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[Britny Fox Band Picture]

Artist: Britny Fox

Title: Bite Down Hard

Britny Fox Homepage

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Britny Fox Bite Down Hard Album Cover


Category: Hard Rock

Year: 1991

Label: Eastwest records america/Atlantic

Catalog Number: D153455


Tommy Paris lead vocals, guitar
Michael Kelly Smith lead guitar, vocals
Billy Childs bass guitar, vocals
Johnny Dee drums, percussion, vocals


1.  Six Guns Loaded  
2.  Louder  
3.  Liar  
4.  Closer To Your Love  
5.  Over and Out  
6.  Shot From My Gun  
7.  Black and White  
8.  Look My Way  
9.  Lonely Too Long  
10.  Midnight Moses  

If you see any errors or omissions in the CD information shown above, either in the musician credits or song listings (cover song credits, live tracks, etc.), please post them in the corrections section of the Heavy Harmonies forum/message board.

The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Britny Fox CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

EPs and CD-singles from Britny Fox are also welcome to be added, as long as they are at least 4 songs in length.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: Date: March 15, 2001 at 17:15

From: wadelink Date: August 9, 2001 at 7:42
this is a 5 star album it rocks from the 1st track to the end this is a must for hair metal fans trust me

From: jason Date: December 13, 2001 at 0:12
this album is the best that they ever made. this album should've boosted them from underrated to big time rock n roll band

From: Curious B Date: January 31, 2002 at 13:23
Never been big on this band, gave this CD a try and not bad at all. A pretty good listen. Recommended for anyone who is always searching for something other than what's played on the radio. Why the radio plays the same songs from the same bands is beyond me. A few tracks on the CD are better than a lot of that grunge crap they played for the past few years.

From: HG Date: February 17, 2002 at 15:01
I like their first two releases, but this one is their best by far.

From: Corneliuson Date: April 7, 2002 at 0:23
Best Britny fox album. Tommy Paris is better than Dizzy Davison( I read on metal sludge he wants makes B. Fox sound like Quireboys) Looks my way and Louder are my favs.

From: WidoMakr Date: April 7, 2002 at 4:38
Cornholio...what r u smoking? best BF ever??? please...this CD is a drink coaster when compared to the first 2 CD's....Tommy P couldnt hold Dizzy Deans used jock strap...DDD WAS Britny Fox....end of story...gone were the vocals that made BF who they were..when DDD left Britny Fox died.(This from someone who plays them (first 2 CD's) in the car ATLEAST once a week to this day)..he truely was BF...although his follow up band Blackeyed Susan wasnt nearly as good.. Quote the WidoMakr....never more

From: dokken6008 Date: April 13, 2002 at 2:34
This is my first Britny Fox record ever--I don't own either of their first two yet. From what I have heard so far on 'Bite Down Hard', I am quite impressed. This is SO much better than A LOT of other late 80's/early 90's material I currently own & continue to search for. So WidoMakr, I have no idea how Dizzy sounds in comparison to Tommy, but I like Paris' vocals nevertheless. I really like this cd, I guess I'll have to get 'Boys In Heat' and their self-titled to understand what you mean. 9.0/10

From: Rick Date: April 13, 2002 at 8:32
Hey Dokken, grab the first two. WidoMakr isn't steering you wrong, they are awesome.

From: dokken6008 Date: April 14, 2002 at 2:28
Will do, Rick.

From: WidoMakr Date: April 14, 2002 at 5:19
Rick and Dokken...seeing what types of music I think u like...if u havent heard these 2 bands/albums alreay I HIGHLY rec. Fifth Angel...both CD's are great but the first is AMAZING...and ICON...Right Between the Eyes...2 CD's definitely worth the price of admission....Quote the WidoMakr....never more

From: TIM Date: May 2, 2002 at 17:21
I have to agree with HG. This album is more consistant even though I liked the other albums. Dokken6008, if you like Tom Keiffer type vocals, get the other two. Not everyone likes the difference. I do, but it's too much for some people. It's cheap to find out either way.

