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[TNT Band Picture]

Artist: TNT

Title: My Religion

TNT Homepage

(click on Artist's name above to return to artist's main page)

TNT My Religion Album Cover


Category: Hard Rock

Year: 2004

Label: Avalon Marquee (Japan)

Catalog Number: MICP-10396


Tony Harnell vocals
Ronnie Le Tekro guitar
Morty Black bass
Morten 'Diesel' Dahl drums


1.  Invisible Noise     Listen
2.  She Needs Me     Listen
3.  Lonely Nights     Listen
4.  My Religion     Listen
5.  Give Me a Sign     Listen
6.  Perfectly     Listen
7.  You'll Be There     Listen
8.  Flow     Listen
9.  Live Today     Listen
10.  Everybody's Got a Secret     Listen
11.  Everything U R     Listen
12.  Song 4 Dianne     Listen
13.  The Last Word     Listen

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The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular TNT CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

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Heavy Harmonies Review
From: Dan Date: March 3, 2004 at 0:48
I've always been somewhat 'ho-hum' when it comes to TNT. I enjoyed their early material, but their efforts of the mid-late 90s were decidedly lacklustre. When I popped this one in I wasn't expecting much, but WHAMMO! Something has apparently happened with Tony Harnell and the gang, because this is phe-nom-e-fucking-nal. Clearly the best material they have ever done. Classic melodic hard rock, not any new-vibe here, folks. Hooks and melodies abound. Lots of singalong choruses. I know it's early in the year, but it is going to be TOUGH to beat this for album of the year.

Rating: 98/100

Existing comments about this CD

From: MJ (Marla) Date: February 17, 2004 at 0:38
Absolutely LOVE this thing!!!! Chunky guitars in 'She Needs Me' Great harmonies. Tony Harnell is once again amazing...'Lonely Nights' is my favorite here...but I really love 'Perfectly' and 'Everything U R' too... Definitely going to be a favorite release of 2004!!!!

From: robert Date: February 17, 2004 at 13:36
Todavia no lo he oido, pero ruego a Dios q suene al INTUITION!!

From: thelostdj Date: February 20, 2004 at 6:13
Outstanding! An absolute must have. Punchy, melodic, great hooks. TNT rocks it right....simply awesome.

From: Cruise Date: February 21, 2004 at 21:17
This is simply fan-bloody-tastic. TNT's best album...ever! This should be huge.

From: Rycheage Date: February 22, 2004 at 16:37
This is the best TNT in a LOOOONG time. I think every melodic metal fan will be pleased. 'Give Me A Sign' also on the EP from '03 is a good mix with the rest of the tracks. Excellent.

From: Mr B Date: February 23, 2004 at 7:30
Pues no me ha gustado nada. Alguna canción no está mal como Lonely Nights, pero nada más. A años-luz del excelente Intuition. Recomiendo que lo escuchéis antes de comprarlo.

From: ANDRES RIBEIRO Date: March 2, 2004 at 19:18

From: TheRipper Date: March 3, 2004 at 15:06
Oh shit! I have been hearing this after some people have been saying things along the line of what Dan said, That's It's AWESOME! I myself haven't heard it, as a skeptical Huge fan of their early stuff and their hard to swallow nineties direction I figured they were all but done being the 'Old'-style TNT... I hope the hype is true, I can't imagine it being better than say the brilliant 'Tell No Tales' album? Who knows, I hope it is...

From: Stenza Date: March 5, 2004 at 7:13
Yes it's true! TNT best album ever is here. I love this album.This is melodic rock/AOR like it should be.

From: AOR freaky Date: March 5, 2004 at 7:24
Top hardrock indeed. A great comeback from TNT ! In this genre the best so far, together with the new Pink Cream 69 and the new Axel Rudi Pell, which are also bloody great melodic classic hardrock releases (and the new Primal Fear is out soon) ! The ultimate prove that you don't have to use modern influences to create a fantastic album. Classic, traditional hardrock rules again !!!!!

