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Artist: Brides Of Destruction

Title: Here Come The Brides

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Brides Of Destruction Here Come The Brides Album Cover


Category: Hard Rock

Year: 2004

Label: Sanctuary

Catalog Number: 06076-84674-2


London Legrand Lead Vocals
Tracii Guns Guitar, Vocals
Nikki Sixx Bass, Vocals
Scot Coogan Drums, Vocals
John Corabi Additional Guitars
Kris Kohls Drums


1.  Shut The Fuck Up  
2.  I Don't Care  
3.  I Got A Gun  
4.  2x Dead  
5.  Brace Yourself  
6.  Natural Born Killers  
7.  Life  
8.  Revolution  
9.  Only Get So Far  

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The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Brides Of Destruction CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: Cruise Date: March 25, 2004 at 11:53
Pretty good stuff. Quite eclectic in the range of styles so some people may like some tracks and not others. Some very punky moments and some modern twists but i like it. Definitely not Motley or LA Guns. These are the original demo's remastered so the whole album has a very raw feel.

From: Bryan Date: March 25, 2004 at 19:33
I came close to buying this one but refrained after hearing a few songs from it.I was hoping for a sound more like LA Guns and Crue but that's not the case. More Nu-Metal than i was hoping for. It has an aggressive sound with heavy guitar riffs. Some may like it, but have a listen first if you're expecting a Crue/Guns sound.

From: Tony Date: March 26, 2004 at 0:27
From the way Nikki talks in interviews you'd think this was a hard-core punk disc but it's actually a pretty good pop/rock/metal cd. What's suprising is that Tracii Guns is really the MVP of this disc, his solos are amazing. The singer is better than average, nothing outstanding, and there's a nice mixture of Cheap Trick-ish pop and metal riffing. Good cd but nothing that we'll remember as "classic" 10 years from now.

From: Trick Taylor Date: March 30, 2004 at 12:05
This one takes a few listens to get into, but once you get past the pseudo-punk face you find a damn good nu-pop metal cd. The real winners here are "Brace Yourself" and "2x Dead". At times London sounds like a bad Butch Walker, but Traci always saves the day with his best riffing in years. Think Beautiful Creatures with a bit more harmony. I think most will enjoy this once given the chance. Just think if Corabi was still a part of this. Now that would be something to believe in.

From: AOR freaky Date: March 30, 2004 at 12:26
Not that good at all ! Noisy stuff !

From: verità Date: March 31, 2004 at 10:12
AOR Freeaky, parlate come un uomo anziano. Il rullo della roccia 'n 'è interamente circa rumore. Perchè non vi ritirate e ci non date tutti un resto dal vostro rumore?

From: GlenRavine Date: March 31, 2004 at 10:50
Save your money and put it towards something else - a real disappointment. Don't expect LA Guns/Crue type of sound or songwriting. More the pink-esque metal sound.

From: John Date: April 9, 2004 at 16:43
This is AWESOME. Has Tracii's guitars all over it. I don't get it when people say 'don't expect LA Guns' since a LOT of the Guns' stuff is borderline punk anyways. The new singer isn't bad...he fits with the music. My only complaint is 9, only 9 songs. Should be longer. But they make up for the lack of quantity with QUALITY really hard rock songs. 8.5/10.

From: Metal Pete Date: April 9, 2004 at 17:41
They have John Corabi playing guitar but not singing??? wtf???

From: Mystery Date: April 16, 2004 at 1:23
This is a total shit cd bottom line. The singer sucks so bad that is what ruins it all and Nikki steals his artwork from motley for this what a fuckin shit head he is as always. Tracci Guns is good on here but he jumped ship to think he would get some gold here/sell alot HAHA well this isnt sellin shit and he is just like Nikki but nikki is a trend chaser so this whole thing is shit but get it if you like what all say pop/punk/metal but its all been done way,way,way fuckin better.

From: John Date: May 17, 2004 at 17:59
Just saw them Saturday night(5/15). They packed the dump and then tore the roof off it. London sounded much better than he did a month ago on Leno. They played everything from 'Here Comes The Brides' took an intermission, played 3 LA Guns songs. Another intermission. Then came back out and cranked 'Live Wire', 'Looks That Kill', 'Bastard' (you read that right), 'Piece Of Your Action' and blew everyone's face off with 'Shout At The Devil'. Best rock show I've seen in five years hands down.

