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[Alleycat Scratch Band Picture]

Artist: Alleycat Scratch

Title: Deadboys in Trash City

Alleycat Scratch Homepage

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Alleycat Scratch Deadboys in Trash City Album Cover


Category: Glam

Year: 1993

Label: Kick Your Cat Records

Catalog Number:


Eddie Robison lead vocals
Devin Lovelace guitars
Boa bass
Robbi Black drums


1.  Stilletto Strut  
2.  Take A Bite (Outta Me)  
3.  Cats Got Your Tongue  
4.  Soul Survivor  
5.  Sexual Addiction  
6.  Love Sick Junkie  
7.  Cheap City Thrills  
8.  Roses On My Grave  
9.  Trash City  
10.  Plastic Dolls  

If you see any errors or omissions in the CD information shown above, either in the musician credits or song listings (cover song credits, live tracks, etc.), please post them in the corrections section of the Heavy Harmonies forum/message board.

The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Alleycat Scratch CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

EPs and CD-singles from Alleycat Scratch are also welcome to be added, as long as they are at least 4 songs in length.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: tom Date: April 1, 2001 at 12:57
The best glamalbum ever.

From: Jason Date: May 16, 2001 at 15:28
One of the best Glam Albums Ever.

From: glamguy76@hotma Date: July 3, 2001 at 8:54
This album is simply gorgeous, it's really kick-ass!!

From: SleazyMusic Date: July 20, 2001 at 3:13
A very good glam album., but not excellent..Faster Pussycat oriented with Motley Crue riffs....

From: rockchick Date: August 31, 2001 at 3:58
a great cd - with even greater members - love to see them live - and party

From: Suz Date: October 26, 2001 at 7:53
Wow! To see this band again! I used to keep in touch w/ Boa, me & my twin sister back in the early '90's. Very interesting band, to say the least. I love those glam bands!

From: JF Date: January 20, 2002 at 11:46
Stilleto Strut may be the best song ever! This CD kicks ass!

From: HG Date: February 16, 2002 at 19:44
It's just a shame this CD came out so late. One of the true hidden gems of the sleaze rock genre.

From: Sayneman Date: February 26, 2002 at 20:08
Love this stuff! Catchy riffs good hooks. Great Parties! Great bunch of guys! What ever happened to those days?

From: Tattoomadman Date: March 8, 2002 at 8:39
Super !!!!!! Best album. My favorite disc.

From: thierry Date: April 11, 2002 at 16:47
i want this album. I'm french HELP ME PLEASE

From: LoveSickJunkie Date: April 13, 2002 at 0:43
Check this out Motherfuckers! Wow, Alleycat Scratch rocks!

From: TIM Date: April 15, 2002 at 22:40
Sorry folks, but I wasn't crazy about it. They sound like Motley Crue on speed. They aren't bad, but I prefer the Crue- especially the early stuff. Alleycat kind of reminds me of Erotic Suicide- Abusement Park. Good, but not so good. SleazyMusic hit the nail on the head.

From: SleazyMusic Date: April 24, 2002 at 20:57
TIM, what's the meaning of .... hit the nail on the head?? Sorry, but I'm from Italy... bye bye baby

From: TIM Date: April 25, 2002 at 10:01
It's slang. It means that you were very accurate with your description. In other words- I am in total agreement with your comment.

From: SleazyMusic Date: April 29, 2002 at 10:22
oh thank you TIM :-)))

From: tomcat Date: April 30, 2002 at 11:04
this is what glam is all about;.a cd with 10 good tracks and no fillers., the looks that kill, anyway, they were right on target with the entire package that surrounds this cd..a 10 out of 10 tomcat@dolfijn.Nl

From: STUIE BARBZ Date: May 10, 2002 at 18:05

From: Blazeaway Date: May 28, 2002 at 12:20
Killer cd. Everything it's supposed to be. If you like glam, you have to get a copy of this. Sure they sound like Crue, Poison and a whole lot of other bands. But so what? And the production is not bad either!!

From: Gracia Date: June 6, 2002 at 8:34
The best of glam!!!!!!

