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Artist: Big Bad Wolf

Title: Big Bad Wolf

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Big Bad Wolf Big Bad Wolf Album Cover Big Bad Wolf Big Bad Wolf Album Cover


Category: Hard Rock

Year: 1998

Label: MTM (Germany)

Catalog Number: 199652


Brett Bloomfield bass, vocals
Greg Chaquico lead, rhythm, and acoustic guitars, vocals
Rolf Hartley lead singer, acoustic guitar, keyboards
Kenny Stavropoulos drums, vocals


1.  Midnight Angel  4:31   Listen
2.  Whereyawannago  4:15   Listen
3.  I Can't Get Over You  4:51   Listen
4.  Walk Don't Run  4:09   Listen
5.  Crystal  4:02   Listen
6.  Shot Down By Love  5:07   Listen
7.  Cutting Edge  4:23   Listen
8.  Three Chords of Steel  4:34   Listen
9.  Light On For You  4:24   Listen
10.  Blame It On Rock  4:47   Listen
11.  Don't Say Goodbye  3:33   Listen
Total Running Time:  48:36

If you see any errors or omissions in the CD information shown above, either in the musician credits or song listings (cover song credits, live tracks, etc.), please post them in the corrections section of the Heavy Harmonies forum/message board.

The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Big Bad Wolf CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

EPs and CD-singles from Big Bad Wolf are also welcome to be added, as long as they are at least 4 songs in length.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: Chris Date: September 3, 2001 at 17:17
This CD is a welcome addition to the ever growing resurgence of 80's inspired metal a la Def Leppard. The vocals are clean and excellent as is the instrumentation. I highly recommend this CD to those who cannot get enough 80's metal.

From: koogles Date: January 1, 2002 at 10:56
The best thing Craig Chaquito has ever done, this CD could eat Starship for breakfast and still have room for Jefferson Airplane!! This flat out ROCKS! Rolf Hartley's voice easily matches a Kelly Hansen or a Tony Harnell. Huge Def Leppard style hooks and production values make this a MONSTER! Crank it up!

From: Don Date: January 31, 2002 at 17:21
What can I say that hasn't already been said by Chris and koogles? This is an outstanding CD! Chaquico absolutely shreds on this record. Don't know if agree with the Def Lep comparisons, though.

From: Brett Date: April 15, 2002 at 10:24
This is simply one of the best Melodic Hard Rock releases EVER! This band should sell millions - I just wish they had the chance to! Any fan of metal should LOVE this cd! BIG BAD WOLF ROCKS!!!

From: Shoemaker Date: April 15, 2002 at 14:24
Just mediocre, not more!

From: Federico Date: April 16, 2002 at 4:15
My rate is a 7. Not bad, The descriptions are all right, Leppard's sound with the singer with a voice cleaner than Elliot. Between the new bands with an 8o's sound I prefer Attraction,Teer,Silent Witness,Jester and Monkeyhead.

From: WidoMakr Date: May 4, 2002 at 12:44
Federico..what the mother F are u smoking??? THIS CD kicks ...these guys are a clone of DL...D2...Winger and Wildside combined....amazing stuff for 1998...who would have thought a CD like this could be put out in the 90's....great stuff...Quote the WidoMakr....never more

From: Federico Date: May 4, 2002 at 14:58
Yes It's good but check out also Monkeyhead and Silent Witness. My favs are the 2 power ballads Cutting edge and Crystal.

From: Dryan Well Date: June 9, 2002 at 13:40
100% Def Leppard!!!Is very good COPY...

From: WidoMakr Date: June 9, 2002 at 13:47
Dryan...compared to the last few pieces of crap made by DL this SMOKES them...I agree a great album..and from 1998...who would have thought this could happen...Quote the WidoMakr....never more

From: ARXONTAS Date: November 28, 2002 at 7:02
There is NOTHING to do here with def leppard EXCEPT some backing vocals which have some commons.Here we have to do with PURE hard rock! Buy or live in ignorance.10 on ARXONTAS scale

From: M. Allen Date: February 7, 2003 at 21:47
From the explosive intro. to "Midnight Angel," you know this is going to be a big, amped-up, high-energy melodic hard rock album. There is not a bad song to be found on this CD and anyone who loves blazing guitars, killer hooks, over-the-top choruses, and walls of harmony vocals a la Def Leppard needs to own this album. Once it sinks its teeth into you, you'll have a hard time getting it out of your CD player.

From: ROB GARCIA Date: February 13, 2003 at 17:11
this could be described as def leppard played through an american band,still very enjoyable.give it a go.

From: John Date: February 14, 2003 at 20:15
While I like the songs quite a bit, the production sucks. I wish they had a decent budget to record a better sounding album. listen again and you'll see what I mean.

