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Artist: Tuff Luck

Title: Tuff Luck

(click on Artist's name above to return to artist's main page)

Tuff Luck Tuff Luck Album Cover


Category: Glam

Year: 1987

Label: New Renaissance Records

Catalog Number: CMG 50216


Kenny Monroe vocals
David Scott guitars
Kenny Allen bass
Todd Kelly drums


1.  Tonight! Tonight!  
2.  Take It or Leave It  
3.  Time Will Tell  
4.  Sleaze if You Please  
5.  Stranger in the Night  
6.  Up and Down  
7.  Out on the Run  
8.  Going Nowhere  
9.  I.O.U.  
10.  Sad And Lonely  
11.  Parkside Madness  
12.  Little Black Book   

If you see any errors or omissions in the CD information shown above, either in the musician credits or song listings (cover song credits, live tracks, etc.), please post them in the corrections section of the Heavy Harmonies forum/message board.

The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Tuff Luck CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

EPs and CD-singles from Tuff Luck are also welcome to be added, as long as they are at least 4 songs in length.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: TIM Date: June 9, 2002 at 19:54
The singer sounded like shit until the latter part of the album. The guitarist is great though. If you have the cd, there are bonus tracks: I.O.U., SAD AND LONELY, PARKSIDE MADNESS, and LITTLE BLACK BOOK. The cd is costly ($65). The album does not contain the bonus tracks though.

From: TIM Date: June 9, 2002 at 22:40
Didn't the drummer get shot in a burglary or something?

From: tomcat Date: June 20, 2002 at 7:38
i still got the vinyl favorite tune is 'take it or leave it' don't they have a page at anyone with more info on this band?

From: jayglam Date: August 8, 2002 at 2:10
Excellent melodic hard rock, the production was a bit lacking but the songs were great with blistering lead solos, I bought this on tape back in 88 and finally have it on CD. More on the sleazy side, underated band.

From: David Date: August 16, 2002 at 4:14
Purrfect, what's their second release like?

From: Ralph Date: August 18, 2002 at 18:49
Bought the tape in 88, got the CD with the bonus tracks in 99. One of my favorite albums of all time (although the production is very raw). The guitar leads are blazing, lots of energy throughout!

From: David Date: August 19, 2002 at 17:03
Is this album anything like Shotgun Messiah's debut?

From: TIM Date: August 19, 2002 at 17:14
The guitarist is similar but the vocals are different. The vox are kind of like a bad Poison.

From: TIM Date: August 20, 2002 at 14:08
I'll send it to you if I have room on your tapes.

From: nitrodoll Date: August 20, 2002 at 14:36
my vinyl copy has a pink sticker on the front saying that david scott is going to be a guitarhero.or something like that.. i like it but it's not my favorite..i downloaded some new songs on and while you're there, check out a band called lix rocks. like kiss during their animalize days only better..

From: purrfect-kat Date: September 22, 2002 at 16:12
I was just browsing thru the comments on this band and saw your question David . . I can't give an opinion on their second cd right now cuz I haven't heard it in awhile and forget what I liked and didn't like about them . . . I do believe the singer of this band went on to become the frontman for Loudhouse and I have that cd too . . I remember that one quite well cuz it sucked and I swore at the person who sold it to me cuz he said they were good. . lol

From: Diamond Date: February 24, 2003 at 10:34
The guitar player that was in the band before Dave Scott has a page on also

From: Arturo Bandini Date: May 24, 2003 at 17:50
I got the record back in the 80ies and still listening it. 'Time Will Tell' is amazing! Totally agree with David: time to think of a new band name!!

From: kita Date: May 26, 2003 at 2:29
This was awesome in the car on casette back in 88 and it's better on CD now. One of the most amazing guitarists ever, faster than fast. Todd got shot and killed in a holdup, he was one of the best drummers you will ever hear. He's buried in NJ. Kenny aka Mugwump left Loudhouse they went on to more success as Sponge. James took over for Kenny A. on bass, an is an amazingly accomplished bassist, a perfect complement to Dave's smoking guitar. Dave is on the new Matt Kramer CD, War and Peas.

From: HairMetalManiac Date: May 30, 2003 at 22:14
Had to have this for the sake of the genre...well, I thought the first tracked kicked ass for about 20 seconds...then the vocals went downhill fast from there, although the back-up vocals are decent...then it started to kick ass again during the guitar solo...then it went downhill again...I think you get the drift...had moments but not many...Rock On!

From: Dave Date: August 17, 2003 at 18:02
There's almost always a copy of this at the e auction bay place, but the bids get high. I've got every track this band ever did and it got better, much better, as you can tell from the bonus tracks on the CD. This would have been TL2 on New Renaissance, but that label screwed up. Now I think the chick from Hellion runs the label and she's running a negative campaign about the CD being unauthorized or something like that. Like what musician is gonna honor a contract from 1986? And fear her?

From: Sean Date: September 2, 2003 at 22:39
This damn cd is next to impossible to find!!! I wish I had it. Lion's - Dangerous Attraction as well!

From: shredguitar1 Date: September 23, 2003 at 23:32
I have the original tape and loved Dave's lead sound and style A buddy of mine years ago somehow got me a copy of the second tape(it's a little heavier and has a gravely singer) Not the same... but it is still good.I also have a copy of Dave's solo demo tapes. It's awesome... the guy ranges from Warren D'Martini/Satriani/Greg Howe thing to smooth tones like Eric Johnson. He even shreds out a version of Spiderman. How funny is that??

From: BrianR Date: September 26, 2003 at 23:55
Has anybody ever heard the first two Helix albums 'Breaking Loose' and 'White Lace and Black Leather'. Wow! - sounds the same - same production and same early Brian Vollmer vocals. Not bad at all.

From: Vaigod Date: January 18, 2004 at 20:05
Anyone ever heard the instrumental 'The Guy' that they did? Kinda funny tune.

From: mighytmike Date: February 25, 2004 at 18:47
I worked with the band for years, If you need any info please post it and I will more than happy to fill you in....Cheers Mike

From: Tommy Date: February 25, 2004 at 19:41
Tuff Luck totally kicks ass! love the first one. juicy guitar work and great songs! but i cant find my cdr of tuff luck II can someone please help me out with a cdr of the second cd? thanks!!

From: Tommy Date: February 25, 2004 at 19:58
hello Mike i will be happy for anr info on the band that you shoot my way!

From: MButt Date: February 26, 2004 at 1:10
Hey Mike, any chance that unreleased Tuff Luck II cd is ever coming out? we are all eagerly awaiting that one. thanks.

From: David Date: February 26, 2004 at 2:24
MButt, you need to get Joe Dolan to get Retrospect Records on the job. That Bittersweet cd KICKS ARSE!!!!

From: Christine Date: February 26, 2004 at 2:44
These guys were great... hometown boys! I'd love to get a copy of the 2nd release...

From: MButt Date: February 26, 2004 at 13:47
David, that is a good idea, and your right, BITTERSWEET awesome! retrospect will release, ROCK CANDY and the unreleased demos, Wow would that be a great thing!!

From: mightymike Date: February 26, 2004 at 14:51
You guys rock for your response! The second disc went to print from a company in Fla. which folded. It features Rick Mauerer on vocals. It had new direction in it's sound(very cool stuff). If Dave can get all the rights stuff straightened out he could make it happen. Our original label ceases to recognize how many people like the band. So they are trying to discourage anybody from buying it on e-bay. I'll keep you posted on any progress on a release. Keep your fingers crossed.Mike

From: Lk771 Date: February 26, 2004 at 15:55
This band was fantastic and all about havin' fun and rockin' out 80's style. Dave Scott was/is one of the best guitarists ever in the 80's sleaze/glam genre. T.F. II 'How I See the World' was great too. I loved the second singer on 'She Don't Know' -dripping w/80's attitude. Would have loved to have seen them live. Are there any melodic hard rock fans out there that were in the Seattle, WA/Pacific NW area during this era? There were a few great bands similar to these guys. Until...Grunge!

