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[Scorpions Band Picture]

Artist: Scorpions

Title: Humanity - Hour 1

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Scorpions Humanity - Hour 1 Album Cover


Category: Hard Rock

Year: 2007

Label: Sony BMG Music

Catalog Number: 8287 671419-2


Klaus Meine Lead Vocals
Rudolf Schenker Rhythm Guitars
Powel Maciwoda Bass
Matthias Jabs Lead Guitar
James Kottak Drums


1.  Hour I  3:26
2.  The Game of Life  4:04
3.  We Were Born to Fly  3:59
4.  The Future Never Dies  4:03
5.  You're Lovin' Me to Death  3:15
6.  321  3:53
7.  Love Will Keep Us Alive  4:32
8.  We Will Rise Again  3:49
9.  Your Last Song  3:44
10.  Love Is War  4:20
11.  The Cross  4:28
12.  Humanity  5:26
13.  Cold Japanese bonus track  3:52
14.  Humanity Radio Edit Japanese bonus track  4:06
15.  Love Will Keep Us Alive Radio Edit Japanese bonus track  4:06
Total Running Time:  61:03

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The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Scorpions CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: rene Date: July 20, 2007 at 9:58
I am happy to be the first giving my opinion about this album because i am a big SCORPIONS fan. Even if i am a tradicional 80s metal/hard rock maniac i realy like this album. It have some modern sound but it will not make you feel bad because it still sound like the SCORPIONS. The songs are very good and i would say they are even better then the ones on UNBREAKEBLE. KILLER CD that need 3 or 4 listenings to realy understand. HAIL SCORPIONS, HAIL FOREVER.

From: TONI MALLORCA Date: July 27, 2007 at 3:59
su mejor disco desde "blackout" y con eso ya lo digo todo.

From: wsr88d Date: July 28, 2007 at 11:07
Ok, EyeIIEye sucked. Unbreakable, was a moderate comeback to get things right - not perfect, but acceptable. Now comes Humanity Hour I...which I think is the perfect sounding album. It is heavy, great songs, band is tight, a filler...but that's ok. The album is what fans have been looking for since 1995. It shows that they took their time writing and crafting the material, and getting back to their more popular sounding roots of the 80's with a modern edge to it. "A-"

From: metalmaniac777 Date: July 28, 2007 at 15:01
Fantastic album from one of hard rock's longest-running acts delivers the hooks with snake-strike precision, recreating the big chorus song structure of the 80s while the modern bass-cranked production keeps things fresh, tight, & heavy. Fans who feared it humanly impossible for the band to ever deliver a killer album again should now find those fears put to rest, because this ranks right up their with the Scorps best. If this is their final hour as some have alleged, then what a way to go out.

From: YIRO SEVENTH Date: August 3, 2007 at 19:04
A ver a ver, vamos a poner un poquito de orden aqui. En efecto, se trata de un excelente disco, muy solido, bien estructurado, fresco, con elementos innovadores como lo es el manejo de guitarras en plan de grupos como EVANESCENCE y de similar estilo, lo cual le da al disco un aire moderno y refrescante, algo muy positivo que se refleja en temas como "Hour 1" (directa y opresiva); "The Game Of Life" que es una gran composición equilibrando en forma adecuada calidad e ideas nuevas; otra...

From: YIRO SEVENTH Date: August 3, 2007 at 19:11
que destaca es la explosiva y pegadiza "You´re Lovin´Me To Death" cuyo coro tiene reminiscencias de sus trabajos de los 80s; la potente "321", la lenta "Love Will Keep Us Alive" (que hermosa voz la de Klaus Meine); Incluso Billy Corgan de los Smashing colabora en la oscura "The Cross"; y destaca tambien el temazo "Humanity". Y por supuesto, un disco de gran calidad, PERO... TONI MALLORCA¿Como está eso que lo mejor de SCORPIONS desde BLACKOUT???... ¿Donde me dejas discos como LOVE AT FIRST STING?

From: YIRO SEVENTH Date: August 3, 2007 at 19:18
que para mi es muucho mejor que este ... ¿Donde me dejas el maravilloso CRAZY WORLD?? ¿y el FACE THE HEAT??? dicho con todo respeto... aunque este es un gran disco y nos presenta a unos SCORPIONS en excelente forma, realmente no lo considero lo mejor desde BLACKOUT, pues nos estariamos olvidando de joyas como el mencionado LOVE AT FIRST STING( con ese himno llamado "Rock You Like A Hurricane!) y otros discos de gran valía. Aunque eso si, un disco de gran calidad... SALUDOS

From: Fat Freddy Date: August 8, 2007 at 16:57
Wow, what an album. I must confess that until 2004's killer UNBREAKABLE comeback record, I had all but written the Scorpions off. HUMANITY HOUR I picks up where UNBREAKABLE left off, with a slightly darker feel and hooks that'll stick in your head for days. I do believe this may be my fave disc of 07 thus far. Does it feel like a farewell album to anyone else? Many of the lyrics are about "the end" (of love, of humanity, of the world)... well, if this is the end they're goin out on a high note.

From: aMetalhead1966 Date: August 10, 2007 at 10:49
A GREAT release by this long standing band...probably the best thing they have done in YEARS...It's been in constant play since I got it...a truely lasting disc...great songs..hooks galore...great palying..killer has it all..a top 5 of 2007 in my book..

