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[Casanova Band Picture]

Artist: Casanova

Title: All Beauty Must Die

(click on Artist's name above to return to artist's main page)

Casanova All Beauty Must Die Album Cover


Category: Melodic Hard Rock

Year: 2004

Label: Escape Music (UK)

Catalog Number: ESM108


Michael Voss Vocals, Guitars
Stephan Neumeier Guitars
Jurgen Attig Bass
Michael Eurich Drums


1.  On My Love  3:52
2.  Happy  4:12
3.  Not Over You  3:59
4.  Would I  3:29
5.  Lying  4:50
6.  Dreamer  3:48
7.  Last Of The Runaways  3:23
8.  Under My Skin  3:35
9.  Psycho Lisa  5:17
10.  After The Love Goes  3:57
11.  The Guitar Man  3:38
Total Running Time:  44:00

If you see any errors or omissions in the CD information shown above, either in the musician credits or song listings (cover song credits, live tracks, etc.), please post them in the corrections section of the Heavy Harmonies forum/message board.

The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Casanova CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

EPs and CD-singles from Casanova are also welcome to be added, as long as they are at least 4 songs in length.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: Delbert Date: November 2, 2004 at 7:12
Casanova has always been one of my favorite bands. However each of the more recent releases have loss momentum. This is the most dissappointing of all. It appears they are struggling to gather any energy to make good music and in my opinion should call it quits.

From: Hard Rocker Date: November 2, 2004 at 18:38
Excellent comeback album!!!! Great songs like "On My Love", "Not Over You", "Would I", "Lying", "After The Loves Goes" and "Psycho Lisa" will blow your brains to the wall!!! Good to see the band back in action!!! Check out the review on were the album was chosen as the best album of Octomber!!!! Casanova Rulezzz!!!

From: Krafty Date: November 2, 2004 at 20:12
I have always been a huge Casanove fan. Great band, shit CD! I will listen to it a little more, but all in all, not impressed.

From: vandervelde Date: November 4, 2004 at 9:32
Good record from the once great band. We have here some good ( and even very good like the On My Love) melodies and overally no fillers here. Definately better than the last Demon Drive disc...

From: AORmaniac Date: November 7, 2004 at 20:10
Well... i defenitely agree with Hard Rocker and Vandervelde... This album is very good!!! I'm glad that one of my all time favorite bands is back with such a good album! I just found a Casanova Fan site on the net at: I'm on my way to join the club!!!! Cheers!!!!

From: Geoff Date: November 10, 2004 at 2:06
Although this is not as good as the s/t or 'Heroes'... or I must admit 'One night stand', as a whole album - this is a great CD. I love everything Casanova has done, as well as Demon Drive and this is no exception. 'On my love' is one of their best songs yet with an amazing musical intro, 'Not over you' and 'Would I' are melodic hard rock gems and the rest are great hard rockers. Overall, great CD and I hope there are more to come. Love Casanova!!!

From: R.S.-Rocks Date: November 10, 2004 at 18:28
Fantastic new album from germany´s finest band. Check out the japanese version with a fantastic bonus track called "Shine".

From: bob Date: November 12, 2004 at 8:59
buahh, not a good one from M. Voss. go for silver instead.

From: Manolo (Snake) Date: November 15, 2004 at 3:16
Soy un gran fan de Casanova y de Michael Voss,y para mí,fue una gran sorpresa que volvieran a editar un nuevo album en el 2004 y que tambien estuvira la formacion original.Es increible como en los tiempos que corren aún compongan canciones tan preciosas como "on my love" que nos recuerdan una vez mas a la frescura en composiciones de su debut en el '91.Todas las canciones están muy bien compuestas, y se nota que está el grupo al completo,me quedo con "on my love" y con "after the love goes"seeya

From: Firesoul Date: November 15, 2004 at 11:17
Despues de haber escuchado el último disco de Casanova varias veces, he de reconocer que no esta mal, aunque a mi me atraigan mas las bandas como Gotthard o Bang Tango ( cuyo regreso me ha gustado mas que los Casanova ), y como bien dice Manolo , se agradece este estilo de musica, despues de tanto "Hard Rock Grunge" que nos quieren vender como el nuevo Hard, no dire nombres para no molestar a nadie. Un saludo.