From: livinlifelikeaf Date: March 10, 2004 at 0:01
Gotta agree with some of the comments on this page and tell everyone that this cd is a monster!! The riffs are so hot they burnt the rails, the vocals are as you would normally expect from Tony and those songs....jesus they sre so gooooood baby! Slip it into your cd player and smile as it takes you back to a place when music was so enjoyable. Top tracks? Well dare I say all of 'em! Ill stick my neck out and say the first 5 tracks are storming but my picks would be everything u r, give me a sign,

From: livinlifelikea Date: March 10, 2004 at 0:04
............everybodys got a secret which i am rockin to at the mo! The good ole days are back my friend! Now if only UFO can get it on and record something worthwhile OH and I wonder what waysteds cd will be like...cant wait for that one!

From: chippo Date: March 15, 2004 at 19:50
It's a killer cd,a must have,i saw them live on friday in Norway it was awesome,fy faen å bra

From: zino il tino Date: March 16, 2004 at 15:53
absolutely the the best realize since a long time. One of the best album of the 2004. Melody and rock in a perfect armony. Buy or die.

Heavy Harmonies Volunteer
From: Whiplash1972 Date: March 18, 2004 at 21:19
Believe the hype! If you don't already own this one, pick it up PRONTO! I've never been the biggest TNT fan, but this CD is absolutely incredible.Tracks 2,3, and 4 absolutely blew me away the first time I listened to this....simply superb, melodic hard rock. Right up there with PC69's 'Thunderdome' and Jaded Heart's 'Trust' as contenders for disc of the year. Buy now!

From: Dani Date: March 21, 2004 at 16:03
GREAT! Almost PERFECT! Much,much better than 'Transistor'. Different from their 80's releases, but it doesn't mean it's worse at all. I think this will be one of the best albums this decade.

From: 330 ratings???? Date: March 24, 2004 at 2:56
Greattttttttt, not even the new Tesla got this many. Not even half of that. Got to pick this up soon/.

From: Max Date: March 24, 2004 at 3:11
330 ratings, not even a quarter of these for the new Tesla

From: Max Date: March 24, 2004 at 3:13
AORfreaky, what do you think of Transistor? I ask you because you hate the new tesla for being too modern, which by the way, is not toooo modern.

From: AOR freaky Date: March 24, 2004 at 4:48
Dear Max: good question ! But I think you know the answer ! I 'hate' Transistor, way too modern and alternative, but I adore this one ! Thanks for the question !

From: Max Date: March 25, 2004 at 5:38
AORfreaky and everybody else here, been wondering when do the Stranded debut (Long Way to heaven) will be posted here? the best melodic rock/AOR album ever. The best in my collection.

From: AOR freaky Date: March 26, 2004 at 4:51
Dear Max, I agree with you that The Stranded is a strong AOR record, but the best effort ever ? Personally I find Signal, I-Ten,Van Stephenson, Agent, Foreigner, Bad English, Boulevard to name a few better pure AOR records, but don't get me wrong : The Stranded is top AOR indeed !

From: Max Date: March 28, 2004 at 6:14
AORfreaky, is not The Stranded, but Stranded. Let me tell you, at least for me it is a jewel of album. I haven't listened to some of the ones you mentioned, but this album I just lvoe it along with the latest Shy which haven't been posted here either.

From: Max Date: March 28, 2004 at 6:16
hasn't. What is wrong with my English, damn it.

From: Marcio Tex Date: March 30, 2004 at 10:49
it sounds good to me!! TNT rulezzzzzz!! My Religion Kikz Az!!!

From: Blue Tequila Date: March 31, 2004 at 0:30
Heard the soundytes and after the 3rd song I stopped listening and immediately ordered it. I can't wait! I haven't heard anything this incredible for such a long time. And to think it came out this year! I hope this is a trend that continues with more bands from back in the day.

From: Big Mike Date: April 7, 2004 at 15:42
Great CD, catchy AOR sound. great song writing.

