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Artist: Greenway

Title: Serious Business

(click on Artist's name above to return to artist's main page)

Greenway Serious Business Album Cover


Category: AOR

Year: 1988

Label: Atlantic

Catalog Number: 7 81827-2


Brian Greenway vocals, lead guitars, slide guitars, keyboards
Aldo Nova keyboards
Andy Newmark drums
Daniel Barbe keyboards
Marty Simon Synclavier, keyboards, co-producer


1.  In the Danger Zone  4:08
2.  Right Track  3:21
3.  Playin' to Win  3:21
4.  Serious Business  4:21
5.  I Can't Hold Back  4:59
6.  Let It Go  5:04
7.  R U Ready For Love  3:48
8.  I Believe in You  3:54
9.  It's Alright  3:48
10.  I Can't Say No  4:16
Total Running Time:  41:00

If you see any errors or omissions in the CD information shown above, either in the musician credits or song listings (cover song credits, live tracks, etc.), please post them in the corrections section of the Heavy Harmonies forum/message board.

The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Greenway CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

EPs and CD-singles from Greenway are also welcome to be added, as long as they are at least 4 songs in length.

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Existing comments about this CD

Heavy Harmonies Volunteer
From: Jez Date: December 14, 2001 at 3:46
Good CD with some good tunes, but not the classic that everyone implies and not worth the 45 dollars price.

From: koogles Date: January 1, 2002 at 16:00
I second that motion. "In the Danger Zone" is the best song this CD has to offer. If you're into the idea of paying $45 for one song, then be my guest, but cliches can be found cheaper on other CDs.

From: purrfect-kat Date: September 22, 2002 at 13:46
I bought this cd because Aldo Nova took part in it and I have always liked his style of music. . . After listening to this cd I was disappointed because there are only a couple decent tunes on it and the rest are fillers.

From: Kevin Date: October 31, 2002 at 15:25
Brian Greenway was guitarist for a bunch of classic April Wine records (for those keeping score at home)

From: pete gimpo Date: January 22, 2003 at 2:45
I bought this cd because brian green way is my cousin, it wasn't the greatest of all cd's out thier, but i love brian's work. if ur looking for some sort of low class aor music then this is your band

From: elivia maxwell Date: January 22, 2003 at 2:47
i, as i matter of fact bought this cd because i was at first brian's prostitute, but now i am seeing him... every now and again. But his music is very sexy for all you girls out there!

From: jenny jones Date: January 22, 2003 at 3:03
no, im not the real jenny jones, but i had sex with brian, and he has a small bent weiner!!!! his songs are ok. i loved his ( . ) ( . )!! i drank milk and swallowed, keep rockin, (my number is (312-634-908!) his wang= 8-^-

From: Reno Date: January 22, 2003 at 9:02
Hmmm...3 posts with different names, within 18 minuters of each other, and the IP addy is the same. Could it possibly be the same person with an identity crisis? Who'd A Thought?

From: Rycheage Date: April 13, 2004 at 21:39
I agree with koogles here. "In The Danger Zone" is an awesome tune but not worth the money it's fetching on eBay. The rest of the tunes are basically filler except "I Can't Hold Back" and "It's Alright" which has nice keys throughout and makes it enjoyable.

From: Rafo Phoenix Date: April 15, 2005 at 0:54
Good AOR album, si señores un buen album al estilo Stan Meissner(Dangerous Game) o Fortune(Harlan Cage), AOR fino y con clase buenos cortes Let It Go(un gran tema AOR a medio tiempo mi favorito, recuerda al On my own alone de Stan Bush de Bloodsport), In the Danger Zone, I Can't Say No, I Believe in You, It's Alright ... no un clasico pero un buen album que puede entrar en tu coleccion. Para paladares finos. saludos desde Santiago-Ica-Peru. La ciudad del eterno Sol y del Pisco.

From: rick kerch vzla Date: November 30, 2006 at 7:47
Nice album but definetely not an essential.I mean for an aor fan this would be o.k. but is a SIMPLE ONE.

From: swissmelodic Date: February 9, 2007 at 7:19
Ein nettes AOR Album dessen Songs wohl allesammt auch in einen 80er Teeniefilm gepasst hätten. Etwas zu poppiger Radiorock der nur der Seltenheit wegen teuer ist. Greenway's Stimme fehlt das "Spezielle" so wie dem ganzen Album... Mir gefällts, jedoch kaum 20$ wert.

From: Aorforever Date: January 4, 2008 at 7:30
Must have for all AOR-Fans!

From: aornufc Date: September 22, 2010 at 8:27
I agree with koogles too. :-)

From: rick kerch vzla Date: April 11, 2011 at 22:26
Wow i must admit that after some recent spinnings of this one i drastically changed my mind towards it ,actually this is quite pleasant and overall decent AOR release by the man behind April Wine major hits...some nice contributions on this record such as countrymates Aldo Nova & Alex Lifeson of Rush(remember that Brian Greenway is from Canada like Aldo & Alex)..."In The Danger Zone","Right Track"(rocks),"Playin' To Win","I Can't Hold Back"(beautiful ballad and a favourite o' mine),"Let It Go"(another favourite)& "R U Ready For Love"(also a favourite) are songs that will draw a smile in your face ...really recommended stuff...93/100

From: hair metal again Date: June 12, 2016 at 1:41
excellent solo release for Brian Greenway back in 88,def on the APRIL WINE routes that will satisfy all fans with its classy sound !all the songs are pretty good and the vocs are very warm !"i cant hold back","serious business" and "in the danger zone" are the best moments of this rarity!

From: enduroexpert Date: February 17, 2021 at 18:14
April Wine released some great music, but this compared to other AOR releases of the time doesn't make the grade, far from it.......

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