From: mightymike Date: February 26, 2004 at 16:08
Greeting lk771 We never played that far west but there is some live shows floating around on e-bay.One from Philly and One from Fla. I still shake my head watching some of Dave's solos, and I was there every night Thanks For The Kind Words... Mike

From: Date: February 26, 2004 at 16:13
Hi mightymike! if you talk to David tell him Phillip from Seattle said hi. We rapped out on the phone and swapped tapes a few times after he'd appeared in Guitar for The Practicing Musician's spotlight. A very cool guy and a hell of a player. Tell him I see Oni Logan every now and again and Oni was wanting to know how to get in touch w/Dave. It's been a few months so I don't know if he ever did. Dave can e-mail him at his site. I was sorry to read about Todd. -Take Care

From: mightymike Date: February 26, 2004 at 16:37
Cool Phillip. I will forward the info to Dave about Oni and tell him you said hey. James(the bass player) is out of the country but when he comes back I will have him throw up a posting. The Todd ordeal was crushing we were all a pretty tight knit family. Did you ever get the Dog For A Day Cd? It was Todd's last work with Dave and James. It's got some great stuff on it......Thanks Again....Mike

From: Christine Date: February 27, 2004 at 4:40
Mike, was that company in FL called Conquest Music Group?? If so, that's a shame, they were pretty good at signing local bands - Hear Hear was one of my favorites as well. I remember seeing Tuff Luck a few times when I was in high school in Miami - I definitely miss the old days! And Phillip, is there ANYTHING going on here in Seattle? And I thought Miami was musically barren these days!

From: Christine Date: February 27, 2004 at 4:41
Damn - I meant Hear Here. It's been a long day...

From: Date: February 27, 2004 at 7:21
This is so cool! Thanks for your reply Mike! No, I never did get the 'Dog For a Day' CD. Would love to hear it though. I've played what I guess was the 4 song demo (eventually T.F.II) from back in '93 for several buddies out here in LA and Orange County over the years and everyobody has been consistently impressed by every aspect of the band. Christine, how long have you been living in Seattle/Pacific N.W.? I left their in 2-94 just after the grunge thing hit and I'd had enough of the rain!

From: mightymike Date: February 27, 2004 at 11:22
I'll get you a copy of Dog For A Day, it features Dave on Vocals.(Some really cool stuff) I'll rip it next week and get your addy somehow. As for conquest music it went out pretty quick, I don't think it had the right to release the disc BUT who cares because people wanted it, and our old label was, let's just say Lame and did'nt appreciate us at all. Cool Christine about catching us live, those certainly were the days!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From: Lk771 Date: February 27, 2004 at 13:51
Mike, it's a very small world at times but I know the current bassist of the band whose singer owns 'your old label'. They were kinda cool on those 1st 2 albums w/former Rhoads student, Chet Thompson. Mrs. Rhoads' school is just a few blocks from my house. I haven't seen her in a few years but the last time I did she said she hadn't seen Chet in years. God I miss those days! Did T.F ever play any shows w/Crimson Glory or Savatage? Whatever happened to Young Turk? I never got to hear them.

From: Christine Date: February 27, 2004 at 17:01
I've only been here since last June, and although grunge is dead, all I can find around here is 'alternative metal' - bands that just repeat the same 3 damn chords! Boring as hell. I do miss the old 'scene' in Miami, especially since the Button, Rosebuds, Washington Square, Plus 5, etc. are all ancient history... Funny you should mention Young Turk - haven't seen Billy since '92! Vandal was great too; Eric seems to be doing pretty well with his current band (Eric Knight Band).

From: Mighty Mike Date: February 27, 2004 at 19:39
We played with Crimson Glory twice. Once in Tampa and once in Miami.Very good band. There manager was cool guy named Warren Wyatt. As for the old label in all fairness they had all thrash metal on it and I think we were not a priority with them which had it's effect. No offense to any of her band they had nothing to do with it, but there is a reason that TL cds are selling on ebay for $40-$50 a clip. And some of there other bands are not....Mike

From: Randy M. Date: February 27, 2004 at 23:11
Hi Mike...i have some TUFF LUCK unreleased stuff with original singer Kenny Monroe on vocals...'Send Down Your Love', 'Cross My Heart', 'One More Time','Chasing The Night Away'..etc. When were these songs recorded??....RANDY*

From: Date: February 28, 2004 at 0:59
Mike,Phillip here again. I'm heading over to Paladinos (The last semi-cool hard rock club here in the San Fernando Valley) tonight and there's a chance Oni might be there. The 'Hollywood All-Stars' (Carlos Cavazo,Jeff Pilson,Vinnie Appice,etc..)are playing.I'm not sure if he knows about this site/msg board but I'll be sure to let him know that you're relaying the message.He's always had nothing but good things to say about Dave and T.L. He apparently was unawsre of Kenny's departure/T.L.II cd.

From: Melo Date: February 28, 2004 at 2:50
if anyone cn get me the any Tuff Luck cds other tahn the self titled from 1987 thenplease e mail me , thanks

From: Date: February 28, 2004 at 13:15
Cool Phil, have fun it's been deep since I saw Oni, probably when he was in Defiance in Fla, and he'd played with us. Tell him Mike from TL said hey. It was cool time for us back then. We had Oni joining Cold Sweat,Saigon on the rise, Marilyn doing his thing, Defiance,Cryer,Young Turk,Rated X, South Florida was cooking back then. MMike

From: MightyMike Date: February 28, 2004 at 13:19
Hey Randy, Send Down your Love,Train,Live For Today,Reach For The Sky, Were just some of the songs that were written in Fla,NYC and Jersey back in the day when we were playin up and down the east coast. There's a ton of stuff that never made a disc.Keep your fingers crossed there's always hope.Thanks For Keeping It Alive....MMIke

From: mightymike Date: March 11, 2004 at 16:46
Hey Phillip, How was Paladinos.........Was Oni in the house

From: james marino Date: March 12, 2004 at 14:47
This is James the bassist of Tuff Luck. This is really very cool to see everyone keeping in touch. someone wrote asking about the instrumental 'the guy'. I totally forgot about that tune. Dave Scott, Me and I think a good friend of ours named 'marc denowitz'(drums) recorded that in around 1988-89. I may have a tape of it somewhere. There were littorally hundreds of recordings like that. Mighty Mike Quinton was our Manager and even wrote a few tunes that found their way onto discs too.

From: mike vita Date: March 13, 2004 at 19:34
Hey James... We used to go see you guys at the Empire in Philly, Lamours in Brooklyn & where ever we could. Kenny gave me a tape years ago of about 10 demos that included stuff like 'Hide Behind the Moon', 'Send Down Your Love', etc... but I've worn it out over the years. There's also so much I probably never got to hear from you guys... is there any way to get a few tapes of that stuff from you? Please write me if it's possible... I've always been a huge fan of your music! If you get a chance,

From: mike vita Date: March 13, 2004 at 19:37
James, please contact me at: I'm also wondering where I can find recordings of what you've all done since Tuff Luck. Please drop me an email. Thanks man!!

From: Date: March 14, 2004 at 2:26
Mike, Phillip here, No, unfortunately he wasn't their and seems to be somewhat incommunicado as he hasn't replied to my e-mail yet. My fiance and his wife are fairly good acquaintances though having both judged an LA battle of the bands a couple of years ago. We (my fiancee, Samantha and I) heard that he may have something in the works though. I'll keep you posted as I'm not sure of any details yet but it should be very appealing to fans of the 'Wicked Sensation' era Oni.

