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Artist: Attraction

Title: Get Up 'N Shake

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Attraction Get Up 'N Shake Album Cover


Category: Hard Rock

Year: 1999

Label: Kivel Records

Catalog Number:


Adrian Stone lead vocals
Jayson Cole drums
Brad L'Nart bass, bcaking vocals, lead vocals
Jeff White guitars, backing vocals
Marc Proto guitars, backing vocals
James Christian guest acoustic guitar, backing vocals
Jeff Canata guest keyboards


1.  Get Up 'n Shake  3:26
2.  Save Me Now  3:29
3.  More Than You Know  4:15
4.  Story Book  3:27
5.  Things Were Better  3:36
6.  Summer Days  3:39
7.  Next Time  3:44
8.  Gone But Not Forgotten  4:30
9.  Lickity Split  5:04
10.  Love In Overdrive  0:28
Total Running Time:  35:38

If you see any errors or omissions in the CD information shown above, either in the musician credits or song listings (cover song credits, live tracks, etc.), please post them in the corrections section of the Heavy Harmonies forum/message board.

The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Attraction CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

EPs and CD-singles from Attraction are also welcome to be added, as long as they are at least 4 songs in length.

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Heavy Harmonies Review
From: Dan Date: March 18, 2003 at 1:06
Here's a band that's stuck in the 80s!...and it's a darned good thing too. When I first opened up the artwork and looked at the pics of the band, I said to myself "well, they certainly look the part...let's hear how well they pull it off..." This album could just as easily have been released in 1989. Good melodies abound. Straight-ahead hard rock and melodic radio ballads make this a fun listen, although there's nothing particularly groundbreaking here. Highlights are the anthemic ballad More Than You Know, the upbeat Summer Days, and the Van Halen-esque Lickity Split.

If I have any complaint with the album, it's that occasionally Adrian's vocals sound a little strained, and I think the mix suffers here and there. This band is definitely on the right track though! Any fan of hard rock will find this a solid effort, and it's definitely worth a listen. I'm definitely looking forward to their next release!

Rating: 83/100

Existing comments about this CD

From: Terry Date: February 2, 2001 at 12:54
Do you like bands like poison , warrant , bon jovi from the 80's ? If so you'll absolutely love this good time party rock pop metal album!!!! It's a must!!!

From: tom Date: April 2, 2001 at 16:52
this is what rock 'n roll is all about. Entertainment. Great cd, reminds me of danger danger in a way.

From: Mark Date: August 6, 2001 at 21:55
I agree. This sounds like Danger Danger meets Poison. Pop metal is not dead! Great CD, hope we hear more from the Attraction. Check out "Gone But Not Forgotten"-classic power ballad. Highly recommended!!!

From: Paulo-Fernandes Date: November 6, 2001 at 13:14
Good cd, but some of the songs i think need that extra inspiration punch. 7/10.

From: Date: January 7, 2002 at 7:31
I love it.Great funny songs,inluenced by Warrant,Poison and Danger Danger.Hope to have a new cd from them soon.

From: WidoMakr Date: April 8, 2002 at 2:53
These guys are damn good...that this album was done in 1999 versus 1989 is a miracle...congrats to them and mgmt for having the nads to produce it...DEFINITELY a D2 flavor to it...listening to this brings u back to the 80's where girls wore skin tight jeans high heels and enough hair spray to tease a head of hair 3 feet in the air...bring them back I say...lets hope a 2nd album comes out and they dont do a 180...Quote the WidoMakr...never more

From: Rick Date: April 8, 2002 at 5:58
I agree WidoMakr, more bands should go back to this style of music. I'm still living in the 80's when it comes to music. Nothing beats it. Another new band to check out is Monkeyhead. Kind of a Southgang meets Skid Row. Not the southern sound of Southgang, but the singer's voice is close. Definitely party rock. Bring back the 80's!!!

From: James Date: May 28, 2002 at 15:48
Pure summer party band. GET UP AND SHAKE and SUMMER DAYS

From: James Date: May 28, 2002 at 15:49
Pure summer party band. GET UP AND SHAKE and SUMMER DAYS are just great Danger Danger style songs from the first two D2 albums. It has it all plus the one great ballad you can play for your girl.

