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[KISS Band Picture]

Artist: KISS

Title: Crazy Nights

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KISS Crazy Nights Album Cover


Category: Hard Rock

Year: 1987

Label: Mercury

Catalog Number: 832-626-2


Paul Stanley rhythm guitar, vocals, keyboards
Gene Simmons bass, vocals
Eric Carr drums, percussion, backing vocals
Bruce Kulick lead guitar, backing vocals, bass on "Hell or High Water"

Phil Ashley keyboards
Tom Kelly backing vocals


1.  Crazy Crazy Nights  3:47
2.  I'll Fight Hell To Hold You  4:10
3.  Bang Bang You  3:53
4.  No, No, No  4:19
5.  Hell Or High Water  3:28
6.  My Way  3:58
7.  When Your Walls Come Down  3:25
8.  Reason To Live  4:00
9.  Good Girl Gone Bad  4:35
10.  Turn On The Night  3:18
11.  Thief In The Night  4:07
Total Running Time:  43:00

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Existing comments about this CD

From: Guitarist Date: April 19, 2001 at 9:28
Paul Stanley proves how a power-ballad can be so emotional in a very simple way , in the "REASON TO LIVE" . Have a listen!

From: Runaway Angel Date: June 21, 2001 at 19:55
Of course, with no doubt, it's the best KISS album!!!!! Who likes hard rock must say it's the best!!!!!!!!! Look that grade!!!! Of course it's a 10!

From: Adrenaliser Date: July 5, 2001 at 1:56
Best Kiss album! I can't understand why the band lets Gene Simmons write some songs??????? Of course Paul Stanley is supreme better! Gene's songs sux.....:/

From: Mentalizer Date: July 6, 2001 at 13:16
Right!!! Pretty right!!! Gene doesn't like hard rock!!! What the hell is he doing in KISS???? Paul Stanley is the master!

From: T-BONE Date: September 3, 2001 at 10:20
I think what Reno is trying to say about Kiss is without Simmons there would be no Stanley and without a Stanley there would be no Simmons. There are many songs by both members that I don't much care for, but on the other hand there were so many more by both that I love and still listen to today. KISS is both members no matter which way you look at it. Why can't we all just get along like good little Kiss Fans. Now everybody stick your tongues out and play nice.

From: Date: January 26, 2002 at 13:05
Wonderful album. The best from Kiss. Crazy,Crazy nights has always kept me up when I was down. Paul's songs are much better than Gene'songs. Simmons is a great showman and a very good bass player, but Stanley sings 1000 times better.

From: Curious B Date: February 1, 2002 at 6:49
Gene is too busy taking pictures of the girls he's sleeping with. "Reason to live" was the song that got the most air play. Overall Bruce "plastic man" Kulich plays what Gene and Paul tell him w/o any feeling. This album is spotty at best. Early KISS made you sing your nuts off, this album is a big disappointment. Buy it if your a KISS fan but it's hard to believe this is the same Gene and Paul that wrote some of the all time great Rock tunes.

From: GIORGOS Date: March 8, 2002 at 13:01
Paul Stanley kickes asses again. "Reason to Live" , "I'll fight hell to hold you" , "Turn On The Night" , etc etc etc ...

From: Hard Hard Hard Date: March 30, 2002 at 12:00
GIORGOS is pretty right! At least one hard rocker that knows that KISS = Paul Stanley! Crazy Crazy Crazy Crazy Crazy Crazy Nites!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This album makes you wake up for the party!!!!!!

From: Tony Date: May 6, 2002 at 14:08
I understand where these guys were trying to go with this so A+ for effort but just very mediocre and no balls whatsoever. Sounds like they were trying to keep up with the Poison's and Bon Jovi's at the time but sound strained in doing so. Gene also shouldn't have been allowed within 500 yards of this project as it's obvious he couldn't have given a shit. Does anyone remember this tour also?? Worst Kiss show I ever saw and for the first time just felt they were getting lazy!!