From: Date: March 14, 2004 at 2:31
Mike, Phillip here, I'll e-mail you my address so that you can send out the 'Dog For a Day' recording you had told me about. Hope all is well for you and the rest of the guys. I'll be in touch soon.

From: Mighty Mike Date: March 15, 2004 at 15:00
Hey Phillip e-mail me at Keep the posts coming everybody.. Whatever James and I can answer we will gladly keep the spirit alive. Thanks Again and spread the word. Mikevita there is some live dvd's out there for philly...Keep your eyes peeled to Ebay.. MM

From: Lk771 Date: March 18, 2004 at 3:06
Hey Mike,James,Dave, T.L. members and friends: tomorrow (3-18) marks the 24th anniversary of Randy Rhoads passing (R.I.P).He is finally being honored tomorrow on the Hollywood Rock Walk of Fame.I hope everyone sees this in time to take a minute to think about him and the huge impact he's had on players and fans.What a terrible loss music suffered in his passing. God bless Randy Rhoads. May the contributions of his playing and humble spirit live on forever as rock's greatest 'Fleet Fingered God'.

From: mightymike Date: March 18, 2004 at 12:50
Hey Lk,good post. He had a tremendous influence on our band and Andy Todd's brother use to talk to his Mom back in the day, and she was just an absolute sweetheart from what he would tell us. His playing and presence changed guitar playing forever. Keep the posts coming and spread the word. PeaceMM

From: Lk771 Date: March 20, 2004 at 10:40
OOPS!!!!!Yes,I know I goofed on the math.3-18-04 marks the 22nd anniversary of Rhoads passing.

From: ToddP Date: March 28, 2004 at 2:02
I just found this site today and was reading some of the postings... i got so excited cause i was at the miami show when tuff luck opened for crimson glory.. i went there to see tuff luck.. they werre great.. Dave was a major shredder... so its good to see some dialogue on them... especially cause they were local to me. I was friends with a band called Cold Turkey in like 1990 who thought of themselves as rivals of tuff luck.. the guitarist (Adam something) was great too.. ahh to reminisce

From: Date: April 1, 2004 at 12:23
Yeah that Crimson Glory show was a great, they got into a really bad car accident that night on there way home. Cold Turkey I remember. There was some good talent coming out of that area. Keep the posts coming and spread the word...MM

From: Date: April 4, 2004 at 23:37
Did T.L.'s surviving members ever play together after Todd's death? Has there ever been any talk amongst T.L.'s surviving members of enlisting a new drummer for any sort of reunion album/shows possibly as a tribute to Todd ,T.L. fans and the overall legacy of everything T.L. ? This inquiring T.L. fan wants to know.......

From: Mighty Mike Date: April 5, 2004 at 15:18
Yes TL Members Dave,James, played in a few projects together.All of which was very cool and diverse. As for a reunion probably unlikely, there was a tribute show to Todd a few years back where artists paid homage to his talents in memory. Now as far as future released nuggets. Let me tell you there is some great stuff waiting to be released and re-released.From TL2,Dog for Day,Dave and James side projects, keep your fingers crossed and as important keep the interest alive.Cheers MM

From: David Date: April 5, 2004 at 19:14
Joe Dolan, what about getting your hands on the masters of Tuff Luck 2. Apparently it is twice as good as the debut & I'm sure it would be quite a money earner for Retrospect Records:-)

From: heather Date: April 6, 2004 at 12:06
cool to see all the tl fans are still sround. i know a few of the guys and tuff luck did play a show together after todd pased away. it was kenny,dave ,and james, kenny got up and jammed a few tunes and they even did tonight tonight, ton of energy, and kenny spit all over the crowd, and had the crowd going nuts. dave and kenny were approched and offerd alot of money to do a show with the other tuff luck guys, the timming was not right and it never happend. i have heard that dave and kenny talk a

From: Date: April 6, 2004 at 12:08
whoops mine was to long,,,keep ypur fingers crossed you never know, they might do a show together...peace all

From: rob Date: April 6, 2004 at 12:12
i saw a film a few months ago at the musuem of art that kenny monroe (kenny 5)made, he also acted in a few movies i saw one on the sci fi channel called blood fever, and i seen him play with iggy pop last fall in chicago.he looks weird? how can i find old tl recordings ?

From: Mighty Mike Date: April 6, 2004 at 15:23
I'm telling you If there is enough interest from people(like this board) Dave would consider releasing TL II, maybe some Dog For Day and Solo stuff. For those who have not heard it, and believe me I was there...It F*#@%^&$ smokes....I'll see what other options are available as well....Peace Mike

From: Date: April 6, 2004 at 16:54
Hey Rob, what museum was the Kenny 5 film at I'd love to check it out....MM

From: Todd Date: April 7, 2004 at 13:10
For anyone who is interested.. someone is selling a TUFF LUCK DVD on ebay right now... a show from the encore room.. i am interested in it myself.. but not sure if i'll go for it.. i wouldn't mind losing out to someone here.

From: Mighty Mike Date: April 7, 2004 at 15:23
the quality of the of the dvd is just ok but there just not any live stuff out there.For 12 bucks or whatever there asking it's worth it.. The venue is The Empire Rock Room in Philly. I remember it well, Dave had one of his guitars stolen from our hotel that night. The show was great though.MM

From: Todd Date: April 7, 2004 at 15:26
an excellent endorsement!

From: Straycat Date: April 9, 2004 at 17:09
I just bought this cd used for 5 dollars and it was like brand new .... and it ROCKS!!!! Super guitarist! Great tunes and great looks!!!!!

From: james Date: April 10, 2004 at 0:05
hey folks, james here, the bassist from tuff luck, an easy way to get intouch with me via email is cheers all!

From: Muddley Date: April 10, 2004 at 5:30
Straycat.....are you bored in Hungary.???

From: dallas Date: April 12, 2004 at 9:54
kenny5/mugwump/monroe was on the cover of the new times a (fla mag) few months back,something with ufos and his movies huge artilce.he works with alot of groups it said and had a band on virgin records.

From: Todd Date: April 12, 2004 at 12:15
Not that I mean to keep giving the ebay updates... BUT... someone is now selling the cd (from germany mind you) for the US equivalent of $54.99. While I like tuff luck a whole hell of a lot... and would LOVE to ow n it... umm... I am not sure I am willing to pay that much. It'll be interesting to see if someone does though.

From: T.J. BERRY Date: April 18, 2004 at 16:29

From: Mightymike Date: April 20, 2004 at 13:27
Hey TJ it is unclear what video conquest was planning to release. We never had anything Pro Shot. Well actually there were a couple live shows that people had shot,.And some that we had taken.. Some surface on ebay from time to time and I've gotten them all. All worth having mind you for the price($10-15)I'll post any other info when I get it.. MM

From: total Date: May 27, 2004 at 14:53
I remember I was senior in high school (in NY) and my buddy Chris just came back from vacation in West Palm Beach. We were very into the metal scene and he bought this record (on clear vinyl which was cool) while he was down there. We must have cranked that thing up 1,000 that summer. Great riffs, really good songs and the fact that it wasn't produced well made it even cooler. We turned a bunch of people on to them. I got the CD a few years ago and it just brought it all back. Good times.

From: JK Date: June 14, 2004 at 12:09
I just found this site and LOVE all the TL talk ! Bought the lp when it came out and have always dug it. I'm now looking for anything I can get by these guys on cd or vids or dvd. Anyone with anything to offer please reply to! Thanks!

From: Post Toastee Date: June 17, 2004 at 16:21
wow, i actually found fellow TUFF LUCK fans. isn't the internet the best? i bought the album in '87 just b/c it had a song called 'sleaze if you please'. that's like the least best song, too! album is still a ten and even though i listen mostly to jazz and death metal (e.g. EYEHATEGOD) i still love T.L. and SWEET PAIN (the cassette has a bonus track that should have been on the album)! mike, will the full live show that produced 'going nowhere' ever be put out? -eddie silver lake

From: Dean Date: June 18, 2004 at 10:19
I don't know about Tuff Luck but Sweet Pain ruled. So damn sleazy it was insane. Kelly Nichols was in it before LA Guns and later the singer Corky was a roadie for Guns. 'I get my kix' was the ultimate party tune.