Heavy Harmonies Volunteer
From: Blue Charvel Date: April 8, 2004 at 14:39
Just as good as everyone is saying...and it's about damn time! Sounds like they finally found their direction. 9.5/10

From: The Dude Date: April 9, 2004 at 9:14
Don't like it, except for 'Lonely nights'. Not so catchy songs as in Intuition by far. The choice is yours...

From: The Dude Date: April 9, 2004 at 9:15
A 7/10

From: Shoemaker Date: April 12, 2004 at 9:59
Sorry, but I have to shock some of you. This album is crappy. TNT put their best songs on the ep 'Give me a sign' apart from 'satelite' (very weak song). I can´t understand the hype. I love the old stuff but I hate this one, it is boring!!

From: The Dude? Date: April 12, 2004 at 19:59
Youi are not the same as the one in Blabbermouth, right?

From: Roberto Date: April 18, 2004 at 21:11
It´s not such a huge album. It´s not catchy, nor hard rock driven, there are not melodic guitars in it and some unforgettable choruses as well as melodic backing in this album. No, it´s much more than that. It´s just the best HR album since the early 90´s, it´s amazing how TNT got over all it´s preceding albums and pulled out such an impressive amount of great songs, from back to back, no good, but only awesome tunes. If you dont get it, just go right now and hear 'Give me a sign' or 'Song 4 Dia

From: Scott Date: April 20, 2004 at 9:41
A welcome return to the more melodic songwriting of the bands past. I for one am thankful that they moved beyond the alternative-rock thing they had done on the past few albums. I wouldn't go so far as to say this was the band's best album ever, like some are saying, but it is one of their best in a long time and an enjoyable listen.

From: Blaine Date: April 20, 2004 at 19:15
AGREE! I bought this CD after listening to the MP3 samples and this one just blew me away. I think this is the best CD for 2004, IMHO.

From: Blue Tequila Date: April 20, 2004 at 19:31
I'll second that--best album of 2004 IMO! I've only had it a couple weeks but it's been in my player almost non-stop. The only song I really don't care for surprisingly is the title track, otherwise I find something new I like every spin.

From: Infinity Date: April 24, 2004 at 21:56
comeback of the most missing melodic-hardrock band. At its best!!!!

From: ThunderDan Date: April 26, 2004 at 21:50
Before playing this CD, I only knew 10,000 Lovers. I'm listening to it right now, and it just kicks my ass! Not too much to complain about here. Great vox, awesome guitar shreading and very enjoyable choruses make this a real winner and a possible runaway for Disc of '04! Don't miss out on this one!!

From: meradona Date: May 1, 2004 at 11:17
tiene cierto aire al intuition, un poco peor como disco , pero muy bueno , recomiendo escucharlo atencion al corte Lonely nights, es buenisimo, solo por ese corte merece la pena

From: Diesel Date: May 4, 2004 at 6:05
'She Needs Me' is my favorite. Nice groove :-)

From: Waylon92 Date: May 8, 2004 at 15:56
This has got to be one of the best albums of 2004 and a great comeback album for a very underrated band. It doesn't get any better than this. I hope these guys tour the USA.

From: AdryA - Hungary Date: May 10, 2004 at 20:42

From: Luismi-Pamplona Date: May 11, 2004 at 14:10
No hay duda, los TNT son un valor seguro! Siguen evolucionando ofreciendo buen hard rock.

From: run2u Date: May 14, 2004 at 13:41
YA LO TENGO!Algo había oído,y ahora al dedicarle varias escuchas he comprobado que se trata de un CD ACOJONANTE.Los últimos temas bajan un poquito el nivel...qué más da,es tremendo.PERO NO PERFECTO.Suena a TNT de los '80 ligeramente actualizados y con toques Westworld,y ahí está el problema:quizá esa vuelta a las raíces le reste originalidad al disco.Por eso está apasionando a los fans de siempre,están que tiran cohetes.Y yo también...pero veremos como lo trata el tiempo.9/

