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[Vonray Band Picture]

Artist: Vonray

Title: Vonray

Vonray Homepage

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Vonray Vonray Album Cover


Category: Melodic Rock

Year: 2003

Label: Elektra Records

Catalog Number: 62832-2


Vaughan Rhea vocals, guitar
Dave Rhea bass, baritone guitar, vocals
Garrett Coleman rhythm guitar, vocals
Todd Hackenburg lead guitar
Jeff Irizarry drums


1.  Inside Out  
2.  Part of Me  
3.  Hole  
4.  I'll Show You  
5.  I'm Learning  
6.  Strange  
7.  That's Ok  
8.  Stranded  
9.  Fame  
10.  The Letter  
11.  Unstoppable Ways  

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The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Vonray CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

EPs and CD-singles from Vonray are also welcome to be added, as long as they are at least 4 songs in length.

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Existing comments about this CD

Heavy Harmonies Volunteer
From: Jez Date: July 13, 2003 at 16:39
One of the top releases of this year so far. The Nu Breed tag will obviously get bandied about with this one, but they are just a fantastic modern melodic rock band with killer songs (Inside Out, Part Of Me being 2 of the highlights). For a debut album, this sure teaches some of the old school a thing or two. Lets hope there label Elektra give them the big marketing ploy. Go get my friends

Heavy Harmonies Owner
From: Dan Date: September 28, 2003 at 13:11
Just picked this one up yesterday at the local Best Buy. Much better than I was expecting. While there is definitely a 'modern' flavor to the album, it's not overbearing. Some excellent melodic stuff on here.

From: AOR freaky Date: December 1, 2003 at 5:16
Oh boy, oh boy ! What do we get here ? Dear Jez, dear Dan ! Sorry, but it can't be worse than this 'crap' ?!, can it ? I don't want to say more. This is the ultime prove of what's wrong with todays music ! Modern ! AWFUL ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Archhhhhhhh . . . !

From: Jez Date: December 1, 2003 at 13:31
Cheers 4 that Freddy, your point is noted, then completely ignored!!!!

From: AOR freaky Date: December 2, 2003 at 8:28
Jez, why reacting so angry, man ! I only thought you had a far better taste than this non-music CD ! Can't you accept that some people have a completely other taste ? Ever heard of freedom of speech ? And there's more : a band like Vonray doesn't belong on these pages ! This site is called 'the reference for hardrock and AOR on the internet' ! Well, Vonray is not hardrock and not AOR !!! Conclusion ? !

Heavy Harmonies Volunteer
From: Jez Date: December 2, 2003 at 13:01
Not angry at all Freddy -just listen to this cd some more (how often have you honestly played it!!!!NOT MUCH I BET) and you will hear of plenty of influences from AOR to hard rock throughout. It is a disc well deserving of a place on this site. We all know of your dislike of more modern type bands of this genre, so you too should accept that other people have differing tastes.I love most AOR/ Hard rock from all decades as you know, but equally enjoy listening to this great cd as well as many oth

From: AOR freaky Date: December 3, 2003 at 4:33
That's only fair, Jez. Indeed, I didn't listen several times to it ! I will do, but I still don't think I will ever like this. Why ? For me it's essential that there are at least some keyboards. These modern bands have never heard of a keyboard ! So, it's damned difficult for me to get into their music, music that reminds me sometimes of acts as Sum 41, Blink 182, even the grunge scene. Not melodic enough. But, that's my opinion. I accept that other people have different tastes, but do they ?

From: love metal Date: December 10, 2003 at 14:57
a friend's got this one, it's pretty good but it's not hard rock or metal. but even love metal listens to other kinds of music sometimes

From: Rycheage Date: March 24, 2004 at 0:52
Overall, VonRay would probably be a must-have if you hadn't heard any modern rock bands during the past four years, but the fact remains that they are simply too derivative of a number of superior nu-breed bands that have come before them to render this album as anything other than a disappointment.

From: kaine Date: April 20, 2004 at 1:41
This new band ROCKs!!!!!! VonRay from Orlando, Florida the album that is a magical moment of modern rock with a perfect mix of edge and catchy melodies.If you like nickelback, creed, default you will not be disappionted especially if your into less heavy rock. At that time they called themselves VonRa. That one from 2001 is a killer album, but unfortunately really hard to find because it wasn’t printed in that many copies. Amazing vocals this is a great album.

