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Artist: Cry Holy

Title: Alienation

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Cry Holy Alienation Album Cover


Category: AOR

Year: 2005

Label: Metal Mayhem

Catalog Number: MM0054


Randy Loran lead and backing vocals
James Henry lead and rhythm guitars, backing vocals
Scott Loran rhythm guitars, backing vocals
Erik Routson bass, backing vocals
Gary Reems keyboards, backing vocals
Mike Maxwell drums, percussion, backing vocals
Monty Smith lead and rhythm guitars, keys, bass, backing vocals, producer


1.  America the Beautiful  0:57
2.  Alienation  4:07
3.  My Lord  5:20
4.  Shine  4:39
5.  Strangers to This World  4:40
6.  Everlasting Love  4:27
7.  Count on Me  4:10
8.  Masquerade Ball  4:44
9.  History  3:49
10.  Extraterrestrial Suite  4:33
11.  Tommy  3:35
12.  I Want to Be Free  4:00
Total Running Time:  49:01

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The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Cry Holy CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: lucasgordon Date: June 30, 2005 at 2:17
Petra, Guardian y Stryper no son los únicos exponentes del Metal cristiano (o en este caso AOR-Rock-Metal) que ofrece la escena mundial. Cry Holy es un grupo proveniente de Seattle, sí, la ciudad depresiva famosa por su líder y vocalista de Nirvana, aunque ellos nada tienen que ver con esa movida, se inclinaron por una onda fuerte pero mas melódica. En “Strangers To This World” notamos la importancia que toman los teclados, y los coros son bien armoniosos, me hacen acordar mucho a The Outfield.

From: lucasgordon Date: June 30, 2005 at 2:17
Para aquellos que conocen como se canta en esas iglesias, que se la pasan cantando temas religiosos, este disco es ideal, pero hay que saber inglés, y para aquellos que no les guste tanto tema religioso, si no entienden el inglés, no van a notar ninguna diferencia.

From: lucasgordon Date: June 30, 2005 at 2:17
En sus 12 temas Cry Holy comienza con una intro “America The Beautiful” y en el tema que da nombre a su segundo lanzamiento, “Alienation”, arrancan bien potentes, dentro de su AOR por momentos bien ochentero, creo que deberían darle una oída a sus temas, más de uno quedara satisfecho. Sus miembros son: Randy Loran en voz, Monty Smith en guitarra, Mike Maxwell tras la batería, el bajo lo toca Eric Houston y en los teclados Gary Reems.

From: AOR freaky Date: July 21, 2005 at 3:58
Hey, where all the fans that like Blanc Faces so much ? ! Hell, this is nearly as good as those guys ! Excellent AOR from this christian act, and a close second on the AOR front this year, not that far removed from Blanc Faces. Every AOR lover should give this a fair chance ! I bet you will nicely surprised ! VERY RECOMMENDED AOR record !

From: MelodicMan Date: August 9, 2005 at 8:53
Sorry freaky, this is a good album, but far from Blanc Faces and no way a second on AOR this year. Great songs, but production isn't that good, with an annoying drum sound. I believe there are several 2005 AOR records better than Cry Holy, like Outland, Final Frontier and specially Philip Bardowell and, of course, Blanc Faces.

From: AOR freaky Date: August 9, 2005 at 14:34
I do understand your criticism, MelodicMan, but it's all a matter of taste. I do like the bands you mention a lot and I'm a huge Final Frontier fan, but their 'newie' is such a disappointment to me. Outland is indeed GREAT and better but it's from 2004, my friend. So there is only Secret Smile, Blanc Faces and Philip Bardowell. I don't mention the new Journey, which is very average ! Secret Smile is on the same level and Blanc Faces is only a bit better. Best of the bunch is mr. Bardowell !!!

From: swriter Date: August 9, 2005 at 14:49
hmmm, this is a pretty good one Freaky, I do not rate as high as u, but a good one. How do u know the Bardowell is good, u got it already??? hahaha

From: TIM (2) Date: August 9, 2005 at 15:22
Dear AOR Freaky, Be interested to know how you've heard the Bardowell album? Are you a personal friend of his? Also, do you own the new Journey album? Of course not. The 1 minute samples from the Journey album do not even reach the chorus in most cases... This is pretty decent stuff for Petra fans, to be found very cheaply on eBay & not a bad one to consider at the right price. If you can get past the production. 7/10.

From: AOR freaky Date: August 10, 2005 at 3:48
Ha ! Ha ! Dear swriter and dear TIM(2) : you are asking the right question, mates ! First : one of my best friends is a record shop owner, guys ! So, the man has a lot of advance tapes, and now and then I have the occasion to hear some stuff that will be released later on ! I've heard the whole Journey record (and I'm not the only one, look at !) and it's average, with some very good songs, but aslo with a lot of fillers ! I've not heard the whole Bardowell record, only two

From: AOR freaky Date: August 10, 2005 at 3:51
full songs + a lot of samples. Well, of what I've heard I can easily say it blows away everything we've heard so far this year in the AOR genre (Blanc Faces included !). It's classic AOR, the way I like it. I don't know if you, guys, will like it as much as I do. I only can hope ! Maybe it's early day, but my TOP album for this year is still the mighty PRESTO BALLET (BRILLIANT !), but it looks that the Bardowell one will be a good second.

From: Erik Date: August 10, 2005 at 9:55
I absolutely i agree with Melodicman here. This is an ok album but doesnot come close to Outland, Final Froniter and its miles away from the superb Blanc Faces release. Nevertheless a very enjoyable album and i look forward to more from these guys.

From: Geoff Date: December 5, 2005 at 18:12
Like the sensible people have said, this is a good album but I won't place it anywhere near the top spot for 2005. Vocally we have a Jess Harnell / Tonto Tonto lead singer-like voice, which is very nice. Great vocals and there are some cool melodic rock songs here like 'Alienation', 'My lord', 'Shine' and 'Masquerade ball'. 'Count on me' and 'Tommy' are also strong, but I'm not overly into the rest. It's solid AOR and not too over-bearing in it's message. Pretty cool release.

From: juan carlos Date: November 5, 2007 at 23:25
Melodic Rock/AOR Cristiano muy bueno que me recuerdan a los Final Frontiers, ahora bien, coincido en que lo que malogra el disco es la producción y específicamente el sonido de la batería: desagrada y malogra los muy buenos temas que hay aparte de la puntuación. "Count on Me" y "Alienation" mis súper favoritas. Hay varios temas que tambien están muy buenas pero me quedo con esos dos mencionados. "Extraterrestrial Suite" es la instrumental Nada mal. Lástima lo del sonido de la batería. 7.8/10

From: rick kerch vzla Date: October 26, 2011 at 22:01
A lot better than their previews one from miles away undoubtebly but still the production issue...OMG how a band with solid songs accept this??? ...anyway great shots such as "Alienation","My Lord","Everlasting Love","Count On Me" & "Masquerade Ball" are good songs that will surely make you forget about the sound of the album...if i talk about my faves i'd go with the last 2 cuts "Tommy" & "I Want To Be Free"...this one,recommended IMHO...85/100

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