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[Julliet Band Picture]

Artist: Julliet

Title: Julliet

(click on Artist's name above to return to artist's main page)

Julliet Julliet Album Cover


Category: Hard Rock

Year: 1990

Label: Enigma

Catalog Number: 7 73530-2


Kenny McGee lead vocals
Jimmi DeLisi guitars
Ty Westerhoff bass
Greg Pecka drums


1.  Eight Lives Gone  4:10
2.  Stay the Night  3:58
3.  Help is on the Way  3:25
4.  No More Tears  3:22
5.  Little Bit of Party  3:18
6.  Revvin' Me Up  3:19
7.  Something You Should Know  4:09
8.  Chip Away  4:57
9.  You Can Leave Your Hat On  4:26
10.  Love Can Change You  3:46
Total Running Time:  38:50

If you see any errors or omissions in the CD information shown above, either in the musician credits or song listings (cover song credits, live tracks, etc.), please post them in the corrections section of the Heavy Harmonies forum/message board.

The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Julliet CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

EPs and CD-singles from Julliet are also welcome to be added, as long as they are at least 4 songs in length.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: Chris Date: February 1, 2001 at 18:44
Hard to believe this band received no fanfare or radio play during the heyday of Glam Metal. Excellent disc worthy of many spins in the CD player.

From: TIM Date: July 9, 2001 at 13:05
Chris is right. I'd never heard them until today. I found them in a pawn shop for $2.50. What an album!!! These guys rock!

From: Anne (Lakeland) Date: July 10, 2001 at 12:27
I've owned this cd since it first came out in 1989. It's awesome!! When I first heard Revvin' Me Up I knew I had to find out who sang that song and I've loved Kenny Mcgee's music every since. I've had the pleasure of becoming one of his best freinds over the years, couldnt have asked for a better one. Julliet was an extremely talented band and should have gone further then they did but the band Kenny is with now is even better, they kick ass!! Love you all very much.

From: council of 1 Date: August 8, 2001 at 22:00
I used to check these guys out around Orlando. they were good live!

From: T-BONE Date: August 15, 2001 at 12:56
Tripped across this cd when it came out. The vocals were great, but I felt the music fell a little short. I got bored with it in a few areas. The redo of Joe Cockers "You Can Leave Your Hat On" is my Favorite on the cd followed by tracks 3,5,6, and 10. The others needed more exiting guitars. I'm very picky with guitars because I'm a guitarist myself. If there aren't any catchy riffs or hooks, I get bored and the music starts sounding the same. A second guitarist might spice things up a little.

From: tim mccloskey Date: December 15, 2001 at 8:08
this cd is a classic, julliet is in top form.from the opening chords of eight lives gone to love can change you, this cd has something for everybody,hard rockers to slow ballads and everything in between, even has a few party anthems with the ever popular revvin' me up, this cd is a must for any true music fan of the lates 80's early 90's, although this music doesn't need to be catagorized because it very well stands on it's on own and does not copy anyone, very original, with meaningful lyrics.

From: west of sunset Date: December 25, 2001 at 22:23
i like good AOR, hard rock, prog rock... but this is one of the worst CD I´ve ever heard.The singer is verrrrrrrrrrrrrrry baaaaad!!! and the group looks and sounds like a shit splitted on the ground.that´s all!!

From: koogles Date: January 2, 2002 at 16:28
Fans of Ratt or a gruffer White Lion will have a field day with this CD. This disc's rarity has caused its price to exceed its worth, but this is not to say it doesn't have some redeeming qualities. The first three tracks are pretty decent. Survivor fanatics will want to know that Frank Sullivan turned the knobs and played some guitar for these guys. Bottom line: optional at current market value. If you find it cheap, pick it up.

From: Paul Date: January 30, 2002 at 23:15
I'm looking for music by the band Kenny McGee joined after Julliet: Heartless. If anyones has the "Heartless" cd with Kenny on it (not the first singer) please e-mail me at

From: George Date: February 10, 2002 at 16:24
Good band !!! I had a buddy that bought this disc back in '90 just because the cover looked like a rock band. One of the best picks me or my buddy ever made. I wish this band had made it over some of the other bands.

From: HG Date: February 17, 2002 at 15:33
It is my understanding that Heartless and Julliet are one and the same band. Heartless was the name they went by before they were signed. They released an EP, which is one of the hardest releases to track down. Julliet was one of those bands that was worse off for being signed, because Heartless is much, much better.