From: RichieRocker Date: May 7, 2002 at 16:04
This is one of the best albums i have ever listened too. They are better with Tommy and Bite Down Hard is a fast, loud, aggressive, inyour face album. This is how rock n roll should be. Not a bad song on this album, nice guys too.

From: jason Date: May 8, 2002 at 20:45
On this album Britny Fox ran out and got a new singer. Dean Davison moved on to do other things. Now with the new singer Britny Fox sounds like a Britny Fox tribute band. Some of you might think I am ripping them, but wait! Don't get your panties in a bunch. There are some really good songs on here and when you have Zakk Wylde do the leads on a song like 'Six Guns Loaded', you can't go wrong.

From: dokken6008 Date: May 9, 2002 at 3:54
I've found that at first listening to 'BDH' (note that all of Britny Fox's albums start with a 'B'), a lot of the material begins to grow old after while because so many of the cuts sound very similar. When songs are written very well, you can tell what it is just from hearing the opening notes and many of these songs--sorry to say--are VERY hard to distinguish from each other. One major positive is that Fox's best ballad is on this cd, 'Over And Out'.

From: dokken6008 Date: May 9, 2002 at 3:58
Now let me also give Tommy Paris credit for what he did with 'Bite Down Hard'. This was his 1st record with the band and yet he managed to write (or co-write) some very good material. Had the band made a 2nd album with Paris, who knows how much better it might have been than his 1st with BF? Also, TP's voice is still in incredible shape after all these years--check out his live cd with Fox. Also fans of Britny Fox should check out 'The Official Nintendo White Knuckle Scorin Album' (continued...)

From: dokken6008 Date: May 9, 2002 at 4:04
...for BF's exclusive tune added on just for the soundtrack, 'Turn On'. It is a great tune--cool riffs, memorable chorus, Paris screaming his ass off, bitchin' leads, etc. You can also find 'Turn On' on Fox's live record released from Spitfire Records a couple years back, but I usually prefer the studio recordings to the live ones (polished up and everything). Well, good day everyone (that hasn't b.s.'d me); I hope the information has been helpful to you. Later.

From: dokken6008 Date: May 22, 2002 at 3:07
I guess everyone in the entire universe already new all of the above information, so why bother, right?

From: TIM Date: May 22, 2002 at 10:04
No, I didn't know about the live version. I usually prefer the studio version myself, but I might try the live one out. I'll have to see if I can find it. I probably overlooked it since I don't buy too many cd's past '93.

From: richierocker Date: May 22, 2002 at 21:43

From: richierocker Date: May 27, 2002 at 14:19
These guys are in the studio right now, they have a huge amount of material written, but they are just trying to obtain a recod deal. FOR ALL US REDSOX FANS HERE IN BOSTON. YANKEES SUCK, YANKEES SUCK. ROCK ON PEOPLE!!

From: jason Date: May 27, 2002 at 14:32
Also, Michael K. Smith has a band called RAZAMANAZ and they're going to have an album coming out this summer on Parris Records(.com). Michael is a Nazareth fan, can't you tell? They covered the song 'Hair Of The Dog' and wrote another song called 'Dream On' just like Nazareth. Also, his new band 'Razamanaz' is a song by Nazareth.

From: WidoMakr Date: May 27, 2002 at 17:26
Richierocker...uhh...what happened last night? can u say BITCH slapped??hehe..I was up there on Thurs for biz..1st I didnt see the game but the F'in traffic in Boston is worse than NY..amazingly.. .and the people drive o man..anyway...was a good series...course the Yanks less petite,El Duke, 1/2 Wells...Yeah I know No Manny... BUT u know come October who will be playing and who will be on the golf course..anyway back to the tunes...Quote the WidoMakr....never more

From: richierocker Date: May 27, 2002 at 17:44
Hey widowmaker I think the sox will give the Yankees a run for their money... I think these are the best teams in the American League, I cant wait till October we will see then. For anybody reading this buy this Britny Fox album it is unbelievable, so many of my friends have asked me to make them a tape or they ask to borrow it. Tey are awesome live too. A lot of energy and a lot of in your face intensity when it comes to their music. And Widowmaker, I think these guys The Yanks and Sox in Oct.

