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[Widowmaker Band Picture]

Artist: Widowmaker

Title: Stand by for Pain

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Widowmaker Stand by for Pain Album Cover


Category: Melodic Metal

Year: 1994

Label: CMC International

Catalog Number: 86903


Dee Snider vocals
Joe Franco drums
Al Pitrelli guitar, backing vocals


1.  Killing Time  
2.  Long Gone  
3.  Protect and Serve  
4.  Ready to Fall  
5.  Circles  
6.  Stand by for Pain  
7.  Just Business  
8.  Iron Road  
9.  Bad Rain  
10.  Your Sorrow  
11.  Cry a Dying Man's Tears  
12.  All Things Must Change  

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The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Widowmaker CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: Alain De Tuseau Date: April 7, 2002 at 1:01
Dee Snider in 1994 listen to much to Soundgarden, For him It was cool came out with a cd grunge oriented. For me no, this Stand by for pain is terrible, currently I use it for put my glasses on. 4,5 is my rate.

From: WidoMakr Date: April 7, 2002 at 4:31
Alain....I told Dan I would be nice...BUT and I will grant u that Stand by for Pain was NOT as good as Dee's first album BUT GRUNGE???please...Dee Snider and the word grunge are like mixing oil and vinegar damn it...Dee doesnt know what the word means....If Dee ever turned to grunge yours truely would drop my nic and start calling myself Mats..granted not a ten rating but much better than 4.5...Quote the WidoMakr....never more

From: Desslar Date: April 8, 2002 at 1:57
It's heavy, and one or two songs are cool, but it's mostly trying to hard to sound grunge for my taste.

From: Glammiemonster Date: May 8, 2002 at 5:39
Grunge my ass. This is cool stuff, and yeah, while the first disc is better, this is a nice follow up.

From: Kim Date: July 20, 2002 at 1:52
Damn, this is good. Ive had it for years, but never listened to it. The track Ready To Fall........Arghhh its morning here 08`00 and Im allready playing my Fender Air guitar.

From: CC Date: October 30, 2003 at 22:40
Not as good as Blood & bullets but no way is this even remotley grunge,its full on heavy fucking metal! Dee can do no wrong!

From: Rockpig! Date: November 14, 2003 at 20:24
I much prefer the ORIGINAL Widowmaker from England that featured Bob Daisley & Ariel Bender!

From: Metal Pete Date: January 8, 2004 at 18:46
Not a very good record, simply put. Dee was out of his element. a couple songs are listenable.

From: jarett r. Date: February 25, 2004 at 10:44
as i said for before, al pitrelli was also in danger danger.

From: Chad Date: May 15, 2004 at 22:50
Jarett- Al Pitrelli was never in Danger Danger. Just thought you might want to know that.

From: T-Bone Date: May 17, 2004 at 2:50
Chad...Al Pitrelli made a guest appearance on Danger Danger's cd called Rare Cuts along with Joe Franco of Twisted Sister fame and George Cintron of Blue Oyster Cult so Jarrett is half right.

From: Chad Date: May 22, 2004 at 0:17
Hey T-Bone! I don't consider a guest appearance an official band member status. Have you heard the Cockroach cd? I don't have it yet. Is it worth the 27 bones?

From: Rene Date: June 14, 2004 at 17:42
First album a killer, this one shittttttttt!!!!!!!! If you like DEE SNIDER with TWISTED SISTER forget about this record and buy the first WIDOWMAKER album, that one is a killer this one notttttttt!!!!!!!!

From: SMF Date: June 17, 2004 at 18:32
Blood & Bullets is better, but they both rock! And neither have a damn thingto do with the crap known as Grundge. Dee simply put together a kick ass band and made some great music. It can't be compared to anything else, it's just Dee & it rocks!

From: Geoff Date: August 17, 2004 at 1:28
Slow, heavy and crap. Nowhere near the class of the debut and not really a worthy listen in my books. I had it twice and sold it both times. I think I didn't mind one or two songs, but it was just f*cking boring. Simple as that.

From: christo Date: October 24, 2004 at 8:40
three very good songs, long gone, protect and serve, ready to fall they all are nice metal tunes, some other tracks are good but nothing special and a few duds, but dee snider is a legend and the first widowmaker cd kicks ass

From: z4roxx Date: February 12, 2005 at 23:45
That's really incredible how many bands do an excellent debut and their follow-up is simply awful,forgettable and totally crap and unlistenable.I'm tryin'understand this fact for a long long time but I don't find really an answer....