From: Reno Date: May 7, 2002 at 11:00
This was my first Kiss concert, and I thought it was a pretty good show. White Lion opened up for them. I did however agree with Tony when he says they were trying to keep up with Poison and Bon Jovi. This album has some good guitar tracks, but the songs are to poppy sounding. Maybe it's all the keyboards they started using (hint hint) I did really like the song Reason to Live. Bruce Kulick is a very underratd guitarist.

From: Federico Date: May 8, 2002 at 13:06
This is a perfect ten. One of my all time favorites, I agree with the rewiew not signed of the January 26. This album has always kept me up when I was down.

From: JOURNEY Date: June 17, 2002 at 7:26

From: Rockforever Date: July 12, 2002 at 8:15
This is easily the worst album of their career;they are so obviously trying to appeal to the hair metal scene that its embarrassing.Kiss influenced most of the hair rock bands (most notably Warrant and Poison),yet now they were now just copying them.That said, "Reason to Live" is a pretty good ballad (much better than other hair metal ballads at the time),and No,No,No does have some of the balls of the Kiss of old.However Crazy Crazy Nights is inane,and most of the record qualifies as filler.

From: Martin Date: July 27, 2002 at 11:25
Reason To Live is all the 80`s. It`s amazing, the best ballad song of all history in hard rock.

From: jason (FA - Q) Date: July 27, 2002 at 13:44
That's a pretty bold statement there Martin. There is alot of competition out there for "Best Balled Song Of All History." It would take me about a week to break it down and decide.

Heavy Harmonies Owner
From: Dan Date: July 27, 2002 at 20:08
Glad to see I'm not the only one that thinks this album was KISS's finest hour (even if not this specific album, then at least this era). I also agree that "Reason to Live" is quite possibly the finest ballad of all time (in the top 5 at any rate).

From: jason (FA - Q) Date: July 27, 2002 at 21:30
OH give me a break, Dan! You really think that it's in the top five!? NO WAY! That's great if you love this song, but it's not in the top 5 or top 50 of all time. Anyone in the KISS ARMY is going to tell you that "BETH" is their best ballad. Sales alone will tell you that.

From: B. CASARIN (MEX Date: July 27, 2002 at 23:17

From: Federico Date: July 28, 2002 at 8:46
I agree with Dan and Martin, Beth is too fucking pop, Reason to live and Forever are better in my opinion.

Heavy Harmonies Owner
From: Dan Date: July 28, 2002 at 10:02
Beth is fine, if you happen to like '70s-era KISS. I do not. '80s KISS is where its at... for me. Your top 5 is differnet from mine, and everyone else's. Deal with it . Seriously though, I got so sick and tired of '70s KISS growing up during that era, and especially with the retread of that supposed "classic" KISS material over the last 5 years. It's just been done to death. IMHO the 80s stuff rocks harder, has better harmonies, and is much better produced. *shrug* That's my take anyway...

From: jason (FA - Q) Date: July 28, 2002 at 10:33
Good Enough I see what you are saying now. It would be in YOUR top 5 of all time. I am looking at it from a pole perspective. Taking into concideration things like popularity, radio play, and sales. With a little bit of self preference as well. This means that my favorite ballad may not be the #1 of all time.

From: Desslar Date: July 28, 2002 at 19:04
Beth is too pop, and Forever isn't???? Forever was written by Michael friggin' Bolton!!

From: Federico Date: July 29, 2002 at 13:38
I agree with Dan again, in my opinion the best songs from Kiss were made when they were unmasked. Yeah Desslar Forever is pop too, but Beth with all that arks and with no drums make me think to some "Italian melodic songs" festival. Micheal Bolton made also some good Aor stuff in his early years (Everybody is crazy), good not great, ok.

From: jason (FA - Q) Date: July 29, 2002 at 16:34
We're Happy For Ya!

From: RichieRocker Date: September 16, 2002 at 21:54
A great album with great guitar work and "Reason to Live" is one of the best ballads. I would like to dedicate that song to a friend who just died in a car accident. R.I.P Jimbo, it was his favorite song. 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11 are my favorite tracks.

From: Richard Hall Date: September 27, 2002 at 2:00
A Melodic Rock Classic if I every heard one.Kiss shines on "Reason To Live","I'll Fight Hell To Hold You" & "When Your Walls Come Down.Hey even Gene has some decent songs here in "Good Girl Gone Bad" and "Thief In The Night(originally from Wendy O. Williams' W.O.W album.

