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[Europe Band Picture]

Artist: Europe

Title: Prisoners in Paradise

Europe Homepage

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Europe Prisoners in Paradise Album Cover


Category: Hard Rock

Year: 1991

Label: Epic

Catalog Number: EK 45328


Ian Haugland drums
Kee Marcello guitars
Joey Tempest vocals
John Leven bass
Mic Michaeli keyboards


1.  All or Nothing  
2.  Halfway to Heaven  
3.  I'll Cry for You  
4.  Little Bit of Lovin'  
5.  Talk to Me  
6.  Seventh Sign  
7.  Prisoners in Paradise  
8.  Bad Blood  
9.  Homeland  
10.  Got Your Mind in the Gutter  
11.  Until My Heart Beats Down Your Door  
12.  Girl from Lebanon  

If you see any errors or omissions in the CD information shown above, either in the musician credits or song listings (cover song credits, live tracks, etc.), please post them in the corrections section of the Heavy Harmonies forum/message board.

The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Europe CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

EPs and CD-singles from Europe are also welcome to be added, as long as they are at least 4 songs in length.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: GIORGOS Date: April 9, 2001 at 9:07
The last EUROPE album which appears to be a more heavy result than the two previous pop-metal attempts of the band. First time in EUROPE's life that Joey Tempest does not undertake the songwriting exclusively. Kee Marcello makes evident here why he is considered by many as the best Swede guitarist. Amazing solos and energetic riffs show world what EUROPE can do after they've been criticised for overdose of keyboards in their previous recordings. The powerful "Girl From Lebanon" really excites .

From: Alejandro PC Date: June 16, 2001 at 9:36
"Prisoners in Paradise" was far away to have had the succes that "Final Countdown" had. But however "Prisoners in Paradise" isn´t bad. It´s a very good album. I realize that it´s heavier than the "Final Countdown" because the songs of "Prisoners in Paradise" have more energy. It´s a good show of the Rock´n´roll of Sweden. I´m from South América.

From: fofuxodobrasil Date: September 12, 2001 at 0:06
the best Europe album!perfect songs: halfway the heaven, prisoners in paradise, talk to me..... listen and enjoy it!

From: Fofalhuxo Date: September 24, 2001 at 21:05
I agree with fofuxodobrasil!! The best Europe album, followed by Out Of This World! What a fuck! GIORGOS said it's a heavy result... It's the evolution of a band, reaching their best performance! The "overdose" of keybords makes everyone free to reach for the sky! Alejandro PC talked about heavier and more energy... it's just more melodic and really greater! I'll Cry For You makes me cry for this album! Talk To Me makes me talk to everybody: up the glams like Europe guys!

From: Motley Date: October 29, 2001 at 12:08
Great heavy album.It took me many years to get addicted 2 it and put away for some time but picked it up 6 month ago and WAUW:Got your mind in the gutter, Little bit of lovin, I'll cry for u kicks totally ass!!! What a "new" surprise. I can tell you all by now that Ian Haugland is balled and Joey T. has a Nirvana haircut. PUKE!!!!!

From: Harvey Date: November 16, 2001 at 8:57
The only Europe album of any interest to serious AOR enthusiasts...a real surprise!!

From: luis Date: December 22, 2001 at 7:52
ill cry for you es de las mejores baladas k he escuchado......hace venirse a kualikier mujer!!!!!!!!!

From: José Carlos Date: February 26, 2002 at 11:59
Pedazo de disco buenisimo... y despues de esta obra de arte cogen y lo dejan... algo no funciona bien en el mundo de la musica.

From: West Of Sunset Date: March 30, 2002 at 6:49
Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con Jose CArlos es un pedazo de cd despues de "Out of this world" aunque mi primo Dani se empeñe en decir que "Prisioners..." es una mierda, yo creo que es mejor incluso que "Final countdown", pq esta mas trabajado en sonido y producción y encima Joey Tempest canta con mas fuerza que nunca. Por desgracia una gran perdida para el rock melodico.

From: Tony Date: April 10, 2002 at 0:51
One of the top 5 pop-metal albums of all time and had it been released 3 years earlier would have been triple platinum!! Was one of the first victims of the initial grunge wave. Every song is great and the musicianship is just spectacular. The songwriting is just miles beyond anything they did to this point. A crime if more people don't check this album out.