From: Federico Date: July 8, 2002 at 3:38
This is another master piece totally stuck in the 8os. A perfect party metal album, really good for the summer. They are influenced from Danger Danger, Poison and Warrant. Summer Days and Story book are two of the most beaautyful song I heard. This band let the good times roll, I need music like this. I totally agree with Rick about Monkeyhead, a very cool band, I suggest you to check out also Teer,Jester,Shangai and Atello. My rating? Ten out of ten.

From: Andre Tekken Date: August 13, 2002 at 14:20
Very good guitars and riffing some catchy melodies,but this singer must be a beginer,or there was lack of money to be spent on overall post-production,cos this dude is so out of Key sooo many times!Plus this cd could be more groovy.The average songs are so direct!This band is a hard guitar driven Warrant,meets Danger Danger,meets Poison,saw Dokken on the corner!Ha! also if you have the chance to see the pictures on the sleeve you'll notice some steroid's effects!69.9 out of 100.

From: Andre Tekken Date: August 13, 2002 at 14:24
I guess,if this effort have been out in the 80's with a major record company type of production,it would have been an extraordinaire record!Lack of production.The compositions,not the sounding,sounds like a demo!

From: M. Allen Date: November 5, 2002 at 12:39
If you're attracted to that late 80s pop-metal sound, then this is a must-own. This album is full of fun, catchy hard rock hooks that instantly sink into your ears and have you humming the songs for days to come, plus the choruses all have that big, punchy sound, complete with stacked backing vocals. All of which means fans of Danger Danger, Fury, Sha-Boom, and bands of that nature need to shake a leg and get themselves a copy of this excellent release.

From: Tony Date: November 26, 2002 at 20:40
Got this on a whim through Perris records and it was worth it. If you're a fan of Danger Danger, Tyketto, White Lion, & Firehouse it's almost scientifically NOT to like this. It's a good combination of those 4 bands. That being said while it is certainly worth the moola you're gonna spend these guys are a great advanced minor league band compared to their influences stated earlier. Some of the lyrics (Lickity Split) are painful to hear but a tad more seaoning and this band would be perfect!!

From: Tony Date: November 26, 2002 at 20:42
Ooops...scientifically IMPOSSIBLE not to like this album

From: Rycheage Date: March 9, 2003 at 21:00
This CD is EXTREMELY catchy. Gets its hooks right into you. A must own. Find it and buy it!!

From: Larry Date: March 22, 2003 at 6:44
I love this CD. I wish there were alot more newer bands doing this kind of fun-loving party rock.

From: Chris Date: June 11, 2003 at 23:30
Really, this is great fun, great feeling, anthem filled, good old traditional stadium rock n roll. In the tradition of all the bands we used to love 10 years ago, Attraction come out of the blue to provide a nostalgia trip of epic proportions, proving that good music is relevant in any era, not just that era defined as they heyday of that particular sound.

From: MJ Date: July 10, 2003 at 16:42
FUN!!! That is the word I keep hearing!! That is what I FEEL!! "Lickity Split" makes me blush, but I blush while on my feet!! Can NOT sit still on that song!! "Get Up 'n' Shake" just makes you want to do just that!!! A FUN.....feel good CD!!!

From: 80s Forever Date: August 2, 2003 at 20:12
Wow! The most 80s album i ever heard in the last 10 years! This band are pure Trixter meets Warrant with China riffs and the vocal reminds Bret Michaels! Can`t get much better than this!!!! Most of the songs are Party Anthems and a power killer ballad to hear with any girl you ever dreamed! That's the kind of music this world needs! 10/10

From: Great Dane Date: October 2, 2003 at 16:50
Got this one today, Its cool. Brings me right back to the 80's. Its like an up to date version of Poison. Cool stuff.

From: Pam L. Date: October 18, 2003 at 0:46
I got this on Ebay about 7 months ago and it rocks! Very 80's! "Lickety Split" and "Get Up and Shake" make you wanna dance. "More Than You'll Ever Know" is one of the best power ballads period. A definite must own! Rock on!