From: bdrums1971 Date: May 15, 2004 at 10:02
Well, unlike the majority of reviews here, I am not going to gush about how fantastic this cd is. Don't get me wrong, I think it is a good release. It is GREAT to hear Tony's awesome voice again. But, their best album ever?!? I don't agree. Tell No Tales and Intuition are IMO their best and probably will never be matched. Like I said, it is a good disc and definatly worth owning, just don't get your hopes way up due to the gushing hype here. It's good to hear the melodic side to these guys again

From: Howe Date: May 19, 2004 at 11:26
Great cd. A good candidate for the best album of 2004. I just don't understand why they had to include every song from the ep in this one. Can't these guys write awsome songs on and on? Also, it's a pity they are promoting the single 'My Religion'. In my opinion it's a very weak song. Highlights: 'Perfectly', 'You'll Be There', 'Everybody's Got a Secret', 'Song 4 Dianne' and 'Lonely Nights' (isn't it strange that this last song is so lively and happy and the lyrics go so negative?...)

From: XLNT Date: May 23, 2004 at 17:46
Just saw them live tonight and got to tell you that the new songs really rock. 'Invisible Noice', 'My Religion' and 'She Needs Me' are awesome live. Actually the older songs sounded a bit dated in comparison. Ronnie really enjoying himself on stage, and man, that guy is fast.

From: ROY gotica Date: May 26, 2004 at 15:16
sound very good! 'She needs me','My religion' and 'Song for Dianne' are very interesting tracks. It's a pleasure listen this CD.

From: TIM (2) Date: May 27, 2004 at 4:32
I agree with some of the more reserved comments above. The E.P they released was truly horrendous and I'm appalled to see some of the those tracks appear on here (but they didn't include 'Satellite', the best of them...) as they just sound like the stuff from 'Transistor' to me. This is a good hard rock CD, but it certainly isn't close to the sound of 'Intuition' or 'T.N.T'. The first 3 tracks are excellent, with 'Lonely Nights' a classic tune, but after half-way the thing just tails off. Easily

From: TIM (2) Date: May 27, 2004 at 4:34
(cont) the most notable thing on show here is the production, which is awesome beyond belief. The vocals and guitar sound better than ever. Just need some more killer tunes for me...

From: Thanos Date: May 27, 2004 at 23:06
A fantastic new album from one of the best hard rock bands out there!!! Check out the review at Album of the month and one of the best albums of the year so far!!!!

From: Jayglam Date: June 14, 2004 at 11:07
Great Cd by great band. Back to the fine form of the Late 80's early Nineties. I would'nt say this is a good as Tell no Tales and Intuition but would say it is equal to Realized fantasy. Ronnie shows how he can mix melody, with fast licks and tony is back to his best with his vocals. I never thought this cd would be as good as this and it just keeps getter better with each listen. Like the name say TNT are ready to explode back to the rock masses. Jay from Australia.

From: Joan Date: July 26, 2004 at 20:07
SHE NEEDS ME!! vaya canción, vaya discazo.. Personalmente prefiero este disco a los anteriores de TNT, (un ejemplo de como actualizar tu sonido manteniendote fiel a tu estilo). 'Lonely nights', 'song 4 Dianne', 'Satellite' y sobretodo, 'You'll be there' son para mi los otros puntos fuertes de My Religion.

From: R.S. - Rocks Date: August 14, 2004 at 20:20
The Hardrock CD of the year and a fine comeback after a few weaker albums. And Stage Dolls 'Get a life'- album is the AOR record of the year. Guess what? The szene is ruled by bands from Norway. All we need now is a new Tindrum album. Come on Diesel!!!

