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[Bon Jovi Band Picture]

Artist: Bon Jovi

Title: Keep The Faith

Bon Jovi Homepage

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Bon Jovi Keep The Faith Album Cover


Category: Hard Rock

Year: 1992

Label: Mercury/Polygram

Catalog Number: 14045


Jon Bon Jovi lead vocals, background vocals
Richie Sambora acoustic and electric guitars, background vocals
David Bryan keyboards, background vocals
Alec John Such bass, background vocals
Tico Torres drums, percussion


1.  I Believe  
2.  Keep The Faith  
3.  I'll Sleep When I'm Dead  
4.  In These Arms  
5.  Bed Of Roses  
6.  If I was Your Mother  
7.  Dry County  
8.  Woman In Love  
9.  Fear  
10.  I Want You  
11.  Blame It On The Love Of Rock and Roll  
12.  Little Bit Of Soul  

If you see any errors or omissions in the CD information shown above, either in the musician credits or song listings (cover song credits, live tracks, etc.), please post them in the corrections section of the Heavy Harmonies forum/message board.

The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Bon Jovi CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

EPs and CD-singles from Bon Jovi are also welcome to be added, as long as they are at least 4 songs in length.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: Geoff Date: March 13, 2005 at 23:08
Or is this the best BJ CD? Probably, IMO it is. 'I Believe' is a huge melodic opener, 'In These Arms' is the pinnacle of what can be played on the radio - a truly stunning song and an all-time fave, 'Bed Of Roses' is a spectacular ballad and a splendid track, 'If I was Your Mother' is a killer hard rocker and highlight. Nice to see them try something like this, and pull it off brilliantly. 'Dry County' is the spectacle we all know and most love, 'Fear' is a monster track and clearly a highlight

From: Geoff Date: March 13, 2005 at 23:09
... of this disc, 'I Want You' is a long standing favourite ballad of mine - beautiful, 'Blame It On The Love Of Rock and Roll' is a great rocker, 'Save a prayer' is also a stunning track and a good direction change for BJ, and 'Starting all over again' is good clean commercial hard rock. Great disc, awesome sound and it was nice to see them spice things up, and succeed with a few heavier songs.

From: mauricio Date: May 25, 2005 at 13:23
hi-from COSTARICA, a decir verdad no esta mal este disco con este disco vinieron a tocar a COSTARICA EN 1993 EN NOVIEMBRE yo diria que este fue su ultimo disco despues de these days hasta hoy todos ya sabemos lo que son un grupo malo.pero KEEP THE FAITH METE A LOS JOVI EN LOS 90- canciones como 1-3-4-5-6-7-8-9- es lo mas destacable del disco 7/0 buen disco

From: metalmaniac777 Date: July 29, 2005 at 21:56
Upon purchasing this CD (or rather, cassette at the time) back in 92, my first thought was 'What the f---?' Expecting something along the lines of 'Slippery' or 'New Jersey,' my initial reaction was one of disappointment. 13 yrs. later and (allegedly) a little wiser, I still don't consider this up to 'New Jersey' or 'Slippery' levels, but it's still a darn fine Bon Jovi album with those signature vocals and plenty of catchy hooks. Not the best, not the worst, just good solid rock 'n roll.

From: Kip Date: September 13, 2005 at 13:04
In These Arms is hands down the best BJ song ever and the only song I liked enough to buy the CD single of, which brings me to Save A Prayer, a B-Side that should have been on the disc, it's outstanding. Bed of Roses was an instant classic and still gives me shivers. Keep the Faith is a great example of their musical growth and I Believe has BJ at his best vocally. Dry County may be their most underappriciated song ever. Awesome melodies! Awesome album! 8.7/10

From: JapLance Date: July 16, 2006 at 6:02
The last of Bon Jovi's golden age CD's. When it came out after a four-year wait I thought it was a piece of crap compared to 'Slippery...' or 'New Jersey', but after a few listenings I really appreciated it. Now, after 10 years of real bad BJ CD's, I think it's their 3rd or 4th best.

From: Erik Date: July 16, 2006 at 8:25
You are spot on JapLance.

From: Metalmusicman Date: January 1, 2007 at 17:06
This release showed the band growing musiclly and their song writing maturing and going to whole new levels and new directions. It all somehow works and adds a whole new dimension to the band, finally I think breaking them out of the hairband stigma. It even finds the band taking chances with some heavier material and it works well for them. Whiel there still are weaker moments, like on the last couple of BJ albums, the highlights more than make up for it. Another solid release!

From: RavenX Date: March 6, 2007 at 11:25
This is where Bon Jovi shed the big hair and spandex and showed just how talented a group they really were, a great album, some great songs here, 'I Believe', 'In These Arms', 'Bed of Roses' and the incredible 'Dry County' (which merits a five star album rating alone), one of the best songs I have heard in my life, if any one song was gonna give Jovi the praise and credit they deserved for the right reasons it would have been that one, unfortunately a lot of people could never look past 'Living

From: RavenX Date: March 6, 2007 at 11:26
(Continued) 'Living on a Prayer' and never gave Jovi the chance or the credit they deserved, and for that reason they have now sold out, ditched their fans and what made them a good band and conformed so they can grasp whatever success they can, sad but true, if youre only familiar with Jovi's new stuff take the time to go through their earlier efforts, where they put the music first and wrote some damn good songs.

