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[Keel Band Picture]

Artist: Keel

Title: Larger Than Live

Keel Homepage

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Keel Larger Than Live Album Cover


Category: Melodic Metal

Year: 1989

Label: Gold Castle Records

Catalog Number: D2-71328




1.  Evil Wicked Mean and Nasty  4:21
2.  Riding High  3:24
3.  Die Fighting  4:40
4.  Dreams Are Not Enough  4:16
5.  So Many Good Ways to Be Bad  4:08
6.  Fool For a Pretty Face  4:18
7.  Hard As Hell live  4:06
8.  Rock and Roll Animal live  6:15
9.  Private Lies live  4:38
10.  Rock 'n Roll Outlaw live  4:12
11.  The Right to Rock live  6:06
12.  Cold Day In Hell live  4:29
Total Running Time:  54:53

If you see any errors or omissions in the CD information shown above, either in the musician credits or song listings (cover song credits, live tracks, etc.), please post them in the corrections section of the Heavy Harmonies forum/message board.

The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Keel CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

EPs and CD-singles from Keel are also welcome to be added, as long as they are at least 4 songs in length.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: JACQUIN Date: July 19, 2002 at 12:54

From: Jay Date: November 2, 2002 at 9:04
I agree this CD is dull, boring and nothing to do with the old stuff, First song sounds like a b side of the Wild Boyz its boring and I don't recomend it to nobody

From: Scandinavia Date: June 6, 2003 at 11:20
I don't agree at all. This album rocks! It may lack some of the attitude of their earlier releases but side 1 is a selection of excellent hard rock songs done in a way only Keel could've done it. The production isn't perfect but take a track like 'Riding High'...Man, that's sheer power!!! On this album Keel prove that they got the balls which other bands never had or will have. On the other hand I'd rather have seen a full-length studio album. The live stuff is average and shouldn't be included.

From: visitor Date: August 19, 2003 at 13:25
The Right To Rock performed live is outstanding! Hard As Hell is pure metal through your brain!! Private lies & Die fighting are great new tracks as well. Not everything on this album is fantastic, but the best tracks really kick ass!!!

From: Fat Freddy Date: January 5, 2004 at 18:00
Ick... bought this one from a bin of cut out cassettes years ago for about $1.99, and that's about all it was worth. The live tracks are merely OK and though 'Evil Wicked Mean & Nasty' and 'Die Fighting' are heavier than anything Keel had done since the debut, the other studio tracks sound like stuff Poison and Warrant would've tossed away for being 'Too cliche.' No wonder Ronnie went off into the country music world for a while after this one...

From: Ogle Date: June 24, 2004 at 23:52
I think it kicks ass!

From: Propane Date: December 1, 2004 at 14:13
Going country is for impatient sell-out drop-outs. I HATE AND WILL ALWAYS HATE COUNTRY MUSIC!!!

From: Geoff Date: January 18, 2005 at 5:41
I know he's gone, but what the f*ck was Propane talking about country and selling out in regards to this release? This is Keel, not Iron Horse. Anyway, the boys made an awesome transition here without Ron at the vocal helm. The vocals are still almost identical sounding anyway and the songs are very solid. 'So many good ways to be bad' is awesome commercial hard rock, 'Dreams are not enough' is the best ballad Keel ever did, and one of the top 2 songs they did IMO (After 'Don't say you love me')

From: rene Date: May 29, 2005 at 15:52
Half studio half live like HELIX did and also GREAT WHITE in the past. Good new songs and good live songs. Any KEEL fan would love to have this cd. Come on, buy it.

From: the rocker Date: December 24, 2006 at 20:21
i had this on tape when it first came out. and i'm pretty sure that it is ron keel on vocals. dreams are not enough is ron. no mistaking.

From: rick kerch vzla Date: March 30, 2010 at 14:57
Keel has always been a very good musician but somehow underrated and that's a shame coz here we have a very good album (a split album with 6 studio songs and 6 live songs),let's start with the studio ones..."Evil Wicked..."is a good song is like a warming up for what is yet to come,"Riding High" is a very good track and the next one "Die Fighting" is a song that has a killer chorus!,then comes a nice but simple ballad named "Dreams Are Not Enough","So Many Good Ways To Be Bad" is a hard rocking track with some AOR base and the final studio song "Fool For a Pretty Face" has very interesting lyrics(true what he says!)a very catchy one...the live songs are just fantastic ones honestly.."Hard As Hell" is a hard driven track,"Rock'n'Roll Animal" is good,"Private Lies" is also good,"Rock'n'Roll Outlaw" is one of Keel's best song ever,a classic of the genre,"The Right To Rock" another monster track,another classic and "Cold Day In Hell" closes the album with it and enjoy.92/100

From: hair metal again Date: April 5, 2010 at 2:42
another winner here by KEEL right in the middle of hair metal explosion back then.the new songs are pretty good us hard rock music and the live recordings favs are "dreams are not enough","so many good ways to be bad" and "private lies".good music

From: metalmaniac777 Date: January 9, 2011 at 9:05
Live albums appeal to me about as much as waterskiing in piranha-infested waters, so the fact that 50% of this CD consists of live tracks negatively impacts my overall opinion, but the new studio songs rank among some of Keel's best work. Hooks don't come much larger than "Evil Wicked Mean & Nasty" or "Die Fighting," both of which see the band at their heaviest. As usual, Ron's vocals are no better than average, but also as usual, the strong hard rock anthems make up for this minor deficiency. Strip away the useless live tracks and what you're left with is a pretty good Keel EP.

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