From: Geoff Date: August 14, 2004 at 22:54
Absolutely brilliant! 'Lonely nights', 'You'll be there' and 'Live today' are three of the best songs in years! Brilliant and very consistand album, with the band sounding amazing. I must also say that 'Perfectly' is about the finest ballad I can recall for a long time. Amazing, just like the whole album. 9/10

From: AOR freaky Date: August 15, 2004 at 6:32
Great record indeed, but not hardrock CD of the year. I rate the new ones from Axel Rudi Pell, Voodoo Hill, Genius, Iced Earth, Pink Cream 69, Jorn and debuts by Pyramaze, Feinstein, Razorback and TMG higher than this one ! And for AOR and Stage Dolls : beaten by far by the new Stan Bush ! Also better AOR releases are Shadowland, Final Frontier, Over The Edge, the new Dakota, Renegade etc. So, don't tell us Norway or the Scandinavians are ruling. But I admit : they offer some good stuff !

From: dckiss Date: August 15, 2004 at 14:15
you mentioned some good albums indeed aorfreaky however with the exception of maybe Tak Matsumoto Group none of them are even in the same league as this album when it comes to ALL aspects of a intant classic. Song writing, performance, production. You mention Pink Cream 69's Thunderdome which is fantastic, PC69 is one of my favorite bands but the tnt is just a bit better I think. expecially the way track order just seems to come together to give us a perfect album experience. Axel Rudi Pell is a

From: dckiss Date: August 15, 2004 at 14:18
always where he needs to be in the performance and perduction area but on his current album I feel as though his song writeing is off the mark a bit. The Voodoo hill is another very fine album but it suffers some of the same problems that the first Voodoo Hill suffered namely issues in the production department. This is just my opinion no better or worse than yours just thought I would add my 2 Cents

From: Geoff Date: August 15, 2004 at 22:58
Sorry Freaky, I am not targetting you but once again your worth is questioned above. Everyone needs their own opinion, but thinking releases like Axel Rudi Pell, Voodoo Hill, Genius, Iced Earth, Pyramaze, Feinstein, Razorback and TMG are all better than TNT's 'My religion' is laughable. A couple of good CDs, but better than TNT? Oh well, your opinion I guess. And Shadowland (And even Final Frontier and the rest!) better than Stage Dolls? Ouch, my poor laughing lung...

From: TIM (2) Date: August 16, 2004 at 5:08
I'm kinda with Freddy again, I thought this once was over-hyped. I liked the more AOR sounding 'Intuition' album and 'Tell No Tales' but haven't been impressed by TNT since these two. 'Lonely Nights' sounds a little like their early material, but after the first 4 tracks this one just tails off (apart from track 7) and the fact they included the tedious songs from the E.P suggests how few new ideas they had. 7/10. P.s. Final Frontier is better than Stage Dolls' latest IMHO.

From: NOSTRADAMUS Date: August 19, 2004 at 23:58

From: run2u Date: August 20, 2004 at 10:01
Totalmente de acuerdo. En Lorca se salieron del mapa

From: Jonny_B Date: September 1, 2004 at 19:39
A huge recovery from 'Transistor,' but still not quite on-par with their early records. I've spun this album a dozen times, but it never settled in with me at all. May be looked at as 'Album of the Year' but probably won't stand the test of time, not like the last Westworld album.

From: B.Grimm Date: October 5, 2004 at 7:06
The best album since Intuition. It's a real shame that this band won't get any airplay in the US because they rule the charts with this one. I've actually gotten a few people at work hooked on this album. Album of the Year!!!

From: Joyrider Date: October 28, 2004 at 14:00
¡Este disco es la BOMBA! Supera a todo lo que hicieron con anterioridad... El grupo ha dado un enorme salto cualitativo con este disco... Escuchalo y juzgalo por ti mismo. Para mi es uno de los mejores de todo el 2004. Salu2!

From: Date: November 14, 2004 at 9:47
Grande ritorno di una grandissima band forse il mio album preferito della loro invidiabile carriera grandiosi stupendi compratelo non sarete delusi long live TNT

From: nunotnt Date: November 17, 2004 at 10:38
Just the simple the best band in world! In this one, the songwriters team just make one of best records and produtions, everything just perfectly!!!