From: JapLance Date: May 31, 2002 at 6:15
I bought it at a discount price just for curiosity and WOW, that's the way Hard Rock oughta be... Great CD with fantastic songs. Much better than the "Final...Shit"

From: SebShred Date: July 1, 2002 at 23:06
Do you want feeling?? Check Out the solo in ''Girl from Lebanon'' ...

From: R. Hall Date: August 10, 2002 at 16:22
The influence of american producer Beau Hill is evident on this release.Gone is the Euro style hard rock that we're accostumed to by this band (except for the songs "Girl From Lebanon" and "Seventh Sign".Beau's work is always top notch, just check out Ratt - Out Of The Cellar , Winger- Winger, The Storm - The Storm for example and you'll know.However I feel this was an oddly paired union between Hill and Europe.I feel producers such as Keith Olsen,Mike Stone,Max Norman,Ron Nevison would have bee

From: From Mexico Date: August 13, 2002 at 13:58
I´m an Europe Fan since The Final Countdown album, and obviously, I love what they did with their other 2 albums (Out of this world and Prisioners in Paradise). And the only thing that I can say right now, is: I MISS EUROPE!!!!!!! They were a great band...

From: MALLORCA´S ROCK Date: August 24, 2002 at 18:28
Coincido con mis colegas de habla hispana, este es un discazo, probablemente el mejor de todos y tras el desaparece la banda. Cierto algo huele a podrido en esto de la musica.

From: Giacomo Date: November 25, 2002 at 11:54
Very good album, very melodic hard rock, whit great guitars and great voice by Joey Tempest. Rating: 8,5/10

From: iaffprofireman Date: December 18, 2002 at 2:40
Why wasn't this album HUGE? It is a terrific album, not a weak song on it. I like all their other albums, but this one is absolutely the best! I thing this band got a bum rap alot because people felt they had a "pretty boy" immage, plus they played the hell out of the song Final Countdown ( which actually isnt too bad a song, but not their best. )But these guys are really talented and can play VERY WELL. They can rock pretty hard when they want to. They put out great melodic songs. Get this CD!

From: Gar Date: March 2, 2003 at 23:16
My favorite Europe cd. This was rereleased a couple of years ago with 2 extra songs on it: "Government Man" and "A Long Time Comin' ". Also it features new liner notes from Joey, Ian, and Mic. Worth getting even if you already have the original.

From: Ivan garcia Date: March 9, 2003 at 14:40
problablemente el disco q marco mi vida pq no creo q nunca mas escuche una obra maestra asi. lo mismo q dicen mis paisanos hacen lo mejor q se puede hacer y se van decepcionante

From: Jhonnyrocker Date: March 11, 2003 at 19:07
I'm just wondering why these guys are not at the top of the chart all over the world!with the first firehouse album and the def leppad's hysteria is quite possible one of te best produced album ever..great guitar sound great arrangements ecc...the song are so catchy that is impossible forget their choruses even after 15 yrs..they should have sold 30 milion copies of this cd for the superb quality of this material...but with no promotion even jesus christ wouldn't sell a copy of his album

From: Vic (Australia) Date: May 4, 2003 at 5:28
Great band. Great album - they were crucified.

From: Kevin Date: May 29, 2003 at 17:45
This one is also my favorite album of theirs

From: kim Date: June 28, 2003 at 11:21
Marketing and music industry go to ruin EUROPE. Sons of a bitch!!! They were the best group on the earth. This LP is very very good but Joey composed the songs with other people and the way changed and this didn't like to Sony Music. The album promotion didn't exist, the sales were lose and Europe thought that their music didn't like to the fans. Therefore they decided leave it. But we wait that they COME BACK someday!!! EUROPE FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From: BringBackThe80s Date: August 7, 2003 at 12:29
Definitely heavier than other Europe albums...check out tracks 1,2,3,6,7,8,11...gr8!!!

From: John Date: August 12, 2003 at 11:55
Now we're talking. If they'd have released this instead of 'The Final Countdown' back in the 80s, maybe people would have taken them seriously instead of using them as a punchline. By the time they released this album, most of the general public simply dismissed them as a bad hair band. Awesome. Every song stands out and is produced impeccably. 9.5/10.

From: bretijani Date: August 14, 2003 at 20:33
Para mí el mejor disco de ellos! es que huela a podrido algo en la industria que es ella la que se pudre cada día más!..solo modas, si no haces musica como la que se lleva da igual el talento que tengas..una patada en el culo y a vender pizzas!

From: pablo Date: September 6, 2003 at 9:02
Cierran su trilogía mágica esta vez apuestan por un Hard Melódico a la americana pero de formas muy elegantes ,a por el si no lo tienes

From: RR-Finland Date: September 15, 2003 at 1:38
Not good at all. Couple of tracks you can listen, but thats it!