From: t.deexx Date: June 8, 2002 at 20:55
goooood shit for glamz motherfuckerz . ok, they are motley clones with a bottle of adrenaline over... so , what? . Gorgeous glam n roll anyway . Listen and decide.

From: RichieRocker Date: June 28, 2002 at 22:13
Their is a little FasterPussycat in here and A little Motley Crue too. I like these guys, I think they rock and are crazy, but I was a little dissapointed with some of there recorded material. Oh well to each his own I guess.

From: David Date: July 1, 2002 at 4:04
KIM, I think i'm in love with you. ROCK ON! I'm being serious. What is your e-mail address??

From: Date: July 23, 2002 at 5:18
the best album ever that's it

From: llerg Date: July 23, 2002 at 5:19
i'm looking for the song Cheap city me !!!

From: Purrfect Kat Date: July 24, 2002 at 3:43
I figured it out Tim and I must say this is a cool way to send messages... hey llerg email me at and I will help ya out...let me know what else you need.

From: Glampuppet Date: August 1, 2002 at 5:56
This album is totally cool,probably one of the best glam act ever,the guyz rocks!!!!!!!

From: GLAMZIT Date: August 8, 2002 at 15:48

From: life sucks Date: August 13, 2002 at 11:36
the 80's will never come back!!!

From: nitrodoll1974 Date: August 13, 2002 at 15:47
this was from the nineties by the way..and it's an amazing cd... check out for more info on eddie robinson..

From: life sucks Date: August 14, 2002 at 18:14
80's 90's who cares they are never coming back this album bites get the new snake pit album now that rocks!

From: alletcat fags Date: August 16, 2002 at 22:30
These motherfuckers blow

From: Paulo-Fernandes Date: August 25, 2002 at 8:27
One of the best sleaze rock cds i've ever heard (if not the best), everything sleaze should be and more :-)

From: mikey alen Date: August 27, 2002 at 17:02
best glam album to date. best parties ive been to was alleycat parties!!! if i could turn back time

From: AlleypussyCat Date: August 29, 2002 at 11:05
Fuck, man? Does anybody knows anything about those guys nowadayz? Where I can find Alleycat Scratch stuff? I´m looking for pics, releases and news... I just find their names, but no links for info. If anybody know something, just e-mail me That´s it!

From: JIFFI ENEMY Date: September 3, 2002 at 22:20

From: alex Date: October 11, 2002 at 12:45
OK I know this is rare but i need it so much that i can change it for another ultra rare cd Red Dogs 'Working Late'(Dogs`n`Quireboys style!!!)let me know who

From: ALEXXX Date: October 18, 2002 at 12:09
OK THIS IS COOL BUT ANYWAY=WRATHCHILD(UK) IS MUCH MORE THAN ANY FUCKIN`COOLEST!! Do you all know bands as Spiral Fetish,Heart Throb Mob,Penny Lane,Billy&The Sluts,Skin&Bones,Tamer Lane?If you so cool guy to know it write me!

From: METAL 4 EVER Date: November 2, 2002 at 18:52
Hey all you Die Hard Alleycat Scratch fans, here is a little info for ya. This band was not always fronted by Eddie Robison. In 91' they were fronted by original vocalist Tommy Haight. (with Devin Lovelace & Justin Sayne on guitars, Bobby boa Bang on bass, Robbi Black on drums) Tommy & Justin appeared on their first EP 'Cheap City Thrills' only available on tape (I think you were only able to get it at their shows, and they most likely didn't do that many with that line up). Metal 4 Life

From: METAL 4 EVER Date: November 2, 2002 at 18:53
I can’t choose which vocalist I like better, but the production is better in Deadboys.. but the EP really ROCKS! Here is the track listing: 1. Stilletto Strut, 2. Cheap City Thrills, 3. Kiss Kiss, 4. Junior’s Bones, 5. Take a Bite (Outta Me). These of course are different versions (different vocals, and more guitars) then the ones on Deadboys In Trash City. Backing vocals on both albums are outstanding. Metal 4 Life

From: sz Date: November 3, 2002 at 1:01
I am just curious how the hell all you people know Alleycat Scratch. It was years ago. They are all ok, well at least 3 of them, and doing well. It's nice to know you all still care. Are you still buying this album? If so, where...they owe me some money!!! SZ

From: jarett r. Date: November 18, 2002 at 10:28
i've heard that 'trash' is the term for a subgenre of the hair band/glam genre. anyone have any info on this?