From: rick kerch vzla Date: December 16, 2004 at 15:08
I just bought the cd,is bloody marvellous!!!!. Definetely one of the best REAL come backs.Hard rock at it's best. Comparable with 'Tell no tales'or the first one 'T.N.T'

From: T.N.T. - Fan Date: December 19, 2004 at 17:16
Hi ! The year is nearly over and no other album topped this. So this is THE album of 2004 ! Let´s hope they return in 2005 with another killer - record. Thank you Tony, Ronni, Morty and Diesel for 20 years of great music and albums. I wish you all the best. And always remember: Don´t eat the yellow snow ! ;-))

From: Stu Date: January 10, 2005 at 14:59
I picked up this cd from the reviews & it's high charting on this site for Best of 2004 CD's. I never was a big TNT fan but this CD has changed my mind. The musicianship is a 10 and the production is very good. This truely is one of the best cd's of 2004! If you don't have it pick it up, you won't regret it.

From: howe Date: January 12, 2005 at 7:35
This is a very good cd, but it's getting a bit overrated... Also, I don't understand why they had to include here the songs from the ep. Well, but it's still a good album. 'Invisible Noise', 'Lonely Nights' and 'Perfectly' are simply awesome!

From: Swriter Date: February 5, 2005 at 21:01
man, this one blows me away. I was very into the girst few TNT albums, then lost interest, heard samples from this one and grabbed it!!!! No one can sing like this and the guitar work is killer. Amazing production and just a 10 out of a 10. Fantastic melodic metal.

From: giorgos-greece Date: February 7, 2005 at 9:07
Very strong release from TNT.I haven't listened sush a solid hard rock record for quite some time.Must be considered as classic!

From: ret-rocker Date: February 14, 2005 at 22:45
ok cd maybe even good. but nothing special. the same person hypes them cause they know them. uncool. they seem to never hit the target for me... trying too hard. they also hype the lizards,westworld,and riot.

From: z4roxx Date: February 15, 2005 at 8:36
Agree with you ret-rocker,nothin'special this new Tnt work,few remarkable songs and I don't see this brilliant cd as many people write here.Indeed a pretty decent melodick cd(better than their last works)but nothin'to see with'80 and first'90 cd's,IMO.

From: R.S.-Rocks Date: February 20, 2005 at 9:46
A true classic. Songs, performance, production, mix, cover artwork- all perfect.

From: Harry Date: March 18, 2005 at 17:28
I can't understand what's so special about the song She Needs Me. Some people even call it "song of the year 2004." It's just a filler here, IMO, and the lyrics suck! The album has some great moments but it's very, very far from being the masterpiece everybody's proclaiming here. I actually prefer Transistor to this one. In Transistor there was more originality and the band wasn't just trying to please the fans from the 80's. I give it a 6/10

From: Rene Date: March 19, 2005 at 13:17
How more times you listen to this album, how more you are going to love it. Take your cd in the car and it will stay in their for a month, believe me. This is a great album. My favorite songs are LONELY NIGHTS, EVERYBODY´S GOT A SECRET, SHE NEED ME and to be honest, all are great. Todays production but with a 80s spirit. Best album since INTUITION. Tony sound great again on this release. His voice is as good as back in the 80s.

From: Mister X Date: April 16, 2005 at 7:11
One of the best albums released in the last 10 years. This is perfect produced with great melodies and a fantastic cover artwork. Buy or die !!! And Diesel: we need a new Tindrum album !

From: Beto Date: April 20, 2005 at 20:07
Buen regreso, buenas canciones con un pequeño toque moderno pero sigue manteniendo su estilo único, quizás si EUROPE hubiera seguido esta línea otra sería la historia. Lo que si no entiendo es que paso con el gran Ronnie en las instrumentales perdón pero no pasa nada. Qué paso?. Lo llamaron por teléfono y no pudo terminar de grabar. Me hace recordar a las instrumentales del primero de Masquerade. Dos buenos guitarristas a pesar de todo.

