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[Van Halen Band Picture]

Artist: Van Halen

Title: Van Halen III

Van Halen Homepage

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Van Halen Van Halen III Album Cover


Category: Hard Rock

Year: 1998

Label: Warner Brothers

Catalog Number: 46662


Gary Cherone lead vocals
Eddie Van Halen guitar, keyboards, vocals
Michael Anthony bass, vocals
Alex Van Halen drums, percussion


1.  New World  
2.  Without You  
3.  One I Want  
4.  From Afar  
5.  Dirty Water Dog  
6.  Once  
7.  Fire In The Hole  
8.  Josephina  
9.  Year To The Day  
10.  Primary  
11.  Ballot Or The Bullet  
12.  How Many Say I  

If you see any errors or omissions in the CD information shown above, either in the musician credits or song listings (cover song credits, live tracks, etc.), please post them in the corrections section of the Heavy Harmonies forum/message board.

The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Van Halen CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

EPs and CD-singles from Van Halen are also welcome to be added, as long as they are at least 4 songs in length.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: Date: March 3, 2001 at 11:55

From: Date: April 29, 2001 at 16:19
Sounds like a cover band. Gary Cherone sounded like someone trying to sound like Sammy Hagar. Heard some live songs with Cherone of old stuff and it didn't sound bad, but this CD doesn't make the cut.

From: TRM Date: July 12, 2001 at 11:35
What happened? This should have been an outstanding collaboration. Gary, why didn't you sing with the lungs you used in Extreme? I liked Sammy's work with the band, but no one wanted a regurgitated version of him. I never thought I'd say it, but this is one Halen album to avoid unless you must own them all.

From: Mike G. Date: July 25, 2001 at 14:26
The absolute worst Van Halen album in history!!! They just seemed to lose their concentration on this album!! Disappointing!!!!!!

From: Dennis Clark Date: July 31, 2001 at 11:00
The biggest disappointment I had since the Mtv reunion hype that never worked out good. Hey guys, wanna be number one again??? Get David lee Roth, you're not getting any younger, what are you waiting for? Forget about your egoes, anyway, if it weren't for one another you wouldn't be Van Halen. Still hoping as a fan.

From: Date: July 31, 2001 at 11:09
How I wished they never released anything at all. Gary Cherone, I know you did your best, but sorry to say that you do not pass to the standards of us, the fanssss. Anyway, only David Lee Roth can ressurect the band (no disrespect for Hagar)

From: Mark Date: August 13, 2001 at 20:37
Their worst by a huge margin! The best song on this (hard to tell what that is, THEY ALL SUCK!) probably wouldn't make the cut to be included on any other VH album. Terrible production (Mike Post, stick to writing TV show themes!), horrible songwriting, awful lyrics. Don't waste your time with this misguided effort!

From: Kim Date: September 7, 2001 at 15:56
What a load of shit this cd is. How can the ``best`` rock band in the world, release such a pile of shit.????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

From: Reno Date: September 16, 2001 at 23:05
No rhythm, no great guitar solo's, no catchy melodies, Who the Fuck is this? It's not the Van Halen/Hagar we've all grown to love. Piss Poor move on Van Halen's part. I was exited when I heard Cherone was the new singer, but I had to eat my shorts on this deal. This cd doesn't even make it as a Beercoaster on my end table. -7.5 rating

From: koogles Date: January 1, 2002 at 16:32
Unthinkably ill-conceived album failed on so many levels, the highest of which being that no one had the good sense to abort this bastard before its release! Perhaps the biggest disappointment in hard rock history. Muddy production, lame songs, wretched vocals... Van Halen probably couldn't have made a worse album if they had TRIED TO!!! The worst.

From: mojo Date: January 6, 2002 at 11:01
a huge disappointment (along with scorpions eye II eye) from one of my favorite rock bands.

From: motley Date: February 4, 2002 at 14:53
Crap!!!Puke!!!!!!Get David back!!!!!!!!!

From: Tony Date: April 11, 2002 at 4:30
Tell me karma hasn't come around to these guys for unveiling this atrocity to the masses?? Just horrible on every level and REEKS of ego and laziness. I don't blame Gary Cherone at all!! These just might be the worst songs ever written by a major rock band. They should be ashamed.