From: CC Date: February 23, 2004 at 16:53
Nearly bought this CD a few times when it came out but was put off by other bands who were described as sounding like Poison,Warrant etc but quite frankly were crap (Monkey See springs to mind).Finally took the plunge as I found it cheap on ebay & I am so glad I did. First tow bands who spring to mind are Danger Danger & Big Bang Babies which is a damn good combination! Damn good stuff!

From: Zulu2 Date: March 5, 2004 at 0:00
Great songs! Fun and upbeat. Put it in your car stereo, roll down the windows and CRANK it up!!! The guitars are tasty and the singer is amazing... someone said he was out of key, but that dude has no ears! This singer is playing with key and bending notes like a pro. Whoever these guys are, they'd better get more material out soon! 10 out of 10!!!

From: Hard Rocker Date: March 7, 2004 at 0:40
I don't know what the fuss is with this cheseee CD! The song's are alittle to happy for me! {or should I say GAY}

From: 80'sHARD Date: April 27, 2004 at 15:02
first of all hey guys, and FUCK YOU 'mr. Hard Rocker'! ATTRACTION is one of the greatest band i ever heard. SKID ROW meets BON JOVI+ DANGER DANGER and a little beat of early 90's Sunset Strip bandz like SWINGIN' THING and PAIR-A-DICE: ppppperfect! "Story Book", "Summer Days", "Get Up n Shake" and "Next Time" GREEAAT HITS, that would rock the 80's if were released 15 years ago! Ballads like "Gone But Not Forgotten" shows the power of this band to bring us back the 80's PARTY ROCK h.e.a.t.!

From: tomcat Date: April 27, 2004 at 16:28
this cd was in my stereo the other day, a mix between danger danger and early favorite tune is 'story book'..Nice dudez

From: BrianR Date: May 8, 2004 at 18:57
Is this the same band that sings a song called "You and Me in Paradise" If so - what album is it on - its a great song!

From: Larry Date: May 10, 2004 at 4:05
Is this band still around? I wonder since this album was release in 1999 and there has been no followup CD. I would hope to hear from them again.

From: MelodicBoy Date: June 16, 2004 at 13:39
I emailed Kivel records a few times to ask if we can expect another Attraction CD. They apparently can't be bothered to reply, which really sucks. Guess they're too busy promoting AdrianGale to bother with anything else. If anyone knows more about Attraction, please let us know.

From: abbyriley Date: November 9, 2004 at 10:16
Incredible cd!!! The title song is incredibly catchy, and all the other songs are great too!! Hopefully these guys are still around, and we'll hear more from them soon!

From: glamroxxx Date: December 30, 2004 at 14:36
Pretty cool: band totally stuck in the eighties, where times and music were better...great CD with great harmonies, choruses, guitar work and production by house of lords frontman James Christian. Band reminds me of a mixture between early danger danger and ...don´t know...but I know: THIS TOTALLY ROCK!!!

From: Geoff Date: March 22, 2005 at 6:02
Holy shit!!! This is one of my favourite discs of all time! If you like ultra melodic and catchy commercial / glam hard rock this is one of the most essential discs of the genre. 'Get Up 'n Shake' introduces you to what is about to slam your ears against the wall with pounding riffs, crisp vocals, a wall of backing vocals delivering the hugest of choruses, and although you might not expect it, some killer guitar too. 'Save Me Now' is commercial heaven, 'More Than You Know' is a MASSIVE (and lyri

From: Geoff Date: March 22, 2005 at 6:03
...lyrically lame) 80's ballad and is awesome, 'Story Book' is a sensational highlight in melodic glam hard rock, 'Things Were Better' will be irrisistable to all listeners with it's perfect 80's style excecution and memories, 'Summer Days' ensures that even if you don't have a convertable car you will hacksaw the roof off your car just so you can play this with the top down, 'Next Time' is more amazing commercial glam, 'Gone But Not Forgotten' is very melodic and might have been radio friendly

From: Geoff Date: March 22, 2005 at 6:03
... once, 'Lickity Split' is a killer raunchy rocker and by the time the album finishes you haven't heard a trace of a filler, but just 9 absolute gems in a row! Have I over-reacted to this CD? Perhaps, but for me this brings everything that was perfect about a genre of music and delivers it in one sensational hard rocking package. Highly recommended!!!