From: bloodbreath Date: March 8, 2002 at 21:36
the singer has two new cd's out since this cd its called kenny mcgees disease kmd & kenny mcgee and lefty its great to here that great voice again check it out at you can download a few of the songs for free

From: TIM Date: May 18, 2002 at 22:31
I'm trying to get Heartless HG, but that thing is high dollar.

From: Reno Date: May 21, 2002 at 0:12
Decent songs, but rather boring production. They need more get up and go. More gang vocals or another guitarist would help. this cd is probably a 6 at best.

From: Maboroshi AX Date: June 2, 2002 at 3:08
1st album of "JULLIET" with which Kenny McGee was formed by taking the lead. The drummer of Origin DOKKEN and Greg have participated in this album. A sound is close to rock n roll rather than it calls it hard rock. Frankie Sullivan(ex SURVIVOR) is producing & guitar participation (

From: TM from FL Date: June 24, 2002 at 20:38
Clearing up some mis-info. Heartless & Julliet are two different bands. Kenny joined Heartless after Julliet dis- banned.

From: David Date: June 25, 2002 at 6:15
These guys are bringing out a new album in august called "Boys Will Be Boys".

From: TIM Date: July 22, 2002 at 14:27
Hey Reno, I've got live footage of these guys. The axeman kicks most guitarists' asses. I don't think he needed help. It's probably like Randy Rhoads: his studio work wasn't nearly as impressive as his live material. He sounded too restrained on the studio releases. The guitarist for Julliet is really impressive live. I don't know if it's the same guy listed or not. As far as I know it is.

From: T-BONE Date: July 22, 2002 at 15:02
There's alot of guitarists that don't get to let loose on their albums for some reason. They get leashed to their amps and it sucks. The music on this cd was ok, but needed more "go" like I said before. If he could've let loose, maybe he wouldn't need help. A Rhythm guitarist is always good though. I hate seeing a band live and the guitarist breaks into his solo, and all you hear in the background is bass and drums. Sounds a little bare sometimes. They use tracking on the cd's to cover that up.

From: TIM Date: July 25, 2002 at 0:12
I like rhythm guitar, don't get me wrong. I really liked it with G'N'R' and the Scorpions. I listened to the cd again and I do agree it did need a rhythm guitarist. It definately helps as you said. I think production was hurting here. I can look past that though if the music rocks. Some of these bands should remain as studio musicians and not let the world know how bad they truly suck. These guys would have been great if Warner had signed them and cleaned them up.

From: TIM Date: July 25, 2002 at 0:14
By the way, I hear Heartless is releasing a new album soon as well. I don't know if Kenny is doing both projects or just one of them.

From: Reno Date: July 25, 2002 at 4:07
I have to agree with T-BONE again. I like a full music sound. It's easy in the studio to fill that gap that a rhythm guitarist leaves by looping the rhythm licks and using the guitar tracks, but when a band plays live, they usually leave that out and it sounds very shallow. I also agree that there is alot of talent out there waiting to be unleashed, but theres always a manager or producer holding them back from really shining on their work. Understood that too much is sometimes overkill also.

From: Keith Date: July 29, 2002 at 8:08
I saw Julliet open for Cinderella rcently in Orlando. Great party rock band.Great songs with a lot of hooks and flash.Bass player looked and acted ridiculously/gay with his slow arched moves and boots.Totally glam. He should have worn make-up then he would of been "normal".ala New York Dolls..........

From: amina Date: August 7, 2002 at 10:24
its my favourite!ilve the guys!!!!!just wonderful! nairobi.kenya

From: Date: September 1, 2002 at 12:33
Hi there!! Can anybody out there send me a copy of this cd, please?!! I´ll pay for it. Please, contact with me: Thanks!

From: TIM Date: September 20, 2002 at 10:50
If you're a Julliet, Kenny McGee, or Heartless fan- here's some info I found on Metal Mayhem: Kenny McGee (Juliet, Heartless) has agreed to sign over his entire back catalog of songs, which will include an unreleased album from Juliet, produced by: Kevin Dubrow(Quiet Riot) and featuring Franky Banali on drums. Also two never before heard Heartless records and 3 solo projects (Kenny McGee’s Disease [see Featured Albums above], Kenny McGee, and a brand new release). Watch for these five new releas