From: juan carlos Date: April 21, 2005 at 20:26
i agree with U beto, the album in general is quite good with a modern touch but really good anyway.. 8.5/10, what happened with ronnie(master!) on instrumentals? ¿? there are no fillers worse than this!! :-)

From: aang Date: April 27, 2005 at 16:47
yes maybe it's not best album in 2004, but "Lonely Night" we'll be make you back in 80's, melodic mid tempo with catchy riff, good chorus, thank TNT, I feel younger, a good medicine for a father of 3 sons like me.

From: robert Date: May 5, 2005 at 10:36
yo el Sabado me voy pa los Madriles A VERLOS... No me los pierdo!! ¿Quien mas va a ir D POR AKI?

From: ROBERT Date: May 6, 2005 at 10:27
¿d verdad q nadie de esta pag. va a ver a FIREHOUSE, NEXX y TNT????

From: ROBERT Date: May 6, 2005 at 10:28
El concierto es en la sala Divino Aqualung d Madrid, el Domingo 8 d Mayo a las 7 d la tarde... FIREHOUSE+NEXX+TNT... casi na!!

From: Emi Date: May 6, 2005 at 12:57
yo iria Robert, pero esque es una pena el sonido en esa sala, deja mucho q desear, te lo digo por experiencia, lo unico bueno es q esta al lado del calderon

From: mauricio Date: December 18, 2005 at 13:31
hi-from COSTARICA.grande y genial album de estos T N T,muy en la linea de sus mejores tiempos en los 80s y 90s.en lo personal lo tengo desde mayo del 2004 y no lo haya comentado pese a que he comentado sus grandes joyas.este es uno de los mejores albumes del 2004 y de los tanto que llegue a comprar el pasado año y traido desde HOLANDA ya que este disco no se consigue en centroamerica y en version DIGIPACK con 4 bonus tracks que lo hace aun mas interesante.ademas de ser el disco que se vendio muy

From: mauricio Date: December 18, 2005 at 13:31
bien y de ser el disco mejor vendido del 2004 en el sello MTM.solo escucha la apertura sonica de INVISIBLE NOISE y la manera de RONNI LE TEKRO a la guitarra como en los viejos tiempos.SHE NEEDS ME suena como en la era del 89-92.LONELY NIGHTS una de los mejores temas que tiene el album con el tipico sonido T N T.MY RELIGION el tema con mas fuerte del album por su rudeza.GIVE ME A SIGN otro buen tema muy melodico,PERFECTLY una balada con el sentir que pone TONY HARNELL siempre,YOU LL BE THERE en

From: mauricio Date: December 18, 2005 at 13:32
donde se vuelve a sentir el tipico sonido escandinavo de aquellos años.FLOW la pequeña instrumental y la primer vez que se incluye una instrumental desde el album TELL NO TALES de 1987.LIVE TODAY no se podia hacer un gran disco sin incluir esta cancion y como ya lo dije tiene el tipico sonido T N T por obligacion tenia que estar en el album.EVERYBODY S GOT A SECRET otro tema muy melodico y con un sonido alegre muy emotivo solo cantala y veras.EVERYTHING YOU ARE muy buen tema que en ocasiones

From: mauricio Date: December 18, 2005 at 13:33
te hara volver al INTUITION y para continuar la suave balada SONG 4 DIANNE y con TONY HARNELL cantando mas suave que nunca y la acustica THE LAST WORD.los temas que trae el digipack son los otros 2 temas que traen los EP=(TASTE-GIVE ME A SIGN)y son SATELLITE y HEY LOVE y un 2 intros de tony y ronni. como en los viejos tiempos TONY HARNELL-RONNI LE TEKRO-MORTY BLACK-DIESEL DAHL.un gran disco SUPER RECOMENDADO 10/10 y su ALL THE WAY TO THE SUN el mejor grupo noruego

From: Figge Date: March 9, 2006 at 18:20
A huge favourite of mine. Almost a perfect melodic hard rock disc. Album of the year doubt. Best songs: She Needs Me, Lonely Nights, You'll Be There and Everything U R.

