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[Chryztyne Band Picture]

Artist: Chryztyne

Title: Tales of Paradise

(click on Artist's name above to return to artist's main page)

Chryztyne Tales of Paradise Album Cover


Category: Melodic Metal

Year: 1993

Label: Private Release

Catalog Number: None


Frank Scheff vocals
Mathis Loris guitars
Thomas Kessel keyboards
Hans-Martin Kaufman bass
Lars Nippa drums
Sascha Lien additional backing vocals
Isabel Wust additional backing vocals
Chrissi Rokitte additional backing vocals
Thomas Kessel additional backing vocals
Frank Schepp additional backing vocals


1.  For You  4:08
2.  Tell Me Why  3:50
3.  Danger (3:45}  
4.  Remember You  4:16
5.  Mama Doesn't Know  5:00
6.  Stay With Me  3:55
7.  All That You've Got  4:29
8.  All Day All Night  3:56
9.  Never  3:03
10.  Born in the Fire  3:34
11.  In the Darkness of the Night  3:19
Total Running Time:  39:30

If you see any errors or omissions in the CD information shown above, either in the musician credits or song listings (cover song credits, live tracks, etc.), please post them in the corrections section of the Heavy Harmonies forum/message board.

The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Chryztyne CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

EPs and CD-singles from Chryztyne are also welcome to be added, as long as they are at least 4 songs in length.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: MButt Date: May 13, 2003 at 2:53
This is getting harder to find these days. a darn good release, I liked everything about this one, good vocals, guitars, good stuff!

From: Shoemaker Date: September 3, 2003 at 11:31
Very good melodicrock, sounds like Casanova.

From: Ernest Date: December 5, 2003 at 19:31
Excellent album it reminds me a little bit of White lion.

From: basement-t Date: March 5, 2004 at 15:41
great songs and more than well songwriting!!! a big sound and a guitar played smooth, weird, melodic and powerful!!! wow....

From: stryper Date: September 7, 2005 at 8:01
great album.reminded me a bit of bad the feel of the songs.don't let the message put you off a great rock album.

From: metalmaniac777 Date: March 9, 2006 at 14:09
Back in the early 90s, Christian rock indies often featured piss-poor production that was about as much fun to listen to as demonic fingernails scraping on a bone-dry chalkboard, but that's not the case with this melodic HR band, which has a tight, crisp sound with slick guitars, tons of hooks, sing-along choruses, and lots of big backing vocals. While the lyrics are spiritually-relevant, they are not the beat-you-over-the-head-with-a-Bible variety, meaning even non-believers can enjoy this gem.

From: Geoff Date: March 16, 2006 at 20:40
LOL, in 3 of the comments above there are 3 different comparisons. And this is a hard one. Vocally, a little like early Casanova/Mad Max. Musically, this is very ballsy and at one moment it reminded me a little of Crystal Ball. The songs are good, the message is not in-your-face at all, and basically, this is just a very good melodic hard rock disc, easily recommended. 'Mamma doesn't know' is my fave track (the one that made me think Crystal Ball), but there's no duds here. Great disc.

From: Rafo Phoenix Date: July 17, 2007 at 11:32
Great Melodic Hard Rock, Gran estilo buen cantante en simples palabras un album para todos los que saben de lo bueno For You, Tell Me Why, Danger, Stay With Me, All Day All Night, In the Darkness... muy completo y sobre que se parezcan a Casanova Mad Max Bad Habit Crystal Ball si tiene cosas de cada uno de ellos pero eso es irrelevante la situacion es que es un album de Gran nivel y que todo amante del Hard Melodico debe tener 9/10.

From: rbrigade Date: August 30, 2008 at 10:34
Interesting album. My favorites are Tell me why, Stay with me, All that you've got, In the darkness of the night. Nice guitars, good vocals. Songwriting is the highlight of the album. Still I don't think it's that good, like most other users. I would say 75/100

From: rick kerch vzla Date: September 15, 2011 at 21:31
Yeah!!!..this album rocks good...a band that deserved to be highly recognized by the media and the public...anyway songs like these ones "Tell Me Why","Remember You"(solid ballad),"Stay With Me","All Day All Night","Never" & "In The Darkness Of The Night"(the best track of the album IMHO)will surely put a in your face....enjoyable a 100%...90/100

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