From: TIM Date: September 20, 2002 at 10:51

From: Drag-in-Bones Date: September 22, 2002 at 0:02
Hark!!! What sound through yonder CD player breaks? Well, if it ain't boisterous power-pop that's so infectious you'll have to be quarantined after one listin, chances are it's JULLIET. But unlike their Shakespearean counterpart, this Julliet appears to be anything but star-crossed!!! They have mastered the much-maligned art of writing well-crafted pop songs--songs that are neither mechanically calculating nor bubblegum-sticky, instead,

From: Drag-in-Bones Date: September 22, 2002 at 0:18
Julliet offers captivating, credible power-pop selectively seasoned with dashes of hard rock. Kenny McGee even possesses a Robin Zander-style growl, there are simply no throwaways in this ten-song offering!!! This album contains a teasing, horn-embellished cover of Randy Newman's "You Can Leave Your Hat On" and the cool, gospel-flavored emotional outpourings of the balled "Chip Away". Intentional or not, all but three of the ten songs mirror the romantic theme invoked by the band's name.

From: DARTH Date: October 9, 2002 at 16:34
Great CD!!!

From: Roxas Date: December 4, 2002 at 19:15
I soon as i saw Frankie Sullivan (survivor)was involved i knew this would be great. This is really super glam at it's best - it's not like poison et al, it's more grundgey glam - maybe faster pussycat style. "something you should know" should have been one of the anthems of the 90's it's fantastic!. Their 2nd Album has just been released on European Rock Label Z Records, distributed by MJAP - should be great.

Heavy Harmonies Owner
From: Dan Date: December 11, 2002 at 16:20
Una de las mierdas mas grandes que he oido.Si te gustan Poison o Motley Crue,adelante.Pero repito,mejor tirarlo a la basura.

From: James Date: August 31, 2003 at 19:23
My take on this cd. A mix of Alice Cooper, RATT and London Quireboys. Most of the time it sounds like Alice Cooper singing for Ratt. It has been a long time but today I pulled it out to listen to on a trip i had to go on and was pleased. I had forgotten what it sounded like but i think I will listen to it a bit more than before.

From: John Date: October 7, 2003 at 15:26
A quintessential blues rock release. McGee has the perfect bar band voice. The band has the songs. This is in my top ten. 10/10.

From: MJ (Marla) Date: February 3, 2004 at 22:05
OMG!!! I LOVE the song "You Can Leave Your Hat On"!!! LOVE "Chip Away".....don't so much see the Alice Cooper....but I don't listen to much Alice...hmmm....maybe I should?? lol I love Kenny McGee's gruff voice!! This is definitely a new favorite!!

From: Reno Date: February 4, 2004 at 7:29
Then check out his solo cd also on this site. It's even better than the Julliet stuff in my opinion.

From: MJ (Marla) Date: February 4, 2004 at 10:18
Thanks Reno!! I actually do have I just have to find it!! lol.... I'll give it a listen today!!!

From: run2u Date: February 11, 2004 at 12:07
Producido por Frankie Sullivan(guitarrista de Survivor),este primer album de Julliet es una auténtica joya del hard-glam de finales de los'80.Seguramente el único error de esta banda fue aparecer demasiado tarde,porque desde luego los temas merecen la pena en todos los aspectosriginalidad,buenísimas melodías y armonías vocales (Help,Stay The Night)y comercialidad(Something you Should Know,BESTIAL)como para sonar en cualquier radio.Si lo vuestro es el hard rock,os encantará.

From: Tim Date: February 17, 2004 at 2:46
This band lacks what any good band has, originality. I can't believe the comments from people that like this cd. Hello! are you all deaf? There is nothing that you can sink your teeth into. It's a bland piece of trash. No heart, no soul, what the hell is this? At least you know that Poison is a sellout, these guys, redefined posers. I can understand why this record was shelved, Capital realized they had made a terrible mistake, they forgot they were in the music business, not recycling!

From: Proman1 Date: February 23, 2004 at 1:50
Tim has it figured out, these guys have no oomph, like some guy mentioned above, I bought the cassette when It first came out because of the cover depicting a bad-ass rock band, it sucked so I passed it on to a girl that was into the Bon jovi, Poison, Warrant thing at the time, I shoulda trashed that damn cassette, 'cause every party the chick was at it was playing all the goddamned time, a friend of mine recently asked for a compilation of 80's rock burned, so I got to hear it again.@#$%@#$%!!!

From: Proman1 Date: February 23, 2004 at 2:12
If you really want to hear a kick-ass band with ""gruff" vocals, excellent guitar work, exceptional song structure and total all out rock 'n' roll you must listen to Lillian Axe-Love And War, Poetic Justice and their 1st self titled cd, some of those are really hard to find especially Love And War, which is the best...Forget about Julliet unless you are a chick who still wants to be 16....