From: robert Date: October 21, 2002 at 18:25
que fabulosos genios, estos super veteranos maestros del hard rock! Tienen discazos impresionantes y este es uno de ellos REASON TO LIVE Por ejemplo es una razon de las muchas q tienen forever kiss!!!

From: Blue Tequila Date: November 19, 2002 at 21:34
To me this is what late 80's rock was about. All the bands either had this sound or wanted this sound, and KISS actually jumped on the band wagon with this album. I personally think this is one of their best albums and have never gotten tired of listening to it. Sure there are a couple crap songs on here (Bang Bang You and No, No, No) but for the most part the music has that great 80's party sound. Crazy Crazy Nights, Good Girl Gone Bad, and Turn on the Night are my favorites.

From: Trick Taylor Date: January 6, 2003 at 18:23
It's like shooting fish in a barrel. By this time KISS had lost all self-respect and was rooted in an intense Bon Jovi fixation. The rockin capitalists pretty much phoned this one in: no balls, no passion and no creativity. Takes its place in my collection next to WASP's Inside the (Crap)Circus and Motley's Theatre of (Painful to Listen to). They didn't get their edge back til Revenge, but it was too late. Has to be in the Top 10 worst of the Hair Era.

From: Poison Arrow Date: January 6, 2003 at 21:59
Hahahaha Trick! damn funny!! Yeah it's sickly sweet in places, but hmm. hard not to like it. bit like Judas Priest 'Turbo'. You're thinking, what happened to the 'ROCK', but you can't help but sing along.

From: iNjEcTtheVeNoM Date: January 21, 2003 at 17:11
another step down..had potential with possible classics like "when your walls come down","reason to live","turn on the night",but keyboards(??)and a shiny pop production killed that.with metallica and gnr rocking their ass off who wanted to hear puffy stuff from a legendary band?this is when metal fans who embraced the band just 4-5 yrs earlier started leaving...dynasty part 2.

From: CHIRO Date: April 9, 2003 at 20:46

From: ace Date: June 3, 2003 at 1:49
wrong,wron,wrong dan this is the crapcan kiss. although the rest of the 80's kiss is excellant this is not. please everyone skip this cd.THIS CD SHOULD NOT HAVE MADE IT TO THE STORES.AS A HUGE KISS MARK THIS IS THE ONLY CD THEY MADE THAT BLOWS.

From: Jimbo Date: June 3, 2003 at 2:11
Dear ace, as far as this album being the only 80's KISS that isn't "excellant", are you familiar with Music From the Elder? (Hint: It's the one that sucks out loud.) I like this CD for what it is, another attempt by post-make-up KISS to write Bon Jovi songs. It's really not that bad, but it's also not representative of what KISS was all about. Still, can't blame them for trying.

From: ace Date: June 7, 2003 at 23:24
ok jimbo maybe a little harsh, but i still rank it my least favourite of the 80's version of kiss. the elder was bad and good.bad because it did not have the trademark kiss sound, good because it was sort of a kiss meets pink floyd cd. but overall both cd stunk,as you say out loud. UP THE IRONS MATE.

From: John Date: October 17, 2003 at 15:34
Kiss go really pop metal. I know this was the style at the time, but wasn't their style. I could tell during the tour for this album that they weren't comfortable playing these songs. HOWEVER, you can tell Stanley is trying on this album. It's quite evident that Gene is still phoning it in on this record. 'No, No, No' & 'Good Girl Gone Bad' just suck. Period. 6/10.

From: Chris Date: October 30, 2003 at 10:31
The best Kiss album of the 80's, with not a weak song on offer. Fantastic songs and production. Great vocal work by Stanley, and great playing by the rest of the guy's. This is a almost a 10/10.

From: Apoc_DOP Date: January 2, 2004 at 20:02
For the record: No "Beth": no Kiss after Destroyer. That song made Destroyer sell like hotcakes and gave us everything that followed!! Read the books people!!! Crazy is not my favorite Kiss album, I think they found a safe place and stayed there (Ron Nevison). One of my least favorite albums because they truly sounded "in studio"; way too polished. This was also the most glam look the band had reached. They didn't look or sound much like Kiss. Bruce sounds great though. Gene see's the light....