From: Desslar Date: April 11, 2002 at 12:04
2.83?????!!!!! What the hell?? This is Van freakin' Halen we're talking here. Sure I was disappointed with this album, mostly because it doesn't rock at all. But it's still Eddie, and after repeated listens it grows on you a little. Soft and mature, but sophisticated as well. That said, bring back the rock!!

From: Knuckles Date: April 12, 2002 at 5:03
Thanks everybody for proving to myself me deciding not to waste my money was a great decision.I had a feeling this was gonna suck.Only because I dont consider Van Halen,Van Halen without Dave/Sammy. I like both eras. Eddie is a great musician,bottomline but to have a band you need the whole package plus brains and know how.I can see kickin Dave because of ego or wrong doing,but not Sammy come on. Thsi proved to me right or wrong it wasnt the lead singer.

From: Peter Date: April 15, 2002 at 22:36
Here's a tip for you. If you want to ruin a good Party please put this record on or put on the 'Shadowlife' album from Dokken.

From: curt Date: May 5, 2002 at 18:05
No Shit! This album sucked. There was only one good song on the whole album and it wasn't great like I know they could do. I think VH is awesome but sometimes you wonder what the hell Eddie is thinking about by kicking out Sammy. Well this is what he got, a shitty album and Sammy is still rockin on with his albums. Not as good as his older stuff but ok I guess.

From: Reno Date: May 6, 2002 at 7:24
Van Halen always said Roth and Hagar were kicked out because of musical differences or they just weren't getting along. Now I think Eddie trips over his ego too often and screws up his chances for another platnium cd. You could have been huge again. Get over yourself Eddie. You may be one of the most brilliant guitarists of our generation, but a ego trip will and has cost you plenty of times. How do you like Sammy and Dave on tour together? Make sure you wash your underwear down with some water.

From: James Date: May 6, 2002 at 15:39
The whole problem with this album is that Eddie tried to make Gary sing in the key Eddie was playing in. If the band was smart they would have played the music so Gary could show off his awesome voice. I have seen it happen before, great singer goes to a band and the band expects him to change the way he sings. Why hire him in the first place. Gary has a great voice, too bad Eddie didn't let it show.

From: Reno Date: May 7, 2002 at 10:52
Good thinking James. I didn't look at it that way. Gary does have a good voice, but it just doesn't fit in this band. Extreme rocked on their first 2 albums, but got caught in the grunge wagon's wheels. I'd like to see Nuno and Gary work together again. Van Halen needs to find someone with that David Lee Roth energy and the Sammy songwriting abilities. I always compared Marq torien of the Bulletboys to DLR and Sebastian Bach. Hmmm...I wonder what what he would sound like with Van Halen?

From: india Date: May 16, 2002 at 15:28
This albums current rating 0f 2.44 is still too high.Anything above a 0.0 is pushing it. Its a shame VH used to be my favorite band (with sammy or David).

From: Adam Date: May 31, 2002 at 22:15
About the only way VH will regain the spark they had is a reunion wiht Roth or Hagar. Other than that I believe the Perfect singer for the next alubm [if one is to come] is the one and only Jeff Scott Soto. If the personalities fit toghther He has the perfect voice for a really kick a** band in the style of VH. Could we see VH4?

From: T-BONE Date: June 1, 2002 at 6:28
Jeff Scott Soto would sound great with Van Halen, but he's more of a hired gun as a vocalist just like Joe Lynn Turner or Glenn Hughes. Come to think of it....they might sound good too.

Heavy Harmonies Volunteer
From: Whiplash1972 Date: June 1, 2002 at 21:59
Without You & Fire in the Hole are the only two songs on here remotely worth listening to; what the hell happened on this one? I think if Eddie wants to bring VH back, he may want to find a good 'unknown' singer,as opposed to someone we've heard elsewhere!

From: ThisAlbumSux Date: June 4, 2002 at 23:19
I like the suggestion of Jeff Scott Soto-he might last an album or two before Ed kicks him out. Two other names I've heard kicked around on are Giant's Dann Huff-he's an amazing guitarist as well, and can u imagine what they could do with 2 sizzling guitarists? and Mitch Malloy. I would buy a new VH disc in a second if they featured any of these 3 guys on vocals! What do you think?