From: MJ (Marla) Date: February 23, 2004 at 5:21
Awww...c'mon guys!! Nope, I'm not deaf, I hear just fine, thankyouverymuch ......and I like what I hear. I do have a "thing" for gruff vocals, I do have all the Lillian Axe's you mentioned above and I like them....and I still like the Julliet, too. I do have to agree that they never seem to really cut loose, but that's not always a bad thing, is it?? And 16?? Nahhhh.....26 might be cool, though!!

From: TIM Date: February 23, 2004 at 6:33
Lillian Axe is just okay. I'll take Julliet instead. "Poetic Justice"- yuck! Lillian Axe is very easy to find by the way.

From: ALEXX GLAM Date: July 15, 2004 at 19:49

From: Date: October 8, 2004 at 11:47
this album is great hair rock with a touch of of survivor should know its produced by frankie sullivan.if you likr warrant,bon jovi,danger danger then buy it

From: MALLORCAS ROCK Date: October 27, 2004 at 4:05
Gran disco de Hard rock, para mi es un disco recomendadisimo....

From: Shawn Date: December 6, 2004 at 17:22
Kenny Mcgee is God.

From: Geoff Date: December 6, 2004 at 19:41
I like this CD a lot. From the awesome opener you know you're onto a winner. The rockers are awesome, the balladic moments pretty good, and overall there's not really anything I dislike here. 'Something you should know' is the standout and a killer track. Tracks like the first three gems, 'Love can change you' and 'Revvin' me up' all rate very high too. Basically, great hard rock CD. Highly recommended.

From: Betsy Browning Date: February 5, 2005 at 18:12
A rare totally classy Hollywood band back in the late 80's. Great songs and live shows. Great looking and very very nice guys. Wonder what they are up to now?

From: z4roxx Date: August 14, 2005 at 9:04
I think it’s a great cd but I consider the voice pretty ridiculous.Kenny Mcgee is not a great singer and ruined all songs the second cd”passion”he sings a little bit better but he’s not a good voice indeed

From: Lovedrive Date: January 6, 2006 at 14:35
"Something You Should Know"-->TEMAZO!

From: Rafo Phoenix Date: June 2, 2006 at 1:10
I agree partially with Dan here, pucha viendo tanto rating y esa puntuacion la gente creera que se encuentran ante la octava maravilla del mundo jaja nada que ver este disquillo tiene sus temas buenos(solo eso porque no hay nada grande) 1,2,3 y 7 son esos temas el resto puaj de lo mas vulgar, y que me comparan a Ratt por favor 7/10 y arañando solo por esos 4 temas y por lo que cuesta sacar un disco .

From: Heavy.AOR Date: September 14, 2006 at 7:06
BRILLIANT 10/10.Superb Glam/HR for me best song "Love Can Change You".

From: BIG-TIME Date: September 20, 2006 at 14:19
Nope, dont like it they sound like Southgang, Roxy Blue, Neverland, Arcade and all that type of sound not really into it at all some good songs though towards the end of the disc. But defo not worth the price, if you like good hard rock go for Victory, and Saints N Sinners much better...KEEP ROCKIN ALL!!!

From: Clayton77 Date: December 12, 2006 at 12:36
This album rocks, it`s awesome and is full of hits. If you like Ratt or Cinderella, Danger Danger...THIS album blows them away!!! Best Tracks: "No more Tears", "Help", "Stay the Night", Chip away", "Something you should know".

From: BIG-TIME Date: February 16, 2008 at 17:59
Clayton77 ARE you DEAF "this album blows them away" WTF RATT, CINDERELLA, DANGER DANGER are AWESOME this is a load of S*** NOTHING is worth mentioning against the above. PHFFF some people just have no taste...KEEP ROCKIN ALL!!!

From: BIG-TIME Date: February 16, 2008 at 18:00
Pay about $2 that's all it's worth............

From: Grinch Date: October 28, 2008 at 14:49
Great album.very good hooks.Mcgee has a powerful track IMO is Help is on the way.Cover of Joe Cocker song is worst.very bad choice for a cover

From: Kindred Date: December 6, 2008 at 12:03
hmm. It's nothing mind blowing, but I really like this cd. There are some great tunes here.