From: MIKI -BCN- Date: March 5, 2004 at 10:37

From: bernardito Date: March 10, 2004 at 0:03
un disco clasico del A O R reason to live y my way INMENSOS!!! GO AND BUY OR DIE!!!

From: run2u Date: March 26, 2004 at 12:57
Hablar de KISS entre seguidores del AOR es igual a polémica,como ya comenté en mi review de"unmasked".En mi opinión,los KISS melódicos de los'80 cuentan con momentos brillantes,algunos de ellos en este CRAZY NIGHTS.Muy cercano al AOR(aunque Simmons sigue encargándose de alejarlos),temas como Reason To Live,My Way,I'll Fight Hell To Hold You,o el tema título,llevan el álbum a lo más alto.Producción magistral de Ron Nevison,colaboraciones interesantes y Paul Stanley A TOPE.8/

From: illimey Date: April 14, 2004 at 16:21
This was the one and only KISS album I ever owned. Boy am I thankful for that. Yuck. As a lot of you obviously agree, this sounds 100% like a bad hardrock band trying to jump onto the hairypopmetal bandwagon and landing in the crapcan instead. OK so they prove they can sing a sweet ballad but purleeeese everything else is abysmal. About the same time I also got that Cinderella album (Long Cold Winter I think) that sorta sounded like another band trying the same leap.. only they landed on target.

From: Rockhead Date: April 14, 2004 at 17:40
I quite like this album. Hell to hold you, good girl gone bad and Thief in the night are all great tracks.

From: jack Date: May 21, 2004 at 2:41
I personally don't mind kiss jumping to the 'hair metal wagon'cause i like most hair metal music and band anyway. As long as kiss doesn't turn disco like they did in 1980's unmasked album or turn alternative(i don't think they ever did!),its fine with me.'reason to live' is a fine ballad which i think is better than both beth and forever! Crazy crazy night is my favourite in this album while turn on the night is one rocking song.Rating:8.5/10

From: Big Papa K Date: June 27, 2004 at 0:45
Kiss fans like to think of this album as the worst of their career. Well, I am not too big of a fan of Kiss, and this happens to be one of my favorites of their career. They jump on the Bon Jovi bandwagon and create some great anthems ("Crazy, Crazy Night") and maybe their best ballad ever, "Reason To Live". The Gene songs tend to drag this one down a bit though. 8/10

From: K.K. Poland Date: July 24, 2004 at 7:58
I'm a big fan of KISS, and I think this is the best album of KISS!! FANTASTIC, AMAZING!! hits like a crazy crazy nights, I'll fight hell to hold you and REASON TO LIVE!! I love this, GREAT GREAT GREAT GREAT 1000000000000000000/10 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Paul Stanley = GOD!!!

From: Adam Blackheart Date: August 29, 2004 at 10:15
An' I say YES!!!

From: kiss fan Date: August 30, 2004 at 17:12
This cd rox!!! I just heard it for the first time.. It was so much better then the new music era of today such as like and all them. It is obiously their finest and best album.. If you are looking to buy an alumb buy this one..

From: LONG LIVE Date: September 16, 2004 at 8:23
Kiss si que ha sabido adelantarse a su tiempo. Si bien a finales de los 70 nos dearon auténticas obras de arte de puro Rock and roll, con éste Crazy night mete la cabeza en al AOR Y en el Hard Melódico, hay un antes y un después a partir de éste disco. Muchas bandas de esa época sacaran discos en éste estilo. Para mi la mejor canción de este disco la dejaron fuera del disco oficial "Sword and Stone" canción que posteriormente grabó Bonfire. gracias KISS

From: Geoff Date: September 19, 2004 at 0:15
This is probably my fave KISS CD I must admit - actually, who am I kidding? Of course it is!!! There are some insanely banal tracks, but 'I'll Fight Hell to Hold You' is a great melodic rocker, 'My Way' is awesome, especially the killer pre-chorus, 'Reason to Live' is a simply stunning ballad, 'Turn on the Night' is a cool rocker, as is 'Thief in the Night'. I'm actually not sure if it's better than 'Revenge', but a good CD anyway.

