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[Night Ranger Band Picture]

Artist: Night Ranger

Title: Seven

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Night Ranger Seven Album Cover


Category: AOR/Hard Rock

Year: 1998

Label: Zero (Japan)

Catalog Number: XRCN-2023


Jack Blades bass, acoustic guitar, lead vocals
Alan Fitzgerald keyboards
Brad Gillis guitars, vocals
Kelly Keagy drums, lead vocals
Jeff Watson guitars, vocals
Jack Russell additional background vocals


1.  Sign Of The Times  5:07
2.  Jane's Interlude  0:26
3.  Panic In Jane  4:40
4.  Don't Ask Me Why  4:41
5.  Kong  5:32
6.  Mother Mayhem  4:56
7.  Soul Survivor  3:52
8.  Sea Of Love  4:33
9.  Crazy World Japanese bonus track  4:00
10.  Peace Sign  4:07
11.  When I Call On You  4:02
12.  Revelation  4:31
13.  Let Him Run Japanese bonus track  3:20
Total Running Time:  53:47

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The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Night Ranger CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: FormerRangerFan Date: September 2, 2001 at 11:49
Their worst. Maybe it's just me, cuz some people are raving about it. Where are the crisp guitars, big harmonies and choruses? Not on this album, that's for sure. Sounds like some sort of hard rock/alternative hybrid crap. Don't like it at all. If this is the new NR sound, I'm done with them.

From: Date: January 25, 2002 at 8:02
Another great cd from Nightranger. Sign of the times is a hard rocker full of energy, one of their best songs ever made . Kong is funny, Soul Survivor is an emotional ballad. Signs of alternative sound there are only in the third and in the sixth songs, but so little, please. For me they still one of the best Hard rock aor bands,with two great guitar players and two great singers. Some people are very hard to satisfy.I gave this 8,5.

From: Reno Date: May 3, 2002 at 1:08
This cd should not even be under the name Night Ranger. There's no great guitar solo's that we all know Brad Gillis is capable of, there are no big chorus to sing along with. Neverland was a toss up for me, but this cd fell down the shitter.

From: Tony Date: May 6, 2002 at 23:44
Practically a follow-up to the Shaw/Blades album as any of these tunes could have been right at home on that cd. Some songs like "Soul Survivor" and "Peace Sign" shine through with that great Night Ranger songwriting but the rest of it just sits there with nothing dynamic or exciting to say. But these guys not at top form is still better than 99% of any of the bands of this genre at their best!!!

From: Marvstarv Date: July 3, 2002 at 19:20
I personallyl like this disc it got me listening to my other Night Ranger I can pop this baby in and just listen to it over and over> I admit Man in Motion is better though

From: P.C. Date: July 30, 2002 at 19:23
Great 80s songs in sound of 90s . My favorite : Sea of love . This CD kick your Ass !

From: Gar Date: August 11, 2002 at 19:39
Sounds more like Damn Yankees than Night Ranger, but its still great. Better than the last couple of albums they put out in the 80s. Totally worthwhile!

From: Javier Date: October 22, 2002 at 13:27
En comparación con sus discos de los 80 éste es una total mierda.El estilo se puede definir como rock alternativo.

From: Janxy Date: December 4, 2002 at 23:23
The flair of the 80s material is gone and the boys are sounding more droll than inspired. Production sounds more independant too. Is it just me or does anyone else get the impression that Aerosmith has rubbed off on this band, dragging the music into the same mire of album fillers?

From: Samson Date: March 30, 2003 at 14:31
Sounds nothing like Damn Yankees they were heavier than Night Ranger and this doesn't sound much like Night Ranger.Jack Blades voice has changed a lot a little Aerosmith and Southern rock country on this and neverland.

From: James Date: March 30, 2003 at 18:09
Jack's voice hasn't changed much. They just don't spend the production $$$"s anymore to help smooth his voice out. Same thing as with other artist, when cd sales drop making someone's voice smoother looses out to other cost.

From: Rycheage Date: July 21, 2003 at 19:12
Another killer Night Ranger album. I can't see that to many people won't love this, but if something about "Neverland" put you off, this is middle ground between that on the bands' first five albums. Some sounds new, some sounds old, and a lot of "Neverland" in between.