From: rockhardrock Date: March 25, 2009 at 9:37
an average hair metal album. can't rate it as a gem, there are better bands than this one. but don't get me wrong, this is a good album but far from being perfect. but i like kenny's vocals. standout tracks: Help is on the Way, Revvin' Me Up, Something You Should Know, Chip Away.

From: z4roxx Date: March 29, 2009 at 12:25
I hope the metal-archives site will open a discussion forum so I don't write anymore on this site full of idiots and musically ignorant people everywhere...I think it's my last message here...farewell to all

From: sluss528 Date: March 29, 2009 at 13:13
c'mon z4roxx!! dont' run from these yea who's! i like your comments. i feel the same way sometimes aswell. if you leave they think they have won. don't let that happen!!! fuck'em.

From: CC Date: March 29, 2009 at 15:15
You do realise that people are allowed to have different opinions? Getting pissed off and calling people musically ignorant because their opinion differs to yours, is pretty childish!

From: forza-orietto Date: March 29, 2009 at 18:04
hahahahaha z4roxx don't make the child how can we dupes do without your serious and hilarious comments? let's create a new site/forum where we dupes can make trades of rare cds instead of spending millions on ebay! what about to trade your oxido and florence99 with some thrash/deathmetal porcheria?

From: shoemaker Date: March 30, 2009 at 10:18
hey z4roxx, I know a song from PINK CREAM 69 "take those tears from your eyes..." ;]

From: z4roxx Date: April 1, 2009 at 16:11
Thanks guys,you're right,I was wrong.Last night because a strong headache ahahaha!I'll go on on this site with my poor and uncorrect english!!!

From: forza-orietto Date: April 1, 2009 at 19:19
kenny mcgee is one of the best singer IMO

From: Son of Stallion Date: April 3, 2009 at 2:45
I followed Shoemaker's 'Trail of Tears' from Triumph - Surveillance. Open your Hair Metal dictionary and look up the word 'mediorce' and you will see a picture of 'Julliet'. Tim hit's the hammer on the nail with his review. McGee's vox reminds me of Steve Napolean(I,Napolean) with both going on my personal 10 worst vocalists list. I ,Napolean had big label production and better musicians. As Tim mentioned maybe a major label could pull a rabbit out of the hat with these guys but I'm not so sure. Funny to see the + comments here and - ones on I,Napolean by the same people. This release IMO is bottom of the barrel (beer drink coaster) from start to finish. z4roxx, it takes a man to admit he was wrong,welcome back to the HH family. Standing up for your point of view no matter how out numbered you are shows courage. For some inspiration see the message board for 'Cher' as my old man tried to fight the good fight.

From: z4roxx Date: April 5, 2009 at 11:20
This would be my next re-listening!I did remember a good second unreleases album"Passion"out 6-7 years ago.I did remember by the way a good first debut album,not absolute great.I am hearing very few great discs in the last years,many commercial and generic music indeed.

From: shark attack Date: April 5, 2009 at 11:27
Everyone has an opinion, but some like z4roxx seem to want to take sly digs at people, rather than comment on the music. They then hide behind their 'lack' of English.....what a dickhead.....

From: sluss528 Date: April 5, 2009 at 13:11
like you just did!!

From: z4roxx Date: April 10, 2009 at 13:12
Sorry guys but this is great.I must say thanks to this site because many times I can disemtob dusted cds'to listen to again after comments here,and this is one of those times.K.McGee is very good here,the first 4 tracks are killers,maybe a couple of fillers and the awful J.Cocker's cover(ahahaha long live to K.Basinger ahahah)but this was a great band.P.S.I don't know if the bass player on front cover photo is a missed woman or try to kiss every listener ahahahahahah

From: WookieEnthal Date: July 10, 2009 at 5:06
Hey Tim, I don't know if you're still around now but that was a stupid post. Hopefully they have removed you from the volunteer staff or you have matured since 2004. Take another listen and tell me this disc doesn't rock...

From: hair metal again Date: February 24, 2012 at 11:16
excellent hair metal debut by JULLIET under Frankie Sullivan s guidance and this one really rocks!all the elements of that era are present and i cant find somethin bad on this!highlights are "love cant change you",'help (is on the way)"," something you should know" and " chip away".essential for hard rockers

From: 123charpenay Date: November 11, 2016 at 17:14
i ve never understand the fantastic entoushiam about this very average s not a bad cd ok,but this record have nothing special,nothing extraordinary.i can add that the singer is mediocre.there is one thousand singers better than him.this realise is not a classic,not essential.

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