From: WidoMakr Date: May 27, 2002 at 19:44
RR...I have to agree with u...this year I dont think the Sox are gonna go away...they finally have some pitching other than Pedro....IF he doesnt fall apart they should be there in the end...Regarding BF...IMO nothing compares to DDD in the first 2 albums...3rd is good but it aint the first 2...Quote the WidoMakr....never more

From: jason Date: May 28, 2002 at 0:04
Hey, Wid.....&...Maker.....I would love to coment, But I just got back into town and I am drunk as a skunk!!!!!!! SO, I am fucked!! If you want to know the truth I am am lissening to the STONES right now...... talk to you tomorrow!

From: jason Date: May 28, 2002 at 0:10
Please allow me to intorduce myself.....................I'm a man of wealth and taste...........................................................................................................................................

From: RichieRocker Date: June 1, 2002 at 10:12
If you dont have this album your missing out big time!!! Awesome vocals, great dual guitar action, great kick ass intensity for any rock fan to appreciate, I was hooked the first time I ever heard it, I try and promote the album to friends and aquaintances, they all have liked it so far and they would love a copy. These guys are extremely underrated, they came out with this album just when the crappy grunge music came out. Anybody who buys this album will be very impressed.

From: RichieRocker Date: June 9, 2002 at 17:32
One of the best albums I have ever listened too. A lot of my friends agree with me. Ive turned them into hardcore fans just from one listen. Buy this album!!!!!!

From: RichieRocker Date: June 9, 2002 at 21:42
I hear that a bug of demos they did back in 90-91 were out somewhere, is this a rumor?? or is it true, i tried to download a song called 'cheezy' i know its not on this album or the previous ones. I f anybody has some information can you fill me in , thanks

From: TIM Date: June 9, 2002 at 22:35
I've seen some Cinderella demos released which Michael Kelly Smith was apart of, but I haven't seen or heard of Britny Fox's demos. I'll see what I can find.

From: RichieRocker Date: June 9, 2002 at 23:08
Thank you Tim!!!! I appreciate it

From: Reno Date: June 9, 2002 at 23:58
I have 22 demo's of Cinderella I got from Napster about January of 2001 or so. I'm not sure when they were recorded, but they could have Michael Kelly Smith on them.

From: TIM Date: June 10, 2002 at 9:57
It's probably them. I've noticed it on Ebay quite a bit lately. It's a 2 cd set. I'm not sure of the actual release date, but I know it's only been recently that it has shown up.

From: jason (FA - Q) Date: June 14, 2002 at 18:47
This is a really good album. I just put it in the player and the first song I put on was 'Closer To Your Love.' That is such a great hard rock song! I can't decide if that song is the best on the album or 'Six Guns Loaded'????????...... WELL, which is it, DAMN IT!!

From: jason (FA - Q) Date: June 14, 2002 at 18:53
You know, when I hear a song like 'Over And Out', it's like a whole different band. Britny Fox will always be 'Dizzy' Dean, but this is a good come back.

From: WidoMakr Date: June 14, 2002 at 20:16
Jason while I dont always agree with your comments this one I cant refute...TO ALL...Britny Fox was/is/and always will be DDD...end of story ...not open to comment/arguement...dont like it tough...I'd give anything to see them put another album out (with DDD) but I dont think it will happen in my lifetime...Quote the WidoMakr....never more

From: WidoMakr Date: June 14, 2002 at 20:16
Jason while I dont always agree with your comments this one I cant refute...TO ALL...Britny Fox was/is/and always will be DDD...end of story ...not open to comment/arguement...dont like it tough...I'd give anything to see them put another album out (with DDD) but I dont think it will happen in my lifetime...Quote the WidoMakr....never more

From: TIM Date: June 14, 2002 at 22:12
It's open to everybody- period! I like both vocalists. Personally, 'Louder' is my favorite on this album. 'Girlschool' is my favorite of all the Britny Fox songs though.