From: Ramyro Date: October 7, 2003 at 18:50
Es un gran disco de hard rock sin dudas una gran produccion de una de las bandas mas grandes de hard rock no reconocidas POR SUERTE ESTAN DE VUELTA PARA EL MUNDO DE LA MUSICA!!!!!!!11

From: keebler Date: October 8, 2003 at 1:49
i like the blues feel of some of the songs on this cd.

From: Date: February 10, 2004 at 11:04
Este disco es la repera!!!

From: Carlos Date: March 10, 2004 at 19:52
The best album of Europe and one of the best hard rock albuns of all times!!!

From: keepthefaith Date: March 17, 2004 at 9:59
buenisimo disco de los europe,que temas tan bestiales Got Your Mind in the Gutter y Girl from Lebanon,como mucha gente opino que progresivamente han mejorado.the final countdown es un disco muy rockero,el out of this world es elegancia y preciosismo y este un disco muy maduro,se nota la aportacion de beau hill en la produccion y en algunos detalles.tengo que decir que a mi me costo algo de tiempo que me entraran los temas,ya que no es un rock directo tipo bon jovi,hay que hacerle sus oidas

From: keepthefaith Date: March 17, 2004 at 9:59
buenisimo disco de los europe,que temas tan bestiales Got Your Mind in the Gutter y Girl from Lebanon,como mucha gente opino que progresivamente han mejorado.the final countdown es un disco muy rockero,el out of this world es elegancia y preciosismo y este un disco muy maduro,se nota la aportacion de beau hill en la produccion y en algunos detalles.tengo que decir que a mi me costo algo de tiempo que me entraran los temas,ya que no es un rock directo tipo bon jovi,hay que hacerle sus oidas

From: Marky Date: April 4, 2004 at 18:44
K decir d un grupo sagrado como este,sobran las palabras,de la primera a la ultima cancion perfectas,sin duda d Joey es impresionante llena d melodia y fuerza,eswtan d vuelta y como,k vienen a España este verano,os espero a todos en el Lorca rock festival EUROPE I loved

From: Aldas Date: April 18, 2004 at 18:20
This album is very well done job. Somehow more heavy than Final Countdown and Out Of This World, but it has perfect combination of energy and melody. Highly recomended.

From: jack Date: May 6, 2004 at 1:02
Europe's best album after the previous two album. Prisoner in paradise is a great song:good guitar playing in the front part and solo part. kee marcello's guitar skill is almost as good as john norum's,maybe equal. THIS ALBUM IS THE BEST ALBUM IN 1991 ALONG WITH SKID ROW'S SLAVE TO THE GRIND WHICH IS ALSO ONE GREAT ALBUM! EUROPE IS MAYBE THE BEST MELODIC METAL BAND AFTER DOKKEN. EUROPE ROCKS!

From: TIM (2) Date: June 3, 2004 at 4:28
I'm not sure they'd be overly pleased about the comparison to Dokken, but otherwise I agree with Jack. Marcello more than proved his worth on this, and the slightly superior "Out of this World" albums. Some average songs on the second half of this, but some truly killer tracks and for once a decent production from Beau Hill.

From: Jose Spain Date: June 11, 2004 at 15:42
Bueno, pues aqui otro fan mas, esperando ansioso a que llegue el 14 de agosto y poder verlos en directo, despues de tantos años de espera, vere al grupo que me introdujo en este mundillo flipante del Hard y del metal. EUROPE FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOS VEMOS EN LORCA!!!!! Por cierto, no he dicho nada del disco, muy bueno aunque prefiero el señorio y la clase del Out of this world y mantendre siempre en un rincon muy especial sus tres primeros discos. Todo un lujo que vuelvan con John Norum. Mas em

From: Big Papa K Date: June 13, 2004 at 0:32
Europe with yet another stylistic change. Beau Hill turns the band away from their keyboard heavy pomp sound, to more of a Winger/Ratt type band. The album moves along great until after track seven, when like a lot of Beau Hill album, the songs. mostly the filler, begin to sound all the same. 7/10

From: TIM (2) Date: August 27, 2004 at 5:12
Have just been playing the soundbytes from their new album and it all sounds bloody awful. The single "Got to Have Faith" is reasonable and sounds vaguely reminiscent of past Europe, but some of the other tracks are crap, and very modern sounding but with little or no melody whatsoever. After the House of Lords disappointment I really feel another one is coming. A definite try before you buy for all past fans of the band.