From: wendal Date: May 2, 2003 at 21:30
These vocals are better than Elliot. Higher and clearer. A tad more raspy than say Harnell and the guy from Steelheart. Love this disc. Go buy it!!

From: fasteddie Date: June 16, 2003 at 13:34
This is my 1st "bad" review of a cd. Bought it off eBay due to the many glowing comments here, but the few reviewers that didn't like it, I AGREE - musicianship is good, lead vocalist can BELT IT OUT, but their overall sound is too "processed" (esp. background vocals). It all runs together - not the "in your face" guitar songs I was expecting & like. Anybody wanna buy it from me?

From: brent Date: June 23, 2003 at 8:45
Can't believe the status this one has out there. Some of the most derivative (almost embarrassing) crap I've ever blown money on. I don't need to put the CD in....just read the lyrics in the booklet and squirm! Also very poorly produced. To compare this to the quality of Starship (not my favourite band at all)is drawing a long bow IMHO. I must admit that I do like "Cutting Edge" which stands out big time.

From: James Date: June 23, 2003 at 11:25
I found the cd kind of bland for my taste. for some it may be great but I thought the whole album lacked a certain "punch" to push it above BLA Land

From: Decibel Dave Date: June 27, 2003 at 13:25
Hmmmm...had high expectations on this, but though I like it, I have to say it falls well short of great. Good vocals, good production, but the songwriting seems to be a bit lacking IMHO. I'd give it about a 6/10

Heavy Harmonies Volunteer
From: Blue Charvel Date: December 3, 2003 at 9:37
Hmm, I kinda like it, but I don't like this style of production. Way too many triggers goin' on with the drum sound ends up making it sound too big to be real. But I do like the vox & the guitar. Just your basic, meat 'n' potatoes 80's style hard rock.

From: Rocker76 Date: December 23, 2003 at 14:43
I had to look twice when I saw the year this was released. I couldn't believe something this kick-ass could have come out in 1998. Big Bad Wolf are killer! Just as good (if not better) than a lot of the stuff from the 80s. Killer melodies, good guitar work, great vocals. "Crystal" is now one of my all-time favorite power ballads. And "Blame It On Rock," "Shot Down by Love", "Light on For You," and "Midnight Angel" are awesome. If you love 80s hard rock, you'll LOVE Big Bad Wolf!

From: rh screams Date: December 24, 2003 at 4:38
Finding this list was really cool. Let me tell you that this album was recorded with a lot of care and tribute to that which influenced us during that time; Producers: Lang, Nevison, and of course Clink. My influences have always been Perry, Waite, with a bit of Elliot thrown in. Best, Rolf Hartley - Big Bad Wolf

From: Rockhead Date: April 16, 2004 at 7:02
This is a great, hard rocking album with great harmonies and very catchy choruses. Well produced, this is a GEM.

From: Border Rat Date: May 15, 2004 at 7:39
Great name for a band.This is a prodigious rock cd.Not one filler tune in sight.This cd like M Allen,Chris and Koogles says above has great guitar licks and walls of harmony vocals.It is a shame that this band did not do a follow up.A well balanced cd with enough rockers and ballads placed in a nice track running order. 10 OUT OF 1O

From: Border Rat Date: May 15, 2004 at 7:40
Great name for a band.This is a prodigious rock cd.Not one filler tune in sight.This cd like M Allen,Chris and Koogles says above has great guitar licks and walls of harmony vocals.It is a shame that this band did not do a follow up.A well balanced cd with enough rockers and ballads placed in a nice track running order. 10 OUT OF 1O

From: jessica96fish Date: June 18, 2004 at 14:29
sorry.but i got rid of this one.nothing special.poor to say the least.thank god the second hand store took it.very dissapointed.

From: george Date: July 9, 2004 at 4:36
hi do you know the e-mail or the address of the drummer kenny stavropoulos?my

From: phaffas Date: September 3, 2004 at 1:50
excellent release!! i love this, excellent melodic rock. sometimes sounds of def leppard, sometimes i hear journey, but whatever it is its good! Midnight Angel, Whereyawannago, Crystal, Light On For You, Cutting Edge are my favourite tracks, but others are great also! top guitars, and Rolf does excellent job on vocals!

From: The revenger Date: September 3, 2004 at 8:43

From: Geoff Date: September 5, 2004 at 1:57
I really like this CD too! Awesome Def Lep styled hard rock. 'I can't get over you' is my favourite, and one of the catchiest, hugest commercial hard rock tracks ever. The three ballads, 'Crystal', 'Cutting edge' and 'Leave a light on for you' are all excellent high class ballads, and the hard rock tunes are good too. Overall, a really good melodic hard rock release and I'd have loved another one

From: Scandinavia Date: December 15, 2004 at 9:39
A real gem here!!! Really good production job and classes above the normal MTM releases...But hey! When ex STARSHIP & ex LE MANS musicians team-up it's bound to result in magic!