From: headbanger4life Date: July 18, 2007 at 5:43
'In These Arms' has got to be one of my favorite songs by these guys. It did take me a few listens to warm up to the whole album but I think it is a fantastic piece of work now.

From: Lennie Date: August 20, 2007 at 8:13
Up until track 7 this was on course to be the best BJ album, but the latter songs just dont live up to the brilliance of 'In Your Arms', 'Bed of Roses', 'Keep the Faith and of course 'Dry County' which features Sambora's best ever guitar solo...why didnt they do this more often? Still overall a very solid effort and probably the last truely great BJ album.

From: Rambo Rockerman Date: January 20, 2008 at 11:21
This is a half half record,you will like some and some will be average.

From: rick kerch vzla Date: March 15, 2009 at 22:08
A change of look and music...and the last album with Mr Such(bass player) in the line up...the album has great moments as 'Keep The Faith' which was a kinda of 'warning' song 2 the listeners who thought of a continuation of Slippery and New Jersey type of sound...'In These Arms'(my favourite)is excellent AOR-inspired song,'Bed Of Roses' was the ballad that put this album on top and 'I'll Sleep When I'm Dead' was the 'happy' tune to clap your hands and stomp your feet with.Great???...some people have their doubts about it...85/100

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: March 16, 2009 at 13:25
I was a big Bon Jovi fan as a kid, but by the time this album came out, I had lost interest and moved on to heavier metal. Kinda like with Def Leppard's Adrenalize, I was all excited when it came out, because of my love of earlier material, but once I bought it, found I wasn't that into it. Good songs here are 'I Believe,' 'Keep The Faith,' 'If I Was Your Mother,' 'Woman In Love,' 'Fear' and 'Blame It On The Love of Rock 'n' Roll.' Honestly, though, I almost never listen to this anymore. The last time had to be at least a decade ago, probably more.

From: ghettonation73 Date: August 30, 2009 at 9:01
This is the last good Bon Jovi cd. Everything sucks after this. They Should patch things up with Alec John Such, grow their hair back long and release an album like the first 5. Oh Yes, I'm very picky.

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: February 25, 2011 at 22:40
It's hard to overstate just how different the musical world was when this disc came out, compared to when New Jersey came out. In the fall of '88, this band was on top of the world, and pretty much any and every single from New Jersey was a guaranteed hit, and sure as shit, all five singles went top-10 in the States. You couldn't turn on a radio or TV in '89 without running headfirst into somme Bon Jovi. So fast-forward to October of '92 when Keep The Faith came out. Totally different world, and I don't mean just the grunge thing. Most of their airplay for KTF came from top-40 stations, because the hard-rock and metal stations were no longer interested. I guess this record did well for them all the same, but commpared with the previous two, it had the whole "tree-falling-in-the-forest thing going for it.

From: hair metal again Date: July 13, 2011 at 12:23
very good release by BON JOVI and surely a lot different from what they had done till then.excellent production by bob rock,a rockin feeling all around and a feel good attitude is what you get.all the songs are remarkable and especially "i want you" which is one of the best ever JOVI tunes.essential!

From: 7800°Fahrenheit Date: January 29, 2012 at 9:44
Wild is the wind.After the smoke clears,the change of address/look in KTF comes as no surprise.The Kids have grown up and Jon wonders if friends will be friends forever.Darkness fades,he is the prince of his city.BJ contend with any metal band for the stage.They run to the top,sometimes.They fight their way back home in WDOA.When You make the rules,no one can slow you down..Hear their cries.Is Surviving living to die in fear?After NJ,Jon rediscovers his own voice and writes probably his best & mature songs.They leave Tokyo Road forever..I can still remember'What you thought was what you said and what you said was what you did,when I was just a kid,when friends were friends forever'( a great song.Blood,Train,Wind,Guns,99 were,and still are,good tracks(there's no place like home,I Believe).On the other hand,I don't like KTF(I've seen the dream.There's no land of Oz)and I'm not hooked on NJ.Anyway,me and the boys made a pact.I'd drive all night just to get back home

From: 7800°Fahrenheit Date: January 29, 2012 at 9:48
...Tommy got his six string in hock,Now he's holding in what he used to make it talk..Gina dreams of running away...'Take my hand and we'll make it...I swear',Jon says.

From: 123charpenay Date: September 18, 2014 at 14:01
really excellent bon jovi s realise,better than "new jersey".the more mature and smart bon jovi s record even if the fantastic hard f m of the debut is far.even so if we have three fillers :tracks 3.10.11.i love the rest."i believe" looks like to "blood on blood" and have a sprinsteen influence."keep the faith " is a hit."bed of roses " a beautiful ballad.tracks 6.8.9 are three super class hard rock songs.track 12 is super different song and "dry county" a masterpiece of nine more time i recommand the jap reissue of 1998.cause we have nine bonus tracks ( 2 cd s).six live,an instrumental,a beautiful version of "bed of roses" and two studio outtake "save a prayer"super song and "starting all over again" excellent song.these two bombs could be easely present on the original record.

From: ghettonation73 Date: April 15, 2018 at 13:34
This is the last good Bon Jovi CD to me. IMO it's also average, BJ will never top the first four cds. I stopped liking BJ after they lost their hard rocking sound.

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