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[Queensryche Band Picture]

Artist: Queensryche

Title: American Soldier

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Queensryche American Soldier Album Cover


Category: Hard Rock / Melodic Metal

Year: 2009

Label: Rhino Records

Catalog Number: R2 517967


Geoff Tate Vocals, horns
Michael Wilton Guitar
Eddie Jackson Bass
Scott Rockenfield Drums


1.  Sliver  
2.  Unafraid  
3.  Hundred Mile Stare  
4.  At 30,000 Ft.  
5.  A Dead Man’s Words  
6.  The Killer  
7.  Middle Of Hell  
8.  If I Were King  
9.  Man Down!  
10.  Remember Me  
11.  Home Again  
12.  The Voice  

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The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Queensryche CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: Rob Date: April 14, 2009 at 17:29
Man.... this is just plain awful. Everything about this disc stinks. Avoid this one. Ultra-bad. 55/100

From: tssmf4lyfe Date: April 15, 2009 at 3:48
Ignore the first comment. This is easily the best album they've done since Promised Land and thats a hard thing to say because I like most of HITNF and basicall all of tribe. This album is better produced than OMC2 and Tate sings better. The guitar solo's have more of the classic ryche sound and tate makes a few saxophone appearnces which is always a plus. Only downside is a few times its hard to hear the soldier voices. Wasn't keen on the opening tune because a drill instructor voice is looped and gives the track a hiphop feel. The next song Unaraid is great but should have been closer to the middle of the album. Standout tracks are Man down, The Killer, If I were king, Home again and A dead mans words

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: April 16, 2009 at 12:22
This is more like a Geoff Tate solo album than anything, and it, along with the last several discs (not including MindCrime II), couldn't make it any clearer that Tate is just not a big fan of hard rock or metal. But then, I've never liked Tate's faux opera-singer voice anyway, and now that the music is just as annoying, I don't have much use for Queensryche.

From: shoemaker Date: April 20, 2009 at 9:49
and they are straight going on in the wrong direction, they have chosen after the "promised land" album. This is neither hardrock nor melodic metal, this is alternative rock music. Only At 30.000ft. is a cool song the rest sucks as much as all their albums since promised land.

From: shoemaker Date: April 26, 2009 at 4:25
Have I told already that once they ruled and now they suck? Hey TATE, change the name of your band from QUEENSRYCHE to QUEENSROOM!

From: GlenRavine Date: June 8, 2009 at 18:26
I actually enjoyed this DISC. Put my brain in concept mode and the music is great. Not bad, don't expect anything like the older stuff, times have changed. The music is good though - it will def. grow on you.

From: Nick C Date: June 21, 2009 at 15:42
Operation Mindcrime has become a millstone around the bands neck, and everything the band does is compared to it which is wrong. The band have generally put out some damn good albums since OMC but because they aren't OMC then half the time people won't give them a chance. I say get over it - OMC was 21 years ago, nearly quarter of a century! While this album doesn't reach the heady heights of OMC it's still a reasonable album, it's not brilliant but it's not the lemon some comments suggest. If this had been released instead of The Warning then everyone would have been raving about it. One thing I find annoying about a lot of QRyche albums is the love of using soundbytes and spoken passages, which is getting very tiresome now, the track Unafraid is pretty much soundbytes all the way through and if the excuse is that it helps tell the tale then I'm afraid you need to learn to learn to write the story better. I prefer this to the overatted and superflous OMC 2 by a mile.

Heavy Harmonies Volunteer
From: Jez Date: June 23, 2009 at 11:47
Have to agree with Nick on this one and the comparison to OMC at every given opportunity. Very old, very predictable, very blinkered and very boring, reading every Queensryche review since then mentioning the fact (and how many have there been). Taken for what this is, it is quite good in spots. I am not going to sit hear and tell you it is brilliant and up to past glories, because it isn't, but what I will say is that if you actually give it a try (how many people actually have listened to this all the way through more than once? )and get your heads out of your OMC booklets to actually give it a listen, then you may enjoy some of it - 'Home Again' for example is a chilling and quite brilliant track and a real highlight for me on here. It is a little overdone in places, and does plod somewhat, but there is no denying there are plenty of good moments on here if you give it a chance.

From: True Believer Date: November 4, 2009 at 11:36
Is it the same band that have released the great Operation Mindcrime? I don't believe This is the most overrated CD of the year! Just plain dull, boring and grungy. It forces me to sleep. 3/10.

From: ninjapeter Date: November 20, 2009 at 22:23
This is a mix of Mindcrime II and Promised land and that should say it all because to me both of those albums were very disappointing. If you can put up with same singing, background banter and boring music then maybe it's for you but not for me. I used to love this band in the beginning and even went to their concert but with every album they get worse and worse. It's time to give it up before there are no fans left.

From: shoemaker Date: November 21, 2009 at 7:48
Sad but true!

From: rick kerch vzla Date: May 10, 2010 at 17:56
Only the fact of writing a conceptual album about a war and all that is involved is admirabe..our good old Taste wrote the lyrics about his father's experience (he is a former Vietnam veteran)one day after Geoff visited him at his house in Oklahoma..after recording his father speech in a tape recorder he spoke to his wife and kids about it and basically his wife pushed him to create this conceptual album along with the rest of the boys..well 4 me this album rocks a lot!..being a conceptual album perhaps is kinda of difficult 2 select songs as "best" coz you tend 2 lose the integrity of the album but the ones i enjoy the most were "The Killer","Man Down","Remember Me" and "Home Again" which is a nice duet song..then the rest of the songs are quite highlights to be honest..a mix between Operation Mindcrime II and Promise Land??..well Operation Mindcrime is "the album" of the band along with Empire(those 2 are exceptional and unrepeatable)....continue....

From: rick kerch vzla Date: May 10, 2010 at 18:00
...continue...Operation Mindcrime II and Promise Land were not completely bad albums but they have some dull moments(Operation Mindcrime II was a mistake somehow,they should have kept it epical,just one O.M.),anyway as i wrote in my previews comment..admirable to write about a war and even more when it comes from a family experience (Geoff Taste father) and find out for yourself..95/100

From: Wardy Date: March 28, 2011 at 1:50
First and foremost The manner in which Tate is recorded literally holds down what is otherwise a very good album! And to be quite frank vocals should never be the weak link on a Queensryche album! So, that aside, this beats MCII and a ton of the Degarmoless era, the songs are enhanced by the commentary of soldiers and while it never gets metal things do manage to embrace the deep and often dark emotions brought on by war. Best example of that being the epic At 30,000 FT which is a rather brilliant tune even outside of the concept. Written by Tate and producer we yet again get further from Queensryche the 'band' and AGAIN no writing by Wilton. But Wilton writes and plays all the guitars and he truly shines bringing traditional Queensryche sounds back, something very much missed in recent years. Other hits are Man Down, 100Mile Stare, Dead Man's Words... fave is the Rage like weirdness of Unafraid! Flashbacks of Promised Land and Empire keep it hot too! More this less cabaret please!

From: jxsmack Date: June 11, 2011 at 14:04
I loved "Mindcrime" and "Empire" back in the day but I recognize every band changes over time. Unfortunately, I didn't like this one at all. Until track 11, nothing stood out as something I would ever want to hear again. On a positive note, I have to say that "Home Again" is one of my favorite Queensryche songs ever.

From: hair metal again Date: August 27, 2019 at 13:53
very good release for QUEENSRYCHE and somehow a war reality from the soldier side concept that overall i must admit that creates a certain vibe and becomes very interesting!i believe that in this one Tate sings very passionate and the band seems in good condition!recommended

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