitars
Richie Zito producer
1. | Lost in America | |
2. | Wake Up | |
3. | Shine | |
4. | Arrow | |
5. | Mary Goes 'Round | |
6. | Suffocation | |
7. | One World Away | |
8. | I Don't Want to Be Happy | |
9. | Crawl Over Me | |
10. | Cheap Little Thrill | |
11. | How Did I Give Myself Away | |
12. | Nothing Like It in the World | |
13. | Deep Dark Secret Japanese Bonus Track | |
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Existing comments about this CD
From: jason |
Date: June 1, 2002 at 21:52 |
Eric Martin has confirmed that he will be playing a full electric set at "The Gods 2002" in Europe and not the previously announced acoustic set. this will be Eric's first ever European solo show and is set to feature tracks from his new albumas well as Mr. Big classics and more.
From: jason |
Date: June 1, 2002 at 21:55 |
Eric's band for this European show will consist of: Eric Martin (vocals/guitar), Mark Holley (guitar), Mark Chole (bass) and Denise Martin (drums).
From: jason (FA - Q) |
Date: July 19, 2002 at 18:56 |
Eric Martin's solo album is coming out on August 26th. The name of the new album is "I'm Going Insane."
From: Emilio |
Date: March 25, 2003 at 14:29 |
Vaya pedazo de disco, no habian hecho un trabajo tan bueno desde, desde, desde.... ya casi ni me acuerdo. Bueno, desde el Lean into in. Esperemos que al final vuelvan a grabar juntos (Paul Gilbert?). Hecho de menos comentarios en español.  
From: robert |
Date: March 25, 2003 at 15:12 |
Buenos, buenos, buenos, son unos pedazo d genios... Claro q como aquellas 2 primeras obras d arte q hicieron , para mi irrepetibles. Un buen disco, actual, fresco y potente... q grandeis sois MR!!!.
From: freddy de keyze |
Date: March 27, 2003 at 10:09 |
This band had the potential and the talent to release a really classic album, but strange enough, they never managed to do so ! Average is the best to describe all their albums !
From: Vain |
Date: May 10, 2003 at 4:03 |
This album is their best work since Lean Into It. This is a fine melodic hard rock album where Richie Kotzen laid a different style of playing compared to Paul Gilbert, and succecced. They may not be big in the states, but they are bloody huge in Asia, especially Japan. Plus, Richie Zito did an incredible job producing this album. Give it a listen. Go to or and listen to 'Shine' and 'Suffocation' from this album available for download in full length mp3.
From: John |
Date: June 2, 2003 at 22:08 |
Vain, I'd argue that it's their best work period. While not containing a flat out 'hit' like 'Green Tinted 60s Mind', it's much more consistent than 'Lean Into It' to my ears. I'm not a ballad guy, but I can tolerate the slower songs on this records. Kotzen adds a lot to this band. They should put a new record out.
From: Guille |
Date: April 24, 2004 at 19:22 |
one of the best rock bands ever,Eric is one of the best vocals ever,not like Jeff Keith (Tesla),but is a great singer. this band broke finish this album,bad and sad decision.
From: Jose |
Date: June 17, 2004 at 21:42 |
Este disco me recuerda mucho al estilo que saco Harem Scarem en Rubber o incluso en el ultimo Higher, aunque claro superar a la dupla Hess/Lesperance es muy dificil. Yo lo calificaria como un buen disco de despedida simplemente 8.5/10, ya se lo debian a los fans, porque despues del 3er disco perdieron totalmente la brujula de lo que venian haciendo.
From: MelodicMan |
Date: July 14, 2004 at 22:36 |
The last Mr.Big studio album, Actual Size, shows the band moving close to their 2 first albums, except by the guitar lines, because Richie Kotzen will never play like Paul "God" Gilbert, but actually is a great album. Eric sings here like he didn't for years. Too bad this is the final chapter for the band, but sometimes is better you close the book than make a lot of crap albuns like some bands use to do, only for the money (ooops Metallica...). Listen to the song Shine and you will never forget
From: Sergio |
Date: October 9, 2004 at 18:16 |
No se pierdan la banda ARTHURS MUSEUM con R.KOTZEN, tiene 5 temas donde él toca y compone bien al estilo HAIR METAL de la época ( 86 ). Aparte este CD trae otras 5 canciones en una onda mas WEST COST/AOR, parece que de principios de los 80, en las cuales supongo R.K. no participa. Todas las canciones son muy buenas, especialmete la balada FEELS SO GOOD, LADY y L.A. Otros músicos: DANNY THOMPSON, BRIAN VARHELYI y SCOTT LLOYD. 9/10
From: Geoff |
Date: January 9, 2005 at 20:04 |
How amusing, I actually agree 100% with AOR Freaky in his comment. I think this band is one of the most overrated of the period and don't think any of their albums are great, but I guess it's just me and a few others. This album, however, is not bad at all IMO. Sounds okay with Richie there and there are some great songs at the start of this album. Once again, countless fillers but alot better than the previous album. Overall average IMO, but not too bad.
From: Guille |
Date: January 31, 2005 at 12:28 |
SHINE !!!!!.10/10.
From: Gonzalo rock |
Date: August 12, 2005 at 7:12 |
The perfect finish for one of the best rock band in the world. Six studio album, six jewells. Actual size is my favourite, lost in america, shine, wake up, arrow ... until the last song puff... 10/10
From: juan carlos |
Date: June 27, 2007 at 23:51 |
Bueno, Mr. Big nunca ha sido de mis bandas preferidas y está clarísimo; al menos para mí, que los primeros 5 temas son las mejores del disco, aparte la balada "Nothing Like It in the World" que tambien está buena no hay mas en mi opinión. 8/10
From: hair metal again |
Date: May 29, 2011 at 5:13 |
fantastic release by a great hard rock band!this one is groovy,smooth,toc class performed and produced hard rock music.once again eric martin is so sensational,kotzen gives the groove and richie zito achieves perfection in production.the songs are mid tempo at most and all of them are pretty favs are "shine","mary goes round" and "nothing like it in the world".essential
From: rick kerch vzla |
Date: July 27, 2013 at 21:20 |
Ummm,i expected more and to be honest i don't blame them,the band usually has recorded very good albums in the past but in here they took some modern sound that without being a failure is not what we most of the time expect from Eric Martin & C.o.,some good songs in the shape of "Wake Up","Shine","Arrow"(very nice one!),"Suffocation" & "Nothing Like In The World" but that ain't enough...70/100
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