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CD Title: All Is Forgiven
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Category: Hard Rock
Year: 1989
Label: Mercury Records
Catalog Number: 836 776-2
Kristin Massey lead vocals, rhythm guitar, keyboards
Robert Haas lead guitar, rhythm guitar, keyboards, Synclavier, background vocals
Gregg Potter drums
Jon Brant bass guitar
1. | All Is Forgiven | 4:01 |
2. | One Good Lover | 3:53 |
3. | Don't Let Go | 4:15 |
4. | Master of the Land | 4:00 |
5. | Stand Up | 4:25 |
6. | Good Kid | 4:41 |
7. | How Dare a Woman | 4:40 |
8. | Rock-A-Bye | 4:01 |
9. | Love Shut Down | 3:21 |
10. | So Far Away | 4:16 |
| |
Total Running Time: | 41:33 |
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Existing comments about this CD
From: Jimbo |
Date: March 6, 2003 at 4:37 |
This CD's been on the board for only a week and it already has over 300 ratings?! Someone must be pretty bored. There's no other way to explain how a slightly above average group of songs by a slightly below average group of musicians could garner so much attention. All Is Forgiven is a decent song, as are One Good Lover and Master of the Land. But mostly this album is a curiosity because it claims to be the first one recorded directly to computer. Believe me, I submitted this and it's a 7.5 max
From: FDK |
Date: March 6, 2003 at 10:52 |
Pure class !
From: koogles |
Date: March 6, 2003 at 19:15 |
All digital, but not all diggable. "All is Forgiven" is like Saigon Kick with breasts. But not as heavy, more along the lines of Witness or a boring version of Romeo's Daughter.
From: freddy de keyze |
Date: March 7, 2003 at 13:26 |
I can only agree with Jimbo and of course Koogles. Nothing special. Witness is a lot better. Not that it is that bad, but rather average.
From: Great Dane |
Date: March 7, 2003 at 18:57 |
I have it........Its NOT even close to beeing a 6.00.
From: Rycheage |
Date: March 17, 2003 at 2:41 |
This is a pretty weak rendition of Saraya. "All Is Forgiven" and "Master of The Land" are both good but the rest is VERY ordinary and uninspired.
From: SAM |
Date: September 4, 2003 at 6:32 |
GREAT vocals. One of the last original sounding female voices. Not like all the SAME crap you hear these days.
From: wendal09 |
Date: September 4, 2003 at 16:05 |
Hey SAM, if you were to compare these vocals to someone, who might that be? Saraya, Vixen, Lita Ford etc. I have never heard this stuff. Thanx.
From: Pierre |
Date: September 6, 2003 at 16:20 |
This album is like Romeo's Daughter on steroids. Essential : 9.5/10 !
From: AJ |
Date: December 6, 2003 at 20:40 |
Top 20 album in my collection, and there is about 2000 albums. Included Led Zeppelin etc. I bought this album when it was published, and i don't be regret it. Magical voice of Kristin Massey and good melodies, not any bad song in the album. Solid and melodic late 80's hard rock album. Title song is great.
From: asdfkj |
Date: December 21, 2003 at 5:28 |
I like it. Not the best production but good songs. A guitar virtuoso could drastically change this cd for the better.
From: Steve |
Date: January 24, 2004 at 21:58 |
This group evolved into Evanesence, long before Evanescence came out! I have a half of an unrleased Red Siren album (they changed their name to Venus d'Milo on Atlantic Records. circa 1991). The album was never released but it rocks. Way ahead of their time--white rapper and all. Heavy guitar virtuosity and great melodic hooks. A+++ If you can find Venus d' Milo on any file sharing sites, snag it!I give All is Forgiven a 9 out of 10. They took musical chances, unlike groups at that time.
From: jessica96fish |
Date: February 28, 2004 at 11:51 |
the singer started off life with her sisters in tami show.and in my mind this cd isn't too far removed from them.and the band started off as red siren.very catchy songs imo..
From: Lance |
Date: March 9, 2004 at 1:04 |
I saw this band at Hilton Head, S.C. about 15 - 18 years ago. Fourth of July I think. Really liked the music and still have the CD. Nice female vocals/early 80's rock combination. I'm NOT surprised that so many people have responded. I haven't heard a Siren song in a year or two, but have been wanting to Google it and find out what happened to the vocalist I liked so much. Any more info?