From: Reno Date: June 5, 2002 at 4:14
Van Halen might as well crawl into their grave if they don't go with a full blown reunion very soon. Jeff Scott Soto is an awesome vocalist, but Eddie would probably drive him out. The fans have had enough of the bullshit for the last 4-5 years. Shit or get off the pot Eddie!!! If I don't see a reunion within the next year, I'll leave Van Halen for dead.

From: Date: July 2, 2002 at 20:54
Please, the people with never in your life play the guitar, don't speak to Mr. Eddie Van Halen....

From: Reno Date: July 3, 2002 at 9:11
How about you don't speak period. Or type for that matter.

From: Great Dane Date: January 7, 2003 at 16:47
.............Ok this is really a CD which is on my Worst 25 list.

From: dusty Date: January 27, 2003 at 11:43
What happened to Van Halen? This album is very bad. He should either play with david or Sammy again, or do a solo record, with instrumental songs. I think that would sell either (I would buy a evh soloalbum!) With gary it just doesn't work.

From: David Date: January 27, 2003 at 12:26
I'm not a big Van Halen fan, but a lot of people say that Gary Cherone and the rest of the guys didn't work. I didn't like this album a lot, but I think the song Without You is musically brilliant and one of Van Halen’s best songs.

From: Date: February 16, 2003 at 17:19
Van - who????

From: Rocker65 Date: March 2, 2003 at 19:19
Jap - This album is a big disaster for Van Halen...

From: Kamikaze Date: April 7, 2003 at 19:45
Ok. I know you will hate what I'm going to say. I really like this album.I REALLY DO. Of course Van Halen did better in past albums, but I don't think this album is the piece of crap everybody thinks it is. As a humble guitar player, I've found the album very interesting. I was blown away by the guitar-work in Fire In The Hole. ok, maybe's not as flashy and pyrotechnic as past things, but for me it does fine, really. I was glad to hear Eddie not trying to recycle a Panama-like Riff.EVH RULES!

From: Kev Date: April 14, 2003 at 15:22
I gotta agree with everyone here, this album wasnt VH. I was looking forward to hearing it once I heard Gary was singing on it, but I think the whole band done a bad job on this album. I cant understand why bands try to change their music or degrade it. I see people are naming singers like Jeff Scott Soto and Mitch Malloy, but in my opinion I think Eddie should give JOHNNY GIOELI a call. I have never heard a dissapointing song, vocally by Johnny. I think Johnny Gioeli and Van Halen would be ace.

From: SPOTLIGHT Date: May 28, 2003 at 6:48
Take a nice, healthy poop. Wipe your ass. Look at the toilet paper. What do you see? Van Halen III. No peanuts or corn. Just crap. FLUSH!

From: Rocker65 Date: August 5, 2003 at 2:23
This album really sucks! I have two of Van Halen: this one and best of and he didn' convice me. maybe I'll get the first one and then I'm gonna se if he is really that good. But this album is serious crap. Ballot Or The Bullet and Fire In The Hole are acceptable but not great. Oh well...

From: Dusty Date: September 29, 2003 at 6:44
Rocker65, you really should by the first album, it is one of the best hard rock albums i know! When i first heard Van Halen, I heard the last album, and it sucked, but when i heard Eruption, from the first, i was completely blown away. That first album is so good! The other albums are very good too, though different from the first (takes a little more time to like them) For Unlawfull Carnal Knowledge is great too! It's without Dave, but Sammy really kicks ass on that one!

From: Rocker65 Date: September 30, 2003 at 16:42
Heh... I bought it... Van Halen I and II (God it is so damn hard to get old hard rock albums especially here in Slovenia). Well at first I didn't like them very much. But once you get to listen you hear the magic of Van Halen. I'm The One is really good party song. VH II is great, too. In some views even better than the first one. Both of them are real classics and masterpieces in Hard Rock/Heavy Metal history. Yeah, now I see how Van Halen used to rock!!!

From: Brian Mc Date: October 25, 2003 at 21:58
Guess what Eddie? You f##ked David Lee. You f##ked Sammy. You f##ked Gary, but he was f##king stupid enough to come play with you so he got his moment with the 'king'. What next? End of story? You piss me off more than any other musician in the world. I hope you find some happiness.

From: Great Dane Date: October 26, 2003 at 17:14
Brian.............Im sure you know best what happened...right.? David is a fucked up person, Sammy was too in a period of his life. I wont even mention Gary, HE SUCKED BIG TIME, Who the hell ever started calling him a singer....deaf or double deaf. Eddie might be fucked, but damn so ahere the others. David Lee was fucked more than anyone else.