From: Glory Daze L Date: October 2, 2004 at 3:01
For fans who prefer AOR over hard rock / metal, this is definitely the best Kiss album. This album got me into AOR in the first place (Journey / Survivor / Shooting Star / Hobbit / New England etc) !! Other great albums are Dynasty, Unmasked, Elder, Hot In The Shade and Paul Stanley 1978 solo - that was the disc that changed them from mediocre hard rock into classy AOR (on and off, with disappointments like Creatures in between). Thank God for Paul Stanley's voice and songwriting !

From: Dusty Date: October 3, 2004 at 8:31
common Glory Daze, creatures a disappointment?? It's one of their best and heaviest albums, and certainly not mediocre hard rock. but anyway, I love this album (i actually like 80s KISS very much) it has some great hooks. Gene is a bit of a disappointment here, but Paul is awesome. He indeeed is a great songwriter. And Bruce is a great player. He kinda sounds like george Lynch here (imo), but with his own sound to it. He got more himself on Hot In The Shade and Revenge, but he is very good here.

From: pt88 Date: January 20, 2005 at 13:39
I really tried getting into this record but honestly during that time Kiss wanted this record to be something special. It had plenty of semi-catchy tunes. No,No, No was certainly one of the hardest but the trend of the times were affecting the feelings of Gene & Paul. I say it's a good effort. It lacked something to me. They released Crazy nights and again I thought Crazy Nights seemed like a pale title. Kiss was searching for a identity and shortly thereafter changed management.

From: Big Mike Date: April 10, 2005 at 20:27
Described as pop crap by gene himself, this album does have some good songs. I heavier mix would make this a top hard rock album.

From: Sangre Azul Date: December 22, 2005 at 18:36
Este es un discazo de 10. Unos temas, del primero al ultimo increibles, destacando crazy nights y reason to live. El que lo niegue es que no tiene oidos... creo que en venta directa hay unas ofertas en sonotones muy buenas, en serio. dos por uno i tal. pero eso lo poneis en el google y ya os sale. Por cierto, Ratt creo que se han retirado, o si no deberian. Y a parte ¡ZP prohibe los discos de Ratt ahora mismo! 91 suite son buenos, pero lo malo es que vistiendo fallan mucho. es 1 pena. KISS RULES

From: HaremScarem Date: December 22, 2005 at 18:40
Bien, que me perdonen los mitómanos, pero Kiss ganaron mucho cuando se quitaron el maquillaje e hicieron este gran disco puro estilo AOR. Claro, que esto es de 1987, no podía ser de otra forma. Para mi el mejor de Kiss. 9/10

From: poproxx2007 Date: December 23, 2005 at 2:57
Im with Dan this is Kiss' best. I am not into the 70's Kiss, although I respect what the accomplished and I understand how HUGE they were this album to me has all the great melodic songs. MY WAY, I'LL FIGHT HELL TO HOLD YOU, CRAZY NIGHTS and of course the dreamer REASON TO LIVE which got me through some tough times in my mid to late teens. Great CD!

From: metallian Date: May 9, 2006 at 5:47
fantastic album. best 80´s KISS album. more melodic than 70´s. KISS at it´s best. Buy THIS !

From: firetruckdriver Date: December 18, 2006 at 4:41
Personally, I've loved all of Kiss' stuff from all eras & versions of the band. The 70s Kiss, IMO, was legendary, and I thought Ace was fabulous. But I do have to say, I myself love Bruce's guitar work. He may be one of my all time faves, but I don't know if I could pinpoint one favorite, too many good ones out there! Anyway, something about the 80's Kiss that I really love. I'd have to say this album and Creatures may be my 2 favorites from this band. If you're into 80's Kiss, get this one!

