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[Dare Band Picture]

Artist: Dare

Title: Beneath The Shining Water

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Dare Beneath The Shining Water Album Cover


Category: AOR

Year: 2004

Label: Legend

Catalog Number: LGD 2004


Darren Wharton Vocals, Keyboards
Andrew Moore Electric Guitar
Richard Dews Acoustic Guitar
Gavin Mart Drums


1.  Sea Of Roses  4:37
2.  Days Gone By  4:13
3.  Silent Hills  4:00
4.  Beneath The Shining Water  4:49
5.  The Battles That You've Won  4:00
6.  Allowed To Fall  4:12
7.  I'll Be The Wind  3:59
8.  Where Darkness Ends  4:36
9.  Storm Wind  4:24
10.  Last Train  4:17
Total Running Time:  43:07

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Existing comments about this CD

From: Date: June 23, 2004 at 5:19
Another good release from this great Band.

From: TIM (2) Date: June 23, 2004 at 7:52
I liked 'Belief', and I quite like this, but it's all too samey. It's almost identical to 'Belief', but if I'm honest is not quite as good. It's also very one-paced. Good, reflective, late night listening but if you have 'Belief' you probably don't need this too...

From: AOR freaky Date: June 24, 2004 at 6:55
A big disappointment, this one from Dare. Darren has a fantastic voice, no doubt about that, but the songs are all the same, like on the two previous records. Very, very soft, even boring. No power, no rock ! No balls !

From: peter poland Date: June 27, 2004 at 5:20
yeah,heard many bad opinions about this album. Truth is that, if you were waiting for another OUT OF SILENCE album, you would be disappointed.But if you like Belief as much as i do, yo will find this disk amazing.You know, this whole thing seems to be some kind of continuum to last release.It's slow, moody, dark and romantic.Whole ambum seems to be one big track. I like that cd. For me it seems that DARE is going to another direction, that kind of music direction.And yes, i heard OUT OF SILENCE

From: peter poland Date: June 27, 2004 at 5:22
and i would heard that good album again, but you have to look more creativly on this album , and try to find those thing Darren was trying to give you while he was recording it.

From: koogles Date: June 28, 2004 at 11:42
Dare could be a Celtic version of Asia these days. Going for mood, atmosphere, nuances and texture, Dare will surely alienate anyone looking for another 'Out of the Silence'. If anything, if Dare continues mellowing out, their next album may very well be complete silence. Or at the most, waves crashing on a beach with a lilting pennywhistle in the windswept background. Fans of 'Belief' will love this CD: its a beautiful day in Ireland captured on a 7 inch canvas.

From: Enrico Date: July 1, 2004 at 17:04
Probably not as strong as 'Belief' or 'Calm before the storm' but it still features some killer tracks ('Sea of roses', 'Battle that we've won' which really sounds as U2 should have sounded today if they hadn't got lost on the way). All in all another winner from one of my favorite bands!

From: UnrulyChild Date: July 6, 2004 at 10:02
Amazing AOR Cd! If you love Dare you'll surely love this one. Dare never dissapointed anyone!

From: Ton Jansen Date: July 13, 2004 at 15:21
Soft, soft, so soft but oooh so beautiful. What a voice. To enjoy when you're in the mood. It's great but the first one (Out of the silence is still their best). Great work, Darren. We are happy with this new masterpiece.

From: rocketron Date: July 21, 2004 at 17:55
Pleasant enough but not as good as 'Belief'. Agree it is a bit 'samey' and could do with a bit more 'bite' but it is still better than most of the stuff put out these days.

From: Gabi Date: July 29, 2004 at 4:20
Belief 2 parte? Con esto no quiero decir que sea malo, pero lo encuentro muy parecido al 'Belief'. En s', es un cd buen'simo, yo dir'a que mejor y m's trabajado que el 'Belief'.Parece que es en 'ste donde expresa y realiza completamente lo que le rondaba en 'Belief'; toques celta, atmosf'rico... Ser'a muy peligroso que el bueno de Darren obtase en su pr'ximo cd por un 'Belief 3'...

From: Border Rat Date: July 31, 2004 at 11:27
Although I am a fan of harder edged rock music I like this cd.I like DARE's first 3 cds big time.This cd is like a cousin of Calm before the storm.I think that this cd is much stronger than belief in every way.Sea of roses,days gone by,silent hills,beneath the shining water,the battles that you've won and I'll be the wind are excellent.Where darkness ends and storm wind are also good.Last train has taken more time to grow on me but is OK.Over all a classic cd.