From: mikey Date: December 9, 2002 at 18:43
This band kicked ass! What ever happened to robbi? Eddie needs to put that guitar away and stick with singing. He is much better then the singer in jet 68. Thats just my opinion.

From: Sara Date: December 26, 2002 at 15:37
This is probably one of the most sleazy fu**ing albums of all time! It is right up there with the best of them - Vains 'No Respect' and Appetite For Destruction'! Shame they did not get more recognition! - they deserved it! xxx

From: jarett r. Date: December 30, 2002 at 1:29
i've heard that boa was in a band called race riot.

From: batman777 Date: December 31, 2002 at 12:04
hey jarret r. , for more info on boa go to, that's his website. Alleycat scratch was the best sunsetstrip act in my fillers all killers on this album. 9/10

From: Mr.Bike Date: February 8, 2003 at 2:02
This is one of the best glam bands I ever heard!!! Mr.Bike (Portugal)

From: TheRipper Date: February 8, 2003 at 2:33
I enjoy these guys too! Ya know, people can say whatever they want about Hard Rock/Metal of the late 80's and early 90's, and I especially get annoyed when I hear people making fun of say 'Glam', saying that it's all the same sounding and there's no talent... Be prepared to get punched if we're in person (Yeah, try me!), as like any genre there are some that just follow trends and aren't very good, but a lot were very original and good (and I might say a lot better musically than A LOT of stuff

From: TheRipper Date: February 8, 2003 at 2:47
that's played on radio)... Anyhow these guys fall under the category of Sleaze Glam, and although I prefer more Hard Rock/Metal roots in my Glam type of stuff (say Warrant, Ratt, Wildside, Crue, GnR whatever) I like a little change of pace every now and then, and I find this delivers for such occasions... Sleazy but not Whiny; Sleazy while Rockin; and most Importantly, Sleazy and Good. They also have some original tunes and melodies here, check it out (ESPECIALLY fans of sleaze!)...

From: Shawnda Date: February 22, 2003 at 2:42
Does anyone know what happened to Robbi Black? He was a great guy back in the day. If anyone has any info on his whereabouts, e-mail me or post it here. Thank you!

From: reebboy Date: February 25, 2003 at 7:36
Is that e-bay price of 72$ correct. Must be, I just looked on e-bay and this CD was already up to 64$. Is it made of gold or something??? I'm gonna shoot myself if I could have sold it for that much instead of the .50 cents that I got for it at a pawn shop. Somebody tell me what is so special about this CD that it is worth that much. I gave it a few spins but didn't find it that great.

From: Jennifer Date: February 28, 2003 at 7:59
Can i just say OH MY GOD!!! If i would have ever guessed my old alleycat shit would be worth something now??? I even had the single for fuck her up the ass!!! sadly all i can find now is the case...I even had a black rose with a purple painted stem that eddie or michael michelle though out during a show one time. well i hear devin is in buckcherry now and so is joshua todd from slamhound...anyone heard anything from big bang babbies lately???

From: vikingo666 Date: March 7, 2003 at 17:21

From: jorpr100 Date: March 11, 2003 at 17:09
que otros grupos hay parcecidos a alleycat,vain.etc.tengo el de allyecat y tres discos de vain.decidme grupos y si teneis grupos glam podemos compartielos.gracias.contestadme

From: Bubblegum Town Date: March 16, 2003 at 5:31
If you love Alleycat you will love this website which features live photos of them!

From: Jennifer Date: March 16, 2003 at 5:38
If you want to learn more about alleycat scratch and other glam bands check out add your stories and photos!!!

From: jayglam@hotmail Date: March 17, 2003 at 12:02
One of the cooler sounding glam bands with heaps of attitude. Check this band out if you like sleazy vocals with trashy guitars. I would give this a 9 out of 10. My favourite tracks are stilletto strut, take a bite outta me, cat's got your tongue, soul survivor and roses on my grave. One of the best glam cds released too bad it was not on a major label. Jay from Australia.