From: Rafo Phoenix Date: May 12, 2007 at 13:52
Great Hard Rock/AOR the best KISS album in the 80's, De hecho el mejor de ellos en esta decada y los temazos que encumbran esta Joya Reason to Live(no son Survivor???!!!), My Way(no son Aviator???!!!), Turn on the Night(no son King Kobra???!!!) sin duda mis 3 cortes favoritos, I'll Fight Hell to Hold You, Thief in the Night AOR A1 como quieren los chicos buenos un album que demas esta decir si o si 9.5/10

From: Rafo Phoenix Date: May 12, 2007 at 13:57
PD: falto meter dentro de las caras a "Hell or High Water y la famosa Crazy Crazy Nights"

From: YIRO SEVENTH Date: June 25, 2007 at 20:39
AWEEESOME ALBUM!!! Por supuesto que si, amigo RAFO!!!. Esplendido disco el que editaron KISS en 1987. Los teclados le dan otra dimensión al sonido KISS y la producción es asombrosa. Como bien dice DAN, los discos de KISS en los 80s tienen mejores harmonias y están mejor producidos: "Crazy Nights" te levanta el ánimo a la primera; "I´ll Fight Hell To Hold You" donde Paul está en esplendida forma(un gran vocalista, injustamente infravalorado, siendo uno de los mejores); "Bang Bang You" es regular;

From: YIRO SEVENTH Date: June 25, 2007 at 20:45
Vamos, hasta los temas compuestos por Gene Simmons son de gran calidad (se contagió de la genialidad de Paul Stanley aqui, lástima que no siguió de la misma forma en el siguiente disco): "No, No, No" es muy hard, aunque es floja, comparada a las demás; "Hell Or High Water" tiene una excelente melodía y un gran coro; "My Way" es totalmente AOR, esplendida composición, un punto a favor de Paul; "When Your Walls Come Down" retoma el camino del Hard Rock en forma vigorosa...

From: YIRO SEVENTH Date: June 25, 2007 at 20:50
Aqui tenemos a "Reason To Live", por Dios!, que temazo! una bellísima powerballad al estilo de SURVIVOR, vamos, este tema es de los grandes temas de AOR, y aqui Paul Stanley canta como los grandes Si Señor!!; "Good Girl Gone Bad" magnifico hard con gran melodía, de lo mejor del disco; "Turn On The Night" con esos teclados que le caen de perlas a este temazo AOR y para finalizar la intrigante "Thief In The Night". Sin duda, el mejor disco de KISS en los 80s... SUPER RECOMENDADISIMO-- ESENCIAL

From: ferstyx Date: October 2, 2007 at 18:36
Despues de escuchar creatures, lick, animalize y el asylum para mi a la primera escucha fue un schock. Acostumbrado a la fuerza de las guitarras, voces poderosas (aunque ya en el asylum habian bajado motores), no me convencio. Claro, estaba en una onda heavy. Luego poco a poco seria uno de mis favoritos. Reason to Live, un baladon. Lo unico que no me gusta es el sonido de la bateria. Gran introduccion en No, No, No

From: lalorock Date: November 25, 2007 at 22:23
Uno de sus mejores discos,discazzo con que se vuelven más melódicos y entran al terreno del AOR,sino escuchar esos temazos Reason to live y Turn on the night,solo estos dos temas pagan el album completo,Crazy Nights posee un excelente solo de guitarra por Bruce Kullick gran tema, una curiosidad que no se si el resto de amigos fanaticos de Kiss se habrán dado cuenta,siempre el tema dos del lado "B" de los albumes de los 80´s son unas power ballads maravillosas, para morirse de gusto...9/10.

From: edwithmj Date: August 22, 2008 at 15:45
I hate seeing this album complained about. This is possibly the finest KISS album. I onl got it for Crazy Crazy Nights and was pleasantly surprised that the rest of the album was just as good. Hell Or High Water is the best song from this album. 9.5/10

From: kai-2 Date: September 8, 2008 at 20:11
In my opinion, one of the finest KISS albums, but, as it happened with many of the band´s albums, was not the kind of record that early KISS fans wanted to hear. But I think no one can deny this is an AOR/Hard Rock gem, and a classic that any collector should have. The best tracks for me : "Turn On The Night" (great!), "Bang Bang You", "Reason To Live" and "I´ll Fight Hell To Hold You"