From: Federico Date: August 27, 2004 at 13:04
Sadly I have to totally agree wit Tim(2), the 1 minute mp3s are very dissapointing. I think that the last House of lords was much better than this dark modern tracks. What's up with Europe, they should learn from TNT that after two dissapointing albums are back to the mighty glorious sound of the 80s. My religion is the best cd of 2004.

From: TIM (2) Date: August 27, 2004 at 13:35
Hey Federico, I was completely agreeing with you there, but you just lost me with that last sentence...

From: run2u Date: August 30, 2004 at 12:55
Para mí,"Final...","Out Of This World"&"Prisoners..."son los grandes trabajos de Europe.Destacaría la inspiración y garra del Final,la elegancia y sensibilidad del Out...sin olvidar el hard rock serio y pulido de Prisoners.Lo anterior no me parece a la altura,y lo nuevo de momento tampoco:lo que he escuchado suena aburrido y oscuro como los trabajos menos acertados de Norum.Y NO ME GUSTÓ NADA su actitud en LorcaRock,despreciando la etapa con Kee,e intentando demostrarnos lo"heavies"que son...

From: run2u Date: August 30, 2004 at 12:56
...Obviamente,todo ello responde a necesidades comerciales.Estamos en 2004 y los chicos lo saben:no se lleva el AOR,ni el pelo cardado,ni los teclados.Pues nada,a ver si os colgáis la etiqueta adecuada y volvéis a vender como antes... porque no creo que volvamos a escuchar un álbum de Europe con el nivel que todos esperamos.Una pena.

From: Chevalier Date: August 30, 2004 at 14:18
That is very cool.U are using the same comment for all the albums they made.Very clever indeed.Less work is not to write too....even better no?my respects fella.

From: Chris Date: September 6, 2004 at 2:41
This isn't a bad album at all but compared with stuff like Out Of This World (Scandi AOR/melodic rock at its finest!) or Wings Of Tomorrow (ballsy Rainbowish Euro metal!) it just falls flat on its face... The root of the problem is the band going for a more US sound (Beau Hill/songs co-written by Eric Martin, Jim Vallance etc.) leaving their distinct keyboard sound in the background... There are of course a handful of classics, Girl From Lebanon for example is one of Europe's best tracks!

From: jack Date: September 13, 2004 at 4:55
How can anyone don't like this fantastic,amazing,talented and gifted band? I've been an europe fanatic sice i first listen to them and in my opinion they are the finest international melodic hard rock act after scorpions,iron maiden and judas priest.

From: Geoff Date: September 13, 2004 at 21:12
Sensational CD and the reason I like Europe. 12 killer tracks, not even a TRACE of a filler!'Halfway to Heaven' is a sensational melodic gem,'I'll Cry for You' is a beautiful ballad,'Talk to Me' is my fave- a killer melodic hard rock track,'Prisoners in Paradise' is an A++ ballad, as is the sensational 'Homeland','Got Your Mind in the Gutter' is a killer hard rocker and overall, the rest of the tracks are all great!!! Just a superb melodic hard rock CD - perfectly executed! 9.5/10

From: MelodicMan Date: September 25, 2004 at 6:19
Hey TIM(2), after a full listening to the new album, things aren't tottaly lost IMO, Got To Have Faith is a decent song, Hero is a very beautiful ballad w/ great lyrics, Sucker is funny and enjoyable, and of course we have a couple of crap tracks and the keyboards can barely be listened, but Start From The Dark isn't so disappointing as House Of Lords

From: Kip Date: September 26, 2004 at 17:05
Again, I agree with Geoff completely. This is my favorite Europe release. It's an extremely well crafted CD and every song is worth listening to. In order, these are my favorite tracks: Talk To Me, All Or Nothing, I'll Cry For You, Girl From Lebanon, Homeland, Halfway To Heaven, and Prisoners In Paradise... and the rest are solid as well. What makes this CD great, is ALL of the hooks and choruses are memorable, which makes the entire album enjoyable. 9.5/10

From: Giacomo Date: October 31, 2004 at 10:02
Very very good album, very underrated. I think it's 8,5/10.

From: Hairspray Date: November 11, 2004 at 5:53
Awesome! Great hooks and melodies. The title track is majestic and utterly fantastic. I just pray they play this and some of the others at the London gig this month. "Halfway to Heaven" "Talk to Me" are my other favourites but all the tracks are solid and worth plenty of listens. I do prefer the acoustic version of "I'll cry for you" as this version is too sickly for me. It is a very underrated album with a harder edge than the previous two releases.... Go on, treat yourself!!

