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[Europe Band Picture]

Artist: Europe

Title: Secret Society

Europe Homepage

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Europe Secret Society Album Cover


Category: Melodic Hard Rock

Year: 2006

Label: T&T / Sanctuary Records

Catalog Number: TT00672


Joey Tempest Vocals
John Norum Guitars
John Leven Bass
Mic Michaeli Keyboards
Ian Haugland Drums


1.  Secret Society  3:35
2.  Always The Pretenders  3:55
3.  The Getaway Plan  4:18
4.  Wish I Could Believe  3:35
5.  Let The Children Play  4:11
6.  Human After All  4:14
7.  Love Is Not The Enemy  3:52
8.  A Mother's Son  4:49
9.  Forever Travelling  4:12
10.  Brave And Beautiful Soul  3:47
11.  Devil Sings The Blues  5:23
Total Running Time:  45:51

If you see any errors or omissions in the CD information shown above, either in the musician credits or song listings (cover song credits, live tracks, etc.), please post them in the corrections section of the Heavy Harmonies forum/message board.

The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Europe CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

EPs and CD-singles from Europe are also welcome to be added, as long as they are at least 4 songs in length.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: Rafo Phoenix Date: November 12, 2006 at 13:45
mmm this is Modern Hard Rock for moments is similar to Audioslave is a Good album but not is my cup of tea, bueno mi punto de vista el album esta Ok pero esto no es Hard Melodico Hard Rock moderno si, incluso Tempest suena casi igual a Chris Cornell, hablo personalmente es de esos albums que escucho una vez pero dificilmente lo repita de nuevo que diferencia con sus albums de los 80 que siempre les doy su escucha ya que tienen una magia un encanto que los hace unicos y eso se perdio.

From: Rafo Phoenix Date: November 12, 2006 at 13:55
Forever Travelling este si que es Hard Melodico actual del bueno, lo mejor del disco y quiza uno de los mejores cortes del año.

From: le_baron_boy Date: November 12, 2006 at 17:12
Un gran disco sin dudas de lo mejor del 2006 , sonidos hard rockeros y melodicos ,claro que es un sonido tipico del 2006, peroo eso no hace que EUROPE pierda su esencia y espiritu, donde resaltan ALWAYS THE PRETENDERS, HUMAN AFTER ALL, FOREVER TRAVELLING, DEVIL SINGS THE BLUES(GRAN SOLO FINAL DE NORUM ),SECRET SOCIETY (GRAN SOLO DE MIC) para mi es un 9/10 SALU2 !!!!!!!!!!

From: le_baron_boy Date: November 12, 2006 at 17:22

From: RAMYRO-LARSON Date: November 12, 2006 at 21:00
No paran de sorprenderme, este nuevo album es un disco muy maduro y solido, muy buenos temas, muy buenos arreglos, muy buena produccion, Se destacan, alway the pretenders, wish i could believe, love is not the enemy, human after all, forever travelling, devil sings the blues GRAN ALBUM!!!ABSOLUTAMENTE RECOMENDADO!!

From: PATRICIA Date: November 13, 2006 at 8:46
Debo decir que levanto mi bandera blanca y me rindo, jaja ,este es un gran disco sin dudas, EUROPE es la evolucion constante, son la demostracion del profesionalismo combinado con la experiencia y la madurez de 5 grandes musicos, el resultado un gran disco de Hard Rock del primer al ultimo tema Al que busca buena musica pues este es su disco, mas teniendo en cuenta este especie de auge del Hard Rock donde vuelven muchas bandas y otras tantas nuevas aparecen , pero a no confundir,la cantidad..

From: PATRICIA Date: November 13, 2006 at 8:49
con la calidad, porque han aparecido muchos discos pero muchos no tan buenos, este no es el caso de EUROPE ya que su disco segun mi humilde opinion entra en lo mejor del año sin pestañear Por ultimo me resta decir EUROPE soy toda tuya me he rendio ante ti, que viva el buen hard rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From: Cachorla Date: November 13, 2006 at 9:25
La verdad que despues de estos comentarios no quiero ser menos y digo que el disco esta muy bueno ,recien hace un par de dias lo consegui y tambien me sorprendio el sonido, el disco es muy lineal es decir muy parejo buenos temas , aunque quizas le falte algo asi como algun hit, peroo en si es muy agradable el disco, los temas que a mi juicio sobresalen son always the pretenders, human after all, forever travelling, devils sings the blues,getaway plan. BUEN DISCO 8/10 Los 80s quedaron atras!