From: koogles Date: July 22, 2003 at 15:50
CMC seems to do bad things to great bands: look at Styx ("Brave New World"), Loverboy ("VI"), Blue Oyster Cult ("Curse of the Hidden Mirror") and this lukewarm outing by NR. It's not all bad, "Mother Mayhem" isn't bad. Unfortunately, I just don't catch myself reaching for this one off the shelf.

From: Date: March 21, 2004 at 2:51

From: Rene Date: August 28, 2004 at 11:41
What the hell are you all talking about??? I am a big NIGHT RANGER fan but not stupid. This is a very good release with some increible good melodic hard rock songs. No, i dont agree this time with you guys, this is just a great album for all NIGHT RANGER fans and also for any 80s hard rock lover. BUY OR DIE!!!!!!!NOWWWWWWWWWWWWW

From: Chevalier Date: August 29, 2004 at 6:58
A very weak and disappointing comeback from a band who made us dream during the 80' and the early 90's.There's almost nothing here to remind of that band.If you don't know you are listening to Night Ranger it would be very difficult to recognise 'em.Too bad.That wasn't exatly what the fans were expecting from them.4/10

From: Wotty Date: August 29, 2004 at 7:12
Hi Chevalier.It was a shame that this album was not as strong as previous ones,although weak it was not as bad as a lot of fans think...

Heavy Harmonies Volunteer
From: Jez Date: August 29, 2004 at 16:40
On a scale of 1-10 this gets a pretty good 7.5. Definately sounds like NR when you listen to it, but i can see why some people don't like it. It would be a real shame if this was Night Ranger's last ever release, because we all know they have it in them to make one last real killer of an album, which this isn't.

From: Geoff Date: August 29, 2004 at 21:47
I actually think there are a few of good hard rock songs on this disc. Not great, but some good ones. More on the second half of the disc, but overall it's not too bad. Can see why it's labelled shabby though. Decent release at best an I also don't feel inspired to hear it many times at all.

From: Chevalier Date: August 30, 2004 at 14:27
I don't think lots of fans actually think this is great.Most of the times people write a review because they like the album or just becasue they know it.I see very few good comments on this one.Let's say more than ten....for instance...does this fact tell that this is a good album?I don't think is enough to say that.Still i can assume it can be.Definitely.Not to me anyway...i think it is weak.some fans said even worst i see now....See ya

From: Jontyler Date: August 31, 2004 at 2:54
Un disco buenísimo; para mí no es rock alternativo, sino hard rock bastante más imaginativo que la sucesión de trabajos de Night Ranger de los 80, estupendos pero repetitivos. Hay que abrir un poco la mente, porque las composiciones de Seven son de lujo. 90/100

From: Rene Date: September 3, 2004 at 15:37
Please listen again to the first song of this album. Is that not just a great song??? or KONG for exemple. Greattttt. Also SEA OF LOVE is increible cool. NIGHT RANGER forever. If you can, buy the 6 video clips dvd that just came out. Very good songs+nice video clips. Please buy, dont download. You are killing our music with that attitude.

From: Wotty Date: September 3, 2004 at 15:48
To Rene.I totally with your comments on downloading.Well said....

From: Rene Date: September 3, 2004 at 16:04
Thanks Wotty. Its nice that their are still people like you and me around that are real rock fans with brains. Most of the people just download everything but they are not only destroying our bands but also you and me because we are real rock and metal fans and we want our bands to release records, give live show etc... And even a child knows that if everybody downloads, who is going to release a new album??? Who likes to work for free????? Nobody, thats why, respect bands that you like and buy

From: Rene Date: September 3, 2004 at 16:06
their cd´s. If you, Rock fans dont buy hard rock and heavy metal cd´s, Who will?

From: Wotty Date: September 3, 2004 at 16:18
To Rene.Superbly put and in full agreement with you.Now here is the controversy.A lot of people want to download CDs that are a few years old.why didnt they get them on original release? Just to start a friendly debate,no nastiness please,I am just interested.....

From: James Date: September 3, 2004 at 17:42
Their is a "download" debate in the messageboards.

From: Rene Date: September 4, 2004 at 9:31
I didnt know their was a download debate going. I will check it up. I agree Wotty with you, why they dont buy the original or a rerelease. Their is so much to buy that you dont need to download at all if you are a music fanatic. You can realy buy forever if you want too. And if you dont have money, go and work, like i do. Take care Wotty.