From: Blue Tequila Date: February 13, 2005 at 0:05
I agree z4roxx. Blood and Bullets was a great disc. The day after buying it I went out and found this, expecting more of the same. Unfortunatley on this album Dee decided to stray into new territory and it was really a letdown for me. I sold it a week later and haven't regretted it one bit.

From: z4roxx Date: February 13, 2005 at 0:10
The fact is that all this band/artists/singers want to discover these other territories made of fuckin'modern nu-breed/boring style without any ideas or personality and totally different from their origin,WHY?????????I don't want to speak about Europe last cd anymore,who want to understand this thing will do it....

From: Dead Planet Date: September 20, 2006 at 16:36
Seems not many like this one....too bad because IMO this is a fine melodic metal release, I don't hear the "modern" influence, I actually like it better than Blood & Bullets.For that matter I like it better than Twisted Sister's entire output which I've always considered a JOKE... But to each their own...

From: Metal T Date: March 26, 2007 at 11:45
Another quality metal album,and it was a decent follow up,albeit not the ballcrusher that "Blood And Bullets was...

From: metalmastermusic Date: July 25, 2008 at 10:36
Didn't really care for this one but guess I partial to Dee's Twisted Sisters years. Al is a fine guitarist but I never found a groove while listening to this album. Certianly not a must have disc unless you have to have everything Dee has touched. 70/100

From: pie75 Date: August 22, 2010 at 9:07
i will be honest guys i love dee snider and got this the day it came out it took a couple of listens i must say to get used to the heaviness but when i did i enjoyed it nowhere near as good as the first but good all the same strange but dee himself reckons it's one of the best albums he ever did i thought they were listening to too much pantera when they made this but the songs sre killing time,ready to fall,circles,stand by for pain,iron road and bad rain but i gotta say i hate just buisness

From: rick kerch vzla Date: January 27, 2011 at 21:41
After the fantastic "Blood And Bullets" come this quite(not to say pretty)dissapointing album by Dee Snider's Widowmaker ..metallic grunge influenced...ala Soundgarden in parts....why???..didn't have the need to do that ...he couldn't resist the temptation of perhaps MTV's brain wash strategy...bad bad...anyway some "highlights" are "Killing Time","Long Gone"(kinda i must admit),"Ready To Fall","Just Business","Iron Road"(the best???) & "All Things Must Change"(was this a subliminal message???)...'nuff said...75/100

From: hair metal again Date: December 15, 2014 at 16:03
ok release by WIDOWMAKER ,but def a step back from their fine debut!of course this isnt grunge ,but it has heavy riffs and kinda reminds me of the turn that ALMIGHTY did with the Poweertrippin release at the same time!the songs are ok ,but nothing remarkable and the whole result has no big moments !the band performs well ,but doesnt deliver!"killing time","long gone" and "bad rain" are the highlights

From: andi Date: June 10, 2016 at 6:13
Not the real Dee Snider i Know...

From: rallen399 Date: January 31, 2021 at 23:45
I must be listening to something different than most of you guys because Stand By For Pain is one of the best hard rock albums from the entire '90s. It's a little different than the first one but I think that's a plus. A little heavier with down-tuned guitars Dee still has that powerful snarling growling voice. I love this record as well as the first one, I wish they would put out some more music.

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: February 1, 2021 at 14:43
I thought this was a great disc, too, and feel like most of the detractors don't like it because it doesn't sound like Twisted Sister. Just like with For The Love Of Metal, Dee is able to adapt himself to the times, and create something that's actually good (and yes, I know Jamey Jasta wrote all the music on the most recent album). I'm not sure how aware I was that Stand By For Pain even existed in '94, though. I remember hearing a commercial for their show at a club in Washington, DC, but no actual music. I scored this for a dollar off the clearance section of in about 2005. The production is not that great, but keep in mind, this was around the time when Dee, per his book, wasa having to put flyers on cars for his wife's hairstyling business and hoping nobody recognized him doing it. Also in the book, he states that Widowmaker didn't succeed because he was no longer a young man with nothing to lose by devoting himself completely to the band like with Twisted Sistere.

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: February 1, 2021 at 14:46
He talked about being able to block out two months to tour this album, and realizing that just wouldn't cut it, and seeing how his priorities had changed as a nearly 40-year-old man with a family.

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