From: Mightymike Date: June 18, 2004 at 12:26
Any further releases are up to Dave pretty much. The full live show for that recording I don't think exists. Some of the dvds on ebay are cool, I will talk to James about making some things available for the true fans to enjoy. I can tell you one thing, by keeping this type of board open an active only increases the chance of Tuff Luck releases in the future. Thanks For Keeping It Alive. And any other questions feel free to post them and I'll tell what I can... Cheers MM

From: Date: June 22, 2004 at 12:13
im sure mugwump will have something to say about any further releases, or unauthorized selling of any tuff luck material.

From: Date: June 23, 2004 at 6:41
You can reach dave scott through this site

From: Date: June 24, 2004 at 14:19
mugwump says: would luv to see a sweet best of tuff luck box set /tribute to todd kelly. something that really incapsules the great times and music- that came out of that era. also something that is priced so all the tuff luck fans could get a copy at a resonable price. i know kenny is now a film maker, would be cool to have a tuff luck dvd/movie??? may the force be with you

From: FRATELLO Date: July 2, 2004 at 8:33
Hi, Mike. I've got some mp3's of Tuff Luck CD 'How I See The World'. Do you know when it had been released (if it was) and how many tracks it contained. P.S. It is very cool stuff, vocal is quite different from their first album. Thanx!

From: Rick-the tall Date: July 2, 2004 at 22:11
Ok, this is Rick Maurer (the last singer of TUFF LUCK). I never really looked for the band on the net but this is cool. I know what I sang on wasn't the HIT stuff, but it was still fun to do. Mike, James, What's up you guys? Still watching Ren & Stimpy? I'm chillin' in Sunrise, still singing a little (mostly comedy) send me an e-mail I have video of our last recording session in Jersey (and tons of weird stuff). Late

From: mightymike Date: July 5, 2004 at 14:24
Aloha Mr. Maure,

From: Mighty Mike Date: July 5, 2004 at 14:36
Whats Good Rick, these posts are great lets try to keep them alive I'll let James know where your at.I'll e you at your addy. I hope Dave releases some stuff theres a lot of good fans out here and a ton of great recordings that alot of people have never heard.Glad to see your still using your pipes...Stay in touch....MM

From: Mighty Mike Date: July 5, 2004 at 14:47
Hey Fratello, Basically How I See The World was part of I believe 2 different sessions of recordings with the Above Mr.Maurer. I'd say this new phase of TL recorded 12-15 songs some of which came out on the TL II disc.(out of print) All of which you should hear. This band cooked with both singers. They both were incredibly talented. Keep it alive and stay in touch..MM

From: David Date: July 5, 2004 at 18:27
Mighty Mike, Trust me, there's plenty of interest from all over the world concerning Tuff Luck and especailly the Tuff Luck 2 album. Do you know is anyone in the process of re-issuing the AWESOME Tuff Luck 2 album. Cause whoever does will make a shit load of cash from it cause I have recently heard some of the stuff from their second cd and it totally BLOWS the first album off the face of the earth!!!

From: Mightymike Date: July 6, 2004 at 16:22
To David(from above) Thanks Man and believe me some of this shit is amazing to date as it was when we recorded it. D.Scott's playing is perhaps some of the best works I've heard from any player anywhere.And I've been around many. On TL II the music was maturing and each player was lending and equal hand. Not to take one thing away from TLI in itself.That was the Blueprint to it all. As for future releases. It would not be about the cash. But more likely about lending to Todd's memory.True. MM

From: robot Date: July 8, 2004 at 12:30
majic robot films is kenny 5's new company, he has worked with the white stripes, kid rock ,mc5,and more making cool dvd s and videos.he was just presented the optic nerve film award from the miami museum of modern art for his film 'straw in the wind' he does tour now and then. and makes all his own instruments, electric surf board,skateboard, so on, he authors killer dvds, and im sure he might be into making a cool tuff dvd ... if you can ever get him to answer an email ive tried for a few mont

From: Mightymike Date: July 8, 2004 at 15:03
Thanks about the K5 info. I've tried several times myself to contact him but I was unsure if I had his correct addy. Kenny is incredible talent he always thought outside the box. A true performer. We were best of friends. If you have an addy for him e-mail me at I'll try to get him to post something. Keep it up and alive.Cheers MM

From: dave scott Date: July 8, 2004 at 15:33
I would just like to say, 'hello' and Thank everyone for their interest in Tuff Luck. It was an amazing time in my life, especially the time spent with my best friend, Todd Kelly. JULY 3rd 2004 marked the 10 year Anniversay of Todd's death. 'Where did all the time go, we were so young yesterday'-stranger in the night-k monroe. If I would have told Todd people would still be listening and talking about Tuff Luck 17 years after its release, he would have told me I was completely insane! Take care.

From: -DEE-TAT-TOO- Date: July 8, 2004 at 15:33
Hey Mike, I was friends with Rick (the singer) and Rich Serotta (manager). I was there when all of those songs were written (TL2), It was Rick & Dave that wrote all of the songs. Dave wrote the music, Rick wrote the melodies and lyrics. I'm not sure why Rick's being left out? Just clarifying the situation.

From: kenny 5 /monroe Date: July 8, 2004 at 16:46
hey mutherfuckers cool to see that the torch is still burning, its been along time,being the original singer for tl/and playing bass in cryer with dave and todd.those were very special very blown away to see all who have left messages.i myself never stopped playing check out loudhouse on virgin records or mog stunt team usa amrep records.but the time with dav and todd are the ones i will always remember.very special... thanks to all. and we will see what we can do about getting some coo

From: kenny monroe Date: July 8, 2004 at 16:50
will see what we can do about getting somecool dvds and music cds for all to enjoy. i know we have a ton of rare videos on vhs and a ton of cool recordings, do not forget to check out dave scotts new project its the shit....very cool, support all you can. kenny 555 out (john tesh is an alien)

From: Mightymike Date: July 8, 2004 at 18:36
The Masters Have Spoken!!!Good stuff gentleman,by no means was I leaving Rick out of any credit TL always operated on 4 cylinders baby. Whatever the line up.Shit it's not about who did what, but more so about that fact that they rocked 24/7 hard style. Dave is probably most aware of copyrights and all the legalities. That's the reason I was using his name.Lest not forget 2 things. Kenny Thomas on bass on TL 1.And because of you fans Tuff Luck still shines in 2004 and beyond.Cheers With Beers. MM

From: David Date: July 8, 2004 at 21:56
Dave Scott, If you can release the unreleased stuff we'll be talking about you for another 17 years!!

From: DEE-TAT-TOO- Date: July 10, 2004 at 16:21
Rick, sent you an e-mail, hope all is well since 1995. I Heard the ONE RED WALL stuff, very cool. It's more off the wall than TL but very original. If anyone has the demos by O.R.W. or DICK GOZINYA please e-mail me at I also need anything by HEARTLESS. Der S'nger ist wichtiger als der Gitarristruck ab

From: Art Vandalay Date: July 11, 2004 at 23:18
James, Good to see you around. Saw your bro not too long ago DJ-ing at the 'Trap'. I (Phil) was down there with Mark B. and we stopped in one Friday night. MMike, this will blow you away. I used to work with Bill H. at SIDS back in the day. I remember when you bought his white Camaro. What was that? 1987??? Anyway, good to see all these fans here talking about TL. For those who haven't heard TLII, hold on tight. Maurer is a mix between Joplin /Halford and a fucking siren. It's a '10' Rock on!!!