From: AUGUSTO Date: January 24, 2005 at 11:05

From: onemorecast Date: March 3, 2005 at 23:31
This one just came out at the wrong time. This is by far their best CD. Truly the swedish Bon Jovi.

From: ROCKER Date: March 12, 2005 at 9:23

From: ROCKER Date: March 12, 2005 at 9:25
From: Big Papa K ( Date: June 13, 2004 at 0:32 Europe with yet another stylistic change. Beau Hill turns the band away from their keyboard heavy pomp sound, to more of a Winger/Ratt type band. The album moves along great until after track seven, when like a lot of Beau Hill album, the songs. mostly the filler, begin to sound all the same. 7/10 THEY HAVE NOTHING IN COMMON WITH RATT..RATT IS JUST A AVERAGE HARD ROCK BAND A LOT MORE RAW AND WITH A SHIT OF A SINGER...

From: z4roxx Date: March 12, 2005 at 12:13
ahahahaha did you see them at Alcatrazz??Sorry mate but now J.Tempest is like a BIG ZERO ahahahaha!My father could sing better!Do not offend Ratt singer because are two

From: z4roxx part.2 Date: March 12, 2005 at 12:15
because are TWO COMPLETE DIFFERENT STYLES,so not comparable...Saw in Milan on last November...I've lost over 30 euros to listen to 6/7 tracks from their last shit cd and with a singer who don't sing anymore

From: rocker Date: March 12, 2005 at 15:03
joey ok nn canta come nel 1992 ma ci sta ancora dentro..x sua ammissione aveva la voce a puttane x colpa del concerto precedente in cui aveva strafatto...fatto sta che live sono ancora immensi

From: z4roxx Date: March 12, 2005 at 15:14
Joe è uno sparapalle,a Novembre la voce non l aveva come non ce l ha piu'dal 1992.Se si è messo a fare country o quelle cagate lì è logico che non tenendo la voce allenata a cantare a certi livelli poi dopo non ce la puoi più fare,ed è quello che è successo a lui.Mi dispiace ma orami conb quel cantante gli Europe fan solo brutte figure o per lo meno che faccian solo i pezzi dell ultimo disco,tanto roba mediocre per voce mediocre potrebbe funzionare...

From: TONI MALLORCA Date: March 19, 2005 at 13:53
era de esperar que se separaran despues de este disco,pues ya no habia ideas, la magia que habian transmitido con the final countdown y out of this world ya se habia apagado,aqui las canciones ya son mas simples y carentes de melodia a excepcion de la balada ill cry for you,por mas que lo escucho no me entra.

From: cachorla Date: April 16, 2005 at 17:16

From: GLAM FAN Date: April 18, 2005 at 7:10
Wow,this album is their best effort considering this was release in the 90's. I like this album alot cause first,it's less keyboard orientated(thank god!) and is much more focused on the guitar(which is the way hard rock and metal music should be,keyboards are more suited for pop rock,mew wave,aor,pop or arene rock). Second,kee marcello's playing here is more mature and varied than he did in the previous album. I actually think kim marcello is technically more proefficient with the instrument

From: GLAM FAN Date: April 18, 2005 at 7:17
(guitar) than john norum. John is used to playing more faster and aggressive style of guitar while kim is more versatile. Apart from i'll cry fro you,all the songs here are ass kicker,especially bad blood and the title track. The songwrting here are actually qualiy material(give credit to beau-love ya,beau!) and the production focus. If this album was not release in the same year as nirvana's nevermind(which is a piece of shit) and instead in the 80's,it would deinitely give europe much more

From: GALM FAN Date: April 18, 2005 at 7:19
respect(which is something they had already in me!)than they did. A classic by 90's standard. ratings:8.5/10

From: VinceK81 Date: May 16, 2005 at 12:25
KILLER!!! I've found it VERY hard to choose my favorite Europe album seeing that I'm a Tempest/Kee faithful, so I wont. But I will say that this album is definitely the most solid all the way through. Yes it's heavier, Yes it's more of a group effort, and YES it contains some of the catchiest Hard Rock ever put to vinyl. 'Out of this World' has some standouts that rip! as does 'Countdown'...but almost every 'Prisoners' track is a gem. Killer, Ripping, Catchy, Perfect 10!!!!!!!!

