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Artist: Bonrud

Title: Bonrud

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Bonrud Bonrud Album Cover


Category: AOR / Melodic Hard Rock

Year: 2004

Label: Frontiers Records (Italy)

Catalog Number: FRCD204


David Hendricks Vocals
Paul Bonrud Guitar, Bass, Keyboards, Percussion
Paul Higgins Drums


1.  Leap Of Faith  3:08
2.  The Phoenix  4:15
3.  Desperate Heart  5:08
4.  I've Changed  3:36
5.  Give Me A Chance  3:24
6.  Take Me Home  4:42
7.  Date With Destiny  3:55
8.  Once In A Lifetime  4:56
9.  Live Your Dreams  3:19
10.  Look Me In The Eyes  3:11
11.  Hollywood Movie Star  4:49
Total Running Time:  44:23

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The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Bonrud CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

EPs and CD-singles from Bonrud are also welcome to be added, as long as they are at least 4 songs in length.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: MelodicMan Date: October 14, 2004 at 16:41
Good AOR album, indeed. Very clean, well balanced, with good songwriting and performances. Reminds me a little of Melodica, but without the great Ted Poley, of course. Recommended for fans of good AOR with a Hard Rock touch.

From: jessica96fish Date: October 15, 2004 at 4:10
solid a world full of poor music.worth picking up.

From: GlenRavine Date: October 15, 2004 at 9:09
Good disc, good production, good harmonies but with all the hype surrounding this release I was expecting a bit more. Don't get me wrong - its good - but it could've been great.

From: Wotty Date: October 17, 2004 at 11:33
Very good,solid AOR.Well worth picking up...

From: AOR Radar Date: November 28, 2004 at 10:56
Hey!!! Paul Bonrud is a nice American AOR/HARD ROCK artist, my congratulations, bombastic songs, but your voice sound very similar to TERRA NOVA's Fred Hendrix vocals!!! And BONRUD - Self-Titled Front-Cover is pure clone for JOURNEY Front-Covers!!! sincere rating for BONRUD is 80/100.

From: Rock Fan Date: November 28, 2004 at 15:49
This is a rock solid CD. The songwriting, guitar playing, and vocals are all top notch. The highlights for me are "Desperate Heart", "I've Changed", "The Phoenix", and "Date With Destiny". I highly recommend this CD to anyone who loves melodic rock.

From: lucasgordon Date: July 1, 2005 at 0:17
Paul Bonrud hasta ahora no lo tenía en mis registros hasta que por medio de Internet di con su página y me di cuenta de que este músico merecía un espacio en el ambiente latino para que metaleros de otros lados sepan que este artista tiene un disco bajo el mismo nombre de muy buena calidad. Como he aclarado en otras oportunidades, no comento cosas que no crea que pueda decir cosas favorables, por eso van a encontrar que este comentario les alentara a escuchar a este grupo: Bonrud.

From: lucasgordon Date: July 1, 2005 at 0:18
Casi 45 minutos de Heavy Metal y Hard Rock, con guitarras bien machacantes, bases agresivas y una voz melódica (de Pablito) son características fáciles de apreciar en este lanzamiento. Empieza con “Leap Of Faith”, que suena bien a canción de película adolescente de los ochentas, se acuerdan esas bandas tipo Survivor? donde sus canciones eran una especie de Pop Metal bien comercial, ahora en su segundo track “The Phoenix”

From: lucasgordon Date: July 1, 2005 at 0:18
es donde Bonrud captó mi atención. Escucho a “I’ve Changed” y siento que estuviera escuchando a un Bryan Adams un poquito más pesado, pero más dentro de un Rock And Roll, tal vez coincidiendo a como suena “Leap…”. “Take Me Home”, segundo soft del album (el primero es “Desperate Heart”) nos denota el lado más sensible de Paul, cuando empieza me trajo una sensación de que estoy escuchando un lento de Warrant. El CD finaliza con una balada “Hollywood Movie Star” cerrando así 11 canciones

From: lucasgordon Date: July 1, 2005 at 0:19
las cuales merecen ser escuchadas por aquellos que busquen artistas más actuales. Como agregado cabe mencionar que el disco está producido por Keith Olsen, quien ha producido discos de Foreigner, Whitesnake, Ozzy, Night Ranger, y Sammy Hagar, logrando vender sus producciones más de 115 millones de copias. En su página van a poder escuchar sus mp3 gratuitamente, y los invito sinceramente a que escuchen su buen Hard Rock.

From: Geoff Date: October 6, 2005 at 18:40
Simple, banal rhyming lyrics, weak drum sound, every cliche in the book on deck... but you know what? I love every second of it! Except the filler. But 'Leap Of Faith' is a great cliche ridden opener, 'Desperate Heart' is essential melodic rock, 'I've Changed', 'Give Me A Chance', 'Date With Destiny' and 'Once In A Lifetime' are all killers as well. The closer, 'Hollywood Movie Star' is also a highlight. 7 gems, 4 fillers - bloody good odds for me. Great album! Recommended to all.

From: juan carlos Date: November 9, 2006 at 16:16
Bueno, no es la maravilla de album este de Bonrud pero está aceptable, Melodic rock simple pero directo y con mucha melodía. Bonrud es el productor y ingeniero de sonido según leo en su folleto, Mr. Olsen solo se encarga de la mezcla. La bateria si que suena debil ehh no me gusta en lo particular. El disco en general es muy parejo. "Desperate Heart" es mi tema favorito del disco. Recomendado. 8/10

From: rocknroll Date: March 8, 2007 at 15:05
Awesome light AOR, catchy guitars, good lyrics nice voice, this is a 9 out of 10. Mix between Journey and early Harem Scarem. Buy it!

From: coverdale14 Date: June 17, 2008 at 12:19

From: z4roxx Date: July 27, 2009 at 16:14
Yes this is a good one,not great but recommended.If you like the Lynn Allen style that's for you.

From: Swazi Date: August 29, 2009 at 6:33
First time I heard "Desperate Heart" on one of the samplers I was overwhelmed and I had to get this CD. Great decision ! This is an awesome AOR release as already described above by Rock Fan and rocknroll. I can't add much to this. Buy it !

From: rick kerch vzla Date: September 27, 2012 at 20:59
A decent release or may i say acceptable...not as good as its recently edited follower "Save Tomorrow" IMO...ok you have some catchy tunes such as "Leap Of Faith","I've Changed" & "Give Me A Chance" plus some nice songs such as "Live Your Dreams" & "Hollywood Movie Star"(very nice song indeed!)...84/100

From: 123charpenay Date: November 23, 2012 at 16:02
super class aor record.the 12 songs are excellent and could be a hit.the japan bonus track is at the same level than the others songs.the singer is really excellent ,sound perfect for the bass guitar the guitars and the voice .but the sound of the drums is a shame.i have the feeling to hear the lid of a trash.nevertheless this very great record is hightly recommanded to lovers of melodic rock music!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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