From: Dundee RushMan Date: August 4, 2004 at 16:44
Great CD wasted by being too much of the same in every track. I think we Dare fans were really spoiled with the excellent standard of music on 'Belief'. Although this is in a similar vein to 'Belief' it lacks the quality and genuiness of its predecessor. Another thing - where are the guitars?!?!?! Just when you expect a blistering guitar solo - another wave of keyboards arrives! This CD is certainly worth buying - but don't expect another 'Abandon' or 'We were friends', but be assuerd that it wi

From: Date: August 14, 2004 at 13:47
quisiera contactarme con gabi pues la sigo en sus comentarios y estoy de acuerdo.con respecto a este disco ,si es tan solo una segunda parte de belief.un disco correcto de unos musicos correctos .demasiado soft y cada vez mas lejos del extraordinrio blood from stone

From: Rycheage Date: August 15, 2004 at 16:39
Soft and quite beautiful at the same time. The last 3 Dare CD's have been just that. They can paint quite a picture with their music. To quote koogles:'It's a beautiful day in Ireland...'. Exquisite stuff.

From: IDareyou Date: August 15, 2004 at 18:31
Wouldn't it be more properly 'It's a beautiful day in WALES'? I believe that's where Darren makes his home, but I'm not his neighbor or anything.

From: KIP Date: August 17, 2004 at 5:05
Dont have to wait for a Dare record a'la 80s... Moody music, but not that kind of rock we got used to...ok.

From: Nae Neck Date: August 20, 2004 at 17:20
Misty morning sunsets flow from Darrens smooth vocals, as we all have come to expect from Mr Wharton,again he does have a way to make you feel like your with him on his journey of lyrical exploration,sit or lie back in your cumfy chair close your eyes drift with him on his musical journey, and enjoy what he's given us a gift of musical exellence.

From: Wotty Date: August 20, 2004 at 20:59
Hi Nae Neck,so what you are saying is,do not use a sleeping pill,listen to a Dare cd instead.Hmmm,interesting observation.,..

From: alex siedler Date: August 28, 2004 at 15:42
Funny that everyone seems to dig Belief more than Beneath...; I didnt care much for Belief; because Calm before the storm blows it away anyway. I think Beneath... does indeed sound a bit samey; but I like it 1000 times more than Belief. I dont really know why though.

From: Wotty Date: August 28, 2004 at 15:46
Hi Alex,I agree with your review,it does plod a bit....

From: Chris Date: September 1, 2004 at 11:17
I agree with a prior comment mentioning this is a killer album which however suffers too much from having the same pace throughout. Some of the songs on this really cannot be faulted; Sea Of Roses (easily one of the best Dare tracks ever), Silent Hills, the title track, Days Gone By (the most AORish track on offer, excellent stuff), Battles That You've Won (very U2!) and Stormwind. At the same time a faster track or some blistering lead guiter (like on CBTS) would not go amiss!

From: Wotty Date: September 1, 2004 at 13:32
A bit too atmospheric and moody,it seems to want to break free,but just cant do it....

From: carlos dMiguel Date: September 23, 2004 at 4:28
Hace poco que he descubierto este grupo, y me ha sorprendido gratamente. La voz de Darren es una de las mejores que circulan por el panorama AOR. Las canciones de este disco destilan sensibilidad y buen gusto. La producci'n es sobresaliente. Unicamente se echan de menos algunos temas m's guitarreros. Gran disco.

From: Gazza Styx Date: September 25, 2004 at 16:18
Not heard this one yet. I liked Calm before the Storm, Belief was so so. I reckon Darren has run out of ideas as the last 3 albums have been pretty similar. If I was Darren i would work my ass off trying to make the 'Out of the Silence 2' album that everyone wants. This would bring in some much needed dosh and he could keep this sort of stuff as a solo project sideline. He drinks in a pub near me and when i see him, i am going to tell him!

From: aWaRLoCK Date: November 12, 2004 at 18:55
I am a retro Dare fan. I heard this album first and simply think it is one of the best CD's that I have heard in years. Then I got 'Belief'. Another great album. Finally bought Blood From Stone off Ebay for $40. Anyway, have all (5) CD's now. Where have I been that I missed all this great music all these years. My rating 9 out of 10. : )

From: Sergio Date: November 23, 2004 at 17:04
Concuerdo con Carlos respecto de este CD, le falta un poco de guitarras, igualmente todo lo que hace este tipo es 10 puntos. Cuando alguien te pregunte que carajo es AOR y no tengas ganas de explicarle, pon' en el aparato OUT OF THE SILENCE, CALM BEFORE THE STORM, BELIEF o este CD, y tendr' una idea exacta de lo que se trata. No hay otra banda ( o cantante ) que transmita mejor esa SENSACI'N. Este tipo interpreta sus canciones con el ALMA puesta en cada palabra que canta. 10/10

From: Roxas Date: January 2, 2005 at 19:20
Typical Dare release, very relaxing beautiful melodic aor. Doesn't quite work indoors, much better outside in the rain under a canopy with a few beers. A lot of work has gone into this you can tell. I still prefer the harder sound of CBTS. Still as a Dare fan it didn't dissapoint, just hoping one day for another 'someday' sounding song.