From: Cachorla Date: November 13, 2006 at 9:29

From: SuperRockero Date: November 13, 2006 at 10:50
???!!! buen album llaman buen album a esta cosa quiza con 2 temas que estan buenos pero lo demas estos Europe solo quieren vender albums con este sonido que cualquier bandita alternativa actual puede tener es decir EUROPE asi como BON JOVI en la actualidad son una completa PORQUERIA musiquita hecha para estupidos adolescentes PATRICIA seguro le diras lo mismo a LORDI soy toda tuya. el anterior album 1/10 este 2/10 otra decepcion

From: Cachorla Date: November 13, 2006 at 22:14
Bueee , ya sabia que alguno iba a caer con este tipo de comentarios bastante irrespetuosos y fuera de lugar, porque sta bien que no t guste, peroo de ahi a descalificar ya fue demasiado y menos tratar asi a una dama , que por lo visto se expresa mejor que tu , eso es algo que deberas aprender (contestto solo porque no creo que sea la forma correcta de expresarse en un foro y menos dirigirse asi a una dama)Lo de Superockero te queda muy gran, para mi sos superintolerante!!!!!!!!!!

From: TIM (2) Date: November 15, 2006 at 4:07
It's not the best start when the first track off the new Europe CD is simply the worst slab of tuneless nonsense the band have ever created. After that it does get better (tracks 2 & 5 are terrific) before you're forced to hit the skip button again right through to the excellent "Forever Travelling". Tempest's vocals are flat & uninspired,& Norum remains a talented but misguided guitarist. Full marks for attempting to move their sound forward, far fewer marks for the end result. 5/10.

From: Heavy.AOR Date: November 15, 2006 at 5:16
Total agree with TIM (2).for me not that bad like a Stark but not is my cup of tea (Rafo ).For me 4/10.

From: meradona Date: November 15, 2006 at 8:50
No voy a ser irrespetuoso, pero para mi una full del estambul, siguen en la onda del anterior. mal , muy mal

From: 80s hero Date: November 15, 2006 at 11:59
Bueno, todas las críticas a disco s siempre van con el gusto de cada uno. Realmente me parece que EUROPE han perdido completamente el rumbo musical. Una banda que supo sacar discos realmente increibles como The Final Countdown, Out Of This World o Prisoners In Paradise parece que ahora se subió a la moda del rock moderno pero eligiendo lo peor de esta música. Lo dije anteriormente en la crítica del anterior, si el anterior era malo ,este es peor. Lo mejor que podría pasarle a EUROPE es que vuelv

From: 80s hero Date: November 15, 2006 at 12:03
Kee Marchello que realmente sabe componer canciones de hard rock buenas, John Norum es como Adrian Vandenberg o Reb BEach, músicos de primer nivel que perdieron la capacidad de componer y que si bien tocan cada vez mejor de componer canicones ni hablemos y si miramos el dvd en vivo de EUROPE podemos decir que eligieron el peor set list de la historia de EUROPE!!! Por favor se podría llegar al recital en los bises que uno no se perdería nada!!! Un horror. 02/10 puntos mi calificación para lo nuev

From: le_baron_boy Date: November 15, 2006 at 13:51
Respeto tu opinion, pero no la comparto, EUROPE sigue hacioendo hard rock a mi me molestaria si hiceran otro tipo de musica que traicionara sus sentimientos, pero Europe es, fue y sera una banda de HARD ROCK que es lo que hacen ,lo que le choca a muchos es la pala bra "moderno" pero yo no le pongo rotulos ni etiquetas ni titulos es solo hard rock ,ya estamos en el 2006 la dorada decada del 80 paso, si te fijas en la discografia de EUROPE ningun disco se parece a otro

From: le_baron_boy Date: November 15, 2006 at 13:54
siempre estan en cosntante evolucion eso es digno muy digon y repsetalbe que una banda apueste por mas su capacidad creativa y tampoco es como puede pensar alguien que es por vender, EUROPE esta mas halla del bien y del mal, ya lo he dicho antes todo artista que edita un disco es para ser difundido, vendido o reconocido des el pop al metal mas extremo, asique lo de venta de discos terminemos con ese verso, pero volviendo al disco, hay temas con mucho feeling de la vieja epoca como....

