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[L.A. Guns Band Picture]

Artist: L.A. Guns

Title: Man In The Moon

L.A. Guns Homepage

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L.A. Guns Man In The Moon Album Cover


Category: Glam

Year: 2001

Label: Spitfire

Catalog Number: ?


Phil Lewis lead vocals
Tracii Guns guitars
Mick Cripps guitars
Steve Riley drums
Muddy bass


1.  Man In The Moon  
2.  Beautiful  
3.  Good Thing  
4.  Spider's Web  
5.  Don't Call Me Crazy  
6.  Hypnotized  
7.  Fast Talkin' Dream Dealer  
8.  Out Of Sight  
9.  Turn It Around  
10.  Scream  

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The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular L.A. Guns CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

EPs and CD-singles from L.A. Guns are also welcome to be added, as long as they are at least 4 songs in length.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: jason (FA - Q) Date: July 13, 2003 at 20:17
I picked this one up about a year ago. It's not to bad... The songs on this album are kinda funky. I think they were going for the Lenny Kravitz feel on this one. If you can pick it up cheap, than go for it, but don't bother driving across 3 state in order to acquire it. In other words, it's nothing to write home about.

From: M. Allen Date: July 14, 2003 at 11:13
How in the world can a band who released a sleaze-metal album as good as "Cocked & Loaded" be reduced to churning out crap like this? It's a shame to see how far the mighty fell. Somebody should have put a bullet in L.A. GUNS' career at this point. Don't even bother picking this one up cheap...cork coasters are cheaper and that's all you'll use this disc for anyway. Do your ears a favor and pass on this one.

From: Gar Date: July 14, 2003 at 16:44
Harsh words, M. Allen. While this isn't my favorite LA GUNS disc, it's far from being crap. There's some really good stuff here like the ballad "Beautiful" with its sing a long chorus(great song live, too). Also "Don't Call Me Crazy" is a highlight. The title track is the funkiest thing the band's ever done, but it ain't bad at all. Overall it's a fine album from a fantastic band.

From: SCOTT Date: August 26, 2003 at 20:52
The release date on this CD is actually 2001.

From: Stich Date: November 26, 2003 at 4:23
I'm a rabid L.A. Guns fan as anyone who has seen my posts can attest....But I just didn't get into this album, sadly... There's a coupla ok songs, but if you're not a rabid crazy ass fan like me....don't waste the money.

From: Mallorca's rock Date: January 22, 2004 at 12:02
poca cosa interesante... no es el autentico sonido L.A Guns, incluso puede llegar a recordad a Lenny Kravitz. Tiene algun tema interesante. Ahorrate la pasta si no lo tienes... 4/10

From: MJ (Marla) Date: March 19, 2004 at 12:17
Not my favorite.....but I like this one as well. "Scream", "Good Thing" and "Beautiful" are my favorites on this. Still nothing they've done tops "Never Enough"

From: Geoff Date: August 19, 2004 at 21:54
This is a good CD to welcome back Phil. Where this fails and where the mighty 'Waking the dead' succeeds, is that I'm not convinced that the band was really into this album and collection of songs. A good enough release and I do like it - just not the best I feel LA Guns could have done. Good solid hard rock release, sort of like a less excellent 'Cocked and loaded'. That's it, sounds like 'Cocked and loaded' b-sides. No offence to them, still good stuff. Just could have been better...

From: Propane Date: November 30, 2004 at 16:47
Dying (next album review)

From: dudemetal1 Date: August 24, 2006 at 0:18
I think this a cool cd. Don't get the funky thing i've seen mentioned. If anything i hear a little more a seventies classic rock influence on some songs....Not their best, but still highly recomended.

From: Rambo Rockerman Date: January 20, 2008 at 12:33
It's a o.k record,their best for a while since Vicious.

From: edwithmj Date: October 8, 2009 at 16:27
This was the first LA Guns album I got and I love it! While it's not as good as the first three, it has some great tunes in it like Beautiful, Hypnotized, Man in the Moon, Good Thing and Don't Call Me Crazy. All have the classic LA Guns sound. i recommend this for every fan of the band. Mick Cripps certainly appeared on this album but he wasn't on the subsequent tour so his photo is missing in the booklet. Former Jizzy Pearl bassist Mark "Muddy" Dutton replaces a missing Kelly Nickels too. With LA Guns it always seems like the band members aren't enthusiastic about the band which is a shame as together, the classic five piece from the first three albums are capable of producing brilliant music.

From: rick kerch vzla Date: January 30, 2011 at 20:02
With a new touch in their sound L.A Guns comes with this...ummm..a not too appealing record to be honest...kinda alternative/grunge stuff with some Glam here and there in some songs...not even a vice versa appreciation Glam with alternative/grunge(it seems they have forgotten their roots)...well a matter of tastes but as far as i can see L.A Guns wanted to play glammers with grunge attitude even though the year this album was released(2001) grunge was already dead and buried...talknig about songs..."Man In The Moon" is a decent starter,"Good Thing" and the "highlights" could be "Spider's Web","Hypnotized","Fast Talkin' Dream Dealer" & "Scream"...songs that rock in the sense of the word...interesting if you are a die hard fan of them,if not,get their earlier stuff instead...80/100

From: MetalPete1031 Date: August 1, 2013 at 13:13
rick kerch has it right - I listen to this one for the tracks he mentioned. I really dislike the song "Beautiful", although I am sure it appeals to some. Luckily, they followed this up with the absolutely stellar disc "Waking the Dead". If you haven't heard it, that one first!!

From: rick kerch vzla Date: August 1, 2013 at 19:30
indeed MetalPete1031!!!...cheers mate!!!

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: April 10, 2023 at 13:46
This was a good disc, back in the days of hair-metal bands actually trying to come back with viable new music in the style of old. I always felt L.A. Guns were one of the few bands who really had a chance at it, but it was a doomed hope. You really can't go back, and the band didn't help themselves with well-publicized, all-consuming dysfunction. This could have been the follow-up to Hollywood Vampires, as the songs have that signature flair, with party-hearty riffs but vocals and melodies that give the songs that touch of darkness. "Spider's Web" drew attention right away for sounding way too close to "Never Enough," and it's still hard to escape the similarities but is otherwise a good song. Other favorites include the title track, "Beautiful," "Fast Talkin' Dream Dealer" and "Scream." I feel like this one has been somewhat forgotten in the catalog because Waking The Dead was such a monster just a year later, but Man In The Moon is well worth your time.

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