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[Impellitteri Band Picture]

Artist: Impellitteri

Title: Stand in Line

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Impellitteri Stand in Line Album Cover


Category: CCM Melodic Metal

Year: 1988

Label: Relativity

Catalog Number: 88561-8225-2


Phil Wolfe keyboards
Pat Torpey drums
Chris Impellitteri guitars
Graham Bonnet vocals
Chuck Wright bass


1.  Stand in Line  4:33
2.  Since You've Been Gone  3:58  Cover: Rainbow
3.  Secret Lover  3:27
4.  Somewhere Over the Rainbow  5:21  Cover: Judy Garland
5.  Tonight I Fly  3:50
6.  White and Perfect  3:50
7.  Leviathan  3:52
8.  Goodnight and Goodbye  3:12
9.  Playing With Fire  2:39
Total Running Time:  34:42

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Existing comments about this CD

From: SIXXSWINE Date: April 13, 2001 at 16:31
This a must have for any fan of Yngwie Malmsteen! Chris comes across as Yngwie "lite", but he's got enough style of his own to overcome that. This disc even features Graham Bonnet from Yngwie's ALCATRAZZ days! The only track that is a throw away is a cover of "Somewhere over the Rainbow". Why? I was asking my self the same thing! They do a KILLER cover of Rainbow's "Since You've been Gone". Only gripe is 9 tracks two are covers. Great band, experienced musicians, highly overlooked disc.

From: TT Date: November 22, 2001 at 20:11
Have to agree with Sixxswine. Good songs and good musicianship. Graham Bonnett does an excellent job here as he did with Alcatrazz, MSG and Rainbow. Too bad they didn't stay together, I think that there was a lot of potential here.

From: Dragonfly Date: December 13, 2001 at 12:50
I also agree with the above reviewers. This is an excellent release. Very different than Chris's other releases. Very RAINBOWish with super playing.

From: rodrigo Date: January 31, 2002 at 13:11
If you revisit the discography of Impelliteri, this is best work...Reason? Here is the great voice of planet, call Grahan Bonnet Chris know this cuz the next album in 2002 year.-

From: HG Date: February 17, 2002 at 15:27
I wouldn't exactly call these guys Christian metal. I know they are not very sleazy, but I can't find anything particularly Christian about them on this CD. However, the best Christian bands are subtle about the message, they don't just thump you over the head with a Bible.

From: José Carlos Date: February 25, 2002 at 13:07
Junto con "Answer to the master" este es su mejor albun, IMPRESIONANTE.

From: Splash Date: March 1, 2002 at 23:27
This album is decent. It is by far held back by euro-metal vocalist Bonnet. Rob Rock is a much better singer and Chris's songs get better and better. The addition of Ken K. Mary on drums gives them a stronger sonic sound. Again this album is ok but I disagree strongly with the above reviews. Impelliteri only gets better with age. Malmsteen has never been as good at song writing as Chris so again he leaps ahead of the speed demon.

From: WidoMakr Date: March 12, 2002 at 21:17
Christian Metal? are they kidding? yeah and Britney Spears sings Heavy metal..anyway...Spring is coming and for those looking for a song to crank to 11 and rip the F'in knob off...Since You've Been Gone...the vocals and guitars are mind blowing.I defy anyone not to play a little air guitar listening to it..hell the whole album rocks...Quote the WidoMakr....never more

From: greenmanelishi Date: February 15, 2003 at 15:38
brutal brutal alucinante bestial!! AWESOME!! BETTER THAN YNGWIE!!!! I THINK IS AN EXACT COPY OF YNGWIE BUT I PREFER THIS COPY. pedazo de arreglos, q guitarrazos, q virtuosismo, q bombardeo de notas!! y q me deciis del maestro Graham Bonnet? SIN PALABRAS. pienso q es el trabajo en el q Graham canta, ni rainbow ni en solitario. STAND IN LINE FOREVER!!!

From: greenmanelishi Date: February 15, 2003 at 15:40
brutal brutal alucinante bestial!! AWESOME!! BETTER THAN YNGWIE!!!! I THINK IS AN EXACT COPY OF YNGWIE BUT I PREFER THIS COPY. pedazo de arreglos, q guitarrazos, q virtuosismo, q bombardeo de notas!! y q me deciis del maestro Graham Bonnet? SIN PALABRAS. pienso q es el trabajo en el q Graham mejor canta de todos, ni rainbow ni en solitario. STAND IN LINE FOREVER!!!

From: koogles Date: February 16, 2003 at 5:10
Better than Yngwie? Come on! Graham Bonnet is a horrible singer and Chris Impelliteri is a talented but unoriginal player. With the right singer, this CD could have been something special. Bonnet's rasp is a real sore spot.