From: TIM Date: March 28, 2003 at 20:41
There are currently 3 of these on Ebay if you have the money.

From: Sergio Glam Date: April 28, 2003 at 18:45
EXCELENT !!!!!!!!!!!

From: RED-DEATH Date: April 29, 2003 at 19:32

From: Richierocker Date: May 26, 2003 at 22:00
I made a comment last June saying I was alittle dissapointed In the recorded material. I changed my mind I gave these guys another listen and I dig them. Rock on people!!!

From: krissleaze Date: July 16, 2003 at 15:56
exelente disco ,uno de los mejores de los 90s.

From: Andy Slacker Date: July 29, 2003 at 4:49
A real glam classic!!!

From: Andy Slacker Date: July 29, 2003 at 4:52
My fave tracks: Stiletto Strut,Roses On My Grave,Plastic Dolls,Sole Survivor

From: Andy Slacker Date: July 29, 2003 at 4:53

From: jsm Date: August 7, 2003 at 9:55
To Tom: ONE of the best glam albums ever, NOT the best. The best is 'No respect' by Vain. Cheers,

From: jsm Date: August 7, 2003 at 9:55
To Tom: ONE of the best glam albums ever, NOT the best. The best is 'No respect' by Vain. Cheers,

From: jarett r. Date: August 11, 2003 at 17:36
i just got a cd-r with alleycat scratch demos and resurrection mary (with eddie robison) demos and race riot (with boa) demos.

From: POSERYEARS Date: August 23, 2003 at 20:59

From: PlasticLipstick Date: October 24, 2003 at 21:50
I agree with you PoserYears, Tigertailz better than alleycats...but this album really kix of my fave. song is Take A Bite Outta Me, I Think!!

From: SeducedByMetal Date: October 29, 2003 at 9:12
this is 1 off my all time fav cd's....awesome glam metal...

From: drums2k3 Date: March 19, 2004 at 2:24
Hello there folks. Believe it or not I am not dead or gone, but in fact ALIVE AND KICKING ASS!!! Yeah this is Robbi Black. If you want to get in touch with me hit me at I have a great new band that I think alot of you will really dig. we are called 'DRAMAFIEND' You can go to our website and hear and see us for yourself. Well hope everyone is well and damn I had no idea all of you even remember ACS Peace folks ....R

From: Sam Date: March 20, 2004 at 15:33
Robbi - are you from San Diego? I could swear you look familiar... have you ever gone by the name Robby Baker? Very curious. Thanks

From: milkman3972 Date: March 23, 2004 at 16:35
Robbi's from the bay area - I played drums with him in high school

From: Fallen Angel Date: March 29, 2004 at 11:21
1993 realese. It's simple the best. Great. Really Great! Rock N' Roll will never die. Kurt: dirty M**h*RF**eR

From: JIFFI ENEMY Date: April 20, 2004 at 16:58
EVENTHOUGH THIS CAME OUT IN THE EARLY 90's - This is and was exactly what the late 80's was all about. Being a guitarist I can appreciate the image and detail of the music. They went for the Adams Family look instead of the Momma boy pussy chump look like say Danger Danger or alot of other 80's bands. This is one of my favorite glam bands. I even found it for a couple of dollars at a used c.d. store...I see that it goes for $76 dollars on ebay...HA HA...I LOVE IT!!!

From: dinoman1967 Date: May 11, 2004 at 17:32
a pretty cool album! love the sleaze glam stuff, and melodic metal (loudness RULES!). flashy guitar was/is whats it's all about for me anyway. this is good stuff here folks! stilletto strut and sex addiction are great! gotta admit though, i dont care for soul survivor. still though, if you're into sleaze glam, this album is WORTH a look, er, uh... worth a listen

From: DRUMS2K3@AOL.CO Date: May 17, 2004 at 23:27

From: Robbi Black Date: May 17, 2004 at 23:33
ps that last message was from me folks I was just mind blanked for a second and forgot to put my name. must have been all those Alleycat drug years. later!!!

From: Uncle Salty Date: May 22, 2004 at 15:53
Hey guys, I wanna have this album, it must sound incredible according to what your posting. GLAM ROCK forever Boyz.