From: le_baron_boy Date: November 15, 2006 at 13:58
Alaways the pretender, forever travelling, devils sings the blues, human after all y el mismo secret society. Es solo mi punto de vista, solo intercambiamos opiniones, no pretendo convencer a nadie de nada , ya que sino te gusta no t gusta y punto Solo trato de resaltar las muchas virtudes de este disco que para mi es de lo mejor del año , mientras que para otros no. SALU2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From: ninjapeter Date: November 16, 2006 at 1:49
I like this quite a bit. This does have a slight modern feel to it but not much. Not at all like Audioslave as Rafo Phoenix said. Overall not a bad effort. It sounds a lot like Start From The Dark to me. I would rate this album an 8/10.

From: Geoff Date: November 22, 2006 at 22:41
I don't mind this one. As Tim(2) said, the first track is one of the worst songs ever, and 'The getaway plan' isn't much better. There are some awful songs here, but there are also gems like 'Always the pretenders' and 'Wish I could believe'. The last 3 songs are quite samey, but I do like all of them. In between there are hits and misses and the album certainly isn't great, but it's not so bad. Pretty much on par, if not better than 'Start from the dark'. Better guitar sound, IMO.

From: z4roxx Date: November 24, 2006 at 15:26
I think it will sound bad to me,my cousin told me that it’s worst than the last one that for me is near to shit,yet.No one cent to grab this one indeed.

From: Baloo Date: December 12, 2006 at 14:59
Nice "comeback" to the roots !!!Much like the first years, keep up the work.......i like it !!!!

From: kimoaor Date: January 25, 2007 at 17:02
Los he visto 4 veces en España, 89:Barcelona, 04:LorcaRock, 04:BCN, 07:BCN. El del 2007 ha sido un buen concierto. Como siempre EUROPE me han hecho vibrar. Estoy en el mundo del hard y el AOR gracias a ellos allá por el 86, pero donde esta la voz de Joey. Sigue siendo un super-frontman, Norum un guitar-heroe pero las composiciones de los dos ultimos cd's dejan mucho que desear. Deciros que las canciones que el publico coreaba eran las clasicas, todos botando y cantando,

From: kimoaor Date: January 25, 2007 at 17:09
pero con las nuevas era algo forzado con la intención de que nos gustaran pero es otra historia. Esto de renovarse o morir no tiene sentido, quizas sí para la economía (ventas) pero no para los fans que deseabamos que volvieran. Esperemos que como Def Leppard despues del Slang o Dokken despues del ShadowLife, Europe vuelvan a hacer algo increible (como componia Joey o Norum en su Total Control o el impresionante Face The Truth). Esperemos que la química vuelva y el siguiente sea mas melodico. OK

From: ehyder Date: April 3, 2007 at 19:06
What a disappointment! The previous album was Norum's baby and this one is again on the tned down guitars and even filtered vocals! Ok I am not expecting to hear "Final Countdown" over and over, but I think they just went the wrong direction. Hopefully they will learn how to craft a real good contemporary Melodic Hard Rock album in the future. Go and listen to Gotthard, PC 69 and the likes and then we can talk!

From: onemorecast Date: May 30, 2007 at 13:49
I saw the video for Always the Pretenders on youtube. It's pretty good.

From: z4roxx Date: May 30, 2007 at 14:17
Ahahaha mamma mia che porcheria ahahahah!