Heavy Harmonies Owner
From: Dan Date: February 28, 2003 at 12:43
I'm with Koogles. I don´t think Graham Bonnet is so good singer as people think he is. Once I met a rock fan that told me completely serious that the best singer in the world had been Bon Scott!!! Graham Bonnet is NOT a great singer, there are millions like him.

From: Metal_Warrior Date: March 5, 2003 at 23:52
chris IS NOT a clone,and Graham is one of the best rock singers,and he's underrated.anyway,that album is awesome with killer songs and vocals.This one will reminds a bit of yngwie,but chris style as it was developed over the years makes him different than yng.

From: THE_ROGUE Date: June 5, 2003 at 19:57
I bought this CD from a guy for two bucks at a garage sale, I figured it couldn't be that good for that price. Boy, was I wrong. CRIS IMPELLITTERI'S playing is amazing andthen you throw in the rest of these accomplished musicians and it's kind of like guilding the lily. I love SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW on this disc, it shows some great playing on CHRIS'S part without a ton of speed. I love a guy who can sit back and turn anything he plays into a masterpiece. Highly recommended.

From: TIM Date: October 16, 2003 at 3:57
Seen a couple of vids of these guys on Metal Mania and I'll definately have to get them. Man, Chris can play.

From: Scandinavia Date: October 16, 2003 at 7:44
The following albums are much better and more persistent but this one is a must-have too...

From: TIM Date: October 16, 2003 at 12:00
I'll take your advice Scandinavia. I was really impressed with Chris's style from the two songs off of Metal Mania.

From: Scandinavia Date: December 20, 2003 at 9:07
How on earth Chris could go about making an EXACT copy of Yngwie's style is beyond me...He will always be a wannabe Malmsteen! I'll always prefer Impellitteri over Malmsteen but that's talking song structure & style...As a guitar player he's merely a replica of a well-known Swedish shredder...Unbelievable that he received so much critical acclaim for his "innovativity"...Listen to Macalpine instead...There you have an original shredder...

From: Lee Date: January 29, 2004 at 21:25
Chris Impelliteri is and always will be an Yngwie Malmsteen wanna be and copycat! What a shame cause there is talent there! He should take jazz lessons to change his style ALOT!!!!!!!!

From: Christine Date: January 30, 2004 at 2:07
Geez, tough crowd on this one. I happen to really like it, but I like Graham Bonnet anyway so I guess I may be a little biased. I've never tried to analyze it too much, I just enjoyed it for what it was. Yeah, Chris sounds like Yngwie, but is that really such a bad thing??

From: Dean Date: January 30, 2004 at 17:48
I'm not one of those who think Chris is a Yngwie clone- they are both centered on technique but their phrasing is totally different. Some of his note choices remind me more of Friedman's earlier solo stuff than anything. I actually think the use of Bonnett on this cd really hurt Chris because so many people saw it as too simiar to the Alcatraz No Parole material. What i wouldn't give to hear some one like Johnny Gioeli sing this material. It would have given it much more of a kick.

From: vanvibe Date: February 2, 2004 at 13:40
thia is one of the greatest CD

From: Proman1 Date: February 23, 2004 at 2:57
I don't give a whiff for all these Yngwie comparisons there is something to be said about Chris's playing ability, this boy can rock with the best of them, Bonnet is a great singer but his voice does not fit this type of guitar shredding as it didn't with Yngwie's, who is the Guitar God? It's like comparing the hottest supermodels, they are all hot, it just depends on the personal tastes of the beholder, we all like something more or less about the other. IMP is far better with Bob on the pipe

From: Beth Date: February 24, 2004 at 18:40
Great release!!! Has anyone heard Phil Wolfe's new endeavor? Glass Wolfe same Impelliteri style going on!

From: MERADONA Date: April 2, 2004 at 18:59
Clavado al yngwie, pero sin tanto feeling, graham bonnet no le llega ni a la suela del zapato a jeff scott soto

From: Rob Babcock Date: May 11, 2004 at 0:02
This is an incredible album, with some of the most blistering guitar I've ever heard. Sure, the knock is that he's a complete Yngwie clone- you can almost identify which songs he's stealing, but not quite. His playing is so similar to YM's that you'd think he could almost get sued! Still, if you can match Yngwie's prowess enough to copy him, you've acheived something. Bonnet is perfect here, and the band is a veritable heavy metal "dream team." This is the album I wish Malsteen woulda made.

From: ivan Date: May 13, 2004 at 22:00
The best neo classical album!!!!

From: shred Date: May 13, 2004 at 22:02

From: shred Date: May 13, 2004 at 22:03
pablo soler es el mas veloz de todos!!!!dejen de joder!!!

From: charvel man Date: May 17, 2004 at 18:43
I had this disc as a kid and liked the fast playing. But as a older metal fan now, this sucks. A horrible singer, If you can call Bonet a singer, fast emotion-less guitar playing. Malmsteen somehow manages more emotion in his playing than Chris does. The only tracks that I like besides the covers are stand in line and tonight I fly. Unless You realllly like Chris's style of playing pass this one by!