From: jason (FA - Q) Date: June 15, 2002 at 0:54
Wow TIM, I would not have picked 'girl school' to be your favorite. If I had to guess, I would have picked a song like 'Long Way From Home.' Now thats a great song!!

From: TIM Date: June 15, 2002 at 13:57
I'm glad you like it, but it's just okay to me. No song sounds the same to everyone.

From: RichieRocker Date: June 16, 2002 at 12:11
I cant pick a favorite Britny Fox song. I love all of them, this is my favorite album, the 1st album is a close 2nd for me. I know these guys are in the studio as we speak, but they are trying to get a record deal. I cant wait to hear some new stuff from these guys.

From: ThunderDan Date: June 16, 2002 at 12:17
Exceptional recording! My thoughts on this CD align with those of RichieRocker. This is a serious album with killer licks. The only blemish on this one is the similarity of choruses in Louder and Lonely Too Long. Other than that, ground breaking axework, breathtaking solos! I love this CD. If anyone doesn't own it, vigorously find it and grab it, you won't be sorry!

From: dokken6008 Date: June 21, 2002 at 3:02
I'll agree with TIM as far as the point that music sounds different to everyone and we all have our personal tastes. I'm totally with j., though, when it comes to a song like 'Long Way From Home' or perhaps 'In Motion'. Personal preference.

From: RichieRocker Date: June 24, 2002 at 22:08
Honestly guys. im getting a little bored of this album. I play it so much, I still love it though, but I just have to hear some new music from these guys, so my interest in this album will be where it should be. At the top. Oh ya if I never mentioned this before! Buy this album it kicks ass!!

From: dokken6008 Date: July 21, 2002 at 6:45
I bored of this album faster than ANY of the Fox cds (BF's self-titled doesn't count; I almost listen to that one AT ALL), so I'm with you R.R. Still, I have a preference of Dean's Fox work (esp. 'Boys In Heat'), but from what I understand (and something jason told me), Dizzy will most likely never reform with BF. This actually saddens me, because I don't like Dean's solo work one bit, but love where he was going with Fox. But I man's gotta do what a man's gotta do and make his dreams come true.

From: SleazyMusic Date: July 30, 2002 at 5:22
I don't know about the other Britny records...but this one sure is not a wonderful album...every single song sounds the same...AC/DC guitars americanFM oriented....the singer screams but it's not enough...I like the opener Six Guns Loaded...but the rest...well....

From: dokken6008 Date: August 9, 2002 at 5:00
S.M.-- If you ever feel up to it, check out 'Boys In Heat', and hear the REAL thing. Songs like 'Standing In The Shadows Of Love', 'Left Me Stray', a cover of a Nazareth song 'Hair Of The Dog', along with other great rockers 'In Motion' and a heartfelt 'Long Way From Home' all make it worth checking the album out. Admittedly, there are a few 'throwaway' tracks or 'filler' tunes on the 'BIH' disc, but since when is there not on ANY cd? I recommend Fox's 2nd effort, 'Boys In Heat', highly.

From: jason (FA - Q) Date: August 10, 2002 at 21:38
Here again is a album with a cover tune and it also is not listed on the 'cover songs' page. The song I am talking about is 'Midnight Moses.'

From: RichieRocker Date: September 7, 2002 at 19:18
Words cant describe this album. It kicks so much ass!! buy it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From: METAL 4 EVER Date: September 20, 2002 at 17:48
Great album, I can't comment on which is my favorite Britny Fox album, but I can say I love all their cds. But since we are on the Bite Down Hard cd, Has anyone heard of the band Jillson (Deadly Girl). If you like Tommy Paris, you will love this cd. Don Jillson, doesn’t just resemble Tommy, their voices are identical (I swear, you won't believe it!) Unfortunately this album was only pressed to several hundred copies, so it is extremely hard to find. But don't give up, it's worth it! Metal 4 Life