From: Art Vandalay Date: July 11, 2004 at 23:24
Mighty Mike and James -- Shoot me an e-mail to go over the good ol days ... ... Good to be back in touch ... Also, I didn't say anything about Dave Scott. The ABSOLUTE BEST guitarist to come out of Florida. THE BEST. That's how I see the world.

From: A.J. Date: July 12, 2004 at 8:42
Can anyone tell me the name of the unreleased song posted here. I would greatly appreciate it. I finally got a copy of the TL 2 cd, big difference from the first one. Does anyone have any other material from these guys? E-mail me @ or keep posting them here!!!!

From: Mightymike Date: July 13, 2004 at 14:25
Yo AJ, To my recollection it was called So Lost. Some very cool shit was being done in the later stages. Always inventing in there writing it's another TL style with a little King's X sprinkled on the side.Keep the posts coming MM.

From: mightymike Date: July 13, 2004 at 14:26
Kenny e-mail me already!!!

From: AJ Date: July 14, 2004 at 8:27
Thanks Mike, have the track down as 'Therapy' recorded in 93 is that possible?

From: mightymike Date: July 14, 2004 at 11:07
Possible AJ. At times we all needed Therapy. As far I remember the date is right.When James gets back in town I will discuss posting some pic's and clips..Thanks For The Posts...Keep em coming MM.

From: El Mar Date: July 17, 2004 at 14:44
'With an invite to come and sing for Ft.Lauderdale-based band TUFF LUCK,El Mar decided that the time was right for him to end his tenure as frontman for PRISCILLA.'

From: AJ Date: July 21, 2004 at 12:40
Hey El Mar waht was the deal with that...were you ever in the band? Was anything recorded w/you?

From: Mightymike Date: July 21, 2004 at 15:20
AJ you reminded me of something. There is recordings with a singer that was in the band for a time who was called Ian. I actually recorded with him and he later tried out for the band and got in. It wasn't the right fit but he sang great and some of the songs were really really good. Dave could probably post it up,cuz I'm not sure If James and I have a copy, I will work on it... Stay Tuned..MM

From: Art Vandalay Date: July 21, 2004 at 22:05
Mighty Mike, did anything ever happen with World Peas, with Dave and Matt Kramer from S. Kick? Still trying to figure out the lyrics from the end of 'Hell' ... help. Take care ...

From: AJ Date: July 22, 2004 at 12:34
Well the 2 T.L. cd's are great. I would like to hear what the 3rd singer sounded like. Mike, do you know why on the l.p. going nowhere is a live track. On the cd they cut the intro from Kenny and the crowd any clue why?

From: AJ Date: July 22, 2004 at 12:41
If anyone is interested there is a copy of this T.L. cd on ebay right now. The bid is still pretty low but we know it will go up.

From: Mightymike Date: July 22, 2004 at 18:57
Good question AJ, I believe that they just liked the way it sounded at the time. Another gem seldom heard is the 45 original which had a song called Snake Eyes on it. Dave solo was sick. Man I tell you, Now where talkin. I will work on getting a snip of Ian's stint with the band as well. Now Dave as far as I know has not done anything else with Matt K. But I do know he has some stuff cookin in his kitchen. Dave would best answer the recording side of some of the riddles. Stay tuned. MM

From: Date: July 24, 2004 at 12:40
what are the bonus tracks on the 1998 release?

From: razman Date: July 24, 2004 at 12:47
I am from Brasil and got the TL2 cd from a relative in South FLA. USA. Who is the singer on the cd and is it the same band from 1988? There is no picture on the cd and I really like the sound very different from the first cd. Why is the band broken up?

From: AJ Date: July 26, 2004 at 7:43
Hey razman the singer is Rick Mauerer (he actually has a post on this site)and yes it is the same band from '98. The band broke up due to the drummer being shot. Do you have the cd cover artwork for TL2 'How I See The World? For the no name above razman the bonus tracks are: I.O.U., Sad & Lonely, Parkside Madness, Little Black Book.

From: buznut Date: July 27, 2004 at 20:27
Wow, great cd tl2 rocks! Singer is amazing!!!

From: lisa Date: July 29, 2004 at 13:55
i was lucky i got to lay witness to the original tuff luck, at the very first button south gig. kenny monroe talked the button into doing all ages shows. that night there had to be over 800 tl fans. kenny broke the mic stand 6 times and thru the mics into the crowd, i even got spit on. they were so loud rude in your face, the recordings are cool,but they were a live band. detroit attitude, great chops. nothing against the other line ups. live the originals were unstopable. and everyone new it.

From: Mightymike Date: July 29, 2004 at 16:57
Ebay has a DVD up from the Empire Rocks Club in Philly. I have it, it's not great quality but it's a must have. Dave had his guitar stolen from our hotel that night. I remember because i had to wait for the police to show up as everybody else went to a party. Roadmanager 101. Anyhow those all ages shows at The Button/Summers/Treehouse/Nepenthe/Rosebuds not to mention Jersey,Philly,Pittsburgh(unreal crowd),Brooklyn,NYC was all good MM

From: miyagi tsunami Date: July 29, 2004 at 19:21
I have a bootleg of the band on cd recorded in florida at button south?, i think, it is from 1992 and is very good. They are selling it on EBAY Germany, I paid $50 for it. it is not the same singer as on the first album, which is good. can you tell me if this is a true release or illegal? Also, can the singer be found on other material? Thank you M.....

From: Soho Date: July 29, 2004 at 20:49
Miyagi, stupid question, are you in Asia? If so I can tell you that I too have that cd. It does kick ass but it is a bootleg. Ask someone in the band if they know who did it, one song is on their second cd (full of shit). I'm not sure how it was released but if you read the notes on the back it says NORTH MIAMI USA & a PO box box #, I don't have it in front of me so check it out. I asked someone this same question last year and they had no idea either.

From: Kurt Wagner Date: July 29, 2004 at 22:53
Who is your singer, I like his voice.

From: Mightymike Date: July 30, 2004 at 10:07
Miyagi, I am very interested in this recording and I would be more than happy to fill you in on it. Can you give me a couple song titles and I will do my best to reveal it's nature.. Cool stuff everybody thanks for all your posts... MM Kurt the singers name is Rick Maurer...(from NJ)

From: Art Vandalay Date: August 4, 2004 at 23:31
I had forgotten about the Treehouse Lounge. What a place to see a show. Mighty Mike, what year was it when they had guitar wars at Sunrise Musical Theatre? Todd was on drums and the had guitarists play leads to Honky Tonk Women and Old Time Rock and Roll. I remember it well. At the end of one of Dave's solos, he ripped a lick from Rhodes from 'I Don't Know' by Ozzy. Fuckin WOW. Anyone who hasn't heard Dave Scott, you MUST hear him. Never, EVER made a mistake, EVER. The best you'll hear.

From: Dean Date: August 6, 2004 at 11:15
I never really heard these guys before since the disc isn't the easiest or cheapest thing to get but i finally heard a couple of tunes and this is pretty awesome-almost reminds me of a more commercial version of Lizzy Borden or Detroit's Halloween. The guitarist is unreal. This stuff NEEDS to be rereleased.

From: night train Date: August 6, 2004 at 12:08
saw the originals open for dokken, they smoked. dokken did not know what hit them, lynch stoof right on the side of the stage and watched dave, and you should have seen don dokkens face, when monroe,kicked all the monitors into the crowd, and had everyone chanting tuff fucking luck, must have been close to 1000 people in that place, ahhhh the good old days, cheers from an old rocker.

From: Mightymike Date: August 9, 2004 at 15:01
Sorry guys and gals back from vacation...what's good fellow rockers?

From: J Campbell Date: August 11, 2004 at 18:29
Man I had many years ago, however I only remember the first 4 or 5 songs, was this originally an ep? Anyhow I loved this band, I'd buy this cd in a heartbeat if it weren't going for $65 a pop on ebay. I wish I still had my copy of it. One of you guys in the band should put up a website with all the stuff you have, there definately seems to be a demand for it and I'd be first in line!