From: Shawnda Baumann Date: June 10, 2004 at 21:09
I am from Oklahoma, not exactly the glam capital of the world , and I really got into glam because of ACS. They were a great band and definitely made their mark not only on the glam scene, but on my taste in music. This cd fucking rocks! Actually I didn't have the cd, I had a mediocre copy that I fucking wore the shit out of! I sure hope the e-bay price for this cd goes down or I might have to get a second job to get it!

From: J.RAINBOW Date: July 14, 2004 at 16:38

From: andinho Date: July 17, 2004 at 3:58
animal cd !!!! best glam !!!!!!!!

From: pastfan Date: July 17, 2004 at 22:45
I had no idea there were still people interested in this cd. I still have an unopened one given to me from them. I guess I should think about selling it...

From: Ler R. Ster Date: July 28, 2004 at 20:39
Yeah, I mostly into old stuff. But, i was impressed, by this group. Even though they look unusual, ha, what rock star didn't, but it's clearly obvious they never made it huge. But, still the quality on this album was asounding with how nice the vocals were, and the guitar was cool too, repeative sometimes but most rock gets like that, there was lots of variety on just this single album. I was amazed, truly unique group. Using old style, possibly lewd lyrics, and perfecting, rock n' roll. :P

From: Diesel Dave Date: August 3, 2004 at 19:47
This Message is For Devin Lovelace, Man We used to kick it together back in Parris, lost track of you over the years i would like to get in touch, so if you see this leave a way. still have the 12 string

From: KAWB Date: August 28, 2004 at 10:02
Awesome band. I have video of them at the Troubadour in 92 - the promo video at the end for Fuck Her Up The Ass, is completely XXX rated. Brilliant stuff, shame they only did the one album.

From: punkiz/obsesivo Date: October 6, 2004 at 5:24
lo primero decir que es esa gillipollez de que suena igual de sucio que los primeros discos de faster p o el appetite,eso es una kagada.El disco esta de puta madre,es cañero,es uno de los mejores discos de glam ,pero vamos no supera al primero de pretty boy floyd o al primero de poison,que son pegadizos como ningun otro.Este disco es imprescindible para cualquier seguidor de glam, y si no lo tienes es que vamos no tienes ni zorra de musica,asi que espabila deja de oir guns roses y iron maiden y

From: Metalhead66 Date: October 20, 2004 at 15:17
This is Really,Really Good!! Yeah it has a Poison/Motley vibe,but the production and songs Rule!! Nice guitar Tones..Good sleazy Grooves.... 9.5/10

From: J. Campbell Date: October 22, 2004 at 14:55
Just got a copy of this. It's pretty good. I wouldn't call it great by any means and certainly not worth the $76.00 ebay price, but worth it if you can pick it up for a normal price.

From: abbyriley Date: November 2, 2004 at 9:39
Excellent----awesome!!! Actually there are not enough adjectives to describe how GREAT this is!! What all music should be like!!!

From: HomicidalKiss Date: December 17, 2004 at 17:13
What can I say, I never actually heard of Alleycat Scratch till earlier this year, Since then love the songs they did on this album, and my 10 yr old daughter listens to it non stop almost. I will turn her into either a glam or goth YET!!!

From: ChrisSlade Date: December 18, 2004 at 11:12
Finally, Got my copy of this beaty!! Phenomenal release and loved every song! Faster Pussycat fans will really dig this album - WORTH EVERY PENNY!!

From: Richierocker Date: December 18, 2004 at 14:14
Man why cant Music be like this anymore! My first listen I was kinda impressed but after another heartfelt listen of all the songs I was blown away. They have the look, the attitude the lyrics and they just kick ass!! A must have in anybodys rock collection.

From: Richierocker Date: December 24, 2004 at 18:56
Ok, after listening to these guys for the last week , over and over I will say they should be in the top 10 of sleaze/hardrock of all time. These guys are fuckin animals. They have the Motley Crue attitude with the Guns N Roses Take no prisoners vibe. Pure kick ass music. Makes you feel like an animal when you have it cranked up and working out. I cant belive how much these guys grew on me. People if you can hear these songs or find an album get it!!