From: Nico Date: January 16, 2005 at 13:18
I don't understand why people think that Darren is a heavy rocker.He did a hard rocking album 10-15 years ago on demand of the record company, that's it! Since that he've been doing this wonderful, romantic and beautiful stuff like BTSW. I think that BTSW is the best soft, melodic album of 2004. A lot of feeling, wonderful production, Darrens voice and great songs. You that think it sounds the same in every song: sit down, take time and discover a wonderful album! And i am a BIG Lizzy fan.

From: Roxas Date: January 18, 2005 at 0:01
I've had this since crimbo and i'm beggining to see a big difference between this and belief. This one is growing on me so much it's almost beyond belief (no pun intended). The small subtle signatures remind me so much of CBTS. Deffo very mellow and laid back - but very cool indeed. I love it. Now i hope the next one we can get more rocked up. Kind of like 'Someday'on CBTS

From: Zinatra99gt Date: February 2, 2005 at 9:39
I like this album....although this and the 'Calm Before the Storm' are the first Dare albums, I have listened to. I find both of these albums really good, and creative. Really good to play at home or like what some of the other members said....outside. This is is 10 album. However, this isn't something that I would recommend carrying to you J-O-B.

From: Swriter Date: February 12, 2005 at 18:27
hmmm, good solid album with great production, great atmospheric type songs, sometimes missing the mark for me, not sure why I do not get this band that much, all I say is good stuff but fails to hit me that hard.

From: z4roxx Date: February 12, 2005 at 18:41
I don't understand how Darren Wharton can prefer the last 3 Dare's cd's than the the first 2,I think it's only to do business,it's impossible....'calm before the storm'is awful to be honest,the last 2 cd's sound perfectly identical in songwriting/style,indeed great soft and harmonic moments full of pleasant melodies but...where is the energy of their debut around 90's??????

From: Enrico Date: February 16, 2005 at 17:08
'do business' ? The best selling Dare album is still 'Out of the silence', the last Dare albums sold - by far - fewer copies. So I don't think it's business at's just an evolution, which everyone can like or not. And I love it! Probably a rockier album like 'Blood from stone' would sell more than this. That would be business. Let Darren play what he feels! I heard 'Sea of Roses' and other tracks live in Munich and they are great live too.

From: Axe Machine Date: February 28, 2005 at 10:33
Hardly Out of The Silence part 2, but better than Belief, which I just found a complete Snooze-fest

From: Date: March 22, 2005 at 10:44
Sea of roses is an magnificent album opener! The rest of the album is very VERY smooth and reminds of an 'Pink Floyd meets Ireland'-feel. I love it, I think it's way better than 'Belief' which I found somewhat boring after a while. But, it's Darren Wharton, how can you go wrong? =)

From: z4roxx Date: April 4, 2005 at 8:42
Another good one indeed,same vein as the previous but...songs are all similar,ok great catchy melodies but I think he must add somethin'else in his new studio cd if it will be...I can't believe that he considers these last 2 cd's better than the first 2,it's not possible...

From: juan carlos Date: May 12, 2009 at 10:02
Fantastic Relaxing and Emotional AOR. Dare has a great stuff and this Masterpiece proofs that.. BTSW is way better than their previous "Belief" IMO. The first 8 tracks are A Must, tracks 8,9 are just ok. I gladly own this CD and i´m proud of it. 9.3/10

From: DanDare Date: October 23, 2010 at 9:07
Diminishing returns I'm afraid, not what they had been and the whole Irish sound was beginning to wear thin. Probably their worst album, but still the accomplished musicianship and production you've a right to expect from Dare.

From: DonDefo Date: November 7, 2010 at 10:40
Beautiful melodies, harmony of music, the clima of beauty of ballads. It shows that slow and tear-jearking(even I say that) can be inspiring and has sth inside. I like this cd very much although I must say there's nothing like OUT OF SILENCE. It's magic. Simply! KING OF SPADES!

From: rick kerch vzla Date: March 21, 2012 at 22:35
Good album but this is another story guys...moody and relaxed songs is what we find in here,which for me are ok,no probs with that though..."Sea Of Roses","Silent Hills" & "Beneath The Shining Water" are the nice ones and "Where Darkness Ends" probably the best cut of the album IMO...85/100

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