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[Gotthard Band Picture]

Artist: Gotthard

Title: Domino Effect

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Gotthard Domino Effect Album Cover


Category: Melodic Hard Rock

Year: 2007

Label: Nuclear Blast (Germany)

Catalog Number: NB 1816-0


Steve Lee Vocals
Leo Leoni Guitars
Freddy Scherer Guitars
Marc Lynn Bass
Hena Habegger Drums

Available in several versions with a multitude of bonus tracks. The "tour edition" includes a second CD, a 6-track live acoustic set.


1.  Master Of Illusion  4:03
2.  Gone Too Far  4:00
3.  Domino Effect  3:49
4.  Falling  3:41
5.  The Call  4:02
6.  The Oscar Goes...  4:26
7.  The Cruiser (Judgement Day)  4:30
8.  Heal Me  3:49
9.  Letter To A Friend  3:58
10.  Tomorrow's Just Begun  4:03
11.  Come Alive  2:54
12.  Bad To The Bone  3:45
13.  Now  4:17
14.  Where Is Love When It's Gone  4:10
15.  Can't Be The Real Thing Ltd. Ed. Bonus Track  3:40
Total Running Time:  59:07

If you see any errors or omissions in the CD information shown above, either in the musician credits or song listings (cover song credits, live tracks, etc.), please post them in the corrections section of the Heavy Harmonies forum/message board.

The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Gotthard CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

EPs and CD-singles from Gotthard are also welcome to be added, as long as they are at least 4 songs in length.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: spawn71 Date: May 1, 2007 at 7:04
A lot of buzz around this album before its release: a modern sound? Guitars tuned down? Well, the first 2 songs are sligthly different than the usual Gotthard song, but the album remains a great return, full of great melodies, hooks and riffs, with a top-notch production. For me, hands down, this CD will be in my top ten for 2007: A great come back for a great band! Ah, buy the limited edition, 'cause the bonus track is very good!

From: the rocker Date: May 1, 2007 at 15:01
very good melodic hard rock. i stil think lipservice is better, but this is good stuff. love the guitars.

From: Aorforever Date: May 2, 2007 at 10:06
My favourite song is 'the call'.

From: ninjapeter Date: May 9, 2007 at 5:58
I agree with "the Rocker" This is another masterpiece by a band that can't do anything bad. I also think that Lipservice is a slight bit better though. So many great songs I can't pick a favorite. Keep up the fantastic work Gotthard. Love your country too (Switzerland).

From: z4roxx Date: May 14, 2007 at 10:22
Ahaha if the average rate of"Lipservice"is 9,43 this should be 4 or 5,43.Personally didn't hear the disc yet but I trust in my cousin comment who is a big fan of them....So I would read more negatives comments here.Gotthard are arounf the best bands in activity but if they make a bad release it's necessary to write a true opinion.....

From: Helix Date: May 15, 2007 at 16:13
NO matter what comments are made on this cd,if you are a true fan of Gotthard,you will be happy to know after 15 years they are still togather and making great music.Most bands today are lucky to be togather after 5 years.There is no difference from any other Gotthard cd in this just plan great music.As for the fools that are going to talk negative about this cd,they are just talking out there ass like they do about other bands on this site. 9/10 Keep up the good work.

From: Rafo Phoenix Date: May 19, 2007 at 14:57
Great Melodic Hard Rock, despues de comparar este album con el nuevo de Mad Max encontre un poco mas de gusto en ellos especialmente en las guitarras, este album casi esta a ese nivel todo el album es bien parejo muy buenos cortes claro con ese toque moderno pero con gusto, de los cortes que mas me sorprendieron fue "The Oscar Goes" que tiene un comienzo y estilo identico a un tema de los Raw Silk, en fin otro muy buen trabajo de otra de las Grandes bandas que surgieron en los 90's 9/10.

From: Rafo Phoenix Date: May 19, 2007 at 15:01
Ahora como siempre pasa(no siempre tampoco of course) con los albums de mas de 10 temas esos temas del 11 en adelante son puntos bajos a comparacion de los otro diez aca es asi esos 4 cortes estan en algo pero no dicen mucho tampoco y el tema bonus tampoco llega a impresionar.

From: wotty Date: May 22, 2007 at 15:53
A cd that is a "grower".After the first listen I wasn't that impressed,but repeated plays uncovers a gem of an album.Great M/HR.Lipservice was a hard act to follow,but give this time...