From: AOR freaky Date: July 18, 2004 at 12:39
Rocks ? This ? JOKE of the year ! This is rubbish ! And yes, I'm not surprised the americans here like it ! I love the USA, but the current scene over there and their new acts (surely their modern !) are CRAP !!!! The music scene in the USA is crap, ladies and gentlemen : even your musicians agree ! Read many interviews : all what counts is jumping on a hype, and make money, the more the better. If a band can play, let alone write a decent song is not important ! I still have to hear a modern

From: AOR freaky Date: July 18, 2004 at 12:43
act that can play their instruments. And the songs ? ! No songs at all ! It's all about image and attitude : then you are big in the States ! Not if you can play ! MTV and money rule ! That's the current US situation. In Europe some are following (like always!) what the americans do, but there is much more respect for hardrock, metal etc. ! So, better sales and better festivals ! And that's sad : because the USA should always be the leader ! C'mon America : where are the heydays you created ?

From: thelostdj Date: July 19, 2004 at 4:44
AOR Freaky....the rock n' roll 'hay-days' were hijacked several years ago for the sake of commercialism. Nobody wanted it, it was force-fed on everyone. Instead of an artform, music became big business for big companies. Tom Petty.... 'we rejoice in mediocrity'. The Industry is still, unfortunatly, in a choke-hold. No doubt, the best rock now comes from Europe..because the ability to innovate still exists...I am very, very happy for that. Von Ray 8/10 ps..the term hay-day comes from a ride in th

From: thelostdj Date: July 19, 2004 at 4:45
...the term hay-day comes from a ride in the back of a hay-wagon.

From: Geoff Date: August 25, 2004 at 21:59
There is no stopping you, is there AOR Freaky? A hint of a slightly different sound and you go to town on the release. Never mind the fact that 'Hole' has one of the catchiest, biggest choruses ever and tops a lot of your beloved 80's AOR acts,'Part of me' is excellent modern melodic rock, and aside from that the majority of these songs have a very commercial and melodic hard rock edge to them. How do you write stuff off based on so little? Very good CD.

From: AOR freaky Date: August 26, 2004 at 5:32
Slightly different sound ? !!!!!!! JOKE OF THE YEAR ! This is complete an utterly BULSHIT ! Maybe THE WORST RECORD FOR YEARS (though I have to admit that HS and BW come very close !!!!) ! This has nothing to do with melodic rock at all ! NOTHING ! It's even an INSULT to suggest that ! No melody, no songs, no musianship . . . NOTHING ! Typically stuff for the US, where they like everything, except good music (while they were ALWAYS THE KINGS OF GOOD MUSIC !, sadly no longer). Call me old

From: AOR freaky Date: August 26, 2004 at 5:36
fashioned, it don't hurts at all : I'M EVEN PROUD TO BE !!!!!!!!!!!!! I still like quality, this is not. Jez, you've lost your credebility, mate ! I respected you opinion, now no more ! Geoff, I'm not surprised you like this ! But on modern rock we ALWAYS will disagree, guys ! It's CRAP ! By the way : I've heard this act is no longer ! WHAT A RELIEF ! Hail to true AOR and melodic rock ! This is FALSE 'melodic rock'. Who's blind here ? ! Or even deaf ? Think about it !

From: Wotty Date: August 26, 2004 at 5:39
Thats your Christmas gift sorted out then Freaky...I am glad I have not heard said album.

From: AOR freaky Date: August 26, 2004 at 5:42
Thank you for the support, Wotty ! There's still hope in this world : people like you, aorjocke etc. with GREAT TASTE and with enough balls to stop that modern/alternative rock madness !

Heavy Harmonies Volunteer
From: Jez Date: August 26, 2004 at 5:47
As i posted this cd on the sight, i will stick with my original comments made. Very melodic in places and some great material, well worthy of inclusion on this site. Freaky - i dont give 2 shits what you think. My credibility is there thanks, because i have an OPEN MIND and and am willing to listen to new varied things . As you know I like MOST of the things you like,so if you don't value my opinion ,just because i like a few bands you don't , then Sir you are complete TWAT!!! ps Freaky - do you

From: AOR freaky Date: August 26, 2004 at 5:58
Ha, even worse, Jez ! You placed this CRAP on this site ! SHAME on you mate ! How the mighty have fallen !!! Open minded, you call yourselves ! Well, I'm glad that I'm not !!!! If you call this music, then you have the 'modern' virus, like a lot of people, Jez ! Oh, it's very hot to like alternative/modern stuff these days ! Jumping on the bandwagon, so easy man ! It asks BALLS to stick to your guns ! To be loyal to the real AOR acts and artists. These have my respect these days, not 'jumpers'

From: Geoff Date: August 26, 2004 at 6:17
I wonder if they designed a special negative number purely for the place of your IQ, AOR Freaky. What bandwagons are we jumping on? How does your 'brain' not process the fact that for every 'modern' act we can appreciate for thier good music there are 100s of AOR/melodic hard rock CDs we also genuinely like? What is this 'loyalty' and 'jumping' crap? Why must we all only like the bands you like and not appreciate variations on good melodic hard rock? F*ck you're comments are just pathetic mate.