From: jarett r. Date: October 18, 2002 at 4:10
michael kelly smith and tony destra were both in both cinderella and britney fox

From: METAL 4 EVER Date: November 19, 2002 at 22:21
No wonder Tommy Paris and Don Jillson sound so much alike, there the same person... So I figure. If you read in the Thanks on both CD (Bite Down Hard + Deadly Girl), they thank a lot of the same people. Tommy thanks Jamie Warren Borden (the drummer for Jillson). I highly recommend getting both Jillson (Deadly Girl) and Britny Fox (Bite Down Hard). Metal 4 Ever

From: Baris Date: December 3, 2002 at 2:48
Despite this may not match the first two, it's really a fuckin' good effort. In my opinion after Dizzy, Tommy Paris is a right choice. As I extremely dig the first two BF albums with Dizzy, at first I had some questions about this. But I got into so quickly. Really an enjoyable and satisfactory album, like a tasty bubble-gum. Also their hardest and fastest effort. When compared with the former, this is somewhat a more high tempo, simple and straight rock'n'roll. Anyway, quite happy to have it.

From: RichieRocker Date: December 14, 2002 at 16:43
Friends can someone help me with a question? Britny Fox just released there demos from the Bite Down Hard session circa 90-91. does that mean they are complete songs? or they aren't finished products. also there are 3 bonus tracks. you can procure more information on if anybody has the answers to my question a response will be kindly appreciated. thank you kindly

From: Gar Date: February 7, 2003 at 21:30
Damn, there are a lot of comments on this album. Finally got this one on cd yesterday(my cassette bit the dust a few years ago). Great disc. About the arguments over which singer is better: why can't you like them both? I think both singers are great. BOYS IN HEAT is my favorite BF album, but this one's not too far behind. It had been awhile since I'd heard this one, but its every bit as good as I remembered.

From: RichieRocker Date: March 1, 2003 at 17:16
I remember a friend had told me that this album wasnt good because it didnt sell a whole lot of copies. I didnt want to beleive him so I procured this CD used, and I took one listen and I was hooked, I would definatly say this is one of my all time favorite albums in my extensive collection. I cant wait for there album coming in July called 'Heavy Elements' Rock On friends!!!

From: jason (FA - Q) Date: March 11, 2003 at 0:15
In Britny Fox news: Look for the new CD to be re-titled. The band were going to go with Heavy Elements but that is off, due to a different direction with the artwork! The artwork is being worked on right now and Tommy is mixing the new tunes at this very moment. The release is still in the same time frame of late July, early August on Spitfire Records!

From: John Date: April 22, 2003 at 6:42
The best BF By Far !!! Look My Way is one of the best Rock ballads that I Have heard. Much better with tommy on Vocals!! Best $5 that I ever spent!

From: jason (FA - Q) Date: May 1, 2003 at 22:58
Britny Fox has a new album coming out in July 2003. The name of the new album is called: SPRINGHEAD MOTORSHARK. I have posted a picture of the new album cover on the message board under 'cover art II'. Check it out!!

From: Scott Date: May 17, 2003 at 3:57
'Don Jillson and Deadly Girl' - if ANYBODY has this CD, please stop by and click on 'contact.' I'd love to get a copy! (and no, I don't know if Don Jillson and Tommy Paris are one and the same - Tommy has never mentioned his career before Britny Fox and declines to answer questions about it when I ask)

From: tomcat Date: May 17, 2003 at 11:29
they are the same, don't know why it is something to be ashamed of, it's a pretty good disc...but it's also kinda rare..check out sites like or for more info...) i love britney fox too but i would rather sleep with britney spears have a rockin' weekend america

From: Date: June 7, 2003 at 16:32
Great album. Not a filler on it, which is rare these days. I only wish the mix on the live album was as good as this one. It sounded like they used one mike to record the crowd.

From: visitor Date: August 21, 2003 at 14:53
This truly is a great album! Ok, the biggest hits were maybe on the two first albums, but only one or two of them on both - the rest was insignificant. On this album, there are no weak spots! Every song is a quality track. They sound so much heavier on this and I think it´s only good. Dean was a great singer but not such a great songwriter, and it seems like he was somewhat ruling the band (as the founder), not giving others the chance to write the kind of music they perhaps would have wanted.