From: Mightymike Date: August 12, 2004 at 10:29
I will try to see If we can put something together. Thanks J Cambell. Keep your fingers crossed MM and Keep The Faith...

From: J Campbell Date: August 12, 2004 at 12:20
That great MM, I'd love to get a copy of their cd again! The only thing I have is a mp3 of a song called 'Everyone's Talkin'' that has that classic Tuff Luck sound, picked it up off the net somewhere. It's a cool song. I guess it was just an unreleased demo?

From: Mightymike Date: August 12, 2004 at 17:30
Yo JC, Grab some of the others posted up top If you can.Great stuff that kicks.MM

From: rob from nyc Date: August 17, 2004 at 13:00
hey i see that kenny 5 aka monroe...oldband the mog stunt team just released a 2 dvd set on amrep. with all the other cool am reps bands,,,melvins,helmet,boss hog, john spencer blues explosion,has anyone heard if kenny will be touring this year as the bass player for the melvins? would be cool, to go and see him play live again, cheers to all and thanks for all the tuff luck downloads.

From: J Campbell Date: August 17, 2004 at 19:15
MM, I got the downloads posted. They do rock indeed. Still wish someone would post the old stuff also, the classics!

From: rob nyc Date: August 17, 2004 at 20:49
would luv to also hear old rare tunes the new stuff is great but i wanna hear some old rare ass out of the vault recordings....thats what got me into this band in the first place...heavy raw in your face. cheers to all

From: MIghtyMike Date: August 23, 2004 at 15:45
Hey Gang, Amongst getting some tunes put up here, there is some other cool stuff that was in another form of TL with a singer by the name of Rick Machado when it was briefly called SuckerPunch. We are looking for some snippets stay tuned MM....

From: David Date: August 24, 2004 at 0:04
I can't wait Mighty Mike, I'm sure I speak for hundreds of others too!!

From: AJ Date: August 24, 2004 at 11:56
Cool, the only track I have that is not on either c.d. is alredy posted here. Can't wait!!!!!!!

From: sarah & areil Date: August 27, 2004 at 13:06
hey kenny 5/aka mog aka mugwump alert, we ran into kenny last week in nashville,tn his new band SNOW SNAKES was playing with the drive by truckers, they even did there own hendrixy/muddy waters version of sleaze if you please, he told us they might record it for there up and comming cd, it sounded crazy.and he looked like hank williams sr, if he was in slipknot. just thought we would share. and thanks for all the tl music posts, they all sound killer.long live the snow snakes. esp beetles

From: J Campbell Date: August 30, 2004 at 15:22
Can't wait either Mighty Mike!

From: Date: August 31, 2004 at 14:34
Thanks AJ, I sent you an e-mail. Regarding the post above, it's not a cd but a vinyl album, which doesn't help me much. Thanks though.

From: BUTCH Date: August 31, 2004 at 14:49

From: lynn w Date: August 31, 2004 at 17:10
sawsnow snakes last night in ohio, there making ther eway back to detroit were there opening for kid rock, mog rules that guy was frontman on the planet, and the video screenswith the movies on them were awesome coopers killers, was the best song....good luck guys...snow snakes rule, kenny gave this site out to all snow snake tl fans

From: rob nyc Date: August 31, 2004 at 19:31
anyone have any snow snakes yet on dvd or video... i saw a ton of cameras at the show? anyone wanna share? would be cool to share?

From: Mightymike Date: September 1, 2004 at 17:16
How does one trap a Snow Snake? Can't find a site, or them on Pollstar.Any info would be greatly appreciated on shows or links. Peace MM

From: Mightymike Date: September 2, 2004 at 11:56
Wrong snake budzy, but thanks for playing MM.

From: terry Date: September 2, 2004 at 14:30
anyone ever hear of the OMINOUS SEA SNAKES?

From: AJ Date: September 2, 2004 at 15:49
Campbell, that second post was not mine..I have that clear lp as well as the 1st & 2nd worries. I've got your addy just give me a couple of days to get it together and get it out.

From: J Campbell Date: September 2, 2004 at 16:39
Thanks AJ, you rock!

From: ScabyBaby Date: September 3, 2004 at 18:59
What ever happened to rick? (not Machado). I thought you guys kicked ass with him. I was teching for raped ape when you played at washington square in 91 or 92.

From: Art Vandelay Date: September 6, 2004 at 21:43
Scaby -- I got in touch with Rick (Maurer) a few weeks back ... he's still in Sunrise, FL ... Mighty Mike probably knows exactly what he's up to ... If anyone can hear Maurer on 'Private Hell' and 'How I See The World', you will hear a GREAT voice and great phrasing as well ... The dude's the shit!!!

From: zanna Date: September 8, 2004 at 12:50
Hey! I remember Rick Maurer! He is an awesome singer! I saw most of Tuff Luck shows with all singers and he was the BEST! Treehouse, summers, the button, plus 5, washinton square, miami rocks. What a great time! I miss those days! The song, 'SHE DON'T KNOW' so eerie and 'evertime' the follow-up. How cool to find this site! Yes, I was a Rick Maurer groupie! Sorry, he's HOT! Hey Rick, please e-mail me with all the pics and songs you can find. Are you married? e-mail me!

From: AJ Date: September 9, 2004 at 8:34
Here is a little info you might not have known..for those of us lucky enough to have the s/t cd on the Conquest label there is a little bonus that I just discovered. If you put your disk into your computer, open the rom section of the disk you'll see a load of TL photos (with other photos & cd covers from other bands which I guess were signed to Conquest at the time) The TL photos are studio, live, and other random photos of the original line-up. Very cool.

From: J Campbell Date: September 9, 2004 at 10:39
That sounds cool AJ. Just looking at all the posts on this band, I wonder why Conquest or whoever owns the masters doesn't re-release it, considering the average e-bay price is almost $50.00.

From: Jersey Rocks Date: September 9, 2004 at 10:58
I'm working on a DVD dedicated to JERSEY bands from the 80's. Does anyone have pictures of RICK MAURER from TUFF LUCK, he was in a band called PUSH and I need pictures, video, songs.... whatever. Please leave a post if you have anything, there is also a VH1 special that is looking for the band members of PUSH.

From: Mightymike Date: September 9, 2004 at 12:03
Hey Cambell, I believe New Renassaince still has the rights to the first album. And judging by the tour support and marketing we recieved on the first album(NOT) I wouldn't hold your breath. It's a shame because you guys have kept the flame burning and deserve the right.Kudo's to you all and thanks again. But according to the New Renassaince website(last updated 9/9/03)They are re-releasing the 'Anvil Bitch' and 'Wargasm' cd's. Oh boy.. (not a diss the formentioned)but come on already. cheers MM

From: AJ Date: September 9, 2004 at 12:09
Jersey Rocks..there is a post up here from him w/his e-mail address why don't you just e-mail him?

From: Rick Date: September 9, 2004 at 13:01
He already e-mailed me AJ thanks.

From: AJ Date: September 9, 2004 at 13:43
No problem.

From: Ranter G Date: September 10, 2004 at 9:35
what year did you play miami rocks? i think i saw you there and at a club called plus 5? MM what did you do in the band? there is a band in north carolina with the same name that is very bad have you heard of them?