From: Blaster Date: November 6, 2003 at 3:21
I thought this album was going to be awesome since it had a great singer like Gary Cherone, but it was really putrid and kind of sounded like the later Extreme albums with its grungy pop metal blandness. How Many Say I is a great song and Once has a nice AOR vibe but the rest is pretty wretched. Van Halen was really up the creek on this one, this is their only album not currently in print.

From: Brian Mc Date: November 16, 2003 at 17:45
Hey great dane, in the realm of ego one can not be 'f##ked more' than another. That was MY opinion to Eddie, not you. I've been writing record & concert reviews and personal interviews since 1981. I was there when the almighty Van Halen shitpot overflowed into the streets. My cohorts & I were privvy to the facts whether publicly known or not. This cd still sucks. I can't believe you have only a 25 worst list. I have a garage full! Contact me GD:

From: Date: January 22, 2004 at 20:28
'Fire in the Hole' rocked. The rest was terrible. Don't blame Cherone. He was awesome in concert. He sounded like a harsher Sammy Hagar and sang from all eras of VH. EVH is to blame for this piece of trash. They really could have been good with GC. We'll never see the real VH again. Too many big egos.

From: rockystarr Date: January 23, 2004 at 13:02
I Haven't heard this album yet and after reading all the coments......crap ! shit ! etc..I don't think I'll bother.

From: Dusty Date: January 23, 2004 at 14:55
I shouldn't, unless you want to have your Van Halen collection complete, but than i still wouldn't buy it unless it's very cheap.

From: P.J. Date: February 8, 2004 at 8:29
This album has come in for a lot of stick over recent be fair I don't think it's that bad! I don't like Garys voice on a few tracks (Bizzarely mixed & tonally awkward) but where he sounds like the Gary, we all know from Extreme he seems to blossom more. There are several songs I think are bloody ace..there's a few mediocre...the main problem is lack of Punchy,Catchy Choruses, But there's some magic moments on here that only time & patience will allow you to discover!

From: nelah nav Date: February 14, 2004 at 19:22
this belongs to the toilet !!! don´t waste your money - this band is dead !!!

From: Date: February 22, 2004 at 5:30
Everone on this message board is talking about Cherone's singing voice and wether he fit in with Van Halen's style. I don't like Cherone and I never cared much for 'Extreme' except Nuno Bettencourts guitar playing. Remember that crappy song 'DecadentDance'? What a Joke! Van Halen's first mistake was highering a guy who wrote such crappy music before. Who cares if they got along well? Go for drinks and hang out, don't do a goddamn album together! Cherone just doesn't know how to write a song.

From: drummerfish Date: February 22, 2004 at 8:24
here's the deal:my old boss works with alex.he said that this cd was basically eddie's solo effort.he wanted to try some stuff out.david had a chance to come back but blew it backstage at the mtv awards apperence.gary's o.k.,but not the next step for v.h.i do have a show from this tour from mtv in brazil,and gary's kicking out the old tunes of this writting,the plans for the box set are postponed due to the next project with the undisclosed new singer.also,the box set was going to ....

From: drummerfish Date: February 22, 2004 at 8:32
...include unreleased tracks from singers who jammed or recorded for v.h. after gary.ozzy recorded with them,but took time do a 'small tv show'.it took off.then chris cornell jammed & had this record 'in the can'.it took that leads us to the new guy.the bands isn't saying anything so they don't jinx it.i'm not kidding,its the truth.even though knowbody knows,it is old news.i was really looking forward to the box set.if it comes out,remember,you heard it here first!

From: Atomic Punk Date: February 28, 2004 at 12:24
I'm a huge Halen fan, but to be honest I've never even listened to the CD. I think I seen video of one song where Eddie was wearing some sort of fool/joker hat. The reviews were so bad I didn't even bother. I am doubtful of a Roth or Hagar reunion. So my solution for Van Halen is to put out an intrumental album like what Satch and Vai do...I think they could be great again!