From: Rafo Phoenix Date: April 26, 2005 at 23:31
Aunque no es mi fuerte bandas a lo poison warrant(que son buenos en lo que hacen y aunque creci tambien escuchando bandas asi, pero lo mio es el AOR y el Hard-Rock Melodico) el disco esta lleno de cortes muy alegres y hechos para pasar un verano agradable, por momentos se acercan a Danger Danger que son de otro nivel, Things Were Better(el mejor corte sin duda por tener el sonido que busco), asi que si te gustan bandas asi te gustara este que esta en algo eso si con ese sonido unico de los 80

From: ninjapeter Date: July 31, 2005 at 2:15
I'm very impressed with this album. Great solid songs with passion. I recommend this a lot and rate it 8.5/10.

From: Erik Date: July 31, 2005 at 5:03
Another killer release. Absolute gem of an album. It rocks from the first to the last track. Save me now and Storybook are the highlights for me. Impressing album. 8,9/10

From: Erik Date: July 31, 2005 at 5:04
Another killer release. Absolute gem of an album. It rocks from the first to the last track. Save me now and Storybook are the highlights for me. Impressing album. 8,9/10

From: generation74 Date: September 18, 2005 at 11:24
creo que la definicion perfecta de este disco es que es muy parecido a bandas como danger danger, poison y warrant pero sin llegar a copiar, me gusta mucho este disco sobretodo su sonido y produccion.

From: ROBERT Date: February 19, 2006 at 12:08
Me esta Gustando Bastante!! Y eso q es la 1ª Escuxa!

From: Remastered Reason Date: March 8, 2006 at 19:42
Listening to this cd makes me want to put on my ripped jeans & rev up the Iroc. Those were the days!!! Rock on.

From: sluss528 Date: May 27, 2006 at 15:35
wow!!! this thing just kicked my fucking ass! lets just sum this up with if you like 80's hair metal than you need to get this! this thing has more hooks than my old ladies closet. a must own period! 9/10

From: roxas Date: July 16, 2006 at 2:19
I had this on at work the other day and a female collegue said "Do we HAVE to listen to your awful roller rink music"? Do you belive that? and they wonder why we just turn up one day and start shooting...

From: 80's Hard Rock Date: October 30, 2006 at 12:44
Can't say enough good things about this great cd, if you like 80's party/hard/glam rock you can't, I repeat CAN'T go wrong here. Attraction blows every other new band away easily. I sent an email to kivel records asking what has happened to Attraction, they haven't answered yet... Damn, should we all build an Attraction army like Kiss army? If we would do that then maybe Kivel Records would try to make contact with the band members? E-mail me if you have any ideas!

From: Helix Date: October 30, 2006 at 14:20
I don't feel the hype like some people do about this cd but its ok. Yes,indeed it has the 80's sound that most people wish would come back.I will tell you this though if Your a fan of the hiar ballads then you must get this cd just for the song more then you know. I would say back in the day it would have been a huge hit for sure.

From: mannas Date: November 14, 2007 at 19:06
good melodic rock!80/100 kein knaller vor dem herrn,aber gut anzuhören!taste it!

From: ThunderDan Date: May 14, 2008 at 23:37
What an awesome CD!! I played 'More Than You Know' for my wife last weekend, and she loved it! Most of the songs are good, great guitar work all around. A fun CD to listen to. Grab this one if you can find it, definately screams 80s hair metal!

From: andi Date: October 24, 2011 at 15:00
very very great kick ass album!!!People who like Trixter,Reckless Love,Steel Panther or it!!!

From: edwithmj Date: December 5, 2015 at 12:49
I do not understand all the love for this album. This is some very average glam in the vein of Pretty Boy Floyd and Poison. The guitars, bass and drums are all there but the songwriting and the vocals are not. Every song sounds too similar to the last one and nothing stands out at all. This is not helped by the amateur-sounding vocals either. A novelty in mediocrity at best.

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