From: Wotty Date: September 4, 2004 at 9:49
Rene.I am glad you agree with me.I could not find the download debate perhaps someone downloaded it?At least you think the same as me.All the best..Oh yes,this a good album...

From: James Date: September 4, 2004 at 10:15
Nope, it's still there in the "music" catagory under the topic THE GREAT CDR DEBATE or something close to it.

From: Rene Date: October 3, 2004 at 13:12
I am still listing to this album all the time and not only because i am a fan of the band, but just because all the songs are increible.BUY OR DIE, come on, listen to me for ones in your life.

From: Rocker10 Date: October 30, 2004 at 18:48
Not bad, but more average than most of their catalog. 6.5/10.

From: Nick C Date: March 10, 2005 at 16:28
I would struggle to find a Night Ranger album that I don't's not blind devotion it's just that they all have at LEAST four or five great songs on and very few fillers. I can't understand some of the negative reactions to this release as it seems pretty essential to me ... great songs like Kong, opener Sign of the Times and Sea of Love for example all rock in the usual NR way. Peace Sign is cool with it's tongue in cheek lyrics and Panic in Jane is great. Another strong NR release!

From: Rockhead Date: March 11, 2005 at 2:58
Great CD-Can anyone helkp-I have Kong listed on the cover but the track does not appear on the CD instead there is another song-was this an error?

From: Leykis101 Date: March 5, 2006 at 3:38
Let me just add before I comment on this CD, I have listened to night ranger since I was 6 years old in 1983, have loved every thing theve done, and can honestly say that Feeding off the Mojo while not at first listen caught on and I now love it, but joining military getting married etc... never purchased Neverland or 7, yesterday I purchased 7, heres my review. SEE BELOW~~~!!!!

From: Leykis101 Date: March 5, 2006 at 3:39

From: Rockhead Date: March 5, 2006 at 4:26
Sorry but I can't agree with Leykis101 and here's why: Whilst Neverland was not very good Seven has great songs, catchy choruses and a pretty good production. The sound whilst more stripped down does not discard the bands heritage. This CD is a grower and takes a few spins for the songs to leave their mark-but IMO they do. Also whilst this album does not stand up to earlier classics it is still 99% better than a lot of "rock" music being peddled. Leykis101-as a fan give this a few more spins.

From: Rockhead Date: March 5, 2006 at 4:27
cont: Sons like Panic In Jane, Peace Sign, Sign of the times and soul survivor all retain that classic Nightranger style albeit in a slightly more modern way.

From: JF Date: March 6, 2006 at 23:00
Es un grupo que considero que siempre tuvo buenas canciones en cada lanzamiento que hizo en los 80 aunque nunca un disco realmente completo. Neverland tiene sus canciones pero en general fue una decepcion.Este no se por donde agarrarlo, ya no es el mismo sonido, es mas crudo, mas acustico , donde se fueron los solos?, donde estan los grandes coros?. Una de las mejores es Let Him Run , una balada con piano donde canta Kelly. Ojala que vuelvan a su sonido anterior

From: Rambo Rockerman Date: January 20, 2008 at 9:07
I'm sorry but some people can't be truly truthful,this is more Shaw/Blades then Night Ranger,where is the double guitar axe solo and melodies.It might not be the 80s any more but look at a band like Dream Theater,they still have that guitar sound of the late 80 in a 2000 way.Too me the 60s Beatles/psychedelic,little bit Aerosmith sounding is a safe way they are doing

From: hair metal again Date: May 19, 2011 at 14:02
great release by the mighty NIGHT RANGER.these guys surely know how to play,this release is full of powerful vocs,howling guitars and many good songs like "kong","soul survivor" and "metal mayhem".excellent sound,good songwriting ,hard rock vibe like every ranger release and fantastic musicianship.believe me

From: Ydol eM Date: June 28, 2014 at 15:33
Koogles is partly right about CMC's work for some rock bands of 70s or 80s but on the other hand they helped these bands to survive "hard times" and furthermore "Seven" is a good example that not only failures were made there. Musically positive hard rock sometimes with southern vibes. I also feel some slight remnants of Damn Yankees but there is still more Night Ranger than anything else. 80/100.

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