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[KISS Band Picture]

Artist: KISS

Title: MTV Unplugged

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KISS MTV Unplugged Album Cover


Category: Hard Rock

Year: 1996

Label: Mercury

Catalog Number: 314 528 950-2


Paul Stanley
Gene Simmons
Ace Frehley
Peter Criss


1.  Comin' Home  2:21
2.  Plaster Caster  3:17
3.  Goin' Blind  3:37
4.  Do You Love Me  3:13
5.  Domino  3:46
6.  Sure Know Something  4:14
7.  A World Without Heroes  2:57
8.  Rock Bottom  3:20
9.  See You Tonight  2:26
10.  I Still Love You  6:09
11.  Every Time I Look at You  4:43
12.  Two Thousand Man  5:12
13.  Beth  2:50
14.  Nothin' To Lose  3:42
15.  Rock and Roll All Nite  4:20
Total Running Time:  56:07

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Existing comments about this CD

From: koogles Date: January 3, 2002 at 8:33
Kiss fans are a stupid lot and Gene Simmons must inherently know this. Why else does he and his band find new ways of re-painting and re-packaging stale old hits? If you're stupid enough to fall for these marketing tricks, you've already forfeited your right to criticize their quality.

From: Curious B Date: February 1, 2002 at 7:47
Koogles, I agree with all of your posts but easy there killer. This album at least gave us a glimmer of hope that things may change. And to hear some of the classics acoustically was kinda cool. This is good to have for every KISS fan. Gene "money bags" $immons has probably pissed off every KISS fan out there. He says he does it for the fans while he's on-line checking his bank account. It's just truly sad!!!

From: Motley Date: February 4, 2002 at 14:41
I rememeber watching it when it came on MTV for the first time with a very higt fever and bad flue. Its one of the greatest unplugged cd's ever made, hate the studio ones!! and the video is even better! First time Ive seen 2 drummers playing at the same time in an intimit concert. Great great!!! But who is that highschool teacher playing next to Eric singer on the last tracks??hahahaha....

From: Tony Date: May 6, 2002 at 14:02
Still dig this cd and shit is Kulick underrated!! These guys actually come across on vinyl here as ENJOYING themselves for once. Putting Singer next to Criss on drums though solely from a musical standpoint is like putting King Kong next to Grape Ape man. Painful to watch!!! 6 years later though and I still dig this thing so I say it's worth every penny. I wish every Kiss album was played with this much enthusiasm!!!!

From: Richard H Date: September 27, 2002 at 2:14
A nice surprise from Kiss(thought they started to forget the fans).It would have been great to hear songs like "Shandi"," A Million To One", "Tears Are Falling","Flaming Youth","Love Gun" and "Magic Touch" unplugged.

From: robert Date: October 21, 2002 at 18:33
ACOJONANTE!! no digo mas.

From: Tc Date: December 27, 2002 at 10:59
The album that prooves Kiss are more than just make-up and decibels! A stripped down sound the tunes really sparkle through. The best Unplugged and the biggest surprise of all the MTV series of Unplugged. I played this disc to death - love it!" Tc

From: iNjEcTtheVeNoM Date: January 21, 2003 at 17:37
i knew kiss could pull this off,but even i was blown away when i watched this on mtv.every song sounds good in acoustic form ,and many sound great.and aces acoustic solo on "beth" makes me wonder why they dont play it that way in concert?it sounds fantastic!it would really add something if they would do this on the upcoming tour.

From: CHIRO Date: April 9, 2003 at 20:59
MUST OWN!!!!!!

From: Gar Date: October 17, 2003 at 3:51
Hardcore Kiss fans would undoubtably appreciate that they dusted off some lesser known songs for this release, rather than rehashing the usual hits. I actually liked this a little more than I expected to.

From: Dusty Date: October 30, 2003 at 6:21
Kulick and Singer also played on this one (in fact, they played more then Ace and Peter). It's fun to hear them unplugged, but the heavier songs sound better plugged...

From: Fat Freddy Date: January 2, 2004 at 16:05
I remember watching this show on MTV and wishing I could've been at the taping when Ace and Peter first walked out on that stage! Some of Kiss' stuff works surprisingly well in the unplugged format, particularly "Sure Know Somethin'" and "I Still Love You." Nice to see Gene dusting off the underrated "A World Without Heroes" too. A few months after this show the dreams of Kiss fandom worldwide came true when the original lineup reunited... so this is a nice piece of history.

From: brad140 Date: February 14, 2004 at 0:43
Tony: no offense, but I disagree. -> Who is grape ape, and who is king kong??? ..and Kulick is great, but not underrated. Did you ever hear a Kulick written solo that moved you as much as Ace's written solos??? NO. Bruce IS excellent live, tho, isn't he??? I'd say these guys have actually gotten exactly what they deserve. MONEY AND FANS, from GREAT SONGS, ALBUMS, and LIVE SHOWS. All the @!@#!$ written against them is simply jealous !@#$@#$. KISS will live forever, like it or not, period.

From: Adam Blackheart Date: August 29, 2004 at 10:08
One of the best unplugged album EVER!!!

From: Geoff Date: January 17, 2005 at 5:38
Not a fan of unplugged albums, but I'll admit they did well with this one. Good effort, enjoyable CD.

From: pt88 Date: January 20, 2005 at 14:23
I really got in to this one. Simple and direct with songs you can sing to. Their were a song or 2 i'd change. This showcased how good Bruce is and unfortunately show Ace to be small potatoes to Bruce. Still I like Ace for more of his sound. I'm not bashing here. The record is a feel good with tunes that are pretty catchy.

From: Big Mike Date: February 17, 2005 at 12:34
Of all the shameless reworks, I thought this one had the most value. I think the unplugged concept is fair and the addition of ace and peter adds some appeal. The tracks were a bit different too but we still got rock and roll all night for the 7th time. Just what i was looking for.

From: XabDeth Date: January 11, 2007 at 14:23
a mi si me gusta mucho este album, es muy bueno, como van a decir(koogles) que kiss son unos estupidos por encontrar nuevas maneras de hacer sus canciones? eres imbecil? osea, todos los grupos que saquen el unplugged, son estupidos? es el caso de tesla?...

From: kai-2 Date: September 28, 2008 at 22:27
I´m not fond of acoustic albums, but actually like this one very much. A quite original idea to summon all the original members of KISS (the one really missing here is Vinnie Vincent) and perform an acoustic set. Almost all of the songs sound good on acoustic. Very good album.

From: Remastered Reason Date: October 1, 2008 at 19:19
Agreed that this is a pretty enjoyable disc to spin every once in a while. Overall a high-spirited effort especially from Paul Stanley on "I Still Love You". The concert culminates in absolute killer fashion with a spontaneous, spot-on vocal interplay on "Nothin to Lose" between all memebers present. Finally, though this song could have been the rousing show stopper, a conservative, by-the-numbers version of Rock & Roll All Nite preempted the show.

From: rick kerch vzla Date: June 27, 2015 at 21:53
A lovely unplugged,as simple as that...the DVD is also a recommended one to watch...93/100

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