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[Blanc Faces Band Picture]

Artist: Blanc Faces

Title: Falling From The Moon

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Blanc Faces Falling From The Moon Album Cover


Category: AOR

Year: 2009

Label: Frontiers Records

Catalog Number: FRCD 431


Brian Lablanc Vocals, Bass
Robbie La Blanc Vocals, Guitar

Butch Taylor Guitar
Jeff Batter Keyboards
Kyle Woodring Drums
Michael Patzig Guitar
Dennis Ward Mixing


1.  I Come Alive  4:02
2.  Falling From The Moon  4:12
3.  I Swear To You  3:49
4.  Everything  4:23
5.  It's All About the Love  3:35
6.  Goodbye Summer Goodbye  4:29
7.  Deep In The Heart  4:15
8.  Don't Take It Away  4:13
9.  Like A Believer  3:48
10.  Light Of The World  3:10
11.  I Will  3:20
12.  Fly  4:13
Total Running Time:  47:29

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The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Blanc Faces CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

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Existing comments about this CD

Heavy Harmonies Volunteer
From: Jez Date: December 28, 2009 at 12:11
I always thought that the first album was a good, if a little generic debut and certainly had some good songs throughout, but I certainly didn't rave about it like certain parties did at the time and thought it definitely had some flaws. 'Falling From The Moon' starts out well enough with the first 4 tracks. The title track sounds like a Pride Of Lions song and along with 'I Swear To You' are the best 2 tracks on the album. After that, it all becomes a bit samey, safe and sorry to say, a little boring if I am honest (I have been saying that fairly often about some AOR releases recently, which is not like me at all). This is a great sounding disc though with a really nice Dennis Ward mix and isn't a complete disaster as it does have some very nice moments, but I can picture now all the ardent AOR chaps wetting themselves saying how good it is. Well believe me it isn't and it's not even as good as the debut either.

From: erik Date: December 31, 2009 at 7:12
Completely have to disagree here with Jez. Couldnot be further away from the truth. This is truly a great AOR release and absolutely a step up from the excellent debut album. Much more consistency on this one. More uptempo songs, where i think is there strenght. One their debut album were a few fillers for me. Not here though. Top notch songwriting from beginning to end. Three great uptempo songs give the album an excellent start, then an ok ballad, Its all ABout the Love, Goodbye Summer and Deep in the Heart are very good mid pased typical BF songs, then we get back to the uptempo songs with Dont take it Away, the smashing song Like a Believer, another mid pased song with Light of the World and then another just perfect uptempo song with I Will, the album closes off with a brilliant mid pased ballad. Fantastic record and so worth my 15 euros. Together with Danger Dangers Revolve THE albums of 09 for me. 94/100

From: Geoff Date: February 10, 2010 at 20:53
Two reviews and I sit somewhere in between. I'm one of those who was absolutely in love with the debut - I think it is a truly excellent melodic rock / AOR CD. And whilst I do agree that this definitely does not match up to it (especially in the ballads department) it's still a pretty fine disc. I agree with Jez that the first few songs are excellent; I especially love 'I come alive' and the title track. 'Goodbye Summer Goodbye' is another fave, and I like 'I will' too. To be honest, the only filler here is the poor 'Like A Believer'. The rest is all pretty good, but the ballads are really quite sappy and plain this time, whereas they were absolutely stunning on the debut. Good CD, but a far cry from the debut, imo.

From: feiying43 Date: February 12, 2010 at 23:19
A softer taste comes in the 2nd release. No matter which songs are to treaded as favs, undeniable, this is an another fine work in the year of 2009. Guess Blanc Faces has now got its fame arond the crowd. Though, as said by guys above, it's really a little like the same old tunes. For me, I agree with Geoff on the "Like a Believer"'s comment, only weak song in the whole album. But com'on, do u a favor, check out "Fly", what a tune! it's along side "Strange to Love" among my fav ballads!

From: rick kerch vzla Date: April 9, 2010 at 19:38
Very good album by the LaBlanc brothers,with good catchy songs and great mid tempos plus the typical ballads..."I Come Alive" is a perfect starter,solid and...catchy!..."Falling From The Moon" is "the song" of the album,AOR the way we always expect,"I Swear To You" is another goodie,basically another highlight,"Everything" is a nice yet simple ballad,"It's All About The Love" follows the line of the 3 first tracks,"Don't Take It Away" is great,"Like A Believer" sounds like a Giant influenced song,a rocky tune..(I'm A Believer..rings a bell...Giant's Last Of the Runnaways...almost has the same title),"I Will" is another highlight and the last song "Fly"(this is "the ballad") closes the album perfectly...just buy and enjoy!.88/100

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