From: ROBERT Date: March 31, 2006 at 11:45
El concert d ayer en BARCELONA: Para mi Bastante flojito, sin duda: Mal sonido, poca gente (500 personas), poco ambiente, seleccion d temas flojita a mi gusto, retrasos, muy pero q muy corto (una hora y cuarto)... Personalmente disfrute como una mala Bestia d 6 temas en especial: 10.000 LOVERS (IN LOVE), La impresionante LISTEN TO YOUR HEART, AS FAR AS THE EYE CAN SEE, CAUGHT BETWEEN THE TIGERS, DOWNHILL RACER y la Brutal INTUITION. Esta claro, q faltaron muxisimas y sobraron para mi gusto tb ba

From: ROBERT Date: March 31, 2006 at 11:46
pero con esas 6, lo pase en grande.. Note poca entrega tanto del publico como del Grupo (esas cosas se transmiten, creo yo) y no ayudo nada el q a las 12 nos exaran a todos como perros, sin un solo bis. pero esta claro q tb podrian haber empezado antes... El Grupo: Esta claro, q faltaron muxisimas y sobraron para mi gusto tb bastantes, pero con esas 6, lo pase en grande.. Note poca entrega tanto del publico como del Grupo (esas cosas se transmiten, creo yo) y no ayudo nada el q a las 12 nos exar

From: ROBERT Date: March 31, 2006 at 11:47
y no ayudo nada el q a las 12 nos exaran a todos como perros, sin un solo bis. pero esta claro q tb podrian haber empezado antes... El Grupo: Tony canta d PM en directo, se mueve poco, habla muxo y Ronnie es un Monstruo tocando, pero le falta en mi opinion imagen, actitud. El resto del grupo correctitos a mi humilde opinion. Para mi gusto, este fue un concert muy inferior al del año pasado en Madrid.. Espero q esta noxe en Bilbo y mañana en Madrid lo goceis y q el grupo se entrege mas y tengan m

From: ROBERT Date: March 31, 2006 at 11:48

From: Icebreaker Date: November 25, 2006 at 15:55
Here you can find a great recording from the "My Religion" 2004 tour, recorded in Trondheim, Norway. Sound quality is fantastic! Enjoy! It rocks!

From: Dreamaholic Date: April 27, 2007 at 6:42
Not a bad album at all, most of the songs are above average. But the really killer song is Give Me a Sign. Every time it comes on I gotta crank it! It's one of my favorite songs ever (probably top 5), and I never get tired of listening to it. It was more than worth the purchase of the CD for me.

From: YIRO SEVENTH Date: August 15, 2007 at 19:37
A GREAT ALBUM!! A mi me suena como una mezcla del clásico estilo hard AOR escandinavo de TNT con cosas de WESTWORLD. Un acertado balance entre temas duros, hard y melódicos interpretados con contundencia y elegancia. De aqui mis favoritas son: "Give Me a Sign", la impresionante balada "Perfectly" y por supueste, ese bombazo explosivo de hard AOR Pletórico llamado "She Needs Me"... RECOMENDADO!!!

From: rocknroll Date: May 10, 2008 at 19:35
This is still their best album of the XXI century

From: rick kerch vzla Date: August 1, 2011 at 14:43
I'm giving this another spin...7 years have passed since i wrote a comment about this TNT release...a great album indeed!!!...songs such as "Invisible Noise","She Needs Me","My Religion"(rocks!),"You'll Be There","Live Today" & "Everybody's Got A Secret"(catchy AOR track) will put a in your face 4 sure...recommended album...90/100

From: HEAVY PARADISE Date: June 23, 2012 at 12:53
Perfect album from a huge band!!!

From: spankee Date: May 17, 2014 at 7:28
Instead of "Give Me A Sign" mine is "Satellite". The bonus track is "When I'm Away".

From: Ponen Date: February 22, 2016 at 17:00
This is definitely their best album. Better than 'Tell no Tales' and 'Intuition'. The kinda songs that grows on you with every listen. The kinda songs you don't get fed up. 'Live Today' is a killer..but so are songs like 'She needs me',‘Everybodys got a secret' and 'Lonely Nights' etc...

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