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[Bloodgood Band Picture]

Artist: Bloodgood

Title: All Stand Together

Bloodgood Homepage

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Bloodgood All Stand Together Album Cover


Category: CCM Melodic Metal

Year: 1991

Label: Broken Records

Catalog Number: CDO8793


Michael Bloodgood bass
Les Carlsen lead vocals
Paul Jackson guitars
Tim Heintz keyboards
David Huff drums


1.  S.O.S.  3:52
2.  All Stand Together  4:19
3.  Escape from the Fire  5:27
4.  Out of Love  2:39
5.  Say Goodbye  3:41
6.  Kingdom Come  4:12
7.  Fear No Evil  3:47
8.  Help Me  4:21
9.  Rounded Are the Rocks  4:09
10.  Lies in the Dark  4:50
11.  Streetlight Dancer  3:49
12.  I Want to Live in Your Heart  4:31
Total Running Time:  49:37

If you see any errors or omissions in the CD information shown above, either in the musician credits or song listings (cover song credits, live tracks, etc.), please post them in the corrections section of the Heavy Harmonies forum/message board.

The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Bloodgood CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

EPs and CD-singles from Bloodgood are also welcome to be added, as long as they are at least 4 songs in length.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: Steve F. Date: May 7, 2001 at 21:00
Good AOR stuff, but this ain't the band who released the s/t and Detonator discs. I never even bothered to buy this album with my own money. (5 out of 10)

From: Rush Date: January 28, 2002 at 9:49
Far more commercial that the earlier stuff...I just love Detonation...but still a melodic album worth owning.

From: Andrew Date: January 12, 2003 at 23:18
Definately more commercial....I saw them live when touring for this album and they were great. They played a lot of their old stuff. Still a good album.

From: Scott Date: February 12, 2003 at 15:36
Not a bad disc, just not as heavy as some of the others. Bloodgood have alway been good song writers and especially proficient at writting ballads and power ballads, so it's no wonder that the best song is "I Want To Live In Your Heart," a power ballad with a killer hook.

From: Andrew Date: August 24, 2003 at 20:24
This album grew on me, eventhough it's hard to believe it's the band that did "Detonation." Escape from the fire, fear no evil, and rounded are the rocks are great songs, as is I want to live in your heart. I saw them live in 1993. They had to play in the local fire house which was next to the church they were supposed to play in. Apparently the church pulled out at the last minute because they didn't like their sound or something like that. Still a great show and we were up close!!

From: aorjocke Date: March 23, 2004 at 11:46
This is a very good melodic hardrock/AOR release! Nice vocals and a good use of keys in the most of the songs makes this a must have for all who likes this genre. Tracks like "Escape from the Fire", "Say Goodbye","Fear No Evil", "Help me" and "I Want to Live in Your Heart" are all just great! For fans of "Emergency - Martial Law", "Bonfire - Fireworks" and "The Brave - Battle cries"

From: Geoff Date: March 10, 2005 at 23:04
To be honest, I love this disc. One of the best christian hard rock discs I ever heard. 'Escape from the Fire' is killer melodic hard rock, 'Say Goodbye' is just beautiful, 'Fear No Evil' is more killer hard rock, 'Help Me' is sensational commercial mid-tempo hard rock, and 'I Want to Live in Your Heart' is a nice ballad, but overall there are some great tracks here. Yeah, I really like this disc - easily their best from what I heard, IMO. Christian, but not in your face with it's message.

From: 123charpenay Date: May 2, 2009 at 16:50
without a doubt their best album.fantastic hard fm.

From: rick kerch vzla Date: June 27, 2013 at 18:13
Yes 123charpenay!!!...their best effort so far...a mix of melodic Hard Rock with AOR that left their original "Heavy Metal" sound shots for me are tracks 1,2,3(AOR),4,7(AOR),8(nice AORish mid tempo),11 & 12(nice mid tempo)...recommended album...87/100

From: metalmaniac777 Date: February 16, 2018 at 15:56
While definitely not as ensconced in heavy metal histrionics as the band's earlier efforts, this Christian hard rock album still gets the blood pumping like an adrenalin shot straight to the cardiac muscle. You could argue the group compromised their heavy sound to chase the commercial rock trend that was still popular (especially in C-rock circles) in '91, but they do such a damn good job that it's hard to fault them. In fact, take a poll among 80s Christian metal fans and most, if not all of them, would claim this is a classic release. God knows (uh, no pun intended) that this album can stand toe-to-toe with some of the legends of the genre. Red-hot rockers and pristine power ballads ... together they make this one of those "mandatory must-owns" for Christian rock collectors.

From: 123charpenay Date: May 24, 2019 at 11:12
one of the best christian rock record ever with a great production and an exceptional singer.only killer songs on this cd ,no filler.

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