From: Date: June 8, 2004 at 1:13
yngwie will always be the no. shedder man!

From: Date: June 8, 2004 at 1:14
yngwie will always be the no.1 shedder!

From: Big Papa K Date: June 13, 2004 at 2:20
Chris might be called a Yngwie rip off by some, but at least he can write some catchy tunes. Yes, covering "Since You've Been Gone" again is redundant and "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" is a joke. The rest of the album is decent with top choice being "Stand In Line". I jsut have never been a fan of Mr. Bonnet's vocals. 6/10

From: Desslar Date: June 13, 2004 at 22:28
The good: Since You've Been Gone and Somewhere Over the Rainbow, though both covers, are fantastic. The Bad: most of the other sings suck big time. Bonnet's vocals are grating and the lyrics are ridiculous.

From: Date: November 3, 2004 at 11:23
Chris you are the BEST!!!!!!!!!!! Stand in line

From: Ripper_357 Date: November 3, 2004 at 11:24

From: Metalhead66 Date: January 11, 2005 at 16:14
Ygnwie Clone..A good one but that is all you get...Of course being a guitar player to be tagged Ygnwie clone would be a Cool thing..but it's better to blaze your own trail,than to follow in someone's ashes!!!!!

From: Geoff Date: January 11, 2005 at 19:51
Amusing thing about this album is that I am not a fan of Rainbow at all, but the only track I truly love off this CD is the killer cover of 'Since you've been gone' - monster song and all that remains of this after I sold it. It's a good solid metal disc in the tradition of Racer X (Similar guitar too) but overall, just not enough killer tracks for me.

From: Roxas Date: January 13, 2005 at 23:16
Ha same here Jeff, I only have that track too - just don't need the rest. What a stunning cover it is! i actually think Malmsteen ruins it with his pointless solo. Sorry.

From: Roxas Date: January 13, 2005 at 23:18
Sorry - i meant Impelliterri. Malmsteen hahaha, i'm listening to him right now thats why i say it lol.

From: Big Mike Date: February 13, 2005 at 11:29
Simply, their best release. Since You've been gone is classic metal.

From: onemorecast Date: March 8, 2005 at 23:26
I didn't realize until I saw this again on Metal Mania that it was Graham Bonet on vox. I always thought it was weird in the days of big hair that he always had a short GQ hairdo. Great voice and nice guitar work on this one.

From: roxas Date: May 27, 2005 at 23:04
Since my comments i dug out this Cd again and the title track "Stand in line" is excellent, the instrumental of "Over the Rainbos' is incredibly emmotional. Almost brings you to tears.

From: juan carlos Date: March 13, 2007 at 16:32
Nunca fuí muy fan de Yngwie, sin duda muy buen hacha y el amigo Chris pues sigue descaradamente esa línea en este disco. La instrumental "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" es mi favorita de lejos. La 1,3,5,8 y 9 buenas sobretodo "Goodnight and Goodbye" con una orientación hacia lo melódico. La versión original de Rainbow es mucho mejor que la hecha aquí IMO. La voz rasposa de Graham Bonnet nunca ha sido de mis favoritas. Para Fans del Neo-clásico 7.5/10

From: Metal T Date: April 12, 2007 at 0:57
Graham Bonnet's vox on this sound f**king killer!-The only "Impellitteri" albums ill even listen to are "Stand In Line" and "System X"-both of which Graham is behind the mic."Since You've Been Gone" like earlier comments have stated... Absolutely Rips! Like how Chris' beefed up the guitars on that sucker. ---------------

From: peter neal Date: April 6, 2008 at 3:22
Great album, an almost perfect mix of songwriting and virtuosism. Graham sings great!

From: rick kerch vzla Date: February 1, 2011 at 22:56
Some songs with a lot of Yngwie M. feel in the way Chris played the guitar in here...hey Pat Torpey also was in here and Graham Bonnet was in his high peak about the album,well,obviating the Yngwie comparisson,these are good shots: "Stand In Line",the classic redone "Since You've Been Gone","Tonight I Fly","Leviathan" & "Goodnight And Goodbye"(this one rocks good!)...a good effort at the end...88/100

From: edwithmj Date: April 24, 2011 at 9:48
Fabulous album with Graham Bonnet. I've listened to this over and over again and there isn't one song I dislike. The Rainbow cover is extremely good as is Stand in Line and White and Perfect. The strange instrumental Judy Garland cover is pulled off surprisingly well too. This is recommended for Graham Bonnet/Rainbow fans as well as Impellitteri fans.

From: halfordhughes Date: April 25, 2011 at 12:51
there best album

From: shoemaker Date: April 30, 2011 at 8:29
Yes, best work from Impellitteri and Bonnet.

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