Heavy Harmonies Volunteer
From: Blue Charvel Date: November 17, 2003 at 13:21
I'm sure I'm risking retribution, but I tend to agree with 'visitor'. Don't get me wrong, I love the first two as well, but this one is just so damn consistently ass-kicking! At it's very least, it is a hell of an album considering they had to replace 3D on vocals. Most bands don't survive the vocalist change, but they really pulled it off. I also think the production is fuller sounding on this, and I'm a total pushover for a good production...BTW also agree with dokken6008, 'Turn On' Kills!!!

From: Steven Ertelt Date: December 24, 2003 at 2:53
The first two albums were good, this was MUCH better. They rock harder and yet have better hooks and clearer vocals all at the same time. Six Guns Loaded and Louder are two of the best leadoff hard rock songs on any album. Over and Out and Look My Way finally have BF writing a decent power ballad. Closer to Your Love is a good mid-tempo song. Released 2-3 years earlier and this would have put BF on the map along with Skid Row and GNR. Seriously. 9/10

From: Scott Date: December 30, 2003 at 13:15
Not a bad disc, but not of the same calibur as the first two either. Dizzy gave the band a certain charisma that is certainly lost on this third disc, despite Tommy Paris being a very talented vocalist. Certainly the band has all but lost the earlier Cinderella comparisons, so it seems a bit odd that they would rely mostly on their new vocalist to carry the hooks of the songs.

From: tony Date: January 22, 2004 at 12:15
This album is complete dogcrap!!!!! Did anyone notice that EVERY SINGLE SONG they recorded on the first two records was written by DIzzy Dean? He also named/formed the group. Kinda like NineInchNails without Reznor. Get the picture? Total Poop!

From: Ric Date: January 23, 2004 at 12:52
First of all Tony let me be the 1st to say;Lay off the F!CKIN crack pipe!!!!Trust me,this album friggin Rocks like you would'nt believe!Not many bands lose a great lead singer and get another kick ass lead singer,Ala AC-DC with Brian Johnson after Bon.Britny Fox pulled it off with an amazing effort!I seriously give this album a 9-10.As far as who's better?They both kick ass!!!They are different albeit but both Dizzy and Tommy P. kick !Now just aim that kick for Limp bizkit's PUSSY!REALROCKRULES

From: jack Date: May 26, 2004 at 2:02
Wow..This album is even better than the previous one which is already a great album!as far as comparing with ac/dc,there are no comparison.Ac/DC ARE LEGENDS OF ROCK.Britny fox is very good but they don't think they are quite in ac/dc's level yet. Maybe on par with faster pussycat, pretty boy floyd or even dokken but definitely not ac/dc. ratings:9/10

Heavy Harmonies Volunteer
From: Blue Charvel Date: May 26, 2004 at 8:39
jack, I don't think Ric (correct me if I'm wrong dude) was comparing the SOUND of AC/DC with that of Britny Fox. He was saying that unlike many bands that lose a singer, they were able to come back with a killer new vocalist much like AC/DC did after the loss of Bon Scott. And why on earth would you compare Britny Fox with ANY of the other bands you mentioned, two being glam and one being LA hard rock/metal. Instead of trying to compare/categorise everything, just decide if you like it dude...

From: jack Date: May 27, 2004 at 3:42
O.k,i like this album!

From: Date: July 19, 2004 at 11:33
For further info on Britny Fox try here

From: Roxas Date: October 15, 2004 at 0:11
I still play Look My way once a month. it's been years and years.... probably gets a 100% that song. In my top 20 all time. never really listened to the rest of the album.

From: Hairball John Date: November 26, 2004 at 21:04
Six guns loaded is a great song that features Zakk Wylde on guitar. We got a request to play it during this weeks show and it reminded me of how great of a song it is. Check out The Hairball John Radio show every week at for many of the lost classics and new kick ass tunes. The Hairball John Radio Show the past is back to kick your ass!