From: bundy Date: March 14, 2004 at 3:10
I'm also a huge Van Halen fan, but I happened to be a huge Extreme fan and I'm at a loss for why this album was so poor. Gary is a huge talent, but will never measure up to Sammy in Van Halen. The reunion with Dave will never happen because he sued for more of a share of the royalties.(Must have needed more hair plugs or more money for whores. It's tough when your too old and your voice is too blown out to score groupies.) I'm hopeful about the reunion with Sammy. Overall the music was better

From: WhydidIbuythis Date: March 22, 2004 at 4:18
Dan, is there any way I can give this a negative rating? Or at least a zero? I gave it a one, but that's being overly generous to this awful, uninspired waste of time. If you haven't heard this, STAY AWAY! By far their worst.

From: Darryl Date: March 23, 2004 at 20:22
if they tour again ? think they will play any of these songs ??

From: Dusty Date: March 24, 2004 at 9:44
no fuckin way

From: James Date: March 30, 2004 at 2:43
i really don't know why they even wasted their time on this. should have worked out their problems with Diamond Dave back in 96' when they put out the Best Of CD. At first the reunion tour was on, then once again Eddie and Dave have ego problems with each other,millions of fans hopes dashed.The two new tracks with Dave were great.But that was then. It's now 2004.To much time has passed for a Van Halen Dave era reunion, for it to be good anyways, they all have aged to much. Well Sammy's back!!

From: Big Papa K Date: June 30, 2004 at 16:44
Van Halen's worst album of their career. The songs are too long and they are trying to be too serious on here, which does not work for this band. The two singles 'Without You' and 'Fire In The Hole' are pretty good, but not much else would rank high up in the Van Halen catalog. 4/10

From: harry Date: July 17, 2004 at 6:33
I love this album! Who cares if it 'honours' Van Halen's past or if it breaks Van Halen's 'conventions'! We are talking about an album here, not about a discography! This cd is different and it simply sounds good to me!

From: Dusty Date: July 17, 2004 at 12:02
It's not about honouring Van Halen's past, it simply doesn't sound good to me. It misses that feel, that power that made the other albums work. Even if it wasn't called Van Halen, but Gary Cherone or something like that I still wouldn't like it. But of course you are allowed to like it, but I really cannot get into it. I tried several times, but it didn't work.

From: jack Date: July 26, 2004 at 4:39

From: Glenn VanWiddle Date: July 29, 2004 at 18:43
I think this album is one of the underrated classics of the 90s, despite awful production. It's even more distinctive for being a departure from the classic VH sound. Without You and Josephina hit AOR/pop-rock spot on. Fire in the Hole features TWO of the greatest EVH riffs ever. Year To The Day sends shivers down the spine (love the Eddie/Gary duels towards the end). Once is possibly the strongest VH ballad post-Roth. And From Afar is the greatest and most original song VH ever wrote!

From: PJMuso Date: July 30, 2004 at 6:32
Glenn VanWiddle! It's nice that somebody hears what I hear! Couldn't agree more! Unless that is you are taking the Piddle VanWiddle!

From: Uusiolli Date: August 5, 2004 at 22:37
Oh no, I was hoping a real rock record after Sammy Hagar ... but what is this. 4/10

From: Rycheage Date: August 5, 2004 at 23:58
Complete failure of a CD here. Gary Cherone's voice worked for Extreme but not for VH. 'Without You' and 'Fire In The Hole' are good tracks but the rest are 2nd rate rock I'd expect in a tiki bar. This is a classic example of a must-avoid.

From: GlennVanWiddle Date: August 17, 2004 at 17:15
No, PJMuso, I am not taking the VanPiddle! I honestly think that if VH fans give this record a chance, they will grow to love it as I do. I too hated this on first listen, but it's packed with great music, and in terms of sheer creativity leaves the Hagar era sounding a bit stale. The reason Gary Cherone sounds a bit crap on this is because he's clearly singing through a lousy microphone setup that hampers clarity. If this record had the production of 'Balance', it'd have been more popular

From: PJMuso Date: August 18, 2004 at 4:24
Nice one Glen! BTW....I originally commented on this under P.J. I'm glad there are those out there who like this album. Admittedly it's not a fave but this album indeed has come up for a lot of scrutiny over the years & if only people would give it time they'd find something a lot more rewarding! Eddie plays like a demon on this & Gary does have his moments when allowed to blossom. 'Without you', 'From Afar', 'Once' & 'a 'year to the day' to name but a few!

