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[Loud 'N' Nasty Band Picture]

Artist: Loud 'N' Nasty

Title: Teaser Teaser

Loud 'N' Nasty Homepage

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Loud 'N' Nasty Teaser Teaser Album Cover


Category: Sleaze Glam

Year: 2003-2004

Label: Perris Records

Catalog Number: PER01392


Chris Loud Guitars, Vocals
Rob Nasty Lead Vocals, Bass
T-Bone Drums


1.  Teaser  
2.  Play Dirty  
3.  Annie  
4.  Hungry  
5.  If You Wanna Rock  
6.  Love Child  
7.  After The War  
8.  Saturday Night  
9.  Hollywood Dream  
10.  Kick 'n' Fight  
11.  Help Me  

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The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Loud 'N' Nasty CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: Rene Date: November 10, 2004 at 13:53
This album is a killer album. One of the best Hard rock/melodic metal/glam metal ALBUMS in years. Songs like ANNIE, TEASER, LOVE CHILD or SATURDAY NIGHT will bring you back to the 80s. If you like RATT, MOTLEY CRUE(from the first 3 albums specialy), TWISTED SISTER and a little of QUIET RIOT, you will love LOUDŽNŽNASTY new album. My favorite song is ANNIE, just an increible track played with passion for the 80s. HAIL TO LOUDŽNŽNASTY.

From: M. Allen Date: November 11, 2004 at 22:14
If you love your glam/hair-metal loud and with a bit of a nasty edge, then you'll adore this aptly-named band. This is big, fist-in-the-air hard rock for those who appreciate raunchy-riffed guitars, power-hooks, shout-it-out choruses, & gang backing vocals. In other words, this is great stuff for those seeking a nostalgic trip down late 80s lane. These guys don't just tease you with promises of killer hair-metal, they actually put out, and oh yeah, you'll thank them in the morning...

From: Geoff Date: November 14, 2004 at 19:38
Oh do I remember raving wildly about this one when it came out, and I still feel the same today. If you like 'Dr Feelgood' era Motley Crue, with early Dokken-type riffs, then this one is for you. Awesome riff driven sleaze metal (The Dokken reference is just in regards to riff quality) and an awesome CD for the genre. Highly recommended.

From: Leatherwolf Date: November 15, 2004 at 16:06
Yep, I love this cd!! Nice and sleazy, highly recommend!!

From: Date: November 17, 2004 at 15:09
This is a great album. You can hear so many different influences from the cool 80's bands the folks mentioned in the comments above, plus I also hear some Black & Blue & Icon in their stuff. Maybe even a slight bit of some of todays groups such as Pretty Boy Floyd, Shameless, and Nasty Idols. It's a good mix of styles, yet unique in it's own right. A real trip down memory lane for 80's rock fans. I personally think if this album came out in the 80's, it may possibly had been a platinum album.

From: Rene Date: November 18, 2004 at 3:57
Geoff, i agree with you that this album is increible good but it doesnt sound like DR.FEELGOOD era MOTLEY CRUE. Their are many tipical guitar riff that sound exacly like the first two MOTLEY CRUE albums and the first ep by RATT. I agree with the early DOKKEN type riffs. Greatings.

From: Scandinavia Date: November 18, 2004 at 9:14
The CRUE & DOKKEN comparisons are dead-on! It's a good album none the less though...The singer is the only let-down...He sounds like Lemmy on a bad day which obviously isn't too beautiful sounding! :-)

From: Rene Date: November 18, 2004 at 10:18
I dont want to sound like I KNOW EVERYTHING BETTER but the singer doesnt sound like LEMMY at all. Realy, are you listening to the right album??? I can hardly believe that you think that his voice sound like LEMMYŽS voice. Take care.

From: Scandinavia Date: November 18, 2004 at 11:47
No, it doesn't EXACTLY sound like Lemmy...Check my smiley above...I was trying to be funny. Although I do think he can't sing, neither Lemmy nor Rob Nasty... :-)

From: Rene Date: November 18, 2004 at 14:12
Ohhh, i am sorry Scandinavia. I didnt know. I think he sings very good like a mix between TWISTED SISTER(LOVE IS FOR SUCKERS ERA) and QUIET RIOT(more when Kevin Dubrow sings more melodic). Also i think that LEMMY have great voice for MOTORHEAD. Imagen MOTORHEAD without LEMMY. Imposible. Anyway, its nice we have diferent opinions if not this would be boring.

From: Geoff Date: November 18, 2004 at 18:41
Sorry Rene, I'd have to disagree with you there. The fuller, beefier sound and actual riff execution definately, IMO, resembles 'Dr Feelgood'-era Motley Crue. They're my thoughts, and I'll whip it out again because if I'm not mistaken there is a very similar riff to 'SOS' I believe. 'Dr Feelgood' was the first album I thought of when I heard this one, and thought of it multiple times whilst listening. I stand by my first comment...