From: CC Date: May 18, 2004 at 9:28
Really cool album that thankfully sounds nothing like LA Guns or Motley Crue (I love both those bands,but why bother with a side project if it sounds like yer main band). LeGrande changes vocal styles a lot during the album,with some definite Seb Bach influences sneeking in from time to time!

From: ausdog Date: May 21, 2004 at 5:07
Mystery?......... more like misery dude! you are fuckin asshole do you even know what the fuck you are talking about? Go home n listen to your jackyl cd and leave sixx out of it. He is a fucking legend. I hold him in the same category as david bowie, iggy pop hendrix etc . Nikki if you ever see this YOU FUCKING ROCK MAN!!!!!!!!!!!

From: jayglam Date: June 7, 2004 at 11:45
Hopefully this will not sell, and Nikki will get back with the crue and Tracii back with L.A. Guns and put out 2 great cds, I have heard a few songs off this and a bit too modern sounding for my Liking, I loved New tattoo and Waking the dead.

From: CC Date: June 9, 2004 at 21:27
Just saw them live & they fucking rocked!

From: AOR freaky Date: June 10, 2004 at 8:05
Possible, but this is a piece of CRAP !!!

From: Chris Strutt Date: June 10, 2004 at 11:04
OK, the attitude of rock n roll are back as sure as hell boys!! c´mon! are nikki sixx and tracci guns!!they can´t make a fake.the brides rules, not like those suckers of the darkness and all actual rock n roll fake bands. We are looking for the brides rock the city down SHUT THE FUCK UP

From: FM Date: June 26, 2004 at 12:29
Very good record. 2004 is on the back, but this sounds like if it came straight out of the early '90s. Varied stuff, from straight, positive rockers to more obscure, somewhat grungy stuff, to pure pop-metal and again some rockers. All with great hooks, guitar solos and everything a rock record should have. Modern in a good way, I mean sounds contemporary without coming even close to the nu-metal or nu-grunge stuff that plagues today's mainstream rock scene. Just good ol' quality hard rock.

From: markstar99 Date: July 3, 2004 at 21:10
I'm sorry but in this day and age 9 tracks on a c.d. is daylight robbery considering the price we pay for them. So i am really biased and will say that they are fucking ripping us off, both the band and the record company....lazy bunch of motherfuckers! Having had my moan i will say that the songs are aggressive in a glam/punk vein but let down by poor production. A mixture of Sweet, Sex Pistols and L.A. Guns.If you make another c.d. try writing some more songs!!!!

From: dckiss Date: July 3, 2004 at 23:30
It took me a minute to get used to Londons voice but all in all I have to say that I like this album a lot. Its in my regular rotation. I wish there were more songs like the above opinion. I could insert the quality over quanity argument here but to be honest I think there should ahbve been 12 - 15 songs. I bought this one for $7.99 brand new so I won't complain. Yes it was a major retailer.

From: Date: July 15, 2004 at 13:10
only 3 words...........NIKKI SIXX RULES...............

From: jack Date: July 20, 2004 at 2:51
This album has got those damn modern rock and nu-metal elements in it. Not as much as linkin park or korn but still is unsatisfying. Personally, i thought this band would become motley guns but i was just dreaming too much!where's vince?just kidding!

From: Dusty Date: July 21, 2004 at 11:36
I really like this CD, and I think it is a good thing it isnt a Mötley Crüe or LA Guns sounds since it wouldn't be as good as the original bands anyway. It indeed has some modern influences on it, but hey, it sounds good to me! About the fact that it has only 9 tracks, i'd say no problem to me. I personaly don't mind. If an album has about, say 15 tracks on it, most of the time half of it is filler, and I always get a little bored after song nr 10 and mostly start skipping tracks. Why fill it up

From: Dusty Date: July 21, 2004 at 11:41
with half ass tracks if you can have an album that rocks start to finish! Keep on going this way!

From: jack Date: July 27, 2004 at 6:15
Dusty,iagree that It would not be as good as the original band but what if they are almost the same quality. But whether its the same quality or not, at least its a classic,not modern creed like crap! I like the cover though. Not exactly a hair metal band image but very close!