From: Geoff Date: May 22, 2007 at 20:59
A few surprising comments there. IMO, this is a lot better than 'Lipservice' and arguably the best Gotthard album yet. Definitely the most consistent and to me it encompasses all of what Gotthard is. The ballsy hard rock sound of earlier albums, mixed with the very melodic recent albums. To me it's the perfect Gotthard album. Tracks 10-12 are bad news, but every single other track is excellent. Title track, 'Falling', 'The call', 'Now', 'Oscar goes to you' are just a few of my faves. Love it.

From: z4roxx Date: May 23, 2007 at 14:07
I am not so happy to comment a cd I didn't hear,yet.So I apologize but my cousin is a great fan of them(and I am,too).I want to get asap this one to write a righter impression here.Became a big fan of them after their"Homerun"release as I wrote in the past,their first albums were Okay but not sensational for me....BTW one of the biggest name in melodick rock panorama with one of the finest singer in activity,too.

From: FTCharlie Date: June 1, 2007 at 0:13

From: elmomias Date: June 11, 2007 at 7:27
Para mí es un buen disco.Como dice un comentario,con menos canciones hubiera estado mucho mejor.Mis favoritas en este disco curiosamente son las canciones más lentas.Creo que son las mejores de toda su discografía,exceptuando Angel.Creo que en este disco han encontrado tros caminos muy interesantes,utilizando otras formas de acrecarse al instrumento(la bateria en "Falling").me encanta "Where Is Love When It's Gone",con ese acordeón.En fin,un buen disco,diferente a Lip Service,pero a mi me gusta

From: elmomias Date: June 11, 2007 at 7:27
Para mí es un buen disco.Como dice un comentario,con menos canciones hubiera estado mucho mejor.Mis favoritas en este disco curiosamente son las canciones más lentas.Creo que son las mejores baladas de toda su discografía,exceptuando Angel.Creo que en este disco han encontrado tros caminos muy interesantes,utilizando otras formas de acrecarse al instrumento(la bateria en "Falling").me encanta "Where Is Love When It's Gone",con ese acordeón.En fin,un buen disco,diferente a Lip Service,pero a mi m

From: Lennie Date: August 17, 2007 at 11:36
Why is it that Gotthard feel the need to include at least 14 or 15 songs on their albums now, and in doing so have too may ballads and a few fillers??! Shame really cos if you made 'Now' track 10 and called it a day, youd have a killer 10 track album. As it is, too many ballads and overlong! Still scores highly in my book as most of the tracks on offer are great and beats most of the competition!

From: Lennie Date: August 17, 2007 at 11:41
PS - message to KIKOBORRICO - did you mean to rate this album as 10/100?? Cheers

From: cymruaorman Date: September 16, 2007 at 8:24
on hearing this album my initial thought was 'oh no it doesn't work' but after a few plays i can't get enough of it,a true classic and a must for any self respecting melodic rock lover

From: YNGWIEVIKING Date: September 22, 2007 at 3:07
Great CD as always 85/100 BUSINESS AS USUAL and that's the only "problem" ! they know how to make a great CD and it seems sometimes too easy for them / STEVE LEE is such a great singer,he can sing any piece of C;;;µ* music and i think it will sound good !one of the TOP 10 singer ! but if you are a fan you'll love it and if you don't know the band yet you'll be amazed by the talent dispalyed there !/ BUY IT NOW

From: masmusic Date: October 5, 2007 at 12:18
Another Gem from one of the best AOR Bands of our time! 100/100

From: rallen399 Date: October 16, 2007 at 4:25
A great AOR record as always.I agree Lee is one of my fav. singers there are a few fillers but plenty of rockers too.One of the most consistantly great bands.

From: TYNO-BRAZIL Date: October 17, 2007 at 15:28
This cd is awesome . Gotthard really know how to rock.I hope they come back to Brazil soon .

From: ROBERT Date: December 7, 2007 at 17:30
Madre d Dios Bendito,q Conciertazo q dieron estos Genios el otro dia en Barna!! Curiosament la cancion q mas me gusto del Show, fue: The Oscar Goes To You!!!!, q es mi temazo Favorito d este disco. Este ultimo disco, para mi gusto es inferior al Lipservice. Mas comentarios Y FOTOD; en el Melodic Room d, o en Fallenangel (antiguo Rock angels/universo AOR) fue un pasote: el Leo se puso la camiseta q yevaba puesta yo del Barça (con mi nombre detras) y el Steve, me firmo en la puerta d

From: ROBERT Date: December 7, 2007 at 17:31
me firmo en la puerta d mi taxi!! Ya os digo si kereis ver esas fotos y mas comentarios: Una Autentica pasada!!