From: Propane Date: December 1, 2004 at 11:18
Another rockin' album. The biggest problem at the time was the U.S. music and entertainment execs.. If the industry would have allowed these guys and others to succeed, We would be supporting these guys.

From: Nick C Date: December 8, 2004 at 7:48
Thought Britny Fox looked great on the Superbowl half time show with Aerosmith...that shirt was cut just right and ... what ... oh sorry!!! Wrong Britny!! Now I remember...seriously ..not too bad a release and the new vocalist was an immense impovement on Dizzy Dean but I dunno they never seemed to have that special something for me. Middle division stuff!

From: Richierocker Date: December 18, 2004 at 14:48
One of my all time favorite albums!`Has everything you want in an album. I introduced this albums musci to at least 6 people recently and they were blown away by it.

From: tomcat Date: December 21, 2004 at 5:25
"LOUDER" kicks my ass

From: cook_jaime Date: February 7, 2005 at 14:31
I was a huge fan of the 1st 2 albums but this one blows them both away. It's a shame they basically disappeared after this album. Springhead Motorshark should have picked up where this one left off. 8/10

From: ALEXX GLAM Date: February 11, 2005 at 19:36

From: Geoff Date: March 15, 2005 at 4:47
This really was a change for the better. There's no doubt these guys can play and they sound awesome here... and they can write a good simple hard rock track too. Only problem for me in the past was Dizzy, and he's gone and Tommy Paris sounds great. Awesome improvement. 'Six guns loaded' especially and 'Shot from my gun' are highlights for me, though the stunning 'Look my way' steals the show. Best song they ever recorded IMO and this is a good solid hard rock disc.

From: Aussie Dave Date: March 15, 2005 at 19:34
Britny Fox got bad raps more than they deserved! This is their third solid release in a row! And on this one they change singers, and for the better as well. Vocally, Tommy has a better voice than Dizzy! The songs are still classic hard rock, but i feel this album wasn't quite as good as the last one. This one is a bit more melodic, and to me, missing the down and dirty feel of the last couple of albums. Still very good though, and i highly recommend for those into hard rock from 80's! 8.5/10..

From: tomcat Date: March 16, 2005 at 1:09
u can say what ya want but this is one great kickass rock n roll album...'Louder' rocks... Great, underrated, kickass band

From: Sven Pelz Date: May 29, 2005 at 5:45
For me is this her best record with a new lead singer. Check this lovers.

From: memole Date: August 2, 2005 at 3:55
Coll street rock...not excellent..but cool!

From: VinceK81 Date: September 16, 2005 at 17:06
TEN of an album! Best Britny of them all! Tommy's voice is the BEST! So distinct, so intense, so much power.....TEN!!!!! RIP IT UP!

From: headbanger4life Date: December 27, 2005 at 2:48
Here's where Tommy picks up the mic from Dean and does a fantastic job. This whole album rocked to me. To bad this was when grunge was getting ready to rear it's ugly head.

From: metalmaniac777 Date: January 17, 2006 at 15:58
Britny's best. Tough, aggressive, like a hungry wolf moving in on a little lamb. The first 2 CDs were good, but this one has more bite in the guitars & vox. Let's put it this way, if someone tried to steal my copy of "Boys in Heat," I'd probably just let 'em have it, but if they reached for "Bite Down Hard," they'd be put down hard, know what I'm sayin'? Some folks have a hard time picking their favorite Britny CD, but not me; it's this one all the way & if you don't like it, well then, bite me.