From: Dave Date: September 4, 2004 at 20:28
Along with Bullet Boys 'Za Za', Van Halen 111, are the worst C.D's i have ever owned.This is an insult to the name Van Halen and now its time to get the respect back and give us all some classic stuff again.And yes, i gave this a fair few listens to see if this would grow on me but that is never going to happen.It seems Eddie has the same ego problem that Jon Bon Jovi has !!!

From: Edward Date: September 12, 2004 at 0:14
This by far is Van Halens geratest album ever made. The vocals by Cherone are absolutley phenominal. Not to mention the excelent guitar work by eddy. Anybody whos ever listend to rock and roll music MUST own this cd.

From: Coldpepper Date: October 14, 2004 at 15:59
I'm proud of you Edward. You display this piece of crap right up there on the mantle between your Frankie Goes To Hollywood compilation disc and the new one by Duran Duran. I'm so proud of you for opening your heart to this wanton effort. By the way, is your middle name Van Halen? This disc is offal. (unfit for human consumption)

From: Rockhits Date: November 4, 2004 at 18:50
Irs not that bad as a CD goes. Now when you put the name Van Halen in front of it, it does dissapoint but its not as bad as you guys make it out to be 6-10

From: Propane Date: December 3, 2004 at 16:41
This was an even bigger pile than with Hagar! Wait a minute... The room is mysteriously quiet here... Van Halen just as good with Gary as with Sammy? (Naaa.) It appears they can now eat the crow they've been spewing forth for quite awhile now, doesn't it? Seriously, Do not for ANY reason buy this klunker.

From: zinatra99gt Date: February 27, 2005 at 15:19
Come on now, people. Don't be so harsh. You have to ask yourself this. Is this a Van Halen album or is this an Extreme. Now both groups had strong axmen. Van Halen had Eddie Van Halen, and Extreme had Nuno Bettingcourt. Both had good vocalist..van halen--sammy hagar, and extreme--Gary Cherone. I don't think this is necessarely a bad album....just different. Its one of my least faves, but I can't dismiss it totally. At least, Van Halen didn't take the same road the leps did...go grunge.

From: markstar99 Date: April 9, 2005 at 13:50
one word to describe this........ATROCIOUS!!!!

From: howe Date: April 11, 2005 at 8:25
I love this album, just like I love Extreme's Waiting For The Punchline. In fact, to me there's not one bad album from both bands. This is different, and that's what makes it such a special album. I would call it 'experimental hard rock'. This is not about power ballads and sex-oriented rockers, it's just rock that tries to open new doors. We need these kind of 'experiments' if we want rock to move on. Remember the first albums from the bands that defined today's rock; they were weird... too!

From: danoq Date: August 31, 2005 at 23:33
I didn't waste my time or money after I heard that first song on the radio. Edward van Halen just bums me out. I would rather go see the Atomic Punks do old Dave era music and have a great time than stew over how miserable that guy makes me with his grudge against DAVE. I saw a quirk on the Roth Army site how a guy saw Al and laid into him over how horrible the band is without Dave. the guy did get under Als skin and got him to melt down in public & curse him out. Funny how sensitive it still is

From: pereira Date: October 3, 2005 at 20:28
HORRIBLE!!! CRAPPY!!! GHASTLY!!! GRUNGY!!!, the worst vh album ive ever heard!!! this album marks vh's declive! lucky for me, i didn't buy it! what a screw up that might have been! - my freinds, let this be a lesson to you all: look before you leep! i listened to this cd in a store, then put it where it belongs - ON THE SHELF!!!

From: Priest On E Date: April 6, 2006 at 16:02
without you is cool. Shite production, Cherone rules one f my favourite bands in Extreme..if it wasn't so AOR and was more straight ahead hard rock no bullshit it coulda ruled. The possiblity of a great album fucked by poor songwriting, no direction and awful production. It just don't rock.

From: Priest On E Date: April 6, 2006 at 16:04
Wheres the follow up? Its been nearly 10 years for fucks sake! Bring back Hagar for an album not these shitty money-spinning reunion scams..

From: Ralfster Date: October 3, 2006 at 12:30
I wouldn't go as far as saying this is one VH's better CD's but apart from the muddy production there are a couple of tracks I really enjoy. Funny that not even those few who seem to like the CD have mentioned 'Dirty Water Dog' which is the best track for me. That groovy rocker would have worked well in the Roth era!

