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Artist: Fiore

Title: Body Electric

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Fiore Body Electric Album Cover


Category: AOR

Year: 1998

Label: MTM Music (Germany)

Catalog Number: 199670


Jon Fiore vocals
Serge Tremblay guitar
Doug Elash bass
Paolo Erme drums
Pete Lesperance additional guitars
Harry Hess backing vocals, keyboards
Creighton Doane additional drums


1.  Fool Yourself  4:02   Listen
2.  Good for Nothing  3:57   Listen
3.  Everyday  4:03   Listen
4.  The Only Way We'll Know  3:39   Listen
5.  Destiny  3:43   Listen
6.  I Will Wait  3:39   Listen
7.  Keep Me Satisfied  3:48   Listen
8.  The Ladder  4:10   Listen
9.  Come and Gone  3:23   Listen
10.  All I Feel  3:38   Listen
Total Running Time:  38:02

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The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Fiore CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

EPs and CD-singles from Fiore are also welcome to be added, as long as they are at least 4 songs in length.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: koogles Date: March 25, 2003 at 14:21
Like Harem Scarem with a hangover, the songs are there, but the vocals and production seem a little muffled. Best tracks: "Fool Yourself" and "Keep Me Satisfied"... very Harry and I don't mean Connick Jr.

From: nobby Date: March 25, 2003 at 23:20
this album is very definately in the Harem Scarem mould. Harry and Pete are at the helm on the production side of things, so you know its gonna be good. A definate progression from Jon's first outing. If you like H.S. then you will enjoy this ... FACT!

From: M. Allen Date: March 26, 2003 at 17:59
Any fan of Harem Scarem or melodic hard rock bands of that nature should have no fear about adding this CD to their collection. While the production, handled by Harry Hess (Harem Scarem), isn't as pristine as the Harem Scarem albums, this release still has plenty of sharp hooks, catchy choruses, and smooth melodies. So, while not an electrifying release, it is a welcome addition to the ever-growing pantheon of melodic hard rock.

From: RED-DEATH Date: April 29, 2003 at 19:08

From: Rycheage Date: June 15, 2003 at 2:29
This album is tougher, has a harder edge, is better produced and has some just brilliant vocals. And again like that album is considered the all time classic Harem Scarem album, so too will this be considered a classic. No doubt at all!!

From: Jon Fiofóre Date: June 22, 2003 at 18:38
Fiore is the AOR comedy! How can a limited band like this had two albums at the same year?? All the songs sounds equal! Jon Fiore has no feeling, no attitude and no voice! The rest of the band sounds like children playing! Harry Hess used to be a good producer....long time ago! Imagine gene freak simmons been part of this band? They would sound like the worse band on the planet!!

From: robert Date: December 12, 2003 at 21:11
¿Como es posible q sea del mismo año 98'?

From: dckiss Date: April 18, 2004 at 15:08
Leave Gene Simmons out of it he has nothing to do with this band.

From: jessica96fish Date: October 7, 2004 at 10:06
thought this one was ok.first two are cool above has a h/s sound.worth having.

From: Geoff Date: February 22, 2005 at 5:18
Although Jon Fiofore's comments above are a little harsh, he sort of has a point. Every song here is great, so why should it not be 10/10? Well, Jon really doesn't sound like he means a lot of the songs and it does sound like a tool for Harry Hess. I don't really care as I honestly love every song on this disc - not a hint of filler, but I'd have preferred to hear Harry sing these songs with Harem Scarem... and passion. Great disc, highly recommnded

From: Roxas Date: April 28, 2005 at 22:46
"Good for nothing" is outstanding as is the wonderful "come and gone". For me only about 4 great tacks the rest just filler (fool yourself is one and satisfied, which is pure harem, is the other). I like his voice though and of course yet again another disc that reminds me of the wonderful days of melodic rock, the golden age.. 1998 - 2000

From: juan carlos Date: June 18, 2006 at 0:35
Buen disco del ex-Preview con una excelente producción a cargo de Harry Hess y es que te sonarán a H.S. sin duda. Buenos riffs y buenos solos aunque no hay mucho apoyo de coros como si los hay en su disco "today till tomorrow". Mis favoritas son la 1,4,5,7, y la 9. Concuerdo con Koogles en que los mejores temas son "fool yourself" y "keep me satisfied", aunque mis otras favoritas no están nada mal. 8.3/10

From: juan carlos Date: June 18, 2006 at 0:37
El bonus track japones se llama "without your love" es un tema tranquilo y muy bueno como todo el disco, la voz no me parece nada mal de Fiore, esta aceptable y me agrada.

From: z4roxx Date: November 4, 2007 at 13:34
Not great like the other one but very good and recommended,too!8,5/10!

From: rick kerch vzla Date: October 9, 2010 at 20:30
Ok pleasant album surely...somehow it managed to catch my attention even though i'm againts "modern AOR sound" but the thing is that it keeps some kind of pure AOR here and there...Harry Hess of the band Harem Scarem is in here..H.S is a band that has changed through the years musically talking,so it means that the sound of Fiore is kinda unstable,don't misunderstand my point of view,the album has its good moments but also with ups and downs..."Fool Yourself" is a good smoothie AOR starter,"Good For Nothing" is solid,"Everyday" is an excellent song along with "The Only Way We'll Know","Keep Me Satisfied" has a nice chorus & "Come And Gone" is a catchy one even though it has that issue of the modern sound i stated about...agree with the comments about Fiore's good vocal skills and with the comments that have coherence..92/100

From: hair metal again Date: October 4, 2012 at 5:53
very good release byFIORE in collaboration with the Harem Scarem guyz!all the songs are well structured and with many hooks ,but i d like the musicianship to be in a higher level!"the ladder","good for nothing" and "fool yourself" the highlights of this enjoyable release!

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