From: wsr88d Date: July 28, 2007 at 10:34
This is a really good release...certainly heavy hooks, guitars and harmonies. After SFTD, which I disliked, this is a nice comeback. The songs are good, the production is great, a couple of fillers - but nothing to steer people away from buying this cd. I think the heaviness gives the cd and the band an edge and gets them away from the "hair band"/pretty boys of overseas rock. I highly recommend this release. My favorite track is "The Getaway Plan". "A-"

From: aTomiK Date: November 24, 2007 at 7:46
Yeah, This is a great release! 8 huge songs to offer here. The worst song of the cd is the first one but if you can get past that then it´s only getting better. I wasn´t sure about the quality of the album after the first listen but the second one turned this into a masterpiece. Europe still rocks!!

From: le_baron_boy Date: March 5, 2008 at 10:26

From: rick kerch vzla Date: May 14, 2008 at 21:48
WARNINGO NOT EXPECT ANY KIND OF SIMILARITIES WITH EUROPE'S 80'S STYLE!!!.The album is not bad but the using of "modern rock" doesn't match what they once did.I know that musicians have to evolutionate but is a shame that Mr Tempest & C.o didn't do anything to rescue a little bit of their old and unique sound!.Anyway "Secret Society","Always The Pretenders" (AOR influenced),"A Mother's Son" (emotive but far miles away from Carrie!)& "Devil Sings The Blues" (with a little touch of Led Zeppelin even in Mr Tempest's tone of voice)save the nation a bit!...

From: rick kerch vzla Date: May 14, 2008 at 21:50
75/100 my humble rating and of course respecting all the comments here summited!!!.God bless you all!!!

From: kai Date: July 13, 2008 at 23:10
Far better than "Start Form The Dark", but still very far from their superb 80s releases. Although, it has interesting songs like "Always The Pretenders" (the best song), "Wish I Could Believe" "Human After All", and "Forever Travelling"

From: MikeTuinstra Date: March 1, 2009 at 19:29
They became their antithesis. As a Melodic Rock fan myself I don't like it. I don't think it's Europe I'm listening to so as far as I'm concerned the band never returned. This is an Alternative record to my ears. The big sound is gone. Sound minimal, tone depressed. I wouldn't consider it heavy, their Le Baron Boys stuff was miles ahead and that was good. Lack of quality here. I understand their motivation for the change in sound showing the many sides of the band catering to different generations but encounter a loss in identity with this one. Their known for melody, I don't hear it anymore. It's the typical cliché most Classic Rock deals with in the 00's. Expectations I lost long ago, hope never really fades. Always a pleasure to hear from them again but this is not your product. Rename to Force or something new.

From: hair metal again Date: May 14, 2009 at 8:51
i don't understand why many bands trying to do something modern.when it comes from the heart there's no need to.the songs are nice,the playing is ok but there's no spark in seems to me their music gets a bit cold.start from the dark was a much better and talented one

From: alterego Date: September 9, 2009 at 6:53
Hello everybody!! In the website of there is an interview with Joey Tempest about the last disc: Greetings!

From: pibe Date: March 31, 2013 at 4:50

From: Wardy Date: May 18, 2013 at 4:13
SS remains my favorite Europe release since their reformation & while appreciate the dislikes for their new approach, personally think of all the reformations Europe are getting things more right than any! There's still plenty magic melody and quality of old behind their recent material, albeit soaked in modern sounds & whatnot. Darn glad for it too while I was quite the admirer of classic era Europe it's here where they hit their second home run. Rockers AlwaysThePretender & ForeverTravelling, the ballads MothersSon & WishICouldBelieve are sensational performances by a band knowing its strengths and place in modern music. HumanAfterAll & LetTheChildrenPlay probably the closest to old Europe yet both sounding fresh. Even the crazy opener works a treat in its own way. It's all personal taste of course but I've nary a poor word for any of the recent Europe releases, find each a wonderful listening experience & beautifully executed by all (Joey a magnificent vocal in his later years) 9

From: Stixx Date: June 18, 2016 at 7:59
Good sound, good playing, but a little too boring down-tuned songs with weak choruses. Disappointment!

From: titothetitan Date: November 24, 2020 at 18:53
bad songs, boring. Zero keyboards and melodies.

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