From: capdevilla Date: February 12, 2005 at 8:34
AMAZING KILLER SLEEZE/GLAM ROCK BAND !! You've got it !! Good Rock'n'Roll Attitude too !!

From: Geoff Date: March 21, 2005 at 20:03
I must admit that I am a big fan of this one. It doesn't have the abundance of stand-out tracks I'd love to have seen, but what it does have is a very consistent bunch of glam/sleaze tracks in the style of the aforementioned Faster Pussycat/Motley Crue/Erotic Suicide. I think 'Roses on my grave' is one of the best ballads in glam history and worth the price alone, but the rest is all very solid glam hard rock. Recommended disc.

From: BC RICH Date: April 18, 2005 at 16:46

From: chris strut Date: May 23, 2005 at 3:11
OH YEAHH!!!this band it´s so fucking SLEAZY!a real amazing mix between motley and faster pussycat,a fucking good stuff!one of my favourites albums,but they made this album in the fucking 93 and that was bad for them. but anyway, THIS TOTATLY ROCKS!!

From: forza-orietto Date: October 28, 2005 at 19:08
Amazing, great, killer, one of the best sleaze/glam released ever ! ! ! 98/100

From: caritosmatanza Date: January 26, 2006 at 22:00
A caballo entre Faster Pussycat, el sleazy más divertido y toquecitos crue , uno de los mejores discos de la historia del Glam metal, divertido, con todos los temas buenos, sin rellenos, letras obscenas y divertidas. Un clásico. Salen unos años antes y arrasan con todo. One of the coolest glam metal records ever

From: spawn71 Date: April 1, 2006 at 6:16
No more enormous bids on ebay to get this hyper rare gem! Regeneration Records (go to will reissue this CD shortly, with bonus tracks and accompanying DVD. A must have for a glam lover, so GET THIS ONE!

From: diferaos Date: May 29, 2006 at 9:40
Muy buen disco dentro del género sleaze. Con ciertos aires a Mötley Crüe y Tigertailz. Recomendado para los amantes de este estilo.

From: hairmetalmaniac Date: June 15, 2006 at 12:25
when is this going to be re-released?

Heavy Harmonies Owner
From: Dan Date: June 19, 2006 at 18:26
It's at the manufacturer right now... a few more weeks and it will be available.

From: roxas Date: July 16, 2006 at 2:00
I only listen to two tracks from this as that's all that I copied to my iPod. I've since lost the disc and i'm fuming!. Anyway, Take a Bite (or Rock Candy as it shouldv'e been called) is Top Bracket LA Rock, one of the best. "Roses" as Geoff said is brilliant, what a ballad. Reminds me of a "LA glam version" of Pearl Jams incredible "Black" not sure why it just does.

From: metalalways Date: January 17, 2007 at 10:46
this band is awesome one of the ultimate sleaze glam metal bands love the song cat's got your tongue, roses on my grave is a good ballad, plastic dolls is a heavy rocker they should've made it big.

From: bozoglam Date: May 30, 2007 at 14:12
F***** awesome, by far one of the best glam albuns. Hey, does anyone have some info about a release of a second album named last call? I just got and never heard about it.

From: girapolli Date: May 30, 2007 at 19:59
not sure 100% but this one is 10 and probably the best glam/sleaze release

From: z4roxx Date: May 31, 2007 at 12:17
girapolli,you always told me this one is awesome,I do have a pile of cds'ready to listen to and this one is among them but I'll give to it the priority,I am so curious.Eeehhh perchè non torni a puntare sulla popò indie megarare?ahahaha sto morendo ahahahaha!

From: shark attack Date: July 8, 2007 at 15:05
the last great glam/sleaze release. best described as a cross between motley crue and faster pussycat. killer production for an indie as well now re-released (a year after i bought my expensive one!!) so its now affordable so youve really got no excuse not to own it. buy and die!!!!

From: z4roxx Date: July 17, 2007 at 13:24
Please someone could explain me what is great here?A big overrated cd,pretty amazing but very very average commercial hair metal/glam with mediocre musicians and singer,too.They don't discover nothin'that first Poison didn't play,yet IMO.Not a great song(except maybe the good"Plastic dolls"),very generic riffs around a mediocre rhythm session,nothin'else.Also the production isn't good...please what is great here??I don't know sincerely....7/10.