From: So Far Away |
Date: July 21, 2004 at 0:28 |
I happened to buy this album by chance, and subsequently have no regrets. Although the songs sound ordinary at first, they slowly evolved to something deeper. There is plenty of potential in the band and their talent actually. What I really like about their music is their honesty in expression. Don't really care about great guitar solos & spectacular vocals or arrangements for that matter. They managed to capture the feel in most, if not all, of the songs here.
From: KingOfMetal |
Date: April 6, 2005 at 0:30 |
Isn't this band simply called "Siren?" I have the CD and nowhere on it does it say "Red Siren."
From: Hubbe |
Date: May 19, 2005 at 12:51 |
I did bought this on vinyl back in 1989 and the correct name of the group is SIREN !! Maybe they renamed later.. ? I STILL think this is very good Melodic Rock.
From: Jimbo |
Date: May 22, 2005 at 10:38 |
To answer KingOfMetal and Hubbe above: the band started as Siren and even released their debut under that name but they were threatened with a lawsuit by another band that had already recorded under "Siren" and were forced to add the "Red" as a compromise.
From: 9 CHAMPIONS A 1 |
Date: June 21, 2005 at 12:44 |
Disco mas bien recomendado para los que les guste el pop con toque AOR,o viceversa...La voz me recuerda por momentos a la de Belinda Carlisle,incluso algun que otro tema tambien recuerda a la guapa peliroja.En fin que si has escuchado y te han gustado discos que en esa época sacaron gente como Shell And The Ocean,Queen Of Spades,Vienna,Y Kant Tori Read (Tori Amos),Tamy Show,Paul Godfrey Band...y similares es mas que probable que este no te desagrade lo mas minimo.CORRECTO.
From: built |
Date: July 15, 2005 at 17:18 |
I was very pleased with cd, I like the songs One Good Lover & All Is Forgiven. Too bad they only recorded one cd. Anyone know what Kristen Massey is doing now????
From: rfriedman |
Date: August 2, 2006 at 23:05 |
Kristin Massey has earned a place in rock history in my book. Her incredible vocals, stage presence (I saw her perform live twice) and songwriting deserves to be preserved for posterity. I heard the guy that signed her was fired and they threw the groups he signed out with the bathwater. She blew Evanescence away 17 years ago! She was far ahead of her time and never go the push she deserved. I read a rumor on the net that she's working on a new CD with her original producer/guitar player.
From: z4roxx |
Date: December 29, 2006 at 13:42 |
Why some major labels produce cd like this one and forget great bands?Sincerely that’s a big mystery I’ll nevcer understand.I can save the ballad”Don t give up”and some pretty moment,the rst is very very average,I don t know if recommend it to female fronted aor collectors,maybe for 1/2$?????P.S.The band's name is SIREN,not RED SIREN.
From: KurtmanJP |
Date: October 3, 2008 at 23:16 |
I highly disagree with the people who call this "bland". Awesome female-fronted AOR with a folk flavor like Alanis Morisette. A mix of all sorts of chick rock ranging from Coastline and Witness to Vanilla Ninja and The Cranberries. "One Good Lover" and "Stand Up" have to be my favorites here. "All Is Forgiven" is a good song as well and "Don't Let Go" is a great ballad. The only song I'd call a filler is "Love Shut Down". Other than that a solid, very good album. Recommended!
From: juan carlos |
Date: October 18, 2008 at 22:21 |
Alanis Morisette & The Cranberries? mmm.. I like both bands a lot but i don´t find too much comparison between Siren and those names. Belinda Carlisle comes to my mind first for example and this is because of Massey´s Voice obviously. "So Far Away" "Don't Let Go" "How Dare a Woman"(Great ballads), "Stand Up" and "Good Kid" are my faves in this order. 8.2/10
From: 123charpenay |
Date: February 16, 2013 at 2:40 |
i ve this jewel since a very long time.always the same pleasure when i listen cd is "siren not red siren".kristin massey have an extraordinary s very strange cause the first time i listen this masterpiece my reaction is "wow she have the same voice than stevie nickx (fleetwood mac)".and strange so on the two pictures in the booklett kristin looks like to stevie, same look, same eyes.i have a doubt.for resume this album is one of the best female a o r pop rock record fillers only killers. track 9" love shut down" is a real hit who could be played by radios ten time by day.we can dream!
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