From: Icebreaker Date: October 13, 2007 at 6:29
This is not a good one - in fact it suxx!

From: sticksmd Date: November 12, 2007 at 5:06
Not a single trace of magic, the vocal is as bad the whole compositions.... a disaster !

From: spaniard Date: January 22, 2008 at 16:28
Probably the worst work in the history of music

From: Wachen Date: May 7, 2008 at 5:07
This one is controversial. I bought this when it came out in '98. For me the main thing here is that Cherone ruines the songs with his forced voice. We all know he can sing like a god back in the Extreme days so this must be an attempt to try and sound like Hagar, not suitable for him I must say. But the songs are actually quite good, maybe not VH as we know it. "Without you", "From afar", "Dirty water dog", "Once", "Fire in the hole", "Ballot of the bullet" are all great IMO. If Gary had sung these ones like he did in the ol' days, this one would've been a killer. Now it's fair. 6/10

From: edwithmj Date: August 17, 2008 at 20:07
Quite a boring album. I was surprised as Extreme are excellent and so are VH but together they don't work. The only two songs i enjoy listening to on here are Without You (Worth buying the album for) and How Many Say I. The latter is a beautiful song sung by Eddie with deep meaningful lyrics and I know it's nothing like VH at all it is a masterpiece! Again Cherone's voice is great with Extreme but it doesn't fit with VH I think.

From: CC Date: September 6, 2008 at 15:15
Pile of arse!

From: Axelinger Date: October 6, 2009 at 11:37
Okay, I finally got around to listening to this album in its entirety, and the verdict is..................... not good, and that's being kind. From Afar and How Many Say I have got to be two of the worst songs ever recorded by anyone anywhere. It sounds like everyone involved was in the midst of a bender and simply mailed it in. I found one song I could stand - the rest can be classified as sub-standard garbage. Suffice to say I'll never listen to this jumbled claptrap again. Eddie is a great guitar player, but reputation alone shouldn't allow him a pass for recording this slop. No wonder Van Halen fans are unimpressed by this album; they have every right to be. Easily one of the worst albums I've ever heard - there's simply no sugar-coating it. Gives the word, "sucks" a whole new meaning. Play this to the Taliban and they'll surrender immediately in exchange for their foes turning it off; it's the musical equivalent of water-boarding.

From: Doug Date: October 8, 2009 at 14:45
Axelinger, you're just now getting around to listening to this album? Come on brotha, its 2009. Van Halen meets Extreme, looked good on paper, not so much when they plugged in their amps. Too bad. Extreme got back into the action; hopefully VH will also get off their butts!

From: pie75 Date: August 22, 2010 at 5:07
well i must admit i always hated extreme gary cherone is an average singer i though this was an average album listenable just i'll admit i bought it when it first came out and listened to it a bit at the time as they were coming to australia on this tour for the first time i thought cherone tried to hard trying to be the roth showman and sound like sammy as a singer failed miserably on both accounts i do like without you and the one i want and fire in the hole is a great song but not much else doing here and we haven't been given an album from them since surely this couldn't be their last that would be a sad end

From: rick kerch vzla Date: January 10, 2014 at 17:37
For me this wasn't a bad album at all,just different and obviously this Cherone formula didn't work for the rest of the VH guys and he only lasted one release.The main problem i think was that first,as some comments above say,Gary was trying to sing way too Hagar and lost his own skills on that matter and apart from that,the experimental sound(a mix of alternative/rock/psychodelic)they delivered was quite dull to be honest..."Without You" was the only hit single,a nice song with a nice chorus line...tracks 5,6,7 & 11 also were pleasant ones to me...65/100

From: hair metal again Date: September 15, 2015 at 9:05
very good release once again by the mighty VAN HALEN!the guitar work is truly outstanding ,as the rest of the musicianship and the songwriting is ok ,maybe a bit worse than it should!things would be improved if Gary didnt try to sound like Sammy and if there were 1 or 2 big songs with a more commercial approach!overall a good one ,worth having to admire the legendary Eddie Van Halen

From: dany69 Date: May 30, 2023 at 22:07
Very Very Good album ,,,,,,,,,,,, Like All With sammy,,,, Finaly That is just not this damn guitar Tapping,,,,, It's About Feeling ,You Can See the Change In The Eddie's Solo,,,,So much more Mature,,,,,And thanks 4 That,,,

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