From: Rafo Phoenix Date: July 17, 2007 at 14:25
mm ya dare mi comentario y vere que tal esta esto sino tiene buen estilo y como es Glam ya con la fotito del grupo lo dice todo(parecen IMBECILES con esas pintas todo afeminados nada como las pintas de los AOReros esa son pintas y formas de vestirse como debe de ser) y las letritas de sus canciones que cantan COJUDECES me llegan a las bolas banditas asi con pintas asi y letritas asi por eso lo unico que busco de esta clase de grupitos son el estilo y pocas se salvan, ya veremos.

From: girapolli Date: July 17, 2007 at 19:39
eeehhh z4roxx got "original" tastes ranging from death metal to poppy aor...hehehe great skills in finding details on each cd, but about this i can't agree and i'm on the same tunes of 99% comments on this one: the best one ever released glam/sleaze from the mother land of the best kind of music : U.S.A. 100/100

From: headbanger4life Date: July 18, 2007 at 5:16
All the years that I lived in Japan and I only came across this one once. I kicked myself in the ass for not picking it up. I was so glad when it got re-issued. This pretty good glam. After hearing the hype about this one for years, I don't think it lived up to the HUGE reputation that it got. Don't get me wrong, it's a good release and I'm glad I finally got it in my collection. It just wasn't as awesome as I was expecting.

From: Rafo Phoenix Date: July 18, 2007 at 11:35
Totally agree with you Andrea commercial hair metal/glam with decent musicians and singer, es un buen album es cierto tiene su gustillo pero cuando hablamos de musicos en bandas con estilos asi la verdad es que no tienen el nivel de los musicos de estilos como el AOR o verdadero Hard Rock, este disco seguro les sabra a gloria a los amantes del Glam y todas esas movidas pero a alguien que ya esta en el nivel mas alto en gustos musicales solo le sera un buen disco mas asi de simple 7/10 no mas.

From: z4roxx Date: July 22, 2007 at 11:45
Thanks girapolli for your friendly support,I can understand that it's great for you because it was your fave kind of music but sincerely I am a bit surprised because both we have better releases for that period that sound similar in music like these guys who are not so good to play...

From: shark attack Date: July 22, 2007 at 17:44
remember this came out in 1993, metal was dead and flannel was in yet these guys stuck to their guns, hence the last great sleaze/glam CD.... and for an indie the production IS awesome (no major label big bucks here)as for the musicianship well its no better or worse than any other glam/sleaze band of the time or before(but it sure shits over most grunge that came along)and finally what really sets this apart is the songs, pure quality. Methinks u have problems with your hearing z4roxx

From: z4roxx Date: July 29, 2007 at 11:49
Ahaha yes I am deaf!!!I see only the pictures and photos,didn't hear a single note,don't know music,don't know nothing.I think some people in the site(like metalizzer)sayed wellersonal opinions aren't accepted,everyone must to have the right reason about I think Alleycat Scratch were great??For me they look like 4 scarecrows and they don't play any instruments,and voice is horrible.Now i'll clean my ears to listen to music that worths to be listened.....

From: shark attack Date: July 29, 2007 at 14:28
Oh dear,have I hit a nerve?now I never said u were deaf z4roxx and I never meant to be personal(don't think I was actually)but I was merely responding to your criticisms which I felt to be inaccurate anyhow two or more people can disagree and that is fine but saying ALLEYCAT SCRATCH look like scarecrows and can`t play or sing(now that is being personal) seems like your throwing yours toys out of your pram just because someone has the cheek to disagree with u.

From: Wizz21 Date: July 29, 2007 at 17:50
A truly Glam-Classic! It's a shame this Guys never made it big...

From: z4roxx Date: July 30, 2007 at 14:00
I know to be ignorant and my english is horrible too but I think you continue to not understand.I am happy people have different tastes,it's the real great thing of music and for me these guys didn't play so well and songs were average and not remarkable,just to say what I think.I play drums since 1992 and this cd doesn't transmit me nothing and I was a little surprised to read these great comments here,discussion closed.If you've taken your nick from the 1st Wehrmacht release you are my friend!