From: caritosmatanza Date: January 26, 2006 at 22:09
Está Louder, con éso basta. Uno de los mejores temas para el directo de britny y un disco que ,sin ser el mejor a nivel compositivo- menos clasicazos- sí que está mejor interpretado y el nivel musical es altísimo. Fue el último grande de la banda en estudio y cerró la trilogía de excelente hard rock del grupo. 9/10

From: themartin Date: July 22, 2006 at 15:33
Good One, but I like the DDD albums a lot more.This one sounds more heavy and less bluesy than "Boys In Heat" (my favourite). "Six Guns Loaded" have Zakk Wylde as guest guitar and is one of the best songs here

From: Metal T Date: March 21, 2008 at 18:43
BDH always cranked ! Love Dean'o,but this disc absoultely smoked Dean's "Blackeyed Susan" album.This one along with the S/T were 2 of the better offerings of the genre. ----------

From: rick kerch vzla Date: August 23, 2008 at 12:26
Good Glam/Rock album...this is one those albums that you wish to hear from new bands nowadays!!!85/100

From: rockhardrock Date: April 11, 2009 at 12:57
at first i have to say that Tommy did great job as the new vocalist. it sounds familiar to previous singer Dean, which is kinda great thing, if you like their previous albums. The songs kicks ass, as they did on their first two albums. my favourites: Six Guns Loaded, Louder, Closer To Your Love and Over and Out-great ballad.

From: edwithmj Date: June 14, 2009 at 20:46
Definitely the best Britny album hands down. Dean did the band a favour by leaving as Tommy Paris (aka Don Jillson) has a much better voice and vocal range. Each song has great riffs, melodies and solos with absolutely NO filler unlike the first two albums. The riffs and guitar style are still in the vein of the first and second albums but they seem to do more with them rather than have Dean screech his awful raspy vocals all over the place. My only wish is that they could've done a follow up album immediately after this one instead of splitting up. 98/100

From: Animal! Date: January 22, 2011 at 1:19
Shot from my gun, six guns loaded, are all I'm gonna say about this!!!

From: Doug Date: January 24, 2011 at 16:20
This is my favorite Britny album. Improved vocals and overall production.

From: the rocker Date: December 28, 2011 at 22:11
This is a good cd, but I like Boys In Heat more than this or the debut. This most certainly does rock. Six Guns, Louder, Closer to your love, Lonely to long & my favorite Look My Way.

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: October 9, 2012 at 16:50
Britny Fox picks up where they left off, new singer in tow and doing his best to sound like Dizzy Dean, straining for the highest notes. The songs are a little heavier and less bluesy, but now that they aren't aping Cinderella so much, they sound a bit more generic. Good songs abound, though, with "Six Guns Loaded," "Louder," "Black & White," and "Lonely Too Long' standing out. As with the previous two albums, one of the best songs is a cover, this time of "Midnight Moses," originally by the Sensational Alex Harvey Band (remember them? me neither!). Maybe they should've just been a cover band? Naaaah!

From: MetaLWhore Date: January 22, 2014 at 11:44
Good but not like the previous albums. Dean davidson is more better than Tommy paris. Over and out is the good ballad. Album cover is excellent (Girl with the snake)

From: Doug Date: January 23, 2014 at 18:53
By far my favorite Fox album.

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: October 10, 2022 at 16:07
Britny Fox are a ge example of a band who came out punching above their weight early on, and never lived up to expectations thereafter. They got very lucky on their first album, or maybe just very slick about stuffing the ballot-box on Dial-MTV. They found themselves playing arenas opening for Ratt and Poison, but really, they were a club band, albeit a pretty good one. On their second and third albums, we see them returning to baseline. A very abrupt singer change did nothing to help either, and even a cameo by Jersey buddy Zakk Wylde went largely unnoticed. The video got a few spins on Headbangers' Ball (and contrary to popular belief, they were still playing lots of hair-metal in '91, just not wall-to-wall like '88), and the album quickly sank. After the outsize success of the debut, the ship had sailed on Britny Fox. Too bad—Bite Down Hard is a ton of fun.

From: Lincolnwasatyrant Date: March 7, 2023 at 13:48
Great album! I have now owned this album on cassette, cd and vinyl. It was originally purchased for me vi cassette from the discount rack. I gave it a listen after initially dismissing it. It rocked and still rocks to this day. This album and Wildside- Under the Influence are neck and neck with their awesomeness and ability to hold up over time.

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