From: Teer Date: June 10, 2005 at 4:31
Vincek81 said it all. This is really brilliant stuff. Fantastic album. I already loved the Out of this World album but this tops it even. Close to melodic catchy as hell rock perfection. Yep Joey could write awesome songs. 9,5/10 GET YOUR COPY TODAY !

From: Lovedrive Date: June 25, 2005 at 9:29
Muy bueno, pero para mi ni de coña el mejor.

From: ROBERT Date: June 26, 2005 at 10:09
Bueno, Bueno pero no lo mejor q han hecho, al menos para mi humilde gustirrinin

From: Tormentor77 Date: July 28, 2005 at 1:46
Defintely the best album that was released by Europe and I'm a big fan of these guys. Great guitar rock, awesome riffs and melodies. Highly recommended (Moscow, Russia).

From: Erik Date: July 28, 2005 at 14:49
I agree Tormentor. Together with the Out of this world album this is Europe's finest hour. Both are IMO excellent albums. 9,4/10

From: 9 CHAMPIONS A 1 Date: September 16, 2005 at 4:35
Pues a mi nunca me convenció este disco, el tema "I'll Cry For You" si, y mucho, pero poquito mas, bueno quizás " Girl In Lebanon" por la ayudita que le da el teclado, el resto de temas no los considero malos (bueno hay 2 o 3 q si q lo son y de remate) pero no me llenan. Seguramente hubiese sido otro cantar si para esta aventura americana de los suecos hubiesen pedido una ayudita a Desmond Child (y cuanta mas mejor ) ¿que hubiese tenido de malo? en lo musical seguramente nada. MUY NORMALITO.

From: pereira Date: November 6, 2005 at 17:12
este disco no es de mis favoritos de esta grandiosa banda! los ultimos tres albums si ke rockean de verdad!!! y no me vengan con esas de ke THE FINAL COUNTDOWN ES POPROCK y ke FUE SU PEOR ALBUM y todas esas tretas, porque muchos sabemos ke no es cierto! los EUROPE HICIERAN MUCHO MEHOR KE ESTE ALBUM, no es ke sea malo, es ke EUROPE son capaces de mucho mas! el cansacio de trabahar en los ultimos albums, las giras,etc.., se reflecten en este album...y despues lo dejaron

From: Mediaab Date: December 7, 2005 at 9:56
Another classic by the boys in Europe - it's got killer songs, world class playing and singing, great production and a thick powerful sound. What really strikes you here is the fantastic songwriting during these sessions. Even songs that did not make it onto the final product (due to stupid record executives) such as Yesterday's news and Break Free (only on the Japanese 1991 release), as well as Sweet love child, Here comes the night, Mr. Government man and Long time coming are very very solid!!

From: PATRICIA Date: September 28, 2006 at 16:45
Great album 9/10 great songs, prisoners in paradise, halfway to heaven, ill cru for you, girl from lebanon !!!!!!!!etc,etc

From: BIG-TIME Date: May 17, 2007 at 18:18
Me Like! Me Like really a lot heavier than previous, Kee defo adds something but I think John had a bit more but it's still very good get if you like good hard rock...KEEP ROCKIN ALL!!!

From: YIRO SEVENTH Date: June 20, 2007 at 18:43
Aqui coincido totalmente con CHAMPIONS. Me parece un disco irregular, con temas muy buenos y otros que no despegan nunca. El sonido es muy cercano al Hard Rock americano, incluso la voz de Joey Tempest bluesea en algunos momentos. Para mi, de las mejores del disco son: "I´ll Cry For You" que es de lo mejor que te puedas escuchar, sinceramente; "Talk To Me" que me parece genial; "Halfway To Heaven" y "Girl From Lebanon". Lo demás, sinceramente me sobra. Con este disco nunca he podido.

From: Heavy.AOR Date: June 21, 2007 at 11:14
With this album for me Europe dead.This is perfect brilliant AOR/Hard Rock.I love this album with he is born .11*/10.