From: CC Date: August 2, 2007 at 7:50
Actually shark attack, he isnt being personal cause he aint talking bout you. I cant really comment on this CD though as I dont own it, and the reason I dont own it is that like z4roxx, what I have heard of the band and Eddie (on the 1st Shameless CD) didnt impress me. The band sound bargain basement and the vocals are horrible. Once again though its personal choice, and it pisses me off with the way people here tell others they are tone deaf for liking or not liking something.

From: z4roxx Date: August 22, 2007 at 11:18
After a second listening I can add this sounds ok thru my ears,to be an indie the production is ok even if seams quite demo material.But I find these guys closer to punk than glam,except some sleaze arrangments(very generic and similar in some songs)they seam a punk band,especially the bassist(horrible sounds and bad vein).But this is a decent one,nothin'more...I want to precisate this is a my own personal opinion,thanks!

From: shark attack Date: September 30, 2007 at 11:24
What is wrong with some of u.I have no problem with u not liking something but lets try and be constructive with our criticism's,I use this site to gauge whether something is any good or not and why.500 words ain`t much but it can be the difference between wasting money on some obscure band which is crap and discovering the new guns n roses.Now can we drop the shit...thank u

From: crashdiet1313 Date: May 14, 2009 at 20:14
Absolutely essential.

From: GlamSlam Date: August 11, 2009 at 6:15
Good glam album, songs are really rockin´ but still i don´t think this is the best glam album

From: RatScare Date: December 17, 2009 at 22:35
This album didnt really grab me, maybe i expected too much after all the reviews i read??? All the same it is a worthy addition to any collection. Maybe i need to give it a few more spins before i say anymore

From: madometal Date: January 3, 2010 at 8:58
FUCK MAN the first time i heard this awesome late but never too late release from these sleeze glam (PUSSYCAT MEETS LA GUNS)BLEW ME AWAY from the openning ' the closer 'TRASH CITY'.Every song on this album BRUISES serious FUCKIN ASSS.I always thank GOD that they manage to release a strong classic album like this during the L.A.metal scene decline due to GRUNGE.ALLEYCAT SCRATCH as well as BIG BANG BABIES ended the scene with a GIGANTIC bang!!BUT now many years later its coming back again,cause you can't keep GREAT music down.AT 37 married w/2 kids I still listen to all my MAGICAL 80's metal bands in the car,work &home.STILL gives me that great feelings of being alive.LONG LIVE old school metal,hard rock,glam,sleeze,speed,power,thrash,signed & unsigned unknown classics too many to mention.CHEERZ& take care!!!

From: MiGoFungus Date: January 19, 2010 at 1:19
This came out of the blue for me and let me tell you, it rocks! not the best glam release like many here said but still more than solid. if you're into sleaze, grab this, no questions!

From: rick kerch vzla Date: July 3, 2010 at 20:13
There's an album called Last Call that is not listed a pretty wild piece of glam ala Faster Pussycat..Alleycat Scrath deserves more!..

From: JONBONPIGO Date: July 9, 2012 at 19:37
I Luv me my late 80's/early 90's metal fix...and I'm the first to pump up a band who coulda/shoulda been at least a one hit wonder, but no matter how much i listen to this collection of tunes...not one stands out as a "YOU GOTTA LISTEN TO THIS" tune...or more important..."I GOTTA LISTEN TO THIS AGAIN" tune...except the 2006 Deadboys remaster...which includes "FUCK HER UP THE ASS" now that has some staying power indeed That one makes my top 1000 All=Time.

From: maulars Date: May 4, 2014 at 21:03
what a great sleazy glam release. This is a classic!! Get it while you can.

From: edwithmj Date: November 21, 2014 at 8:24
A OK release by this sleaze band but I can't help but feel it's a bit too formulaic. One would think that by 1993, this band could have done something slightly different for the debut from all the other acts that came before them. The songs have decent vocals and guitars but the album sounds like the band were just going through the motions of making a sleaze album and the vocalist doesn't sound enthusiastic to me at all. That said, the album is very listenable but doesn't seem to stick in my mind.

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