From: sixxswine Date: September 3, 2007 at 0:48

From: Rafo Phoenix Date: October 10, 2007 at 12:47
Muy bueno si pero eso de que es el segundo mejor en toda la carrera del grupo nada nada podria ser el 7mo u 8vo mejor de ellos nada como los clasicos de los 80s o los tremendos trabajos como lo son "Crazy World" & "Lovedrive" opinion y gusto personal of course.

From: iridion666 Date: November 5, 2007 at 13:59
somente a música humanity é legal o resto não sei mas acho que eles perderam o jeito de escrever música ,e não adianta chamar grandes "hitmakers",o resultado não foi legal

From: Iron M Date: January 14, 2008 at 12:46
This is, in my opinion, the best Scorpions album since the Face the Heat(1993). Unbreakable was ok but this one is absolutelly outstanding!!! Perfect. One of the best albums of 2007.

From: the rocker Date: January 25, 2008 at 16:42
what a return. i liked unbreakable, but this is so much better.the band is so tight on this, the guitars are great, and can klaus sound any better? does have some modern feel to it in places, but does not hurt it at all. this is coming from MR. 80's.

From: shark attack Date: January 31, 2008 at 6:21
Don`t believe the hype,this is no return to form but a tuneless modern dirge with the only connection to the past being Klaus Meine`s distinct (if half-hearted)vocals. As for the songs, well with a back catalogue like the Scorpions have you have to say this is poor, where is the majesty of songs like `The Zoo` `Lovedrive` or `Rock you like a hurricane` this drivel just does not compare. Finally why have two guitarists of notable calibre and not utilise their skills. DULL DULL DULL 47/100

From: Doug Date: March 25, 2008 at 17:28
It is indeed a bit more melodic than the days of Animal Magnetism, but let's remember these guys are past middle age. We must consider that their musical tastes will naturally evolve. Am listening to it right now. "Love Will Keep Us Alive" has a good vibe.

From: Ordjoe Date: June 28, 2008 at 11:06
This is by far IMO one of the best releases Scorpions have had in many years. I am more a fan of the early 80's stuff, but have been a long fan of Scorpions throughout. If this is possibly their last album, what a way to go out. From the first track this album rocks! Pretty solid rock ballad by Klaus and company on the "future never dies" and "Love will keep us alive". Heavier riffs from the band mixed with the solid sound and melodies Scorps fans have been missing all wrapped into a more modern sound make this album a great one!

From: Japangea Date: December 29, 2008 at 10:26
As long as you can find any song like "Humanity",it's worth owning a CD as that song is one of bests in Scorpions' history.

From: hair metal again Date: July 9, 2009 at 3:07
good album by the scorpions with a very solid sound,melodic tunes,great guitars and "careful" vocals by the german maine.wherever the legendary desmond child involves we expect a big result and again he doesnt disappoint us.good enough but not eesential

From: rick kerch vzla Date: August 3, 2011 at 21:21
Simply a good album but it could have been better being The Scorpions a band that usually delivers great ones(except maybe a couple of "forgettables")anyway about the tracks,some have that "new modern rock sound" spark that u can like or dislike but still conserves what we can call the identity of the band...faves o' mine are "Hour I","The Game Of Life","We Were Born To Fly","The Cross"(these 4 songs are catchy ones),"321","Love Will Keep Us Alive"(nice)& "Love Is War"...80/100

From: Lights Out Date: January 9, 2013 at 0:13
Humanity Hour One is the first concept album released by Scorpions and again a bit of a departure from their typical musical output. Fortunately this time they found success in implementing some different ideas to their songwriting yet not to the point of losing the core elements that they have established throughout their discography. There are three heavy rockers on offer here (Hour 1, 321, and The Cross) and also what I would call theatrical rockers such as "Humanity", "The Game of Life" (Really like this track but needed a solo)and "We Will Rise Again". The album is completed by a mix of soft and power-ballads, as well as moderately soft mid-tempo pieces. All good tracks too; this is a very good album for emotional output, a more serious Scorpions album but effective. Guitar leads are fairly good here; while the leads are a bit too concise they are well performed by Matthias. Would have been nice for Uli and Michael to each play on a song as planned but that never occurred. 82/100

From: CC Date: November 13, 2015 at 19:24
To be honest I like the Scorps but have never been a massive fan by any means.I had a few of their studio albums over the years, a few compilations and alive album or two, but until recently never felt overly compelled to get their full back catalogue.Recently though I decided it was high time I completed their discography and started ordering some of the classics and some of the new stuff so I could mix it up rather than doing in chronologically.Did not expect much from this one, but have been really surprised with how good it is. My personal fave album is Crazy world, but I will happily say this is now my second favourite. Some great tunes on this one.

From: 123charpenay Date: November 14, 2015 at 5:27
who knows "eagles of death metal" the american hard rock band who plays in paris during the slaughter of this night at the "bataclan".?r i p for all the innocent french s an abomination.we are in war against the muslins.

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: November 14, 2015 at 21:30
You know Queenns of the Stone Age or Kyuss? Eagles of Death Metal are another one of Josh Homme's projects. (They're not death-metal in any way, for the record, just a snarky ironic band name). But yeah, man ... we westerners are used to seeing that kind of thing happen "over there," from the relative safety of our TV screens. It's a cold new world. Be safe, bud.

From: 123charpenay Date: November 15, 2015 at 4:07
thanx to my friend doghouse reilly.humanity is in danger.peace.

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