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Artist: Crush 40

Title: Crush 40

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Crush 40 Crush 40 Album Cover


Category: Hard Rock

Year: 2003

Label: Frontiers Records (Italy)

Catalog Number: FRCD127


Johnny Gioeli Vocals
Jun Senoue Guitar
Naoto Shibata Bass
Hirotsugu Homma Drums
Tony Harnell Vocals Tracks 10,11
Ted Poley Vocals Track 11


1.  Live And Learn  
2.  Revvin Up  
3.  Into The Wind  
4.  In The Land  
5.  Watch Me Fly  
6.  Fuel Me  
7.  Dangerous Ground  
8.  All The Way  
9.  Open Your Heart  
10.  It Doesn't Matter  
11.  Escape From The City  

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The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Crush 40 CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: AOR freaky Date: July 17, 2004 at 14:56
I'm a bit disappointed with this one. It's not that good, a bit too many modern influences (certainly for me, who hates all that modern stuff !). Could have been better.

From: Rockhead Date: July 18, 2004 at 6:18
Featuring Johnny Geoli on vocals this cd in places sounds more like HArdline than Hardline. Also featuring Tony Harnell and Ted Poley on 1 track each this is good meldoic rock. Not exceptional but solid.

From: Marla (MJ) Date: July 18, 2004 at 11:19
'More like Hardline than Hardline'????? Hmmmmm......must think on this one!!! lol....Of course I love Johnny Gioeli's anything and everything he does..... On this disc 'Open Your Heart', 'Watch Me Fly' and 'Into The Wind' are the tops with me....

From: CC Date: July 23, 2004 at 15:45
I cant hear any modern influences,just really good straight ahead hard rock. Gotta say the this is the best song Poley has sung in years as well.

From: Aero Force Mike Date: September 1, 2004 at 13:37
Yeah, I dunno what modern influences you're on about... except for the godawful pop-punk song at the end... all the rest is fast, catchy, upbeat 80s-style metal. It's not overly memorable, and kinda gets worn-out quickly (at least IMO), since it's fairly monotonous, but it's a decent record. 7/10

From: Geoff Date: September 1, 2004 at 20:17
Yeah, once again, even in absence AOR Freaky has amazed me.Modern influences on this?That's, again, one of the stupidiest things I've ever heard.This is the most straight ahead hard rock CD you could possibly come across.So straight ahead and unoriginal in it's formularic 80's hard rock approach it's pretty useless.A few good riffs, but totally forgetable songs.Not a single percent modern, though - seriously. BTW, thought this was recorded in the 80's around Transformers time? Must be my bad...?

From: z4roxx Date: February 19, 2005 at 21:56
I think it's a good cd,not great but good.It's made with few ideas but good one indeed.The only negative points are the production(not so good as many others"Frontiers rec."releases unfortunately)and that almost songs sounds pratically identical in songwriting.BTW I love Hardline and J.Gioeli vox so much that I can recommend this cd for its low price....

From: Aussie Dave Date: March 21, 2005 at 17:59
A very dissapointing album in my book. Loved everything Johnny Gioeli has song on, except for this album. And i hear they are doing a follow up album as well. It would want to be better than this uninspiring rehashed hard rock attempt, thats for sure!!! 3/10...

From: Nix Date: October 21, 2006 at 19:09
These are songs from some SEGA videogames. I really like 'Revvin Up', it's a good melodic hard rocker. 'It Doesn't Matter' is pretty cool too. The production doesn't sound that great, maybe because it was for a videogame. But in saying that, the Daytona USA 2 videogame soundtrack had pro production. It also had Rod Morgenstein and Reb Beach from Winger with Skull vocalist Dennis St. James on a few songs.

From: Metalmusicman Date: January 3, 2007 at 16:29
Pretty damn good for a collection of sega video game songs. Add the scorching guitar work of Jun Senoue and the brilliant vocals of Johnny Gioeli, Tony Harnell, and Ted Poley just for good measure. This is really a revamped version of the "Sons Of Angels" project from a couple of years back with a new cover and some bonus material. It's the bonus material that's the keeper.

From: juan carlos Date: May 7, 2007 at 22:20
Buen disco de Hardrock, tiene sus buenos temas pero me quedo con "Into The Wind" y "Watch me Fly" como las mejores, la 10 con Harnell muy buena y Poley en la 11 está aceptable y en los coros junto a Harnell pues esta cachondo. Los riffs están a la orden, la voz de Gioeli está mejor que nunca y los solos no están nada mal (algunos mejores que otros), buena producción tambien. No es malo pero tampoco un discazo, disfrutable. Rock On!! 8/10

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