From: Geoff Date: August 26, 2004 at 6:19
And Wotty, you sound like a good chap and I have no ill feelings towards you at all. Why don't you try this one yourself - especially 'Hole' and see for yourself if you like it or not. If not, that's cool. I'm sure as an intelligent man you will have a valid reason, but please, for your own sake don't take AOR Freaky's word for it. He is a troubled man...

Heavy Harmonies Owner
From: Dan Date: August 26, 2004 at 13:41
I briefly considered erasing Freaky's latest rant and the posts that followed, but decided not to, since at least he's on topic, although completely misguided and well... wrong. I don't listen to much 'modern hard rock', but this one has quite a few good melodies and hooks on it. It goes above and beyond your standard nu-rock fare.

Also, while I'm not personally a big fan of either prog or sleaze glam as musical types, you don't find me going to every CD on the site so I can bash the genre... Just because you don't like an artist doesn't mean they should not be included here. There are plenty of CDs on this site that I think suck. Hell, I've owned most of them over the years. That doesn't lessen their appropriateness to Heavy Harmonies.

From: Dean Date: August 26, 2004 at 13:55
Dan-you put it better than i ever could. For the record, I didn't really care for these guys simply because they remind me too much of bands that i can't stand-Creed, Nickleback, Stained etc.... The chorus of 'Hole' is pretty awesome though.

From: TIM (2) Date: August 27, 2004 at 4:55
I don't have any problem with the modern stuff whatsoever, I've just never really thought this was one of the best of them. It's fairly solid, and has much more in common with 80/90's hard rock than some of the punky nu-breed like Lit or SR-71. I really liked the first 3 tracks, but didn't really find the songs memorable enough to warrant that many visits to my CD player. A good, but not great album. But there are better out there in this genre IMHO. 7/10.

From: Rycheage Date: August 28, 2004 at 17:50
I have no problem with nu breed at all so long as either the chorus or the riffs are catchy. I personally like this album. I think it is melodic in some places and 'nu breed' in others but it mixes well. I have listened to this a few times and it has grown on me. I also personally like Staind and Puddle Of Mudd to name 2 because they stay melodic as well as being nu breed. Freaky and Wotty, it is OK not to like this or anything else you don't care for,but you can't bash someone who does like it.

From: Date: January 26, 2005 at 4:42
Not heard a single minute of it,but judging from the guys image,better stay away from this one.If freaky says it is bull,then it is.I don't like much today's rock sound for i hate the harsh and aggresive sound the modern day(imean the last 10years)bands try to approach(few exceptions).Hey freaky thanx to your comments over the newMAGNUM, newASIA,bothPRIDE OF LIONS,i decided to buy them without listen to the and were heading for MECCA and IntruDER cds.cheers!

From: perry.k Date: January 26, 2005 at 4:47
By the way any info about the obscure pomp band STALLION.thanx.

From: AOR freaky Date: January 26, 2005 at 7:04
Thanks for the compliments ! Yes, the Intruder CD's (especially 'Dangerous Nights') are great and the Mecca CD is a GEM ! And don't forget the Outland CD's, certainly their latest 'Long Way Home', great eighties AOR with lots of keys !

From: Geoff Date: January 27, 2005 at 3:59
Wow, I'm pretty unimpressed with the post 3 spots above. Judging by the image you'll stay away? If I'd done that I'd never have heard bands I love like Poison, PBF, Tuff, Bang Gang etc. and I wouldn't give the majority of melodic hard rock bands today a go, with their boring average middle-aged man with short hair image. I'd bypass thousands of excellent bands. Have you seen the lead singer of Frontline? Try to find a soundbyte of 'Hole' or 'Part of me' and let the music make your mind up buddy.

From: perry.k Date: January 28, 2005 at 7:52
Why did you mention POISON and TUFF?I really don't get it!I love 'em both,especially the 1st 3 POISON albums pay visit to my cdplayer quite often.Perhaps you mean the band's image change the last 10years. BTW,i find the poison albums from 1993 and on very average without inspiration and above all FUN!Out there lies so much great stuff(70s/ 80s)waiting 2 b picked up,that thisone can b passed easily!at least for now!

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