From: alan n.j. Date: September 10, 2004 at 11:10
the way i hear thru the grape vine is dave and kenny will be going after the said rights to the first t.l. release.kenny has some legal help from his new label. and maybe some time early next year, they can try and make this happen. thoe both dave and kenny are very bizzy with there new projects. its still on the back burner. from what i hear, maybe we can get them to re release a cool tl tribute cd/dvd. support all new dave scott music, as well as the films and music of kenny 5.cheers to all

From: Stephie Date: September 11, 2004 at 10:53
I'm in Latvia serving in the military. I saw TUFF LUCK in 1992 right after hurricane Andrew, I was very impressed. Your drummer and singer were really nice to me, they gave me a tape and even took me back stage, even though I was dressed in my fatigues. I had to send this e-mail from the US embassy in Latvia because that's where I'm posted (Marines), I just wanted to tell you guys that I thought you were really good and I enjoyed your music. I actually picked up the TL II cd while I was in New Y

From: AJ Date: September 11, 2004 at 18:41
BrookLynda..the song is tuff luck..the band is Seam. Thanks though.

From: Stephie Date: September 12, 2004 at 16:26
You now have fans on this side of the world. I've played my CD for everyone in my detachment as well as some local rockers and they love it. Hope you get some new material out soon.

Heavy Harmonies Owner
From: Dan Date: October 21, 2004 at 19:21
Sorry folks, but things went beyond absurd in this thread, so... I've pruned it back before (as far as I can tell) the idiocy started. Heavy-handed? Perhaps. But it's easier for me to just carve a chunk out of the comments rather than figure out post by post who's in the right and who's not, especially since I don't know any of the parties involved. Let's kep it civil, or I turn off comments for this CD. Thanks.

From: Rob Date: October 26, 2004 at 2:27
Use to watch these guys at the Button South on Hallandale Bch Blvd. Had no idea they had such a following. Of all the SoFlo bands to make it, it had to be Manson, ugh! Whatever happened to Vandal? They had the most awesome singer. I still have homemmade tapes off the old 103SHE local show of them. I left after Andrew so I don't know anything after '92.

From: goforit20 Date: November 8, 2004 at 23:57
bad news,i have a dvd-r of tuff luck live in florida 2-14-88 and 8-1987........and i have it on a cheap dvd-r and the dvd cracked in half !!........does not play............can someone,who has these 2 shows on dvd or vhs help me out ??...........e-mail !!

From: kita Date: November 17, 2004 at 23:08
Hey Sean! Long time. I have that DVD and I'm getting some new media later this week. Shoot me an email, you should have my address, from around a year ago. I think we did some biz on ebay as well, right?

From: kita Date: November 27, 2004 at 8:30
Hello, is there anybody out there?

From: mighytmike Date: December 30, 2004 at 10:01
Happy New Year All!! Update: Dave is in the studio with Manson Drummer Ginger Fish. They have recorded 7 songs..It should be very cool..Stay Tuned..MM

From: mightymike Date: January 7, 2005 at 11:23
Anybody know what Pete or Paul are up to from Cryer.. Or any sightings from Monroes New band? MM

From: Curious Date: January 8, 2005 at 7:34
Has anyone noticed that nearly every message here with a ( suffix,dispite the different names,has the same writing style and the same objective? Some are were even posted minutes appart. Hmmmm.......... Could they all be from the same author?

From: Wotty Date: January 8, 2005 at 7:53
To Curious.Don't think so pal...

From: Curious TX1005 Date: January 8, 2005 at 8:53
Sorry. Must be my conspiratorial nature. 'Cheers.'

From: I heard things Date: January 8, 2005 at 21:02
I hear that Pete from Cryer is doing a project with original Tuff Luck bassist Kenny Allen.

From: Raiven Vainn Date: January 16, 2005 at 20:49
Don't they have another album called 'Breakin' Down The Walls'?

From: cheer e o Date: January 17, 2005 at 8:59
just ran into monroe aka kenny 5 at the new york film festival, he also got up and did a few songs, with his electric surf board, juxtopose magazine just did a huge article on his home made instruments.lots of pictures, also he is doing a docu film on lynard skynard and the muscle scholes dayz. bring back metal, we need it,

From: ruben Date: January 18, 2005 at 6:38
tuff luck is the best band i've ever heard!!!!!!!!!! (I know james marino, who used to be their bass player!)Well anyway dave scott is an awsome lead guitre player (he fuckin rocks) and i heard that he's playing with gingerbaker (ex drummer from M. Manson) and james is gonna help him to play for record labels!!!!!!!!!!! I hope that they'll get signed, cause if they do, they'll go into fuckin history!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish them some tuff luck

From: david Date: January 18, 2005 at 11:47
does anyone know how to see the kenny5 movies they were on a site but its underconstruction? i also bought a dvd with a bunch of films he made? woudl luv to see the skynard film i read a review on it but can not seem to get any more info. hey to all the ny crew

From: david Date: January 18, 2005 at 11:52
also i do think that tuff luck had a lp called breaking down the walls. i have heard both cds and they both rock, if you have the first cd you will like the second disc, great songs killer vocals. cant go wrong with the tl cds if you like metal you love em...hope this helps.

From: Date: January 19, 2005 at 3:19
Ginger Fish, not Ginger Baker......Dave Scott is suppose to be recording with Ginger Fish (Marilyn Manson's drummer many moons ago)NOT Ginger Baker, the rock legend.

From: tomcat Date: January 19, 2005 at 3:42
take it or leave it is a cool song.... i got it on vinyl.. i don't get all the posts though...

From: Raiven Vainn Date: January 19, 2005 at 19:22
Ginger Fish is STILL Mansons drummer,unless your talking about the guy that drummed before Ginger.

From: dave rpm Date: January 20, 2005 at 15:34
i heard dave is playng with bowie

From: Date: January 21, 2005 at 8:35
Hear a live bootleg of TL drummer TODD KELLY (along with Kenny Monroe) in their previous band CRYER.

From: dave rpm Date: January 23, 2005 at 16:23
mercury thanks for the link, with the cryer live at flynns in miami, those wuz the dayz,henry rollins from black flag would be there,jello from the dead kennedys, perry from janes,,,way before janes addiction, he use to live in miami, and then cryer would play there. weird sounding super ultra 70's band, also fred sparxx band sounds rather impressie as well. i think thats when dave and todd and kenny got tuff going, after the early cryer dayz. dave also played with cryer for awhile. sweet times

From: dave rpm Date: January 29, 2005 at 8:22
thanks again, mercury, there are alot others that will want to hear these old tunes, im directing foilks to your site, also the sparxx stuff sounds great, also like the tesla lighting bolts on the pics,,,not the band the inventor lol,,,always looking for old tl, cryer fla metal,daves snippets on his page are great also. heard monroe is the bass player on the new melvins cd? there touring with sonic youth? this year,will he be with them? send all old tunes are way and thans again,

From: Date: January 29, 2005 at 10:28
Thanks Dave. Glad you dig it. Thanks for sharing memories of the old Flynn's days!

From: dave rpm Date: February 22, 2005 at 14:42
i just read online kennys band loudhouse is doing some reunion shows upnorth? any one have any info

From: Valerie Date: February 26, 2005 at 23:35
Used to play with James Marino and used to see the Tuff Luck guys live way back when. I just played the vinyl tonight and gotta love Dave Scott...they were awesome live- I have two shows on tape somewhere- I will have to upload some clips for ya'll sometime. I've got backstage footage stuff too. Glad I had the camera...last I heard James was 'trying out for Marilyn Manson's band'- that came from his parents...but who knows...haven't talked to James in quite a while.

From: dave rpm Date: March 1, 2005 at 7:27
kenny runs majic robot films inc a film company that does videos from eminem to the white stripes......his films show in museums thru out michigan,chicago,florida,long live the film robot, john tesh is an alien

From: Date: March 3, 2005 at 10:50
I keep seeing things on message boards about Majic Robot films but can't find a single web page anywhere with any info or samples. Can anyone help?

From: Date: March 7, 2005 at 13:15
This was on the other board If you want to read some funny stuff about this lineup go to I just typed in TUFF LUCK and got a ton of cool stuff on the message board. I think this is a south florida mag or something.