From: YNGWIEVIKING Date: September 25, 2007 at 2:31
GREAT CD 95/100 more US oriented but still good !!! If you still don't have a copy , you need to buy the JAPANESE remaster with 2 bonus tracks ("yesterday's news"a true hidden diamond) there is another US reissue with two different bonus tracks from 2001 , they both gave another perspective to the band vision ! BUY IT ANYWAY....NOW

From: Melodic Man Date: September 29, 2007 at 7:49
Awesome Stuff here ! Tracks 1,2,3,5,6,7 are my faves !!! 95\100

From: seba Date: December 29, 2007 at 0:14
para mi el mejor disco de europe!!donde se nota la madurez,y como han evolucinado,este es un poco mas hard q su anterior disco,o mas rockero como asi decirlo,lleno de melodias,donde se destaca mucho KEE MARCELLO"sus solos siguen siendo increibles,magicos! la voz de JOEY TEMPEST,increible,como siempre,noto mas agresividad,fuerza,potencia!las melodias vocales estan mas trabajadas!y no deja de brindar emotividad,sentimiento!! me encanta el trabajo de bateria de IAN HAUGLAND,muy preciso..

From: seba Date: December 29, 2007 at 0:23
un sonido muy particular,y muy bien tocado,se nota que ha mejorado de uma manera brutal a comparacion del OUT OF THIS WORLD" todos los temas del disco son INCREIBLES!!! All or Nothing,muy ganchero,Halfway to Heaven,I'll Cry for You,un tema precioso,medio tiempo,con una voz de JOEY muy sentimental y con un trabajo de MIC MICHAELI barbaro,este tema en plan aor...Little Bit of Lovin,otro gran tema,bien hard donde la voz de TEMPEST se luce magicamente,HACIENDO LO QUE QUIERE CON ELLA!

From: seba Date: December 29, 2007 at 0:31
Talk to Me,otro tema q vale la pena destacar!lleno de melodia,medio tiempo,ganchero,y la voz de JOEY,afilada como siempre! Seventh Sign,alguien me dijo alguna vez que este tema es uno de los mejores del hard rock de todos lso tiempos,y diria que si,simplemente,escuchenlo y saquen sus propias conclusiones! que decir de Prisoners in Paradise?muy fino,con muchos coros al estilo QUEEN!hasta el solo me hace acordar a BRYAN MAY!esas cosas solo las puede hacer el maestro MARCELLO! Bad Blood..

From: seba Date: December 29, 2007 at 0:39
la encantadora,Homeland,donde la voz de tempest sigue derrochando dulzura,sentimiento!!!recomiendo que escuchen el solo de guitarra!si estan aprediendo a tocarla,no lo escuchen!jaja!! Got Your Mind in the Gutter!temazo!muchos cortes,y la voz de nuestro amiguito se destaca de una manera descomunal,como siempre digo,haciendo lo que quiere con ella! Till My Heart Beats Down Your Door,no entiendo como no fue un hit,por que tenia todo para serlo! Girl from Lebanon,ya la intro,te rompe la cabeza..

From: seba Date: December 29, 2007 at 0:46
con esos fondos de teclados del maestro MICHAELI,y ese solo de KEE que no deja de sorprender!muy fino! es un gran disco de EUROPE,para mi el mejor!!lo unico q le jugo en contra a este disco,es q no tuvo la promocion q deberia haber tenido,es una pena!lo recontra recomiendo!recuerden,estos discos ya no se hacen!11/10 para amantes del hard/aor mi mail es

From: RockMan10 Date: July 18, 2008 at 12:41
After not listening to this for quite some time, I pulled it out today. I can't agree more with the kuddos that it is receiving. This, to me too, is the best Europe. While O.O.T.W was very good, it's not as complete, melodic, tasteful and intricate like P.O.P. I did like T.F.C back in the day but its simplicity drives me crazy nowdays. P.O.P leaves me wanting more of this from Europe. Hopefully, the next disc will have more melody and a return to the progressions that are making a big comeback these days. 95/100

From: DOUG Date: September 14, 2009 at 14:04
I love this album!!!!!10/10

From: metalmaniac777 Date: January 16, 2010 at 13:09
Europe should have conquered the civilized world--and the charts--with this album. The powerful melodies reach out like a multi-tentacled melodic monster and make you their prisoner, wrapping your auditory senses in Beau Hill's pristine production while the super-catchy hooks embed themselves in your brain with startling immediacy. Of course, some fans lamented the loss of the AOR flavor that drenched their earlier releases like sickly-sweet maple syrup on a stack of pancakes, but the heavier edge actually works flawlessly in the band's favor. Bottom line, melodic hard rock paradise can be found right here.

From: the rocker Date: November 15, 2010 at 20:28
This is the best Europe cd. Crunchy guitars good Chorus'w/ good backing vocals. Love it !!!