From: AORside_it's vital Date: February 7, 2008 at 2:52
They did it again! Two years have passed since the splendid “Lipservice” and the Swiss band proved that they are capable to maintain their quality or in certain cases to reach a higher level. Gotthard just keep getting better. Let’s all respect one of the greatest melodic hard rock bands of our times. Oh by the way, "Master of Illusion" is one of the top singles of 2007.

From: Figge Date: February 16, 2008 at 19:49
Still my favourite band for the moment. Great stuff once again from the guys, even if I rate "Lipservice" a bit higher than this one. A little heavier guitars and more modern sounding record this time but the main focus is still on melodies and catchy choruses. Love this disc but as mentioned above, again there are a few too many ballads and some fillers (just like "Lipservice"). Overall, Gotthard has yet again proven that they are one of the absolute best classic hard rock bands in the world fo

From: RockMan10 Date: March 9, 2008 at 0:29
Just another great slab of music from a tremendous band. There isn't anything this band has done that I don't like. Keep it up guys!

From: BIG-TIME Date: February 10, 2009 at 21:13
Don't like this album much just to much of a modern sound and I'm not into that at all. If your a fan of the first 3 albums and a mixture of the others then your fine like me, but I just wanted to fast forward or skip which is the first of Gotthard for me just hope they return to what they do best in the next album...KEEP ROCKIN ALL!!!

From: Swedish Rocker Date: October 4, 2009 at 10:55
Another Gotthard album that has been a "grower" for me. The first time I didn't think it was either better or worse than the previous album Lipservice. But unlike that album this continues to grow with each spin. Maybe because Lipservice had some mroe catchy songs that get you hooked immeddiately, like Lift U Up. I'm surprised Gotthard's latest album, Need to Believe, hasn't been added to the site yet. I must say, though, that I found that album weaker than both Lipservice and Domino Effect. But, then again, maybe that album will also grow on me...

From: metalmaniac777 Date: February 14, 2010 at 9:08
Gotthard kicked off their musical career as a straight-up, no frills hard rock band, then inexplicably mellowed out for a few albums before bursting back into melodic hard rock territory with the unbelievably catchy "Lipservice," which not only drew some old fans back into the fold but garnered them some new ones as well, so expectations were quite high for this follow-up. The band would have a hell of a hard time topping their previous CD, and in my opinion, they didn't--but they came really close, which is pretty darn impressive. Many bands aspire to melodic hard rock greatness, but Gotthard topples most of them like a string of shaky dominos.

From: Sly009 Date: February 27, 2010 at 10:14
Great one here, consistent hard rock. 9/10.

From: rick kerch vzla Date: August 4, 2011 at 22:20
Brilliant release!!!!...Steve Lee...sadly missed indeed...he was one of those frontmen that really put up a show on stage...this album is packed with solid Hard Rock tracks such as "Master Of Illusion","Domino Effect","Gone Too Far","Bad To The Bone" & "The Cruiser(Judgement Day)" but in general lines all the songs are top notch ones!!!...recommended...94/100

From: hair metal again Date: May 9, 2012 at 4:56
very good release by GOTTHARD ,like everything they ve done!excellent european hard rock music ,full of hooks and great melodies ,fine warm vocs and great guitar work!"the oscar goes to you","heal me","the call" are the highlights!recommended

From: 123charpenay Date: March 14, 2013 at 10:54
"domino effect" follow exactly the same path than the extraordinary "lipservice".they make the exploit to bring us a superb record at nearly the same level than their previous effort.beautiful ballads,super class hard rock songs ect ect.the same recipe two years later the same record.congratulations to this amazing swiss band.the best of their country and simply one of the best of the melodic rock area.the last good record with the mighty and charismatic steve lee(rip).the japan bonus track is "superman".(a great song).

From: 123charpenay Date: October 29, 2015 at 14:21
i can add that "the tour edition" is essential cause we have a second record with six acoustic bonus tracks live absoluty sensational.yes rick my venezuelian friend i m totally agree with you "steve lee sadly missed".i ve always this feeling when i listen a gotthard s is very unjust.

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