From: Date: March 8, 2005 at 6:55
GOLD COAST LIVE was the premier indi rag for S. Fla music back in the day. Lots of TUFF LUCK & CRYER. Their site has links to loads of mp3s. Check 'em out.

From: Valerie Date: March 8, 2005 at 18:05
Talked to James- he is playing with Dave Scott and Marilyn Manson's drummer, Ginger Fish. Their band is called Martyr Plot and you can hear a sample of one of the songs 'In The Red' at It sounds cool. Dave Scott is still amazing and James isn't on this recording, but is in LA playing with them & recording the cd. Dave Scott is also singing on the sample track- sounds so cool...

From: kita Date: March 12, 2005 at 5:19
Hey Mighty Mike! Thanks for those great Groban seats.

From: kita Date: March 12, 2005 at 11:38
Anybody got that Philly show from EMPIRE ROCK ROOM on DVD? The guy that was selling it on ebay couldn't follow through and dissappeared. I was at that show and want to give the DVD to my friend Dawn who was also at the show. Thanks in advance.

From: Pete Date: March 25, 2005 at 16:01
I want that Philly show!! I have 2 Pittsburg shows, both amazing.

From: kita Date: March 25, 2005 at 16:17
Kenny Monroe's post Tuff Luck post Loudhouse MOG STUNT TEAM CD and Scrapbook up fer grabs!!!!!

From: Date: March 29, 2005 at 10:52
mog stunt team was great , i saw them at the warp tour years back 3 pc motorhead style band, i bought the cd king of the retards.heavy.heavy,fast.faster,fastest.

From: Mona Date: April 22, 2005 at 14:37
What was the name of the very first drummer for TL? Rich???

From: Date: April 23, 2005 at 22:30
TL never had any other drummer than Todd.

From: DJ Date: May 2, 2005 at 4:39
Best band ever, certainly if we're talking about glam. Better all these crap AOR acts !

From: kita Date: May 2, 2005 at 9:44
Amazing band! If you were in a club here in NJ in 1989, these guys got on stage and ripped your head off. I'd say the marquee act of the era was Trixter for the poppy glammy stuff, ROXX maybe. And a handful of local acts that were pretty good. I remember another FL band that was ridiculously glammy, but silly, I think it was T-R-Y-X TRYX!!!!! And they had a little intro piece like a cheerleader thing, T-R-Y-X TRYX to their set. You had to see Todd just roll his eyes back like OY!!!! Funny

From: Mightymike Date: May 2, 2005 at 13:54
Hey you all.It's been a while since I posted anything. A couple of quick things. Kita you nailed it pretty close to the head about Jersey. And as far as Ann B's attempts to monitor downloadings and DVD burnings ect. It's simple. There are some people that would love to hear TL blasted on there stereos. Unless she is doing something to improve that possibility.(NOT) Enjoy the music anyway you can..That's just my opinion. I think the music was originally meant to be heard.MM

From: ZIGGY Date: August 9, 2005 at 10:53
I'm serious! When is Kenny teaming up with KITA again? I want to bid on that MOGOWAMP CD. I have the LOUDHORSE cd but not that one.

From: goforit20 Date: December 26, 2005 at 1:16
New Renaissance Records has started an online poll to determine which of the following recordings in their archive will be re-released on CD: MEDIEVAL - 'Medieval' CEREBUS - 'Too Late to Pray' GENOCIDE - 'Submit to Genocide' TUFF LUCK - 'Tuff Luck' PHANTOM - 'Dead or Alive' HOLOCROSS - 'Holocross' INTENSE MUTILATION - 'Safe Sex' SOOTHSAYER - 'Have a Good Time' AMULANCE - 'Feel the Pain' STEEL FURY - 'Lessor of Two Evils' For more information, visit

From: aMetalhead1966 Date: January 19, 2006 at 15:41
This is one I've heard alot about....It would seem that it's hard to find....too bad cause I have never listened to it..But I'll be lookin for it!!

From: dellvecc Date: March 12, 2006 at 22:41
If anyone has the 2 albums on cd, shoot me an email We can maybe trade or I can give you 2 cd-rs. Thanks,

From: naglefish Date: July 16, 2006 at 7:09
Very good band, used to go see them at the Treehouse in Hollywood, Fl. way back in '87 with head bangin buds Tommy M.,Lorne T., and Mike V.I still have this cassette but no cassette player, wow I'm gettin old!The original cassette is pretty raw with some week sound and production but the band had great energy live and were a lot of fun to watch.Highly reccomend this one for anyone who loves incredible guitar riffs and thunderous percision drums.

From: Metal T Date: October 21, 2009 at 21:57
The six-string prowess of the guitarist carries the band-cool riffs/solid leads,good feel.The vox are fine for the style,its sleazy hard rock/metal so he didn't have to be Pavarotti here.'Out On The Run','Going Nowhere' etc..f-n good tunes.Love the raw sound...not as good as but not unlike the Ratt 'Ep' or 'Too Fast For Love'.Prefer this one to their second record myself.Good stuff...worth tracking down if you can find it.If Ann gave this one a proper issue to disc i think she would be surprised how many she'd sell.

From: rick kerch vzla Date: November 25, 2010 at 20:05
Some good songs are here but the issue was the vocalist IMHO,a regular one towards bad at times and that makes the songs lose their spark,turning into average ones ..."Tonight!Tonight!" is a kick a*ss starter,"Sleaze If You Please" ,"Stranger In The Night" is sort of a highlight along with "Up & Down" then "I.O.U." & "Little Black Book" are 2 other coolies..nothing really outstanding in my opinion and as usual respecting every single comment written in here...73/100

From: nnnoooiiissseee Date: January 11, 2011 at 6:15
Hi, I'm new here and ready to stir up some poop. I have MP3s of both TL1 & TL2 + The bonus track "Down, Down, Down" with Ian Blackwell on vox from the "Unsigned Florida Bands" demo that I'll share for free with anyone who wants it. No trades, sales etc. just rip it (and anything else that I have, if you want to). You have to set up a free account and friend me though. The site does this to discourage too much downloading. Everything is already in MP3 form (no torrents). Go to: This is where I store a ton of my MP3's. It seems that who ever owns the rights to these two masterpieces (Ann B or New Resistance WTF?) has insisted on whoreding them... for decades. It's insanity. So 1212 will be the 25th aniv. of TL1. Unless whoever "owns" it dosen't renew the rights, then it will go public domain, correct? If "some chick or whoever" DOES renew rights, maybe SOMEONE will know who to make offers to to BUY them so that this CD can finally get re-released...

From: nnnoooiiissseee Date: January 11, 2011 at 7:10
I've been researching the whole Tuff Luck soap opera all day! I just discovered this band a few years ago through my wife who has fond memories of all of the bands who played at places like Plus 5, Summers, The Treehouse etc. in Fl. I first found out about them when trying to track down a CD for her on ebay. I discovered TUFF LUCK IS AMAZING! A genre all their own... Then I do a little research about their numerous singers, the murder of their drummer, the fact that the rights to a proper CD release IS STILL in turmoil, STILL... in 2011! They sure pegged the name right "Tuff Luck"! I have a dream... (oh sh*t, here it comes!) I dream of a world with a Tuff Luck - 2 cd set! TL1 & TL2 with bonus tracks, a nice shinny booklet, liner notes & pictures n' stuff - that pays respect to Todd Kelly... AFTER ALL THESE YEARS. No big deal right? If there ever is one, it will probably be a bootleg version... It's insanity. Not to offend anyone, but the mishandling of their releases is criminal.

From: TribunalRecords Date: August 19, 2011 at 0:39
Hey this is Matt from Divebomb/Tribunal Records. If anyone has contact for the TL guys i am the man who will take on whoever i need to and get the TL reissued properly. I just don't know how to find them, so anyone will a clue send it to me at:

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