From: Jordi Date: December 15, 2004 at 10:51
WHREYOUWHREYOUWANNAGOOOOOOOOOOOO! Tutumtum!!! Tarariiiiiiiiiiiii, tarariiiiii!! Temazo!!!

From: rh screams Date: January 1, 2005 at 3:51
whereyawannago....I meant it. rh

From: Dave Date: January 2, 2005 at 23:43
Tony Harnell singing with Def Leppard and add a touch of Southgang and this is the result.This album grows on you very quickly and any Leppard fan will love it.Very catchy and a very good effort.A follow up would have been very interesting !!

From: Chad Date: January 11, 2005 at 18:41
I can't believe that out of all the previous posts,I am the first to mention that these guys sound like FIREHOUSE!From the guitar to the background chorus'throughout the album,the first band that jumped out at me for sound was Firehouse.Even Rolf Hartley sounds alot like CJ Snare on many of the songs.I do hear Tony Harnell too as Koogles pinpoints.All that I can say is if you like riff driven,soaring 80's rock you will enjoy the hell out of this album.I certainly do and yes,I enjoy Firehouse too

From: Chris Date: April 22, 2005 at 19:23
This is an exceptionally good release - Bands like TNT (Vocals), RATT & ARCADE come to mind when I listen to this. Add on top of that pretty decent production, & you have yourself a great CD. Wish there were more Bands like this still around today. 8.5 out of 10 - The only weak track in my opinion is "3 Chords Of Steel" - VERY unecessary & doesn't quite seem to fit in with the rest of them.

From: Dreamaholic Date: June 2, 2005 at 7:12
I was disappointed after all the hype this has received here. Midnight Angel is one of my favorite songs, and the three ballads are very good. But the rest of the album suffers from poor songwriting, especially Three Chords of Steel, which is horrible. Worth the price of Midnight Angel alone, but the rest is spotty.

From: stryper Date: June 15, 2005 at 18:28
crap!!crap!!crap!!ok enough of that.but after buying this.the only place i could get rid of it.was a bin in nottingham.oh did i say how CRAP THIS IS!!!jessica96fish

From: ninjapeter Date: June 21, 2005 at 4:29
I won this cd on ebay and just received it and I am listening to it for the second time right now. Absolutely fantastic band, I love it a lot. Great melodies and hamonies and it also rocks the house. The ballads are good too. I would compare them to Treat, Fate or Skagarack, not Def Leppard. It's a real pleasure to listen to. Buy it if you find it, I recommend.

From: headbanger4life Date: January 4, 2006 at 3:47
I really loved this being a Def Leppard fan. Has the Leps hooks and gang back up vocals all over it. The lead vocalist is similar to a lot of the above mentioned singers (Tony Harnell, CJ Snare & Kelly Hansen). Greg Chaquico (ex-Starship) has really found a great sound. My favorite tracks are "Midnight Angel" and "Three Chords of Steel". Simply fantastic release. I have the Japanese version with a bonus track.

From: Melodiker Date: July 31, 2006 at 11:50
Can not believe,that this one ist so good.Own it on Ebay for 2 Euro and didnt expected so much,but..........thumbs up ! 8.5/10

From: aorteto Date: August 1, 2006 at 15:23
Con un poco de DEFF LEPPARD, FIREHOUSE y LOUD AND CLEAR no puede salir un mal disco, al contrario, este es muy bueno. Las mejores son BLAME IT ON ..., CRYSTAL, MIDNIGHT..., I CAN NOT GET y WHEREYOU... Mencion aparte para la produccion que es sobresaliente. No pierdas el tiempo si lo tuyo es el hair-metal americano.

From: Metalmusicman Date: January 1, 2007 at 14:57
Holy f*cking sh*t is this good!!! Really didn't see that coming. Very, very good AOR album! Lush melodies, intertwined with massive guitar hooks and huge choruses throughout. There is no filler within a thousand miles of this thing and it has several gems on top of that. Talk about bonus! "Midnight Angel", "Whereyawannago", and "Cutting Edge" are simply magnificant! I just can't recomend this one enough!!! Please guys, I'm begging you for another one!!!

From: juan carlos Date: January 17, 2007 at 0:02
Buen comienzo con "Midnight Angel" con unos solos a lo Bad Company era Howe, gran tema pero me quedo con 3 temas que son lo mejor del disco: "I Can't Get Over You" con un comienzo acústico a lo "More Than a Feeling" de Boston, me encanta este tema y mi favorita del disco. "Crystal" es otro temazo y "Cutting Edge" no se queda atras. "Light On For You" tambien aceptable. La producción aceptable, Coros la mayoría Lepperdianos. Muy buen disco. 8.5/10

From: BIG-TIME Date: August 12, 2008 at 12:39
Can't believe I ain't posted on this before now??? I love this album good vocals really mixes well with the songs and harmonies. Greg is just an amazing guitarist, prodution is a bit lacking but it all blends well...a friend of mine said this was oringinaly done at the end of the 80's can any one shed some light if it was or not coz im not sure...KEEP ROCKIN ALL!!!