From: rick kerch vzla Date: November 21, 2010 at 18:28
I agree with the rocker about the crunchy guitar sound on this edgier album 4 sure...i think that this one along with The Final Countdown(1986) & Out Of This World (1988) are the albums that marked the greatness of Europe as a band...the experience of seeing them live in 1988 (Out Of This World Tour) made me realize how big this band was meant to be but when they recorded this album,rock music in general,was having big changes,the media and record labels were somehow turning their backs againts 80's emblematic acts such as Europe...grunge came after and the rest is history...about this album songs such as "Girl From Lebanon" which is one of my all time Europe's fave tracks,"All Or Nothing","Halfway To Heaven","I'll Cry For You","Little Bit Of Lovin'"(excellent track)& "Got Your Mind In The Gutter" are meant to be classic among rock classics...94/100

From: MikeTuinstra Date: November 27, 2010 at 17:23
Europe's return to a harder edge. Up until this point I've enjoyed this band's discography all the way through. The last one, "Out Of This World" put a focus on guitar/keyboard melodies of Melodic Rock. This one emphasizes melodic guitar Rock, and increases the tempo again. With the AOR writing of a tune in tact they Rock out the songs in a Hard Rock approach. Its performance suffered due to the sham business turning against them at the time, but it remains my all time favorite Europe record, as well as a truly great closure to what is the best era in music history to me. Another all time great here.

From: hair metal again Date: June 8, 2011 at 1:32
fantastic hair metal release by EUROPE.the contribution of Beau Hill is obvius as their direction is totally changed.even their fan club adress moved in san fransisco!the songs are rockin ,catchy without losing their personality and overall the result is a commercial hard rock heaven:"got your mind in the gutter","talk to me","little bit of lovin","all or nothing " and so many more!brilliant

From: 123charpenay Date: April 24, 2012 at 13:38
1991, one year before the nightmare of the grunge wawe,europe have a difficult mission.they stay on two sensational records who explosed the charts in the whole world.with the aid of the fantastic production of mr beau hill they realized an exploit.they realized their best record ever.more mature than the previous with an extraordinary sound.only hits this album is a reference in melodic rock.all serious a o r fans have this jewel in their collection.a priority ,buy the japan import cause the two bonus tracks are at the same level than the rest.

From: CC Date: December 5, 2012 at 11:38
Easily my fave Europe albums, but because John Norum wasnt on it, they seem to pretty much ignore it when they play live. Just like Out of this world, you get 1, maybe 2 tracks from each if you are lucky, ignoring all the big singles. I saw them recently and they played Girl from Lebanon, which is hardly one of the best songs on here. Songs like Half way to heaven, I'll cry for you and the title track should all be in the set. If its down to John not wanting to play too much from the albums he didnt play on, then he needs to get over it and realise its his chance to put his stamp on them.

From: pibe Date: March 31, 2013 at 4:46

From: Wardy Date: February 9, 2014 at 1:24
It may have been the radio ready CryForYou & HalfwayToHeaven that pleased most but found much greater comfort in the dark yet beautiful nature found elsewhere on the record, SeventhSign prime example possibly the heaviest Europe had been since their first couple records. TalkToMe, HeartBeatsDown GirlFromLebanon so many great songs here. And considering the label had them return to the studio for more material, and SeventhSign being a good indication where they had headed (written & performed well before albums sessions), had they landed the album they wanted it may have fared even better against the heavies & onset of grunge at the time!? Regardless Prisoners suffered little from the experience & time has proven it one of their most popular & complete releases. Thankfully moved further away from the OTT pop of the FC period & while still soaked in typical 80's Europe, it saw the band back at their strongest. Sadly too late before the big change but still essential Europe Rating 8.3

From: edwithmj Date: January 19, 2017 at 13:38
One of the blandest and most disappointing albums on here. The only songs I can take away from this one are Halfway to Heaven (a pity the whole album isn't as good and memorable as this one song) and Prisoners in Paradise. The rest of the album is completely forgettable: I've actually tried to get into this several times as I was sure I was missing something but now I'm positive it's not me. The beginning of the end for Europe.

From: titothetitan Date: January 9, 2018 at 11:31
I agree with edwithmj. This is a great disappointment if compared to 'The Final Countdown' and 'Out of this World' albums. 'I'll Cry for You' is a nice song but the rest sounds so generic and forgettable. 60/100.

From: Planet Y Date: January 1, 2023 at 12:21
A lot of colour-by-numbers commercial rocksongs that sound like something you would hear at the Eurovision songfestival. For me, this is by far Europe's least interesting album. Seventh sign and Girl from Lebanon are great songs though, and the album is overall well-produced.

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