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[Stan Bush Band Picture]

Artist: Stan Bush

Title: In This Life

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Stan Bush In This Life Album Cover


Category: AOR

Year: 2007

Label: Frontiers Records (Italy)

Catalog Number: FRCD 330


Stan Bush Vocals
Holger Fath Guitar, Keyboards
Lance Morrison Bass
Dirk Nagel Keyboards
Matt Laug Drums
Rocket Ritchotte Guitar


1.  I'll Never Fall  4:27
2.  I Got A Thing For You  5:06
3.  I Can't Cry  4:39
4.  In This Moment  5:00
5.  Waiting For You  4:24
6.  The First Time  4:40
7.  Long, Long Way  4:41
8.  Over You  3:52
9.  Take It All The Way  4:44
10.  In This Life  4:55
11.  Southern Rain  3:49
Total Running Time:  50:17

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The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Stan Bush CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: Rafo Phoenix Date: May 5, 2007 at 3:23
Very Good AOR, estuve escuchando mas de 1 mes este muy buen trabajo y la verdad lo que mas espero es que Stan meta un corte en la banda sonora de los Transformers este 4 de Julio cuando salga, de este trabajo los mejores cortes son I'll Never Fall, I Got A Thing For You, I Can't Cry, Waiting For You, Take It All The Way por la letra y estilo el primer corte se merece ese Honor de estar en el Soundtrack ya veremos, eso si ninguno como en los 80's, este trabajo muy compacto 8.5/10

From: juan carlos Date: May 5, 2007 at 9:57
Si te gust' el 'Shine' de seguro te gustar' 'In This Life'. La producci'n est' mejorada pero sigue sin gustarme el sonido de la bateria. Todos los temas son muy parejos pero me quedo con 'I Can't Cry' (con un solo muy bueno y el riff como no, recuerda al 'Missing You' de John Waite), 'Waiting For You', 'Long, Long Way' con un solo a lo Neal Schon al igual que 'I'll Never Fall' que me recuerda a Journey. El album tiene sus toques modernos como en 'Over You' bien fresco. S'per-Recomendado. 8.8/10

From: Heavy.AOR Date: May 14, 2007 at 15:19
One of the best for this year 10/10.

From: Carlos A. Date: May 21, 2007 at 20:51
Excelente retro AOR 80`s recargado de temazos,la interpretacion de Bush es nada menos que es genial,se percibe que sacrifico para realce de su voz sofisticados arreglos de sonido de la percusion y coros(casi ausente)pero el resultado es inmejorable: buenos guitarrazos, baterias mordaces, basicas y muy rockeras que le dan a cada tema un marco IDEAL:'Take It All The Way','In This Life','I'll Never Fall','Southern Rain' son Oro puro. Una haza'a comentar esta diadema dado que salio en Abril 9.85/10

From: Carlos A. Date: May 21, 2007 at 21:04
Si Juan Carlos Spiro es de tener en cuenta y si disco lo tendre, respecto a este disco te recomiendo que lo escuches de nuevo, remontate al Stan Bush & Barrage para mi es el mejor referente bueno es mi discreta opinion, no estoy mas que de acuerdo con el puntaje que le puso Dan de HH. este Disco va para mas. Un Saludo.

From: wotty Date: May 22, 2007 at 16:13
It's a Stan Bush cd,you know what to expect.Top quality A.O.R.and to my ears,a very slight Country feel...

From: Geoff Date: May 22, 2007 at 20:53
Another very consistent album. This is probably my favourite one from him, and his last few albums definitely seem to be getting better with each release. If you like catchy, very melodic and 'radio-freindly' rock you'll love this. As others have said, you know exactly what to expect from Stan Bush and he doesn't throw any curveballs here. Reliable, good melodic rock.

From: FTCharlie Date: June 1, 2007 at 0:02
No news are good news. A classic Stan Bush album with power and melody. That's how an aor album should sound like!!!

From: Dr_Funk Date: September 4, 2007 at 22:15
My first taste of Stan Bush - not including 'The Touch' and 'Dare' from The Transformers Movie - and I haven't swallowed yet. Not because I want to spit it out, but because I want to savour it. This album is incredible. I keep hearing it's his best, but I'm willing to give his other albums a go. I've got the North American release with a reworked 'The Touch' and 'Til All Are One' - two tracks which were submitted for the Transfomers soundtrack, and were unused. Definitely worth getting for them!

From: lalorock Date: September 30, 2007 at 16:27
Es el 2007 y es una bendici'n que todav'a salgan discos como este, de puro A0R con esas melod'as que te enganchan que te vuelven loco de gusto,que grande eres STAN BUSH!!,uno de los 'conos del rock mel'dico,solo 'l podia sacar temas tan maravillosos como I got a thing for you,In this moment,Waiting for you(que tal power ballad!),Over you donde la voz del t'o te hechiza,Take it all the way cambios de ritmo impresionates,en general todo un orgasmo para tus o'dos,9.5/10.

From: AOR-Wizzard Date: November 18, 2009 at 13:00
Hi,this is a smashing piece of AOR-Melodic-Rock,it just can,t get any better than this,this guy Rocks he has the strength and the feeling to leave you with your mouth open,begging for more,thank you Stan Bush for a remarkable and breathtaking album,just keep playing it,it makes you creep up to your cd player and push the return button,goodness me,this is gerat and deserves a place in Heaven.

From: rick kerch vzla Date: May 18, 2011 at 13:02
Very pleasant and typical Stan Bush album!!! ....the maestro with another good example of clean AOR...'I'll Never Fall','I Can't Cry'(nice),'In This Moment','Long,Long Way','In This Life'(great!),'Southern Rain'(nice softy' & the japanese bonus track 'The Other Side Of Love'(smooth) are top notch tracks undoubtebly...nothing strange if it comes from the mind of one of the biggest names of the genre...90/100

From: 123charpenay Date: March 4, 2014 at 13:25
exceptional aor record.yes rick it s a typical stan bush realise ,but here the leval is very very high.only killers aor songs and absoluty no fillers.this album have an other advantage ,it s a varied realise.we never have to have the feeling to he

From: 123charpenay Date: March 4, 2014 at 13:29
sorry to hear the same song even if we reconize immediatly the stan bush s trademark.this record is essential and a wet dream for all a o r lovers of the world.the japan reissue is recommanded cause there is a very great bonus track (beautiful ballad).i can add that the production is perfect.

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