From: Scandinavia Date: November 19, 2004 at 13:12
Rene: :-) - Yes, if we all agreed this site wouldn't exist! Regarding this album = It's only rock'n'roll n' I like it!!!

From: Rene Date: November 19, 2004 at 13:30
GEOFF, i respect your opinion of course. We all have different ears, maybe thats why we listen to things in a diferent way. Take care. Same to SCANDINAVIA, HAIL TO YOU.

From: Dean Date: November 19, 2004 at 13:45
Scandinavia- you tend to like more of the AOR stuff don't you? I can see why you wouldn't like this but i think it's a killer album. His vocals fit the music like a glove. "Play Dirty" is one of the best tracks on here.

From: Dean Date: November 19, 2004 at 13:49
BTW- earlier Black and Blue and Motley Crue are def. the two bands i hear the most- also a touch of Skid Row and Ratt. Great harmony leads are all over here too.

From: Scandinavia Date: November 19, 2004 at 14:06
Yes you're right! I started out with Crue, Poison, Ratt, Dokken etc. but nowadays I'm mostly into the great AOR artists like say DRIVE SHE SAID...

From: jirky Date: December 6, 2004 at 4:23
wake UP!!! we 're in 2005!! they're from sweden... listen the Backyard Babies and learn.

From: Fizz Date: January 3, 2005 at 16:33
I've been hearing "Play DIrty" a lot on the Hair Transplant stream on Iceberg Radio, and it grabs me every time. I prefer the rougher vocals mentioned above, actually, whereas when I was younger, that would tend to turn me off a little. I also really like the huge, heavy sound they have, which makes it a little less of a nostalgia colonic.

From: Alex.... Date: January 26, 2005 at 8:42
Unbelievebly belive!!!!! 100% glam rock in 2004. Congratulations!!!! i've never waited to listen the crue boys, poison's sound again... they did for us!!!! thank you boys!!!! alex (spain) glamrockistheshit@yahoo/

From: monk Date: February 12, 2005 at 9:08

From: Blue Tequila Date: February 13, 2005 at 0:13
Hehe, here's a fun album that will take you back in time. It's like old Motley Crue with Stephen Pearcy on vocals. Not an album that will set the world on fire, but if 80's sleaze-glam is your cup o' tea this should be a pleasant surprise.

From: Date: February 20, 2005 at 19:05
Sleaze is alive

From: player68 Date: February 11, 2006 at 7:27
Great CD! 9/10

From: Metal T Date: August 20, 2006 at 8:08
One of the best early Ratt/Motley tribute bands ive ever heard,not very original,but who cares i prefer the old school trip.

From: WASP1 Date: August 25, 2006 at 15:09
It's good, but I was hoping for a little better. Like a combination of late 80's Crue and Ratt and the production is sharp. The opening track was really good, but none of the other songs ever quite reached the same level.

From: Heavy.AOR Date: October 31, 2006 at 10:39
BRILLINT 10/10.One big fu/k great power glamish.

From: headbanger4life Date: June 28, 2007 at 6:08
Excellent sleaze/glam metal. Fans of early Motley Crue, Ratt, Dokken and Twisted Sister will really dig this one. The singer sounds very similar to Stephen Pearcy. This is a great album to have in the car when you feel the need for speed. Very solid and consistant release.

From: aorluver Date: December 19, 2007 at 6:17
YOu can say it again headbanger4life!! Motley Crue of GIRLS and DOCTOR era!! Great car music!

From: MetaLex Date: January 22, 2009 at 10:50
When you buy this CD, pop it into your CD player at home or your car stereo and crank it to 10!! It will kick your ass! This CD is fantastic and I can't believe I put off buying this for so long. What a fool I was. This is a definite throwback to the 80's hair metal daze! I was surprised that they sounded so good for a 3-piece. A lot of low end bass and drums, which is just awesome when it's can feel it pounding in your heart! Definite sleaze hair metal...a touch of the Faster Pussycat guitar intros with some great singing that kinda reminds me of Brad Sinsel from TKO/War Babies fame. But just overall heavy, sleazy, Loud N Nasty!! Just the way it should be. Don't pass this one up!

From: shoemaker Date: January 22, 2009 at 10:53
For me not in premier league of Sleaze metal/rock.

From: WookieEnthal Date: August 27, 2009 at 16:06
Found this one at a used record shop for $2.99 and thought I'd give it a am I glad I did! Not a modern element to be found anywhere on this gem. They look like they were part of the strip in the mid 80's which just owns. I highly recommend this to anyone who enjoys early Motley Crue, LA Guns, GnR, etc. Find it and get it!

From: hair metal again Date: February 17, 2017 at 9:19
superb hard rock release for LOUD N NASTY with a monsterous guitar driven sound and riffs that will make you raise your fists and do the hair metal thing!if you like it raw like early CRUE,RATT,PRETTY BPY FLOYD,TWISTED SISTER then this gem is for ya!"hungry" and "if you wanna rock' are anthemic songs and i believe that Teaser Teaser is among the best of this millenium

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