From: pie75 Date: July 26, 2010 at 2:12
this was a very commercial album from kiss or should i say paul stanley gene was not even on the kiss plannet the title track was a huge hit in england and all about kiss and their fans i'll fight hell to hold you, bang bang you,my way reaon to live and turn on the night make this a good album

From: pie75 Date: July 26, 2010 at 2:14
this was a very commercial album from kiss or should i say paul stanley gene was not even on the kiss plannet the title track was a huge hit in england and all about kiss and their fans i'll fight hell to hold you, bang bang you,my way reaon to live and turn on the night make this a good album

From: MikeTuinstra Date: November 10, 2010 at 22:25
Their best to me. It's Rock's finest hour polished to perfection in emotional tunes. With these structures, and the addition of mood setting keyboards KISS aims for greatness in totality. That said everyone is looking for different things. If you're looking for more emphasis on a guitar showdown rocking out, Animalize, Asylum, Revenge, etcetera might better suit your taste again. I go back and forward myself. Great stuff here.

From: J.Wylder Date: February 12, 2012 at 3:19
I agree totally with Geoff on this one, one of the very best albums from Kiss ever, thanks to probably Paul's best vocal performance ever (amazing range, and passion here) and thanks to the best guitar performance on any Kiss album period. Bruce shines on this album, he's all over, great licks and fantastic soloing. The tone is similar to Kee Marcello's soloing on OOTW (yes, same producer), which is also admired by many. Without a doubt the best solos are on this Kiss CD. A couple of fillers, yes, but most songs are really good (even Gene's, who often has weak or average songs at best, average singing, but I still like Gene as a bass man & backup singer - great at that!). This album is pop rock, yes, but who cares when songs, singing and guitars are made in AOR heaven, right. Great album! But I have one BUT & it's the mixing, not the production which is crisp, but that Gene's bass is way too low in the mix, hardly audible, and the sound of the drums is a little plastic. Still 95/100.

From: edwithmj Date: January 26, 2015 at 17:41
Time to expand: Yes, still my favourite Kiss album. Kiss got very commercial and it has a very melodic sound with a slight glam feel to it. Crazy Crazy Nights: wow what an opener! The song just explodes from start to finish. I'll Fight Hell to Hold You, another melodic rocker with powerful vocals and a super solo. Bang Bang You is filler but not that skippable. No No No has a great intro but then falters a bit I feel. Hell or High Water is still my favourite with thumping bass and catchy vocals. My Way is very commercial melodic rock and I love it but it's probably not for everyone. Reason TO Live is a standard ballad and it works quite well but there are better ballads out there really. Good Girl Gone Bad is another one with very catchy vocals and although it's not as melodic, I find myself singing along to this one. Turn On The Night is my second favourite - it's qonderfully melodic and the outro just makes me hungry for more. Not for Kiss purists but for melodic rock fans I'd say.

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: January 27, 2015 at 7:13
Check that, the latest minority: people who list Crazy Nights as their favorite Kiss album. Sometimes you surprise me, bud. Anyway, the album (which most tend to list among their two or three LEAST favorite Kiss albums): it's a=Kiss, drifting rudderless through the later '80's, chasing the flavor of the day. And in 1987, the flavor of the day was? Smooth, sugary, melodic pop-metal, a la Bon Jovi or (gulp) Europe. So Kiss, Paul Stanley at the wheel, Gene riding shotgun, reading movie scripts and talking to his agent on one of those old-fashioned car phones, Eric and Bruce bouncing around in the back just glad to be along for the trip. Together, they turn in a serviceable but utterly faceless album full of Paul's dogged sloganeering and forgettable songs, and very little of that larger-than-life personality you equate with Kiss.

From: rick kerch vzla Date: August 31, 2015 at 18:52
A commercial Melodic Hard Rock/AOR release by the 4 fact my faves ones in here are the ones with that AOR flavour("Reason To Live","My Way" & "Turn On The Night"...add to that the mega chessy "Crazy Crazy Nights" track )...enjoyable stuff with some other nice "moments to live" in other songs in here...85/100

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