From: T-Bone Date: November 17, 2004 at 7:09
I like the previous efforts from Casanova. I figured I'd check this one out for the cover itself!

From: TIM (2) Date: December 7, 2004 at 3:28
This one's a real grower with the songs not embedding themselves into your brain until after a good few listens. Opener "On My Love" is particularly excellent, and is almost AOR. Track 2 "Happy" is like a punky nu-breed track, but with an equally catchy chorus. High on variety, but not short on quality catchy tunes, this is the best thing I've heard from Voss for some time. Recommended. 8/10.

From: Alberto 4 Date: December 20, 2004 at 15:57
Casanova nos ofrecen un total de 11 buenas canciones que tienen como factor común el "medio tiempo" y las densas melodías. Este álbum mantiene la tónica de anteriores trabajos, aunque en mi opinión quedan un poco lejos aquellos estribillos pegadizos del primer disco. Personalmente me quedo con "On My Love", "Would I" y "After The Love Goes". En definitiva, hay que reconocer el buen hacer de este grupo alemán a lo largo de los años. ¡Y no olvidaré decir que la portada es absolutamente fantástica!

From: Marc Date: December 26, 2004 at 12:52
The songs are not as good as on the first 2 records. I don´t think that anything good will happen with this album and the bands career. No live- dates planned, weak record sales in the first 2 month after the release date, and the bands homepage is still under construction. So all I can say is : Close the book and turn away. Sad but true. I expected sooo much more from this band !!

From: Sergio Date: March 29, 2005 at 20:23
Una grandísima decepción me provocó este disco. Algunas canciones son tan, pero tan malas, que me dan asco, y estoy hablando en serio !!. Prefiero el último de LAST AUTUMN'S DREAM o de SILVER ( compuesto por VOSS ). Nunca me sentí tan arrepentido de gastar tanta grana en un CD. ( excepto por DOKKEN-SHADOW'S LIFE, que encima era japonés y el bonus era peor que las canciones regulares !!!!).

From: Journey Date: April 20, 2005 at 13:45
Grandísimo trabajo del sello Escape, que sigue los pasos de Frontiers y compañía encargándose de DESTROZAR

From: Rafo Phoenix Date: May 22, 2005 at 12:09
Mmm Good album, sin con dudas lo digo pero es buen album despues de todo lejos de sus 2 primeros Buenenisimos albums que no entran al caso, este disco tiene sus buenos cortes casos de la On My Love, Under My Skin o Lying con algo de sonido moderno y influencias a Def Leppard, y otros cortes realmente aburridos y malos como la 7 y 11, pero el resto de cortes se comportan de manera correcta por eso lo de bueno. bueno saludos del Ave Fenix que todavia se mantiene en pie por ahora.

From: metalmaniac777 Date: February 21, 2006 at 13:10
Casanova the man had the ability to make all women fall in love with him; Casanova the band has the ability to make me fall in love with just about anything they do. While this CD isn't their best, it's better than "Sway" and at least as good, maybe even slightly better, than "Heroes," making it a melodic hard rock album well worth owning. There are some brilliant hooks on here and very catchy choruses, which is pretty much why you pick up a Casanova album. A most excellent release.

From: hernanHRM/AOR Date: November 1, 2007 at 0:30
Que paso aqui me estaba olvidando de este albun de Casanova y empesando con un bonito tema "On My Love", "Under My Skin", "After The Love Goes", un buen Melodic Hard Rock Actual un buen albun para mi gusto buenos toques fuertes y suaves a la vez pero como que ya suenan algo alternativo en algunos temas...

From: coverdale14 Date: November 12, 2007 at 13:33

From: andi Date: May 24, 2012 at 12:03
First 2 Albums are the is shit!!!

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