From: 7Sinner Date: August 28, 2008 at 13:05
Love this CD, one of my favs and I can't seem to get it out of my CD to see a follow up release by this band...

From: 20gunsalute Date: September 26, 2009 at 0:37
This is just a tad melodic for the likes of me. Well done and everything, but just too polished and commercial sounding. Once again suffering the fate of so many other bands from the late 80's early 90's, ditching a rockin' sound for a cleaner one

From: rick kerch vzla Date: June 9, 2010 at 20:39
Pretty good album by the Starship's axe man,Mr Graig Chaquico!..really a very interesting album and with a vocalist(Mr Bloomfield) that reminded me of Ted Poley(Danger Danger)at times.."Midnight Angel" starts the action fairly good,"Whereyawannago" is excellent apart from having a very original game of words!,"Crystal" rocks the boat,"Shot Down By Love" is a highlight...then after these songs come my fave ones.."Cutting Edge","Three Chords Of Steel" & "Light On For You"(this last one a highlight too)..."Don't Say Goodbye" has a very cool guitar work,courtesy of the very talented only album that this band recorded but a goodie one!.Buy!..89/100

From: Jimmy D Date: October 10, 2010 at 11:29
I totally hear some Tony Harnell in Rolf Hartley's voice. And definitely some Ted Poley from Danger Danger or maybe some C.J. Snare from Firehouse. The only Def Leppard I really hear is with the backing vocals, but definitely a decent CD with an 80's feel to it for sure. But...Guitarist is CRAIG not Greg.

From: Harald Date: October 2, 2011 at 3:38
wow...what a fantastic discovery. If you you like the big ballads of the first two FIREHOUSE CD´s then you need to listen to "I Can´t Get Over You" or "Crystal" as soon as possible. This is high polished melodic stadium rock, pure brilliance!!! It´s still going very cheap at Amazon/Germany so you better hurry up before it´s gone and you missed one of the best late 80´s/early 90´s sounding albums.I bought mine for 2,64€ and I think it´s the best purchase I have done in a long time. GREAT GREAT album !!!!!Thanks to MTM for giving us this melodic masterpiece, MTM were are you now????

From: Hair metal hero Date: June 5, 2012 at 3:23
Just as many have said before this is great 80's rock in the vein of Def Leppard. Love these kind of dicoveries. 90/100

From: hair metal again Date: October 8, 2012 at 11:33
amazing commercial hard rock release by BIG BAD WOLF!this is one of those releases that are really appreciated by die hard fans of the genre!these guys have all the elements of the late 80 s early 90 s bands that made the hard rock the most popular music on this planet!huge choruses,many hooks,great backing vocals,fine ballads,and great guitars!surely a must have!

From: 123charpenay Date: October 8, 2012 at 13:31
totally ok with hair metal again.the best record of 1998.i love this fantastic record when i listen it i feel always the same pleasure.this album is an atomic of the best m t m realise ever.absoluty no fillers only killers hight class hard fm records.this jewel is in good place of all serious hard fm collection.i recommand the japan import cause the ice on the cake there is a bonus track.excellent of course like the rest.

From: edegagne Date: October 24, 2012 at 11:50
Greg Chaquico is not from Starship people, that is Craig Chaquico. Great CD, definitely a nice addition to the collection.

From: edegagne Date: October 24, 2012 at 11:57
My bad, it actually is him (On Wikipedia)!! His name is misspelled on this site, it is indeed "Craig".

From: edegagne Date: October 24, 2012 at 12:01
Big Bad Wolf was in Craig's wikipedia page, but this album was missing from his Discography section. I have just added it.

From: MelodicMetal4Ever Date: April 22, 2021 at 18:41
Listened to this album the first time and thought there's a couple songs I liked. Listened to it a 2nd time and thought MAN THIS IS AN AWESOME ALBUM!! Other then the tracks listed above I have to add the tracks "Rock Someone" & "Blame It On Rock" as additional stand outs. KILLER CD! Rock on!

From: Auslander Date: May 8, 2021 at 15:39
Just wow! This is the album everyone wanted Def Leppard to release in 1998. How did I not know about this before? Brilliant release with killer gang vocal harmonies. It even sounds like it was produced by Mutt Lange. I can't recommend this enough. I will be listening to this a lot more in years to come. Best track: I Can't Get Over You, but believe me there are many highlights. Grade A.

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