From: Fizz Date: August 9, 2004 at 0:41
Tracii ditched L.A. Guns, coming off their strongest album in years, for THIS? Way overhyped. That's problem numero uno. I actually dig the first two songs pretty well, but after that, I just lose interest. London sounds like Trent Reznor in that "See how aggressive I am? Huh? See?" kinda way. Tracii, in spite of dicking over his real band, is the shining star. Bottom line; just because Nikki Sixx is involved doesn't mean the sun shines out the man's ass. 4.5/10

From: Date: August 13, 2004 at 1:04
this album and band was not about hairbands or london sounding like trent reznor or whatever it wasnt meant to be laguns or crue its the brides and "bottom line"(fizz), the sun does shine out his ass and the music is great. so(fizz) go and listen to your wham collection and and it is because sixx and tracii are involved is what makes it great.

From: Desslar Date: October 1, 2004 at 20:50
Could be catchier, but enjoyably aggressive hard rock with a modern flavor

From: Metalhead66 Date: December 23, 2004 at 12:38
Tracii Guns is the star here..Very good playing By all!! They should have let John Corabi sing as he is SO MUCH better than the fruit picker they chose.. oh well I still think it is a solid release!! 7.5/10.

From: ALEXX GLAM Date: February 11, 2005 at 19:56

From: Aussie Dave Date: March 10, 2005 at 2:15
Agree with most people here, a dissapointing effort! 9 short songs in this day and age is a poor return. Some of the songs are ok, but thats about as good as it gets. Expected way better from Sixx and Guns. And whosever idea it was not to keep Corabi as singer, deserves a smack in the mouth. He is one of the best modern day hard rock singers going around. This album tries to be too punk, and it doesn't work. Fingers crossed for the next album which is due out later this year! 5/10....

From: Geoff Date: March 14, 2005 at 22:04
As a kid of 25 I missed out on the prime live melodic hard rock scene, and wouldn't have seen much here in Australia anyway, but I must say that seeing these guys live a few months ago was just fucking awesome. Call me a pansy, but it was a bit too loud even for me, but seeing Nikki and Tracci up there- awesome! I think this is a very, very good and solid hard rock disc, and the last track is a beautiful ballad too. Get it if you like hard rock n'roll. Heaps better than Velvet Revolver too, IMO.

From: 80sMetal1 Date: October 1, 2005 at 15:02
Now this cd fuckin rocks and kicks ass! This not only has great melodies, but it is heavy as hell and powerful! Shut The Fuck Up is punk-charged, straight-ahead, and ass kicking, and I Don't Care is rowdy, charging, and awesome! Natural Born Killers has an awesome chorus and Life is just great, and has an awesome message to it. A smokin, fresh, new metal band and a must listen!

From: RattnRoll Date: December 13, 2005 at 6:02
Actually not as good as a Guns/Sixx collaboration would promise to be. It's rock n' roll or actually punk rock allright, but it fails that bit of extra LA Guns or Crue delivers. For two musicians/songwriters with the credits they have it's a disappointing album, they could have done better and we all know it...

From: Metalmusicman Date: January 1, 2007 at 18:53
I only liked one song on this one and I can't even remember which one it is I ashamed to say. I wanted to like it. I just didn't. Corabi would have been a better choice for vocals for me too. Sorry folks.

From: Doug Date: January 6, 2012 at 18:17
Picked this up for a couple of bucks. It is what it is, a bunch of rock stars getting together to jam. Not good, not bad, not very memorable.

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: January 7, 2012 at 0:12
I tried to get through this one again the other bweek. My opinion hasn'tv changed in eight years. The first two songs are pretty damn good, but after that, the quality falls off dramatically, just like Tracii's career. Bailing on L.A. Guns on the eve of a European tour with Alice Cooper to support their best album in ten years (Waking The Dead), for THIS crap, was the worst decision Tracii could have made. You just knew even back in 2002 when this project was announced (it was originally called Cockstar) that Nikki would be dumping this bunch the minute a Crue reunion presented itself, and sure enough, thatv's EXACTLY what happened.

From: hair metal again Date: June 4, 2014 at 2:46
very good release by this all star band !of course you wont here any CRUE or the GUNS stuff ,but a more updated sound that reminds me of VELVET REVOLVER and especially due to the vocs!the songs are ok,the guitar work pretty good and overall this will satisfy you ,but wont blow your mind for sure!"i dont care","i got a gun" and "only get so far " are the highlights!

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